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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #360 on: July 08, 2024, 11:21:56 PM »

With Elections Looming Teikokutō Champions Sonnō jōi

Teikokutō has strongly embraced a nationalist, right-wing platform as elections loom in Rokkenjima.

"Revere the Empress, expel the barbarians," Speaker Sugano explained to our reporter as they discussed the upcoming elections. "By barbarians naturally I don't mean foreigners living amongst us, many of them play a meaningful and productive role in Rokkenjiman society and our economy. The barbarians I refer to, thus, are the internationalists who have taken refuge in the Imperial Palace. I do not blame the Empress for that either, she's young and her Vicegerent is a hold-over from her predecessors, yet this may be a part of her policy of appeasement and the introduction of "Rokkenjiman Apologism" which continues to hamper our interests both at home and abroad. Teikokutō thus plans to craft laws which will see the unquestioned sovereignty of Chrysanthemum Throne restored, mandate that positions in the Imperial Government are helmed only by those of pure Rokkenjiman ancestry, and ensure that the actions of foreign nations which hamper Rokkenjima's tranquility and economic prosperity are dealt with accordingly; no more appeasement or apologism on any front."

"From this point we will be able to enrich the Empire and strengthen the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces," Sugano continued. "We will not seek to deport anyone who presently lives in Rokkenjima, however, Rokkenjima should stand as it always has primarily as a home for the Rokkenjiman People with those born abroad recognizing that Rokkenjiman concerns should ultimately triumph in the determination of laws and policy. As those already living within Rokkenjiman borders move or pass on, we predict that by the end of the century Rokkenjima will, once again, be inhabited 100% by Rokkenjimans. This is as the All-Mother prescribed, that Rokkenjima should be a home for her chosen people guarded over by the Blessed of Islyna, the Empress."

Seeking comment from a contender for his seat in the House of Councillors we also spoke with the Saisei Empress, who is seeking to represent Azukishima Prefecture in the House of Councillors as well as leadership of the Centre Party. "What can I say," she paused to allow a sigh, "the mask is off and the face of Teikokutō is out there for all to see. The policies they're promising to pursue would not result in a stronger Rokkenjima but one which is more isolated and weaker, ignoring everything we learned in the Anselmo Restoration and the governance of the First Empire up until this point. When Sugano points to Rokkenjima being once again inhabited only by Rokkenjimans he's speaking of our friends and family who were born on foreign shores essentially aging out all while his party seeks what is essentially a ban on immigration to Rokkenjima. This is a policy for disaster, both socially and economically and, if selected as Leader of the Centre Party I will see that we fight to see that the nationalistic jingoism of Teikokutō dies before it ever comes close to becoming the law of the land."

"Having sat on Chrysanthemum Throne myself I know a thing or two about the duties of the Blessed of Islyna, and I might know a thing or two about her teachings," Saisei continued. "All are the Children of Islyna; she does not specify in her doctrine if they're born Rokkenjiman or not, she simply says all. To treat someone of a different nationality with disrespect or disdain, thus, is already in contradiction with the teachings of the All-Mother. To claim to speak for the All-Mother or frame her words beyond what's stated is outright heresy. It has often been said if fascism were to come to Rokkenjima it would be draped with the trappings of the Crown and carrying the Teachings of Islyna. With this tilt towards Sonnō jōi it is clear that it is the duty of every Rokkenjiman to participate in the elections and defeat the roadmap Teikokutō has drawn for this First Empire. We cannot allow our democracy to be smothered in broad daylight as Sugano has stated his intentions to do."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #361 on: July 11, 2024, 11:44:45 PM »

Sugano: Imperial Council A Non-Starter

Speaker Sugano rallied his party in the House of Councillors to "drive the barbarians to the coasts of Rokkenjima once and for all" ahead of the Imperial Council vote.

