Author Topic: Protecting Soviet Borders - Waddan, Chistopol, Theocracy of Kaitaine & Elania  (Read 3642 times)

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To My Esteemed Receipiants

Our four nations share vast differences but we do share one thing in common and that is a border with a Soviet state. For some of us that border once swallowed the land they call home forcing people to turn their back on their heritage, culture, language and faith in order to be "Soveitised". I am perhaps fortunate that our lands desert and lack of understanding of our true resources during the highs of Soviet expansionism where not known or perhaps Waddan would have suffered under the oppression. While I am aware the Soviets are not currently in pursuit of expansion we must forever be on our guard against an ideology that seeks to destroy what we each stand for. As such I would like to invite each of you to send representatives to Waddan Blue to discuss an idea to support our safety should their eyes ever look at violent expansion again.

It would be a great honour to host each of you and an oppurtunity beyond this issue for us to build a friendship.

I look forward to recieving you should this be of interest.

With Great Blessings

Sultan Yahya IV

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To His Majesty Sultan Yahya IV of Waddan

Our nation knows only too well the horrors of occupation by the Soviets. This is a fate that we would wish no nation to go through. While we believe the chances of a repeat of the invasions and threats of the past are minute we are also of the belief that it would be an astute move to meet with others who share our mistrust of the Soviet neighbours. I would therefore be delighted to meet with you, and the others you have contacted. With that in mind I eagerly look forward to visiting your nation.

Best Regards

First Minister Laine.

Offline Libby

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To:- Sultan Yahya IV of Waddan

Our nation has only just shaken off the oppression of the Soviets and we suspect that at some point we may well again find ourselves their target. As such we would be delighted to work together with those who have similar fears. With that in mind I intend to send my Foreign Minister Melissa Debdale and her adviser Duchess Louisa Harkonnen.

It is my hope the nations involved can ensure a strong and brighter future for us all.

Shai Halud Be With You

Reverned Mother
Erin McGregor

Offline Wadden

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The Sultan was not sure whether the prospect of one of these Bene Gesserit women speaking as a supposed equal. It was against the natural order, a woman was put on Mundus to serve her man and in return he would protect them and care for them. Now he was expected to deal with Debdale and Harkonnen like they were respected diplomats. He would bite his tongue and accept that they represented perhaps more people than himself but they had some crazy ideas about the world that he couldn't really respect. The Palace at Sabha was not the grandest on Mundus but to the Sultan it was home. He would be meeting with his guests at the top most floor. It would look over the walled city however with the nights getting darker here in Waddan more people were heading to the capital. Over the next few months people would begin discussing deals between tribes, setting up marriages, arranging trades of horses, camels, goats, sheep or anything else they may need for the year ahead. It would be fighting therefore that the Sultan would be discussing his own arrangements.

He had dispatched  Prince Fadil, his 64 year old and eldest son to meet his guests. It was the first time Fadil had been sent for this kind of duty and frankly he hated Sabha and would much rather have been out among the dunes. Instead he was now waiting at a concrete and glass monstrosity of a building watching the odd plane take off and land. He would hate to be inside one of those speeding metal tubes and was therefore grateful when the first aircraft arrived allowing him to be one step closer to getting out of there and hopefully once his guests had been handed over to his father he could go back to the desert.

Offline Libby

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Both Louisa and Melissa had grown up in Ui Cenneslaig and as such were a little unaccustomed to the climate of the desert of Kaitaine but both were getting used to it now. They expected that Waddan would be little different and as such had dressed in light suits for the visit. As a Truthsayer graduate Melissa wore a white belt around her trousers waist, the rear of which contained her white crystknife, a symbol of her training. Despite a more militaristic education than most she had found herself not sent around the world on military style business, she had instead found herself first working as security in the Cenneg embassies, then as Niklaus Corrino's personal adviser before finding her way to being the Theocracies Foreign Minister. The Duchess meanwhile, despite being a member of one of the Four Holy Houses, was to be a secondary voice her for the Sisterhood. She was a Missionara and had considered wearing her uniform but instead had opted for a similar suit with crossed pen badges stuck to the lapels. Neither had fought against the Soviets but both had contributed in their own little way.

