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The Palace In The City
« on: May 16, 2024, 02:11:40 AM »

The Palace In The City
Stories From The Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace, the heart of the Imperial Government and home of Empress Asuna, was restored as the new Empress brought about a de-Ardianization movement to restore aspects of Rokkenjiman culture lost following the Great Patriotic War. As Empress Asuna navigates an ever-changing landscape the stories within these walls will undoubtedly have impacts far beyond them.


Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2024, 02:34:52 AM »
Location: The Imperial Palace, Pyrettania
Time: 5:45 AST

The updates trickling through on their way back to the Empress and her Council from Kensington were less than promising, to say the least. It had become clearly apparent that both Evanthe and Serenity had reached the limits of their patience and, with the talks in this moment looking to have not achieved the goals set forth the Empress sighed. "It was not my desire to see us led down this path," she said as she reviewed her notes, "yet here we are, the duty before us is to make the correct choices as opposed to those which would be easy. It seems that just as Rokkenjima had to learn a lesson in humility over the Rishiri/QAMB affair we may be incapable of sparing the Kingdom from this self-inflicted fool's folly."

"Taking note of our cooperation in regards to Kalasin I would wish to see Rokkenjiman military and intelligence authorities extend an offer to their Fusanese counterparts, cooperating as closely on this as they're comfortable with. I suspect that our two Empires, along with the Holy Empire, will be bearing the brunt of things if this should go any further sideways and as we've proven we can work together on difficult scenarios, I'd like to see that continue here. The Seaforthians are operating and dispatching further assets to our back yard so to say, and if the King will not listen to the language of reason let us ensure that a language he seemingly prefers is ready to act should the need arise. Please see that our intentions and commitment to complete transparency is relayed to their Fusanese counterparts at once."

"I'm certain the words were uttered in the old Imperial Council Chambers and they'll be said here again today: the near-term foreign outlook is challenging and complex. I considered the proposal which Evanthe shared with the King, and yes while we must as an Empire stand by our given word, when that word contradicts the values we've espoused ourselves, that is when we weigh those difficult decisions which need to be made. Anything less than supporting Troyes and Marseilles in this present time would not reflect a Rokkenjima which has stated the age of imperialism is over and taking such a course would very well likely begin the building of the ADSN's coffin."

As the Empress spoke she received an update on the Excalibur, presently transiting the Illumic to meet up with Fusanese vessels for resupply. "Ensure that our gratitude is relayed and offer the traditional gift, light on the Quinntopian vodka though, please. There's a reason the Imperial Government bought the majority of the stockpile once Quinntopia fell, the legends many have shared can be believed.

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2024, 09:17:40 PM »
Location: The Imperial Palace, Pyrettania
Time: 10:30 AST

"Get me Pyrena Castle on the phone, specifically my mother," Asuna said as the Imperial Palace hummed with new urgency. "Have you seen it?" she asked, setting aside the usual pleasantries, which Beatrice acknowledged. "With my recent incident in mind, did you post that?" she paused, which Beatrice would state no. "Either someone's got something running on a script or one of Rowe's didn't get the memo that the bastard is in custody. Regardless," Asuna paused, "my memories of those times are in bits and pieces, my therapist surmises that the trauma impacted my ability to form memories, so I need you to be honest. Is it true, what was posted, that you had contact with Barren?"

Beatrice sighed as she confirmed it was true. "Alright, so, well then," Asuna paused, "it's not a lie like it was with Thomas. Okay, I'll try to handle it nonetheless," Asuna said as she hung the phone up. As she sat and sighed, she dialed a line to the Morelanders and, after being sent to the relevant person on the matter she began speaking, "So, okay, I didn't see this one coming. I can say that the Saisei Empress didn't make that tweet but, I can't say that what was tweeted is false. That leaves us in a most difficult position, naturally." Pausing, the Empress continued, "I will need to speak with King David at his earliest convenience so that we may move forward in the spirit of cooperation. Even if that opportunity was denied to us by this event, I very much see this as a test, and it's one I hope we navigate, together, successfully."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2024, 02:31:59 AM »
Location: IMS Olympic, Sea of Kyne
Time: 9:29 AST