"I mean, Ri Sang-Hee, the former leader of the hell-hole that is Kusan, for Foreign Affairs? It's bad enough we have an Achkaerinese Vicegerent who's set his sights on increasing the foreign tentacles in our Imperial Government. This right here is why Teikokutō is calling for an Act which would see all positions of power in the First Empire able to only be held by those of pure Rokkenjiman ancestry. We don't see this in nations such as East Moreland which stands for the Morelanders, Dartfordia which stands for the Dartfordians, Fusan for the Fusanese or the Celtic nations who stand as homelands for their People and, in some cases, have gone to extremes to preserve their nations from impurity. We simply wish to reclaim the purity of our nation for future generations of Rokkenjimans to have a home just as other nations who have a largely homogeneous population are allowed the right to. This is not controversial, it's simply common-sense," Speaker Sugano said quite exasperated.

"My party is leveraging its power prior to elections to bring this farce to an end, and I'll need the Rokkenjiman People to stand with us to see that we protect the purity of our Empire. It is our duty to drive the barbarians to the coasts of Rokkenjima once and for all; whether or not they drown or find their ways back home is not our concern upon their exit from our sovereign, sacred soil. Teikokutō has long stood to empower the Empress and be a legislative extension of her sovereignty but, presenting this list of appointees without protest calls into question her judgement. Whether it is due to age or ignorance, Teikokutō cannot stand by and allow her to make a mistake on allowing these crucial appointments to move forward without challenge. She may be afraid to speak up to the Vicegerent, but Teikokutō will hold the line and see a Rokkenjima which stands for the Rokkenjiman people!"

As voting began some questioned the power of Sugano to influence the course of the vote yet, as the hours passed, the Socialist-Green coalition in the House of Councillors cleared the way for the appointments to pass in that chamber. In the House of Commons the appointments squeaked through with the Socialist, Green and Centre parties whipping up 423 votes to 421 in opposition, as 5 Teikokutō Members elected to vote "present" clearing the way for the appointments to pass the Imperial Diet. As the votes were finalized Speaker Sugano chastised those in the Commons who voted present, while labeling the Green-Socialist-Centre partnership as an "axis of barbarity" which "will allow foreign interests to prevail over those of the Rokkenjiman People."

With the passage of appointments to the Imperial Council the Empress set the date for elections to be held two weeks from today, Thursday July 25th. While the Empress refused to directly comment on the positions of Speaker Sugano she did state that "the voices of bigotry and hate have been dealt a blow they'll long seek to recover from. Our Empire will never be dictated by voices calling for purity, nor those dabbling in the worst impulses of politicians who've enacted horrors upon their Peoples in lands afar. Today, Rokkenjiman democracy proved its resilience to what are increasingly voices advocating for fascism in the open. I thank the Five," she closed, referring to the five Councillors who elected to vote present. Following her remarks #IThankThe5 rose to the number one trending topic on Twitter across the First Empire.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #362 on: July 16, 2024, 06:55:25 AM »

New Polling Reveals Positions on Azukishima Councillor Seat, Preference For Empress

New polling data has given the former Empress a reason to smile.

According to new polling the former Empress, who has requested that for the purposes of reporting on the election that the RBC refrain from refferring to her by her regnal name, is building support with the electorate she seeks to represent in the House of Councillors. 57% of those polled stated their preference for Beatrice Anselmo whilst 43% stated a preference for Katsuhiko. While the poll is certainly a reason for the former Empress to smile support for Teikokutō remains solid in several regions of the First Empire, representing a challenge for the Centre Party to recover from the losses it suffered following the Offdensen Plot. Speaking briefly with the RBC Mrs. Anselmo said that such a situation was expected by her campaign.

"They're still riding on the coattails of their "support the Empress' power" platform which has now been replaced with a platform which seeks to instate a policy of racial purity in the Imperial Government, eliminate the presence of foreigners via immigration policy, all while calling for conflict, economic or otherwise, with nations who don't prescribe to the views Teikokutō views as acceptable. While this party was once respectable it is clear that, through their change in platform and ludicrous statements, we have the makings of our own Gugnir; it is only by the grace of Islyna that we have not seen them attempt political violence as a tool to date. While support for their party remains solid in some corners of the Empire I have faith in the spirit of the First Empire and that of the Rokkenjiman People; that we reject policies that have failed time and again in foreign lands and hold firm to the values and principles we saw restored in the Anselmo Restoration."

