Roleplay > Convention Centre

NU Summercamps 2019



TV Stations and Internet adds all over Mundus (Minus one or two countries that had it blocked) got in a new add, from Neu Uburzis:

A girl with glasses sitting over her desk, her Pony tail tight as she glances at her straight A's School Report. The camera rotates, she is crying. A big "booked out" sign is lying on her table, before a Narrator speaks:

"Promised an epic Adventure, but didn't trust she'd actually pull it off? What kind of Parent would break their word? Last Minute Spots in the Real Life adventure every Teen Dreams off. Stories of Comradery and Fury, or maybe Might and Magic await. An archaeologist on the way into the unknown or a fighter against the Hordes of Evil. No Excuses, sign them up now!"

The Parents slowly creek into the Picture, holding an envelope to their daughter, with the Flag of Neu Uburzis on it, the daughter hugging them.

Age 12 to 17, only a few Spots left.

A boy is cuffed and on the Backseat of a generic Police Car, his fists and face full of bruises. The Camera Pans, another Boy sits in an Ambulance, a tooth lying next to him in on a bloody towel and his eye is held with an ice pack.

A Mother stands in the middle helpless as she glances both ways:

"Torn family? Out of options? Give them a Time out from each other. Neu Uburzis Summercamps. A unique Adventure, you never know what you get."

It cuts to the family at Breakfast, both boys glaring angry at each other, the Grandmother comes in, and slaps two envelopes on the Table, with the Neu Uburzis flag on them: "Let them learn the hard way, before you can't safe this family."

Age 12 to 17, only a few Spots left.

Monday, 29. July, Neu Uburzis City

This year Orion greeted the Campers at the Airfield. Waving to the thousands of Teens gathered up to be shipped across the country to the different camps, he Stood on a small Stage behind the Security Zone.

"Warriors, Heroes, Winners. The camps see all of that. But we also see the defeated, the Villains, the Fearful. Just as last Year selection to which camp you go is random, nothing has changed about that.

We do still have the  Knightly Camp, but i won't be there this year. Instead one of the Campers will find himself in the Lucky position of being crowned the Camps King for the duration, duties and Betrayals inclusive. So be ready for a hard ride.

Where i will be this year is still a secret, but i will ride along one of your buses, so some of you will get a chance to talk to me in Person.

One thing will change though. Once you are on the bus you will be told immediately which camp it goes. If you know someone who desperately wanted to be on that camp, you can take their place in their bus. But you give up yours. Of course the drivers will check first if what you say is true.

I wish you all best of Luck."

After last years incident with the Drug smuggling Kids from another country, a huge Sign warned the foreign guests that getting caught wouldn't expel them, but if they were a boy the'y be awaiting a long bus ride with sore back ends for bringing banned items. These included any form of electronics, weapons drugs etc.

Spoiler: showIf i find enough people interested in Timezones not to far apart, i'm willing to run short sessions for the Camps as Dungeons and Dragons -short adventures. (For Xaeth: I'm running 5e) Requires at least headphones and a decent enough Internet Connection. Feel Free to Join :)


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