"I'll always live in her shadow, won't I?" Asuna asked in her personal quarters with Thomas sat to her side and Emerson standing before them. "I'm not mature or wise enough apparently," she said as she threw the tablet displaying the front page of the RBC which included polling data. "I'll either be endlessly compared to her or called to step aside so she can reclaim her so-called rightful place," she paused, "77 percent Emerson, seventy seven percent," she said it again, "It's almost as if I'm just here because of consequence but," she paused again, "how do I convince over three-fourths of my People that I am just where I should be in the present moment? How do I escape the shadow hanging over my reign and assert what is mine? I love my mother, naturally, but this," she said pointing to the tablet, "is not fair to me or the team we've seen assembled. It seems most of these people wouldn't even allow me the chance to prove myself, no, I'm too young and I need to have the childhood my mother never had but, damn it, maybe not everything needs to be about my mother and what she did and didn't have?"

"Just so you know," she looked over to Emerson, "I'll never step down willingly; they'll have to drag me screaming and kicking from the Imperial Palace on top of dealing with Akira," she said as she scratched his ears, "I'm here to stay. They get my mother back and instantly Rokkenjima is toxic to East Moreland, and we're left dealing with all the baggage from her reign that does not involve her most controversial moments even. I want it made clear that this is my reign, those of my mother, Evanthe and Kyoko failed on their merits, well, mine will succeed on its merits and I'm not surrendering my opportunity to right all those wrongs. I don't care who I anger, who will paint a target on my back, the Empire is mine right now," she said as she looked out the window of her suite, "and I don't care if Islyna herself stood before me saying I was not right for this moment; even the Divine can make the wrong call once or twice. I'm not leaving my station."

With her rage out of the way Asuna sighed, "It's almost as if some wish for me to fail, just so that they get my mother back in power and while I know that's not what she wants and I trust her fully, there's many who would prefer her over me and I know it. They know her better, they know how to guide her toward certain decisions, and I know they know that they don't enjoy that luxury with me. If it comes down to it," she looked again to Emerson, "will you be by my side if the calls of some become too great to ignore in asking me to stand aside for Saisei to return? This is my moment to use my voice and while nothing will detract from what my mother accomplished, her time is over and my time is now. They'll pry me from my Throne only when my hands and body run cold, because this I'll fight for."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2024, 10:31:03 PM »
Location: Pyrenna Castle, Kitchen
Time: 9:49 AST

"Look," Alex said with a pause, "I won't give you the traditional speech or greet you with a shotgun but I can say on good authority," he paused to motion towards Lucinda who was in the background, "that woman there will take care of you for me if you hurt my little girl, okay? You're going to have to cherish every second with her, every annoyance, every cry, I mean you can't know what life throws your way. Most importantly, don't let her or your children get kidnapped because," he said with a motion of his hand and a "whoo" sound from his mouth, "those moments hurt in a different way. You understand?|" he paused before continuing.

"I like you Thomas, I always did," Alex continued, "but your life is going to change quite a bit. Let me give you some advice, as a former Emperor myself, that woman there," he pointed to Asuna, "you're going to hear of each of her failures just as much as her successes, you're going to hear of each struggle in her days, and you're going to have to accept the days where her frustrations don't have a target other than you. You're going to have to know what to do in those moments and," he said bringing him in for a hug, "take the hits, and love her after, it's not you she's mad at it's the world, you get me?"

"I have faith in you," he continued, "you make her happy and you're dedicated to the future of your children so, I respect that. As I said I'm the least of your worries if you hurt her so," he paused, "if you do well I'm prepared to be a fun father in law, we can have a drink and play some games. Hurt her and I'll haunt you as you sleep, we good?" he asked to be answered by Thomas with a nod. "Good man," Alex said, "want to see my TARDIS?" he continued with a chuckle.