Polling also revealed that momentum continues to build behind the sitting Empress, with just 41% of voters supporting a Saisei return; 59% supported the Empress' continued reign, while none declared themselves undecided. "It is, as it should be," she said when asked of the poll results, "we too often look back on the past with rose-tinted glasses, thinking that things were better because one person or another was in any manner of positions, but the truth is each moment in history has those meant for them; my season came, and it was then succeeded with Chrysanthemum Throne finding in Asuna not only the person meant for it, but the one who will conquer it. I'll always be on hand to give her advice, though I've already made clear the mistakes I made in moments I thought I was right yet, in hindsight, see that I was so terribly wrong in the decisions that I made. I am ultimately happy that the People are supporting me where I can make a meaningful difference as opposed to attempts to return to an era to which there can be no return. In a way, if a situation arose in which I were mandated to once again sit on the Throne then I would view my reign as a failure. It is upon all of us, as Rokkenjimans, to support our Empress and ensure that her stewardship of this First Empire is the success it is meant to be."

Sugano's office declined a request to comment on this article.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #363 on: July 19, 2024, 02:55:27 AM »

The Empress Is With Child

The Empress was, reportedly, beaming with joy as she shared the news with reporters.

While the Empress has made statements in the passing weeks her presence has been lessened, forcing her to make an official statement to the press. "It's a bit difficult to admit with cultural differences and all those entail, but I can no longer hide it. I am with child and, after discussing it with Thomas, we've both considered our age, the world we're bringing this child into, and how prepared we are for all of that and we reached a mutual decision that we're ready for all that entails. I mean, we're both pretty frilled at this all, and I hope to welcome my son or daughter into a world that is better than the present one we all live in." With the news the Empress was pressed on the wedding plans presently being discussed between Pyrettania and Tsargrad.

"We're to be wed in August," the Empress said with a smile, "and I can't help but to think each moment led us here, child or not. He's my foundation, my rock and my stone, my voice of reason, and though Thomas has a penchant that our child be born on the waves of the seas I'll be happy to have our child in a medical facility, whether it's out to sea or not. I think I made it clear my love for him when I sent a liner after his naval ship, and while these past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions and decisions, I'm happy we're creating a family together. They'll have all the love, joy and wonder at their disposal from both of us and I know Thomas will make a great father," the Empress shared.

When pressed on her age, and the concerns for childhood given the Saisei Empress' concerns given her own the Empress scoffed them off. "I was once a little girl, those times have passed however. I will bear our child, he or she will have the best life possible and through all that I'll be married to the love of my life, I'll be happy and that is what is most important. Empress Saisei is looking forward to being a grandmother, though I swear if she loads my child up with sweets before sending me home I have options at my disposal. I can't wait to welcome the next generation of my family, to plant that first kiss on their forehead that says "I'm here for you until the end" and just lose myself in them. And between Thomas and I, they're going to be a cutie I know," she smiled as she turned from the cameras, "I can't wait to welcome our bundle of love and joy and see that their life is everything we wished."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #364 on: July 20, 2024, 09:39:38 PM »

Speaker Sugano: Interference By Caelestis Curia Inappropriate, Threat To Democracy

Speaker Sugano called the statement from the Grand Maester "unjustified political interference."

Responding to remarks released by the Most Humble of Islyna, Grand Maester Yuna, Speaker Sugano has criticized the Grand Maester for "speaking well out of her depth and committing acts of unjustified political interference. I am a free Rokkenjiman the last I checked, I'm of the Faithful, and I'm told I'm not allowed to use the name of my Goddess? Shame on you, Lady Yuna, shame on you. As we see the Empress further dilute the blood of the Most Blessed of Islyna by involving herself with a foreigner and, before anyone gets this wrong, I'm a supporter of the relationship between this First Empire and the Kingdom, but we've already seen that one half-blood Empress has not been capable of rising to the challenges of the moment, so why wouldn't we want a pure-blooded Rokkenjiman Empress to be next in line for Chrysanthemum Throne? The polls don't lie," he said pointing to continued support for Teikokutō despite his challenges in the race against Mrs. Anselmo, "the message of Teikokutō has resonated with a large portion of the Rokkenjiman populace. This reeks of a plot to employ the blood of Beatrice Anselmo as a weapon against me, and I ask that my supporters ensure that we won't have any of that direct the course of this election. It's now clear to me that we'll have to fight for every vote, ensure that fraud is not allowed to take place, because if we let them they'll try to steal this election from us."

