The Independent Order

Roleplay => Diplomacy and Events => International Organisations => Topic started by: Markus on August 17, 2018, 10:24:39 PM

Title: Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination (MIACHD)
Post by: Markus on August 17, 2018, 10:24:39 PM
Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination


We watched in horror when the government of Slava Lavosk has interned ( Slavans of Tamoran descent only because of their religion, and we were outraged when the same government had condemned ( a minor to death because of her faith. We have seen the governments of Paracambi and Lodja boycotting ( Tamora and bringing misery and poverty for reasons yet to be explained. When we thought it couldn't get worse, a hate group ( has emerged in East Moreland with the express purpose of slandering Tamorans and promoting hate. Sadly, after all that, it was no surprise that even in the religious and tolerant Ecclesiastical state, we have seen an immigrant Tamoran being slandered and crucified for daring to love a native man and defend her religion and cultural heritage.

We, laics and clergymen, men and women, have decided to band together in an effort to reject Manistophabia that is increasingly more common in Mundus.

We have prayed and we will continue to do so but that is not enough. Each of us has to step up to stop the hate. So with the help of God, and guided by the teachings of the Prophet Mani, we have decided to the following actions:

-offer legal counseling to any Tamoran whose rights have been infringed because of his religion, sex or national origin.
-identify hate groups across Mundus, label them accordingly, bring them into the public eye and petition governments to ban them.
-offer expert advice to foreign police forces (where a large number of Tamorans live) in order to promote cultural sensitivity.
-organize protests whenever foreign governments issue laws or measures promoting Manistophobia.
-correctly label sanctions against Tamora for what they are: economic terrorism fueled by Racism, Manistophobia and ignorance.
-educate the public, the clergymen of other faiths, the media and NGOs on the issue of Manitophobia. Manitophobia is just as reprehensible as Racism and anti-Semitism but it's far more dangerous because the public has not been educated to identify it and fight against it.

Who can join us?

Any adult from any country of Mundus regardless of sex, religion, race, age, sexual orientation, income etc. Manitophobia will only be stopped if we work TOGHETHER.

What can you do to help?

-Get involved: talk to those around you about this. Are you part of an interfaith group? Stand up for the Manist religion, demand that Manistophobia be condemned alongside Racism and Anti-Semitism.
- monitor the police: see them targeting Tamorans? Report the policemen for hate crime. Those Tamorans are alone in YOUR country: they have little knowledge of your laws and customs. They depend on YOU to help them.
- do not be silent when witnessing Manistophobia: see people criticizing the Manism or Tamora? Speak up! Explain to them that they are promoting hate!
- educate yourself: it never hurts to learn more about the Prophet Mani and Tamora. Did you know that Tamora is one of the most ethnic and religiously diverse countries in Mundus? Or that Tamora has a GDP/capita of a third the Mundus average?
- write to your representative or HoS, explain to them about the issue of Manistophobia and express your disagreement with any anti Tamoran laws currently in affect in your country.
- donate: there's always a Tamoran in need somewhere: whether in the dark prisons of Slava Lavosk or in the Ecclesiastical State being slander for her faith. Your help will make a difference! 

Watch list

Slava Lavosk: has put in detainment camped Slavans of Tamoran descent, the government is currently engaged in a brutal campaign of suppression of Manist religion and Tamoran heritage.
Lodja: engaged in economic terorism terrorism-> has imposed a boycott on all Tamoran goods causing unemployment and poverty. Lodja is twice ( as rich as Tamora.
Paracambi: engaged in economic terorism -> has imposed a boycott on all Tamoran goods causing unemployment and poverty. Paracambi is 60% richer ( than Tamora.
The Freestone Abolitionist Society - hate group, promotes economic terrorism against Tamora( a country five times poorer than East Moreland), encourages the idea that Tamorans are slavers, promotes harassment of  Tamorans though the courts.

Current campaigns:

Free Dilari: awareness campaign about the Tamoran sentenced to death in Slava Lavosk for her faith and ethnic heritage.

Stop poverty: raise awareness in Paracambi, Lodja and Rokkenjima of the damage their sanctions are doing to the Tamoran people.