As Debdale approached the host Prince she gave way to the Duchess allowing her noble rank to take a lead for this part. "I am Duchess Louisa" she addressed the Prince, "I'm thrilled to have a chance to be here. We have brought you a gift from our desert home to your own." As a sign of respect for the Princely rank Louisa would have normally spat on the floor showing that she respected him enough to give up some of her water for him, however spitting was frowned upon in some cultures and she was not sure the Prince would understand the gesture and so instead she had arranged a different gift. "This is from our aquifer in the caves of our capital Seitch" She handed over a leather flask rimmed in silver. "May it quence your thirst"

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First Minister Laine had no idea why Crown Prince Kārlis had persuaded his father to insist upon his inclusion. For once the Royal Family and the elected government shared a common opinion. As such it was unlikely that Laine would come back with an arrangement that the royals didn't like. The pair of them didn't get along. The Crown Prince found the First Minister disrespectful and was concerned he would end the families status. On the other hand Laine found the Prince arrogant and awkward. The pair had visited Cassiopeia together and their relationship had only worsened during the visit. Now as they headed to Waddan they sat on opposite sides of the large airliner they had loaned from the national airline for the trip. Laine spent the trip reading through a guide on the tribes of Waddan while the Crown Prince read through various accounts of his families estates.

Upon landing Laine knew that the Waddanites would expect certain protocols to be in place in regards to rank and status and so with this in mind Laine allowed Karlis to exit the aircraft first although it was clear that he wasn't going to wait to be asked. The royal immediately exited the aircraft and presented himself to Prince Fadil. "Your Highness from one Prince to another may I say how excited we are to be here." Karlis extended a hand to Fadil. "I hope over the course of our stay here we can become friends." Karlis, knowing exactly what he was doing waited just a moment or two too long to introduce the First Minister leaving Laine stood awkwardly. "Oh, I forgot" Karlis smirked, "May I introduce First Minister Laine, he is my fathers elected representative."

"Pleased to meet you Prince Fadil." Laine extended his own hand. "I look forward to being able to negotiate with you, your father, and our friends here from Kaitaine a successful friendship." Laine spoke in such a way as to leave no doubt that it was him who would be making the deals.

Offline Wadden

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Prince Fadil understood that the pale women of Kaitaine considered themselves "desert people" so he recognised the symbolism behind the gesture of the gift. He uncapped the flask and drank a little, "Very nice" he said as he carefully capped the flask. "I hope on day to walk upon the sands of your homeland." He sensed a kind of tension between those from Chistopol but that would be none of his concern. He was merely the person responsible for ensuring that these delegations get to the The Palace at Sabha. Unlike how he imagined many nations the road, more just a wide tarmac strip, that lead to the capitals walls there were hardly any cars to be seen. Once they reached the gate a gaggle of men with guns and a variety of jackets, turbans, berets and various other attires appeared. "Each tribe wished to have a member of the guard present and well that means no dress code." Fadil motioned a sweeping hand around their escort who formed a protective circle around them. Much like the road the city itself was quiet, while people were slowly heading into its wall from the desert it was never busy once the annual markets of livestock had gone. The walk was uphill as the Palace sat ontop of a series of rocks making it climb above all other buildings and by the time they reached the front gate Fadil could feel his legs burning despite the climb not being a long one. He imagined how his father managed this several times a day, perhaps the Prince had become too reliant on his horse.

Sultan Yahya was waiting for his guests. Without need of an introduction he gave a small polite nod to Crown Prince Karlis and then a handshake, next was Duchess Louisa. The two noble born guests greeted he turned to the commoners, first Laine as he was a leader of a nation and then to the imposing Debdale to whom he addressed his first words. "Minister Debdale I had hoped your Reverned Mother would come with you. She sounds a rather intriguing young woman and to have achieved so much at that age, well I believe you will convey my best wishes to her." He then turned to Karlis, "Your father too is a man I admire, to lead a nation to freedom against the Soviets is a legacy he can rightfully be proud of. While we largely avoided their gaze we regularly heard tale of the horrors inflicted upon your nation. We ourselves did nothing, our military being far too small to do anything of worth in that situation, and for that I am sorry. The Soviet way is one we should keep within their walls. Please come with me." He took them up through various floors of the Palace, none huge but all comfortable. On the top floor was a huge room, not much furniture though. A large ornate golden chair sat as the only obvious place to sit but instead Yahya crossed to a series of cushions on the floor. "I hope you do not mind our ways. We're more accustomed to living in the sands so at times furniture is sparse." He slowly lowered himself to the floor his ancient knees creaking as he did so. He settled himself on a mound of soft cushions and then rang a small silver bell.