The Grand Maester remained resolute in her standing on the matter.

Speaking with the Grand Maester herself the RBC sought her comments on the remarks of the Speaker. "I am absolute in my position," she started, "having been schooled in the Teachings of Islyna from a young age, to graduating from the Rosari Academy and, after years working as a Summoner I was selected as Grand Maester of this Faith. I know the Teachings of Islyna well, it is a requirement of my job, and it is my duty to guard them against those who would seek to use them for their own personal or, in this case, political gain. The All-Mother would not approve of the words the Speaker is ascribing to her, the intent he is ascribing to her, nor the vicious and vile policies he wishes to see passed in her name. If he didn't wish for me to comment upon the elections he should have left the name of the All-Mother from his mouth, as every member of the Imperial Diet, to my understanding at least, receives guidance that matters of the Rosari Faith always fall under my purview. Now this doesn't mean that politicians can't say the All-Mother's name or reference to the teachings of the Faith, but to utilize that same name and those same teachings in a political capacity is something which has never happened before in the history of our Empire. I would be abdicating my duties if I didn't point out just how wrong the Speaker is, misappropriating our Goddess and her Teachings, to call people from foreign shores barbarians, and then to invite them to drown in the ocean? I'm sorry, but that's not happening on my watch. As the Most Humble of Islyna I must, ironically perhaps, be her champion when dark hearts seek to use her and her words for their own ambitions. The Speaker has freedom of speech, but that does not come with the freedom to not be checked for factual basis in the words he speaks. He has no authority to speak on behalf of the All-Mother, and I'll simply leave it at that."

OOC accreditation: Yuna image is the work of Aoki Yagashi.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #365 on: July 21, 2024, 09:55:13 PM »

IRN Heads North For Great Northern Exercise '24

IRN Expedition leads the way for the Rokkenjiman contingent participating in the exercise.

In a series of exercises between the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy, the Imperial Fusanese Navy and the Imperial Achkaerinese Navy eight vessels of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy have departed Rokkenjiman waters to take place in Great Northern Exercise '24, an exercise designed to display the global reach of the represented navies as well as their capacity to execute and sustain operations far from their shores. The exercises come amidst the backdrop of Seaforthian operations in the Strait of Shaw in their attempt to retain the port city of Troyes, an issue of contention in which the First Empire has stated its support for a solution which sees Troyes rejoined with Marseilles and a Seaforthian exit from the region.

"As the Empress and her representatives have stated the age of imperialism is dead," one such man speaking on condition of anonymity shared with the RBC, "and while Seaforth can sustain, for a time, operations in Troyes the Empress is certainly driving the point home that the capacity between Rokkenjima, Achkaerin and Fusan are greater in that regard by holding these exercises in the Great Northern Ocean. Sure, she could have hosted exercises in the Strait itself, but we've already seen assets dispatched in response to the Seaforthian position. Instead, the Empress is demonstrating that the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy, and its allies and partners, are capable of operations far from their shores here in Ardia, and that we're capable of sustaining them logistically. While they're not taking place in the Illumic proper, they remain something Seaforth will not be able to ignore."