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2024, 12:44:35 AM »
Location: The Imperial Palace, Empress' Quarters
Time: 5:51 AST

"I read the same reports you did and you know that I know just what they mean. You have to trust me but," she paused, "the marathon I'm about to undertake will be something the historians will speak of decades from now I'm sure. I am confident that I have the votes to realize what I promised to the voters and, once that's been clinched, I've a woman who I trust will have the best interests of our Empire to fill my shoes after clearing them from Sugano's stench. I must say I missed this," she continued, "and looking at what I'm about to accomplish having me on a back bench is almost criminal but, if it's between political or maternal ambitions, the later always wins. You can tell David whatever you wish, but I had one job and I think I did it well so, you can also tell him he's welcome that he's not facing down an ultra right-wing government that would likely seek the restoration of QAMB and the subjugation of the whole of Somerset Isle while we're at it."

"You shouldn't have to step down though," Asuna said with a fist on her desk in protest. "Look at what you've done in just a few hours, and then a few hours more? Mother, if there was anyone who's proven their effectiveness it's you, if there's anyone who could see my agenda through, it's you. And you're going to sideline yourself like this? For the sake of the Divine you've passed more Acts in 48 hours than Sugano's diet passed in five months, and I don't get to keep you there? This is tom foolery of the highest order," she shrugged, "and while your father introduced that into your vernacular I'll reintroduce "diplomatic prudence"'; I won't be a thorn for you, I won't let my personal ambitions quash your success as Empress. I can still do things as a Councillor, I don't need the title of Speaker to do them, I'm glad I still have my skills but it's your skills we need now and today, not mine, so I'll proudly hang up my tool bag to see you succeed going forward. I love you, and I love the Ironsides too, which is why you say "yes" that I did what was mandated of me and got out of the way as soon as I could, okay?" Asuna simply nodded, "Good," Beatrice would reply. "We are in agreement then."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2024, 09:55:45 PM »
Location: The Imperial Palace, Residential Suite
Time: 2:15 AST

"Meh nah seez womp wha her," Lucius said to Asuna, "sha bop da, nuh bad, but..." "Soo wib?" Asuna asked, "Froob doo ba, you zib zib her wib wib! Nib wibso, you knowy her more nabs zibbly me! Yibs, what's up with da womp womp?"

Lucius sighed, "Moo va jaree, sistra hey yub, why nof bork frin?" Asuna couldn't help but to chuckle at the notion. "Muzza, meebs! Looky, fwee frin, ya, always zippy-zap. Weez still goot, ya getz it, yaah!" Lucius nodded before looking over to Hayley. "Soo greeb sula wib dibb?" Asuna offered a giggle, "Nuh-uh, mumba or papa nooboo shabadoo lingo wiboo," she paused, "nugga badoo Kikyo, flibber?" Lucius sighed, "shoo-bop, sheebah earn-o."

"Indeed she shall," Asuna finally replied in Rokkenjiman, "but at least you're warming up to the idea of welcoming her more in as one of us, maybe?" "A bit," Lucius replied with a smirk. "Good, now why don't we go enjoy the colours in the garden before the cold and wind rips them away from us?"

From a young age Asuna had become the person with whom Lucius felt the most comfortable communicating with, the pair developing their own language with which to speak, so Lucius even considering extending the knowledge of this was a big step. "I did invite Kikyo over, she might just be waiting for us there," she continued as the pair began to leave the room before she offered Gemma a look. "Sorry, I'm bound to secrecy on anything Lucius and I may have just discussed. I'm sure you understand," she said with a grin.

Spoiler: Translation from Sibleish • show
"I'm still not sure about her," Lucius said to Asuna, "she's cool and all but..." "But what?" Asuna asked, "I know you like spending time with her and right now you likely know her better than I do. What's with the apprehension?"