A girl in her early teens appeared carrying a tray, it was a simple wooden affair and she placed it on the floor in the centre of the cushions while kneeling. "This is my great-grand-daughter Mina" the girl kept her eyes lowered as she poured each guest a sweet tea and a glass of water. She said nothing and when done regained her feet bowed and walked away backwards. "She is one of the first women in our family to be able to read after she briefly attended some of the facilities your Missionara established last year. Now she wants a library, I have no idea how our camels will transport that." he began chuckling. "Now as for our business I hope we can send a message that our region is one that will no longer tolerate any attempts by the Soviets to impose their will upon the world. I see us as being the first barrier to Mundus falling to a system designed to eradicate everything good about our world, faith, individuality and ambition. I would appreciate gaining an understanding as to how your people now see the Soviets, each of us come from very different experiences."

Offline Chistopol

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The Crown Prince was about to answer but his need to take a sip of water first gave Laine chance to chip in before him. The First Minister started, "Our people were fortunate enough to shake off the Soviets. They have though left quiet an impression on our nation, they left  a significant amount of destruction to our industry and agriculture behind them as they left and we're only just putting that back together. We've faced a position of trying to secure ourselves against future threats and I think we've done so quiet well. More recently we've been privledged enough to be able to negotiate a ceasation of hostilities between the Bene Gesserit and the Soviets in Kaitaine, although we can say quiet openly we'd have preferred a Theocracy victory." He smiled warmly at the Duchess and Debdale. "As such we believe that the region is in theory secure from a resurgence of Soviet influence but like Your Majesty has hinted we shouldn't be too quick to rule them out as a potential threat."

Offline Libby

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Debdale returned Laine's smile as he mentioned their own nation before giving her own assessment following his conclusion. "The Theocracy probably needs this discussion more than any other around this table. Waddan is unlikely to find itself in any clash with the Soviets and I hope Chistopol's days of conflict are well in its past. Our own future though is one that is likely at some point see fighting in Kaitaine. For now we rely on the people in the east to slowly see the freedoms and prosperity a free Kaitiane can enjoy and that will lead to a peaceful change of power but history tells us that such a dream is exactly that, a dream. We are supposedly at peace with the Soviets but we know they spy on us, as we spy on them. They no doubt plot and dream of rolling into Seitch. For us having some kind of friendship with the two of you can perhaps delay that, or postpone it forever. Thus that gives us time as everyday we get stronger. What therefore needs to be determined is what you want us to achieve, how all in are we going with this?"

Offline Wadden

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The question from Debdale was perhaps the most significant one of their meeting, how far would each of them be willing to go. "I must be frank" The Sultan said apologetically. "We do not have a military capability comparible to many nations on Mundus. Logistically we still rely on the horse for much of our border patrol work. At the same time we will never willingly allow foreign troops to do our job for us. That does not mean that we would not seek support from outside our lands or offer support. I personally would like us to agree to formulate a public statement saying we agree to support each other in the face of any thrusts from the Soviets in the future. In addition I would like to explore some kind of technology advancement scheme. Some co-operation in intelligence sharing and the like would also be beneficial."

Offline Chistopol

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It seemed that the group shared many ideas about what should happen. "In terms of what we'd like to see I think we need to appreciate that if the Soviets in Rodinha and Kaitaine teamed up the three of us would perhaps struggle to hold them back. With respect the Waddan military would struggle to prevent them crossing the border, the Theocracy having fought an unconventional war would struggle to continue such action and we ourselves know that such conflict can leave a nation weakened. What I would like to see is something short of a full on alliance. Each of us is tied into different spheres, the Theocracy their diaspora network, Waddan with Midaranye and ourselves with SUN. I think though that we can send a message that we will not allow each other to stand alone. I would therefore like to see certain agreements short of a mutual defence pact as frankly I don't think we can say we've a strong enough friendship...yet. So could we perhaps look at some form defence exchange and exercise followed by intelligence sharing? For example I'd like to offer to help get some newer equipment into the hands of the Theocracies military potentially."