Speaking with the RBC the Empress was clear. "This is a message to Seaforth," she began, "while they may send some planes and ships to Troyes our navies, our three navies, are capable of global operations regardless of where they may be necessary, and we hold the ability to deploy our forces and project power anywhere upon Mundus as the needs of the situation at hand mandates. I understand the present operations to support the continued occupation of Troyes will place great strains upon the capacity of the Kingdom of Seaforth, whilst the exercises between Rokkenjima, Achkaerin and Fusan occupy just a fraction of our capacity. You may maintain your position for a moment, but our forces have behind them the force of endurance. You may sprint, but we will ultimately win the race."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #366 on: July 23, 2024, 02:26:15 AM »

Anselmo Formally Named Centre Party Leader

Despite not presently holding a seat in the Imperial Diet the Centre Party has voted to make the former Empress their leader.

As election day draws more near as the days pass the Centre Party has selected Beatrice Anselmo as the new leader of the Party. Whilst leadership duties had been undertaken in an interim manner by Councillor Koizumi it was felt by many in the party's leadership that formalizing Anselmo's leadership of the party would serve as a boon to their electoral chances. "As Empress she saved our Empire from the Federal Republic," a statement from the Centre Party leadership read, "as our Leader and, we believe, the next Speaker of the House of Councillors she will save Rokkenjima from the nightmares born within Teikokutō. We believe that Beatrice Anselmo is the right person to defeat this dangerous moment in the history of our Empire and, as she's done it once before, we're confident she will do so again. Having worked with the father of our party, William Hartnell, and being a strong proponent for a healthy and vibrant democracy in Rokkenjima throughout her reign, there is perhaps no one better who could fulfill this role. We thank Councillor Koizumi for his leadership following the Offdensen Plot, and we appreciate his humility in standing aside as we all work toward not only victory, but the preservation of Rokkenjiman democracy."

Following the announcement the Centre Party raised र38.3m ($71m) within 24 hours, nearly eliminating the lead which Teikokutō has been enjoying to date and setting a record for the highest fundraising campaign in the history of the Empire. "It's no secret that the former Empress remains a popular figure in Rokkenjima, even the hardships she endured in the twilight of her reign and the years which followed have seemingly done little to erode support for someone many consider the mother of the Empire," Fukui Tetsuya, a political commentator shared with the RBC. "While we're still expecting a close race and no one has confidence to predict what the new Imperial Diet will look like, in my opinion the Centre Party made the right move in naming Anselmo as their leader. She's checks all the right boxes with many Rokkenjiman voters, and while the topic has been raised due to comments from East Moreland, it appears that most Rokkenjiman voters consider the allegations of terrorist connections a non-issue in this election. I imagine, despite the public statements, they'd much rather see a weaker Teikokutō and a post-Sugano Rokkenjima rather than a Rokkenjima which lurches hard toward xenophobic ultra-nationalism and, even if they don't like it, there's just one woman who can prevent that and it's Leader Anselmo."

"I often imagined my days, post Chrysanthemum Throne, as sometimes giving advice to my daughter, eventually babysitting the grandchildren and, yes, beekeeping full time," Mrs. Anselmo said as she sat down with the RBC in the Pyrena Gardens. "I didn't plan on entering politics like this again, nor being in the running to be the next Speaker of the House of Councillors, but we've reached that point. I see in Teikokutō something wicked, just as I saw something wicked in the Federal Republic which I gave everything to dismantle and return to us, all Rokkenjimans, our very nation. It would not be in my character to not stand and rise to the occasion to ensure that whatever vision Sugano and Teikokutō have for Rokkenjima fails, to protect the great wins of the Empress and the Vicegerent in finally realizing my dream of Rokkenjiman Democracy via the amended Constitution, I saw the moment and knew that I had to fight once again. I saw what men like Sugano were capable of in foreign lands during my reign, I know where that road leads a nation, and I'll be damned if I see Rokkenjima led down that road. Teikokutō may say they support the Empress and her ability to set the tone for the whole of the Empire, but I assure you as her mother, I'll fight like hell to see that her vision and her dreams are made a reality. Once again I ask you to join me in a partnership for the very soul of this First Empire, and through your donations thus far, I think we're on the same page. Let's consign Speaker Sugano to the dustbin of history, and see that all we've worked together for is not upended. Thank you."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #367 on: July 23, 2024, 10:27:15 PM »

Centre Party Reveals Platform

The Centre Party platform seeks to support the work of the Empress while re-enforcing areas of Rokkenjiman policy which some feel have been neglected as of late.

