The Kingdom of Greater Eskild
It Keninkryk fan Grutter Eskyld
Morior Invictus(I Die Unvanquished; motto of the Royal Family)
Leauwe! Harkje! Fjochtsje!(Believe! Obey! Fight!; motto of the National People's Party)
Government Type:- Constitutional Monarchy under a Fascist One-Party Totalitarian Dictatorship
Population:- ~120,000,000
Capital City:- Lordsgate (Hearnstek) - ~650,000 people
Demonym:- Eskilder
Currency:- Guilder
GDP per Capita:- $27,947
Unemployment Rate:- ~10%
Main Industries:- TBD
Ethnicity:- -% Eskilder, -% Vorstelander, -% Other
Languages:- -% Eskilder, -% Vorstelander, -% Other
Religions:- -% Christianity (-% Protestantism, -% Catholicism), -% Other
Average Life Expectancy:- 74 years
Head of State:- King Joris II fan Atert
Head of Government:- Folkslieder Klaes fan'e Berch
Name of Legislative Body:- Parliament of the Kingdom of the Greater Eskild; Upper House - Royal Senate, Lower House - Chamber of the People