Offline Libby

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Melissa was disappointed. It seemed the Chistopolians had no faith in the abilities of the Theocracy but it was true that a war of the type they had fought took its tole on the people and likely would have been difficult to sutain much longer than they had already. Debdale had hoped that a mutual defence agreement could be reached but it seemed that Laine was removing that from the table almost before they'd had a chance to explore its merits. The two exchanged a quick series of covert messages with their fingers while Laine finished his comments.

"We are slightly disappointed that we can not stand side by side if attacked but we trust that when that time comes.....if that time comes....we will have become strong friends and not hesitate to stand shoulder to shoulder for freedom." Melissa began.

Duchess Louisa was the next to speak."A defence exchange is something we would be delighted to do and intelligence sharing is something that would benefit ourselves massively. Now our own military is just forming itself and as such perhaps we would struggle to offer an experience of useful opposition in exercises. I would therefore like to ask each of you to recognise our Truthsayers as a legitimate military force, think of them akin to Rayyu's Foreign Legion, we would therefore offer to place them ready to go on exercise and offer exchanges involving them."

Offline Wadden

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The Sultan shook his head while Liane addressed them. "The Gods help anyone who tries to cross our desert." He said definitley as though challenging President McPherson himself to do just that. Our men use the desert as a man may use a shield and it gives them the ability to strike hard without the need for the fancy technology some use." It was clearly the words of a man accustomed to his every word being reported somewhere even by servants and attendants. "While we here in Waddan do not enjoy the benefit of a huge standing military as some do we would do what we could to help neighbours. We attempted to work with Clysperis to cover the border during their civil war but no co-operation could be reached. We would offer similar helping hands to each of you. I would be happy to allow our people to come and work with you, we are hoping to begin some modernisation of our older equipment and having a view of some more modern machines would help us. In addition I think we could help your forces learn about desert survival and tactics."

When Louisa brought up the Turthsayers it was difficult. In Waddanite culture women were not warriors yet he was being asked to recognise them as a legitimate force. "I think one issue we have with including Truthsayers in exercises and exchanges is that it is asking culturally our forces to submit to something they would not happily accept. I would have no issue competing against them or alongside them in exercises but they must not be included in our chain of command nor our men placed in theirs. The regular Kaitaine military we would find easier to work with in terms of sharing command stuctures from time to time."

Offline Libby

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"They'd be lucky to last five minutes" Melissa flashed to Louisa in double talk. They pair struggled not to exchange a mischevious grin. Both had served in the Truthsayers in their time and having heard about the disorganisation in the Waddan military ranks it was probably trufthful that on a one to one basis a Truthsayer force would outclass the Waddanites.

"If that is how it has to be." Melissa said to the Sultan. "I would envisage that perhaps the Truthsayers would be the opposition forces. The Truthsayers are a force that are highly irregular in how they function and operate and would be well suited to this role."

"Perhaps we need to start getting things down on paper?" Louisa suggested to the Sultan.

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"Perhaps we should" The Sultan commanded that a new person join them. This was partly out of neccessrity as he himself was not a great penman. A young man who strangely for Waddan was clean shaven. "This is Amjar, he is one of my chief administrators and he shall draft us the first document."

The young man bowed to each guest before taking a seat next to the Sultan who filled him in on the talks so far all the time Amjar was scribbling away with a pencil, as one blunted he drew another from somewhere among the folds of his robe. It took him a while until the docuemnt was prepared and handed around the room.

Quote from: Draft

On this day of________________ it shall be known that the three nations of Waddan, Chistopol and the Theocracy of Kaitaine have reached an agreement to better ensure their futures. That agreement see's them state the following.

1) Each nation has the right to be free from interference from outside influences rejected by their rightful leadership.

2) Each nation shall support the others in gathering information about common threats so long as it is safe to share that information.

3) Each nation agrees that periodically they shall conduct joint military preparedness exercises to ensure force readiness. During these exercises national chains of command shall be respected.