Leader Anselmo wasted little time to meet with Centre Party leadership and reveal the Party's platform to the Empire. "We've much work ahead of us and a task which may seem insurmountable but I promise, together we can, shall and must get the job done. After a productive meeting with Centre leadership we're focusing on five spheres which we believe are crucial in supporting Rokkenjiman democracy as well as building new links with the world around us. Let's go through them:

Enriching and Protecting Rokkenjiman Democracy:

"Rokkenjiman Democracy was, in many ways, placed on the ballot by Teikokutō which makes it our job to not only preserve our democracy, but to see that it is enriched as well. The Centre Party has already explored negotiations with parties in both Houses of the Diet to see that the ultra-nationalist xenophobic agenda of Teikokutō does not survive beyond the floor. We're also planning to lower the voting age to 18, allowing those Rokkenjimans with great interests in the future of this Empire to have a voice in its direction, while expanding the services and capacity of YourVoice.rk to better serve the Rokkenjiman People and bring them crucial, unbiased information regarding all future elections. These measures will be pursued on day one."

Economic Stability and Growth:

"We must also continue to promote policies that ensure the continued economic prosperity of the Empire. Keeping unemployment and inflation low, introducing initiatives to see more small businesses spring up across the First Empire while promoting the Rokkenjiman market as a profitable one for foreign firms to invest and participate in, especially via the Azukishima Free Trade Zone which offers a number of benefits to corporations moving goods and materials into, and out of, Rokkenjima. On top of that businesses which hold Certified Trade Partner (CTP) status enjoy further benefits in moving goods and materials from Rokkenjima and further into Ardia. Finally, as witnessed in the ADSN, we have an opportunity to build business relationships with a good many nations and we should be taking each step we can to maximize our mutual economic opportunities."

Social Equality and Rights:

"As Teikokutō has flirted with curtailing the rights of some groups we must ensure that our march toward social equality continues unimpeded. Centre will protect the rights of all Rokkenjimans, regardless of their nationality or "purity", we'll continue to see progress in ensuring equality between men and women, continue to exist as a bastion for those who are often times ostracized such as those in the LGBTQ community whom we've long provided services for regardless of nationality via our embassies and consulates. Just as we are a nation which is continuing with its great experiment in democracy, we must also ensure that we are doing everything in our power to expand and improve upon policies which we have long supported to make our Empire, and Mundus, more fair and equitable."

Strong Defense and Diplomacy:

"What we witnessed in the joint cooperation between Rokkenjima, Fusan and Achkaerin in the crises of Kalasin and later Kusan it is clear that supporting a path forward which sees greater cooperation and coordination between our nations might be a cornerstone for Rokkenjiman foreign policy moving forward. Beyond that we must see our horizons expand, setting Rokkenjima on a path to forge new friendships, strengthen existing ones, and work with all nations who wish to ensure a stable, secure and peaceful Mundus. Centre will continue to support a robust Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces, while also ensuring that the Imperial Diplomatic Corps have the funding and assets to ensure our robust defense will not need to be employed. Just as we expect the IRAF to be capable of conducting operations in multiple theatres, the IDC should be capable of having diplomatic solutions, and ties, to ensure at least three diplomatic options for any crisis prior to IRAF options being considered."

Environmental Sustainability:

"Supporting Rokkenjima's green energy initiatives will receive a renewed focus under Centre. Options are being explored to replace all single-use plastics with innovative approaches as well as looking to traditional solutions, such as glass for packaging and ensuring that there is a suitable replacement for all single use plastics. Supporting infrastructure that allows for a mixture of electric, hydrogen and other alternative fuels while building new nuclear plants to keep up with Rokkenjima's energy needs. We also seek funding to incorporate sustainable options for Rokkenjiman cities to enjoy a better, more harmonious relationship with nature while reducing our overall footprint on the environment through every day actions and activities."