Lucius sighed, "I've only ever had one sister, why can't she just be our friend?" Asuna couldn't help but to chuckle at the notion. "Asuna couldn't help but to chuckle at the notion. "I know this is new for you but look, think of her as a friend but one who will always be around no matter what. Things won't change between us, you know that right?" Lucius nodded before looking over to Kayleigh, "You think she knows what we're saying?" Asuna offered a giggle, "Nah, not even mum or papa could crack our language," she paused, "though we could teach Kikyo maybe?" Lucius sighed, "she'll have to earn it."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2024, 11:53:07 PM »
Location: The Imperial Palace, Residential Suite
Time: 4:23 AST

"Oui mad dras drehg drao'na uhdu ic, lmajan, cecdan," Lucius said with a smirk as Asuna signed some paperwork in her office. "Zicd nasaspan du gaab ib dra nica, fuimthd fyhd du cruf uin ryht fuimt fa?" Lucius grew quiet for a moment before saying "Aibrasey ec mayjehk ic, drah frah Cubrey synneac Cyicga cra femm mayja duu," he said with a sigh, finally arriving on the real reason he had insisted on joining her in her office today. Asuna closed the work before her and turned to Lucius, thinking on what to say next. While the wedding had naturally brought joy throughout the First Empire it was not lost upon her that there would be some changes at home.

"Crac hud mayjehk," she said as she put her hand on his shoulder, "hud eh dra cahca oui femm hud caa ran ykyeh, pid hudrehk nasyehc dra cysa vunajan. Fa ymm lryhka yht knuf drnuikr aqbaneahla yht drnuikr uin namydeuhcrebc fedr druca ynuiht ic, E ghuf ed lyh pa tevvelimd pid E bnuseca drana ec hu mucc rana oad drana ec silr vun ic du pa rybbo ypuid. E bnuseca oui femm cdemm caa ran yht nasaspan, fa ryja y cibancuhel bmyha, cra femm uhmo pa y vaf ruinc yfyo yd sucd." Satisfied with Asuna's position Lucius nodded, "Fa kad ran vun dra rumetyoc, nekrd?" to which Asuna chuckled, "uv luinca fa tu. E ryja ypuid yh ruin mavd rana, fro hud ku yht kad Gegou nayto, dra bynahdc yna aqbaldehk ic ujan yd Bonahy vun sujea hekrd." "Oui naymmo fyhd du caa Dra Bnehlacc Pneta ykyeh, fa fydlrat dryd drnaa faagc yku," Lucius said with a sigh. "Oui bnudacd huf pid E ghuf oui ryja y vyhlo vun Bnehlacc Piddanlib," which prompted Lucius to stomp in protest. "Bnehla Risbantehlg ec y telg yht E mega caaehk dnia muja feh," he said before turning to leave. "Muja oui duu, pnudran."

Before joining her siblings at Pyrena Asuna saw that a note was left for Gemma and Hayley.

"Grazie, blorptastic! Wabadoo, let da gumezas zazzle."

Spoiler: Translation from Sibleish • show
"You let them think they're onto us, clever, sister," Lucius said with a smirk as Asuna signed some paperwork in her office. "Just remember to keep up the ruse, wouldn't want to show our hand would we?" Lucius grew quiet for a moment before saying "Euphemia is leaving us, then when Sophia marries Sauske she will leave too," he said with a sigh, finally arriving on the real reason he had insisted on joining her in her office today. Asuna closed the work before her and turned to Lucius, thinking on what to say next. While the wedding had naturally brought joy throughout the First Empire it was not lost upon her that there would be some changes at home.

"She's not leaving," she said as she put her hand on his shoulder, "not in the sense you will not see her again, but nothing remains the same forever. We all change and grow through experience and through our relationships with those around us, I know it can be difficult but I promise there is no loss here yet there is much for us to be happy about. I promise you will still see her and remember, we have a supersonic plane, she will only be a few hours away at most." Satisfied with Asuna's position Lucius nodded, "We get her for the holidays, right?" to which Asuna chuckled, "of course we do. I have about an hour left here, why not go and get Kikyo ready, the parents are expecting us over at Pyrena for movie night." "You really want to see The Princess Bride again, we watched that three weeks ago," Lucius said with a sigh. "You protest now but I know you have a fancy for Princess Buttercup," which prompted Lucius to stomp in protest. "Prince Humperdinck is a dick and I like seeing true love win," he said before turning to leave. "Love you too, brother."

Before joining her siblings at Pyrena Asuna saw that a note was left for Gemma and Hayley.