Stop the hate: campaigned aimed at educating members of the Freestone Abolitionist Society on the effects of the policies they promote. We encourage Tamorans that have lost their jobs and now struggle in poverty to record their experiences and send them to Tim Carpenter, Melissa Lusk and other members of their organization. Explain to them that Tamorans did not have the privilege to be born in one of Mundus' wealthiest countries ( and as such have to work every day to feed their families and don't have time for politics. Remind them that Tamora doesn't have a public welfare state and that losing your job could mean ending up in slavery if you cannot afford to pay your bills (those include education and healthcare). 

What would Jesus do: campaigned aimed at Catholic clergy across Mundus.     

Please be polite when addressing them: we seek not retribution but a change of mind; we seek to inform, not to promote hate.

Iman Ali Montazeri
Founder of Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination

Title: New Campaign against hate: what would Jesus do?
Post by: Markus on August 17, 2018, 10:28:26 PM
New Campaign against hate: what would Jesus do?


We have seen a daughter of Tamora, Behnaz Mehrjoo, slandered ( for having the "audacity" to defend her faith and heritage, and to take a trip to her homeland with her partner. That was enough to enrage the media in the Ecclesiastical State which have launched a crusade against the couple. So far her partner has lost his job and she has been labeled a spy.
Whether you're Catholic or not, we ask you to contact a Catholic priest you know, present the story and ask them: What would Jesus have done?  Ask them if it is okay to stand by as an innocent woman is relentlessly attacked because of her faith and race.

Second campaign on the issue: Love trumps hate


Love trumps hate: please show your support however you can for Behnaz Mehrjoo. Write her a letter, post a video on Youtube or donate for her legal defense. She needs to know that she's not alone in her struggle and that hateful ones are in the minority.

General notice: we seek to change minds, not retribution. Please be polite and respectful when petitioning or addressing any type of message.

Iman Ali Montazeri
Founder of Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination
Title: "Not in my Name" campaign or why stealing isn't cool
Post by: Markus on October 11, 2018, 09:39:27 PM


We have seen these days an unappreciated level of hate towards Tamorans from the nation of Seaforth. HRM, King Andrew III has decreed a freeze ( on all Tamoran assets in his kingdom causing countless tragedies in the Tamoran community. Although King Andrew III is sovereign he can be wrong, so if you believe that treating all Tamorans as felon is unjust, if you believe that causing economic harm to a nation that has a quarter ( of the GDP per capita of Seaforth or if you just happen to have met a Tamoran and can vouch she or he is no slaver, then please help us in our campaign by:

-sending a letter to HRM King Andrew III asking HM to reverse his decision.
-volunteering to help overturn the law. We know little of the laws of Seaforth but if there's anything we can do to reverse the law, please do help.
-speak out in your community against this injustice: at work, at church, on social media.
-donate to our organization so we can help Tamoran that are affected by King Andrew's unilateral sanctions.

Please be polite, King Andrew needs to be educated on the issue not derided for his lack of compassion and knowledge on the subject.

Title: New campaign against hate: Aim for the billion.
Post by: Markus on October 11, 2018, 09:39:50 PM
We would like to share with you the special project we prepared to raise awareness about that FAS ( and especially their leaders are doing. They are purposely spreading hate and promoting economic terrorism against Tamorans for the purpose of enriching themselves and their organization as we have seen with the latest 1 bln USD ( donation from the Ecclesiastical State. No, it's no mistake, ONE BILLION USD. So in order to spread word of their "achievements", we have decided to distribute freely on social platforms a video:

"Aim for the billion" a new educational game released by MIACHD

-two characters: Melissa and Tim (
-various monsters: all Tamorans, from mothers to fathers. Beat them and earn gold coins.
-special powers: slaver (lowers the health of all monster on screen), embargo (extra cash for each beaten monster) or the super power: Andrew's wrath (freezes all monsters on the screen).
-special level bosses you have to beat: Decency, Charity, Generosity, Kindness and many more. Only if you defeat them all can you win a billion gold coin.
-the high score list has by default tied in first place Melissa and Tim with 500 million each but remember you can earn a billion for yourself. 

The game has been played already by more than 100 thousand people and we hope it will make people think about what FAS is doing to Tamora.