"Between what Teikokutō has brought to the table, a platform devoid of ideas to improve the lives of the Rokkenjiman People, and our platform which seeks to improve not only your lives but address many of the shortcomings of previous governments, I hope that you'll join us in our drive to win this election. As I often said to you many times before, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish together. Thank you."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #368 on: July 24, 2024, 02:35:08 AM »

Anselmo, Centre Receive Endorsements

Abstergo CEO Albert Relkin has endorsed Leader Anselmo and the Centre Party in the upcoming elections.

"Look, it's as simple as this," Abstergo CEO Albert Relkin said to the RBC, "the Centre Party platform is simply better for business. What Teikokutō has proposed will lead to an exodus of talent from the Rokkenjiman labour pool and while I am confident we have some of the brightest minds anywhere in Mundus, cutting off people from living and working in Rokkenjima just because they're not Rokkenjiman is going to stifle the sort of innovation and advancements we've seen here at Abstergo, as well as in other Rokkenjiman firms. This is why I offer my endorsement for a Centre victory, as well as to Leader Anselmo to be the next Speaker of the House of Councillors. Everything which the Empress has worked toward in the formation of the ADSN would be squandered with a Teikokutō win, just as her priorities to renew and expand Rokkenjima's economic and diplomatic ties across Mundus would suffer. Here in the home stretch I intend to do everything in my power to support Centre candidates up and down the ballot."

While not an official endorsement in the manner which Mr. Relkin offered several members of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces have taken to social media to offer their own endorsements of the former Empress. "The policies of that bastard will get us into a conflict, just like Offdensen worked to effect between Rokkenjima and Fusan, only next time it'll be much worse, we need Saisei up there having our back," one sailor shared on Twitter. A veteran of the IRGF questioned whether Sugano would seek to purge the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces of those who are not of pure Rokkenjiman blood, pointing to a fellow soldier, "this guy here, Rokkenjiman-Elpidian, wore my blood after we got involved in a tricky situation in the Thematan conflict, I know he has my back 110%. Sugano comes for him and those like him who swore an oath to Empress and Empire, I'll become a huge ******* problem for him. Most of the veterans and current service members I've spoken to have one person in mind to ensure if we go to war it's for the right reasons and that's Mama Bear," he said, using the nickname most use for the Empress' mother.  "She's not just looking out for her daughter, no, she's out there and chose to run for all of us so please, join us in giving our voices and our votes to Anselmo, not the dickhead in the race."

Speaking with the RBC from prison the former CEO of Abstergo, Patricius Bateson, also added his voice to those supporting the former Empress. "I know, supporting the woman who saw my imprisonment might come as a shock, but she had no other choice in the matter. Beatrice Anselmo is a good woman of high moral character and, while I am unable to vote in the upcoming election, those hearing my voice or reading my words are. We have to get this right, we've one shot at this young democracy prevailing, and as Saisei and Asuna have fought for this Empire to be a democracy we owe it to the Mother of the Empire and the sitting Empress to see their vision succeed. Let's not let them down."

The RBC also reached out to Chrysanthemum Throne for the opinion of the Empress on the elections. "I will not comment upon the elections until we're certifying the results to ensure that my words do not influence a single vote," the Empress shared with the RBC. "I realize that my voice enjoys an outsized influence in Rokkenjiman politics, and while that has its advantages, when it comes to who the People elect to send to Pyrettania to represent that which is most close to their heart, I do not want to persuade them one way or another from their principles, positions or values. A democracy requires all voices to be heard equally, so I will do my part to ensure that the voices of the Rokkenjiman People are heard without persuasion from the Crown, thank you."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #369 on: July 24, 2024, 09:59:57 PM »

Elections Return Divided Diet

Teikokutō, despite the highly critical campaign efforts of the Centre Party, lost just thirty one seat in the Commons, countering gains made by Centre at the expense of the Socialists and Greens to maintain control of the chamber.