4) Each nation agrees to offer oppurtunities for secondment with their armed forces.

5) Each nation agrees that they shall remain steadfast in their commitment to ensure Soviet forces never regain their influence in their nation.

6) Each nation agrees to maintain open diplomatic links with the others so that communication may be friendly, expedient and frank.

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Debdale and Duchess Louisa read the document and were satisfied with it. There would though be a slight internal issue to cross and Melissa would ensure it was dealt with. Even before Louisa could open her mouth the Minister gave a sign for her not to speak. "On behalf of the Theocracy I can say we are satisfied." Meanwhile her fingers signed, "You can't say we accept. It would offend the other Holy Houses."

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Crown Prince Karlis responded before First Minister Laine could. "I believe the crown of Chistopol would be delighted to sign this." He handed the piece of paper to his nations elected leader.

Laine was half tempted to say that his agreement was unacceptable but he'd spent most of the day helping shape it but now he would be forced to simply rubber stamp what this fool had said. "I think that the document we've got here is something every loyal citizen of Chistopol could get behind." Laine put the document back on the Sultan's table. "I think we have an agreement." He said as he sat back.

Offline Wadden

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The Sultan picked up the paper and handed it to Amjar. "Have a copy for each of our nations made." The Sultan returned his attention to the guests he had before him. "I have enjoyed meeting each of you. We are three nations with a great deal of differences between us but one very important commonality, our distrust of the Soviets. I hope that we will have sent a message to them that their domination of our lives is something long in the past."

As soon as the Sultan had finished speaking a door opened and several resplendantly dressed women entered each carrying a basket which they placed before each of the guests. The first woman in front of Crown Prince Karlis removed the lid to reveal a saddle for a horse. "I believe that the royals all over Mundus have a connection with horsemanship. I hope you will accept the saddle as a gift of our friendship between royal houses."

The next woman removed the basket lid before First Minister Laine. It was full of dates. "It is my intention that a further thousand of these will be delivered to you as a gesture of a friendship between our people."

For Duchess Louisa there was a goatskin coated book, each page on thick parchment. I understand your Sisterhood enjoy the gaining of knowledge. The book is an illustrated set of the Book of the Sands, our most significant law, it tells each tribe where and when they can take residence in their nomadic travels."

Finally there was Melissa Debdale the government minister. "And for you we have a traditional dagger I understand blades are somehow important to your Sisterhood."

The gifts presented he expected nothing back, he was the host and no guest should leave without experiencing his hospitality and generosity. After a few rounds of tea Amjar returned and presented each person with a copy of the document. For the first time he spoke as he stood to the side and made way for a single photographer to take a position to snap the scene. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, honoured guests." Amjar nodded respectfully to each.

"Thank you Amjar" the Sultan took a pen and fixed his name and then offered his document to the next in the circle while taking the other from his opposite side.

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Louisa was amazed at the gift, it showed good knowledge of the Bene Gesserit and clearly it was an item that had taken great care to put together. "Thank you Sultan" She said with a smile. "I will look forward to reading it myself and then I am confident it will find a home among a different desert when we get a library in Seitch together." She hoped the fact that she'd informed him she had no intention to keep the gift herself was not offensive.

Melissa was no stranger to knives, she carried a crystknife on her belt and was considered rather masterful in knife combat. She picked the knife up and tested its balance spinning it a few times. "Its a wonderful weapon Your Majesty" she smiled. "Today though I am pleased is more about the pen." She grinned as she placed the knife back in the basket. With the pen Melissa as the Minister was given the job of signing the document and just had the Sultan had she took part in the carousel.

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The Crown Prince was not a horseman but he had siblings who were. He was just pleased that the saddle was not perhaps initialled or engraved in some way. "Thank you Sultan" The Crown Prince spoke quietly "I'm sure it will be greatly used."

The First Minister was a little confused by the gift but supposed it was a gift meant to symbolise something like feeding the nation. Either way he wasn't about to be rude about it. He picked up one of the dates and sampled it, he rather liked it. "Really tasty" he added as he finished the snack. He then retrieved a pen and affixed his signature to the documents. They would get "Royal Ascent" when he returned home but that was a mere formality. "Thank you for this visit." The First Minister said as he finished signing the last one.