• Abortion: Illegal except in case of it posing a risk to the Mother's health.
• Adultery: Carries with it a maximum fine of $100,000
• Affirmative action: No.
• Age of consent: 16 years.
• Age of majority: 16 years.
• Artificial insemination: Legal for married couples only
• Assisted suicide: Illegal.
• Bestiality: Illegal.
• Birth control: Legal
• Childcare: Order run child care is given free for 10 hours a week and then paid for.
• Concealed carry: Yes for members of an Order
• Death penalty: Yes. For murder, rape and treason. Method of execution is firing squad for murder and treason meanwhile for rape the method is beheading
• Divorce: Permitted only by decree of a Commander of Household.
• Double jeopardy: Allowed only in cases when there is new and compelling evidence against the accused.
• Drinking age: 16
• Driving age: 16
• Education: School is compulsory until 16 and is free, however a parallel private school system exists.
• Eminent domain: Legal for use by The Order with fair compensation for property owners.
• Equal pay for equal work: Yes
• Felony disenfranchisement: Yes.
• Flag desecration: Carries up to three years imprisonment for the first offence.
• Gambling age: 16
• Gun purchase age: 16 year olds may apply for a gun licence which includes a medical and background checks. A licence must be obtained for each weapon and a maximum of three may be held by any individual at one time.
• Homosexuality in the military: No permitted
• Human cloning: Illegal
• In vitro fertilization: Legal for married couples.
• Marriageable age: Marriages may be arranged at any age however no ceremony may take place until both have turned 16.
• Military conscription: No
• Minimum wage: Yes
• Parental leave: 16 months in total for the parents, to be split how they see fit.
• Polygamy: Men allowed multiple wives.
• Pornography: Illegal.
• Prostitution: Illegal.
• Race: Racial discrimination is prohibited in all areas of life.
• Same-sex marriage: Not recognised regardless of where it took place.
• School leaving age: 16 years.
• Sex reassignment surgery: Illegal
• Sex toys: Legal
• Sexually transmitted diseases: Anyone who knowingly carries such an infection is required to disclose that information to any potential sexual partners; otherwise, consent by that partner to participate in sexual activity is considered invalid, and the carrier of the infection can be charged with attempted murder and can carry a sentence of up to life.
• Smoking age: 16.
• Sodomy laws:- Illegal
• State ideology: Druantia
• State religion: Druantia
• Stem cell research: Illegal
• Taxation: Sliding scale income tax.
• Torture: Illegal
• Trial by jury: Yes for crimes carrying a sentence of potentially more than two years, if under a Magistrate hears the case.
• Universal healthcare: Free at point of use for all but non-essential medical treatments (E.g cosmetic surgery is not given for free)
• Voting age: Voting rights determined by membership of any Order not age.
• Women's rights: Full Equality in theory.
• Working age: 14 years of age (part time/ family business) 16 years of age (full time)
• Working week: The standard work week is 40 hours.
OOC- Thanks to TYP for template