"Thank you, duly noted. Let our games continue."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: The Palace In The City
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2025, 01:28:49 AM »
Location: Pyrena Castle, Asuna's Old Room
Time: 10:00 AST

After the third series of knocks went unanswered Lucinda made somewhat of an executive decision looking over to the IRIS agent which had followed her against her advice. "You will either leave me now or I'll call Kado and see that your next assignment is scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush for the next year," she said emotionlessly, offering them a moment to leave. Once that moment had passed and they persisted in remaining she sighed, "Fine, you win," she continued as they walked toward the service elevator to the residential wing of Pyrena. Once the doors opened she pressed the button for the ground floor, shortly thereafter the elevator began to move down before Lucinda pulled the emergency stop and pinned the IRIS agent to the wall of the elevator, putting her full weight into the forearm that was pressed against their neck.

"I told you to leave," she said staring into their eyes, "and yet you remained; I put this side behind me but never, for a moment, doubt that it is still not a part of me. Now, you will either give me a moment with Asuna, just one moment to ourselves, or I will kill you. Do you understand?" she asked, as the IRIS agent nodded. "Good," she said as she reached to their waist to take their gun into her custody. "You can report this to Kado if you want," she continued as she unpinned them, "but I don't think it'll go quite the way you think it will. Now then," she said as the elevator door opened, "kindly find something else to do, yes?"

Following that unfortunate diversion Lucinda found herself again at Asuna's door; she had walled herself off for the better part of a week in her old room at Pyrena, so she knocked once to no answer. Knocking a second time she heard the same silence that had presented itself before, before knocking a third time. After hearing nothing Lucinda took a step back, aimed her foot at the door knob, and delivered a decisive kick which threw the door open. While she had expected to find someone resisting everyone around her Lucinda saw that Asuna had not even stirred from her bed; stepping over slowly toward her she laid beside her and wrapped her arms around her.

"My dear," she said as she held back her own tears, "I know you hurt but you can't hide yourself from the whole of Mundus, they'll ask questions and answer themselves in your absence if you do." "Let them," Asuna responded. "No," Lucinda said as she grasped Asuna's wrist and brought her to her feet, "no. Are you going to let them write your narriative, to shape your grief, and otherwise speak on your behalf? You really want the press, social media and other outlets speaking for you because, I promise you, they will and are already planning stories and as wrong as it is, my love," she continued as she sat her down beside her, "it's either your voice or theirs that people hear. I know it hurts, but do you want these vampires preying on the souls of your two to sell papers?" Lucinda left the question linger in the air for a few moments.

"Of course I don't, but how can I face anyone in this moment? I failed to be a mother, to provide heirs to the Throne, in that I cost Thomas his career, I can't shake the anticipations which only led to disappointment and shame for so many." "I'll have none of that," Lucinda replied, "you didn't fail to be a mother, the time was not right I mean after all you are still so young; the Throne is the most secured Throne in Mundus I promise you, we have mechanisms in place to secure that, and you cost Thomas nothing," she paused. "He loves you, he is at your side, and he knows what he signed up for. I promise you, he will not hold this against you and if you give him a chance instead of secluding yourself at your parent's place, you might find some support coming your way. I know this place is comfortable but, let me take you home to the Palace, please. It's in these moments you need to learn to stand, be strong even if you're not feeling strength inside you, and when you feel you might falter trust that there's those in your life to catch you and guide you, just as I'm doing now. I know it hurts but please," she said as she squeezed her, "don't take this on alone, mum, papa, and I am here with you. Now then," she paused as she stood and reached out her hand, "ready to go home?"

Asuna wiped her eyes a few times before taking her hand and nodding. As they approached the awaiting car Lucinda stopped to give Asuna a hug. "I promise you're not a failure, you cost no one nothing, and you are beloved; take this moment as yours, process everything, but don't dwell in sorrow for long; it never ends well. Do we have an understanding?" she asked, to which Asuna nodded. "That's all I needed, you got this. Never doubt yourself," she said as the car began to pull away. Inside Asuna would find her mother, who would then guide her to her chambers, not once leaving her side throughout the night.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis