Welcome to The Independent Order > Introductions

哈囉 from Lijiang


哈囉 (Hello)

Planned on joining your region about a year ago but life took over. Looking forward to doing more than exploring and being part of Independent Order.

My plan is my nation to be based loosely on pre-communist China and be rather superstitious yet nowhere near the size of real life China.


Hi Lijiang,

Welcome to the Independent Order!

If you're new to roleplaying, please check out our guide to roleplaying!

In the meantime, be sure to claim your spot on the map, check out the Roleplay Rules and read our Criminal Code.

Got any questions? Head over to our Discord chat.

We hope you have a great time!

All the best,

The Independent Order Team

Welcome to the neighbourhood. If you need any help getting settled in feel free to message me or catch everyone on Discord.


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