Title: Health awareness campaign for Empress Beatrice
Post by: Markus on March 23, 2019, 08:05:41 AM

Iman Ali Montazeri, the founder of MIACHD, has announced that MIACHD will begin a new campaign. This time it will be a health awareness campaign aimed at informing Empress Beatrice of Rokkenjima that exposure to Ensulfan, especially repeated exposure; can have serious consequences to her health. Iman Ali Montazeri said that “reconfirming ( Rokkenjima’s aid package to the illegitimate government of Kaitaine after they have just launched a chemical attack ( on the people Seitch can only mean that the Empress is unaware of the affects Endosulfan can have on one’s health. We are therefore worry that the Empress might expose herself to Endosulfan and thus suffer heath issues or worse.”

According to Imam Montazeri, people all over Mundus are encouraged to write to Empress Beatrice or the Rokkenjiman government explaining to them the risks associated with exposure to Endosulfan. Furthermore, Imam Montazeri asks the public to be respectful when writing the letters or emails since the aim of the campaign is to “educate the empress and not to offend her.”

Title: Re: Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination (MIACHD)
Post by: Beatrice on April 26, 2019, 06:50:11 AM

The Kingdom of Clysperis recognizes the vital work of the MIACHD in combating hate and intollerance, especially that aimed against Tamorans and Manists across Mundus. These are serious issues which have thus far garnered little attention or sympathy from the broader international community, not to speak of the social justice warriors whom seek to co-opt the suffering of others to supplement their own policy goals and objectives.

The Kingdom therefore seeks to invite the MIACHD to open a subsidiary office within the Kingdom, spreading the work of the MIACHD, employing Clysperi citizens so as to further increase understanding between our Peoples and Cultures, and to ensure no form of Manistophobia may ever take root within the borders of my Kingdom.

Although our Peoples hold different cultures and faiths I consider the Clysperi People to be allies of sorts against the hatred and bigotry which is so often nakedly shown to our Tamoran brothers and sisters. If there is any thing, no matter how trivial it may seem, that we may do to assist the vital work of the MIACHD the Kingdom of Clysperis stands ready and willing to act.

In kindred spirits;

Pharaoh Bektaten, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Divine of Appearance, Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Ra, Lord of the Three Lands, High Priest of Every Temple, The Living Horus.
Title: Re: Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination (MIACHD)
Post by: Markus on April 29, 2019, 08:41:49 AM
TO: HM Pharaoh Bektaten

I would like to thank YM in the name of MIACHD for the support you have offered and for your commitment to fight the growing Manistophobia that is plaguing many parts of Mundus. YM is the first Head of State in Mundus to publicly show your support for our organization a fact for which our organization is grateful and will remember it as it grows and expands. 

After careful consideration we have decided that we will open a branch in your kingdom in order to better support the goals of our organization in Northern MidAranye. 

May God reward you,
Iman Ali Montazeri
Founder of Manist International Alliance for Combating Hate and Discrimination
Title: The slavery clock is launched in central Djerb, the capital of Tamora
Post by: Markus on August 04, 2019, 06:37:36 AM

MIACHD installed a slavery clock in central Djerb so that Tamorans never forget that harm the sanctions imposed on Tamora by Rokkenjima, Lakhzovia, Paracambi, Seaforth and other are doing.

Imam Ali Montazeri, the founder of MIACH, has announced that MIACHD has installed a slavery clock in central Djerb, the capital of Tamora. The clock shows how many people were enslaved as a result of the recession that is currently taking place in Tamora. “Without the international sanctions, the Tamoran economy would not be in a recession so the foreign powers that decided to wage economic war against us are directly responsible for the enslavement of these people” said the Imam. The clock shows 90 thousand people and according to Iman Ali Montazer, the number will rise fast and will reach 240 thousand by the end of the year if the current economic conditions continue on the same trend. Imam Ali Montazeri added that the organization is attempting to remind Tamorans of the terrible costs the sanctions have for the Tamoran people and aims to keep it in the public’s attention. Furthermore, Imam Ali Montazeri added that “not all sanctions are the same” and has nominated four countries that have taken anti Tamoran sentiments to a whole new level: Rokkenjima, Lakhzovia, Paracambi and Seaforth. The first two for breaking all ties with Tamora, issuing a full embargo and even assets seizures, Paracambi for the total embargo against Tamora as well as being the one to initiate the sanctions against Tamora and Seaforth for their assets seizures and the pressure they are putting on other nations to embargo Tamora.