Showing signs that deep cracks remain in the body politic following the Offdensen Affair and the inflammatory rhetoric of Teikokutō as the later managed to retain control of the House of Commons. In the House of Councillors whilst the Centre Party increased its presence in the chamber it remains a minority party, leaving many to wonder how a government might form and what Rokkenjiman politics will look like with a divided Imperial Diet. In a trend that is becoming increasingly common over the past three election cycles no independents were elected to either House.

In the House of Councillors, while reversing their fortunes, Centre remains a minority party.

Sources close to Centre leadership indicated that negotiations were under way as the results became more clear between the Centre, Socialist and Green Parties to "explore viable options" moving forward. Unconfirmed reports further stated that the so-called Five, those Teikokutō members who voted "present", as well as a handful of members in the Commons who mounted a similar effort in their chamber, were to be included in these calls at the direction of Leader, and now Councillor, Beatrice Anselmo.

"Some might say we under-preformed, and that's a fair assessment," she shared as she watched the results come in with supporters at the Lux nightclub in Pyrettania, "however, when one looks to the performance of Centre after the outright annihilation of Centre in the August '23 elections, we've done well. We now have before us the challenge of navigating a fractured Diet as well as a divided body politic; I never said it would be easy to put Sugano's genie back in the bottle. Today is not the end of that challenge, yet perhaps it may mark the closing act of the beginning. Teikokutō holds the Commons, however if our three parties, Centre, Socialist and Green, are capable of putting policy differences and ego aside we may do the job the Rokkenjiman People sent us to the Imperial Diet to do: protect Rokkenjiman democracy and the moral character of the spirit of the Empire from the worst impulses of Teikokutō. I look forward to the process ahead, hold onto the faith, and thank those who voted for myself and for Centre and the message they've sent by doing so."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #370 on: July 24, 2024, 10:36:35 PM »

Anselmo Clears First Challenge For Centre

Speaker Anselmo spoke with the RBC following the debate as to who would serve as the next Speaker of the Councillors.

"Anselmo as Speaker will see the nations of Mundus shun the First Empire, hamper the interests of the Empress in restoring relations with the Kingdom of East Moreland and, might I remind you, her time is slated to be filled with appearances before the Supreme Court of Judicature as the allegations against her are addressed. In this moment of time the House of Councillors cannot be led by an individual such as Mrs. Anselmo, we need someone who is able to devote 100% of their attention to the business of the Imperial Diet, and as we've seen in the continued support for Teikokutō, despite marginal losses, we have a job to finish," the now former Speaker said in a plea to retain his position. However, following lengthy negotiations between the Centre, Socialist and Green parties, now-Speaker Anselmo ultimately prevailed over Sugano.

"Sugano's vision for this First Empire is vastly different than the vision held by the Centre Party, it's a vision which the Socialists have seen play out in foreign lands and they know all too well that once Sugano is done with the foreigners in our lands, they're the target he'll next come after. The Greens, likewise, have undoubtedly noted the absence of any manner of environmental policy in the Speaker's ambitions. We all have our differences but, at the end of the day, the Rokkenjima we envision exists in the same universe and it's a Rokkenjima which would see any of our Parties capable of winning, and the others being civil and humble in accepting defeat. In Sugano, and Teikokutō, we have a wounded animal, seeking to retain whatever it may despite the math not being in their favour. If he retains his seat, with a Teikokutō House of Commons, this First Empire will look markedly different over the course of the next few months. I, with your support, will stop that and together we'll ensure this government functions for the People. The concerns which Sugano speaks to are non-issues; our foreign and intelligence policies do not involve the Speaker of the Councillors, I am confident I will be cleared of any wrong doing, and each day I'll be hard at work for the People of Rokkenjima as their next Speaker of the House of Councillors. He might have forgotten that I once served as Empress, multi-tasking and time management are of little challenge to me," the former Empress retorted.

When the votes came in Anselmo received 43 votes, gaining the unanimous support of the Centre, Socialist and Green parties to become Speaker. In the House of Commons Teikokutō member Yasuda Mitsuru was elected as Speaker. A political protege of Sugano, she promised to "see the work of Speaker Sugano, and yes he's still our Speaker, is accomplished. This House will pass a comprehensive bill which will see that foreign implants in our Government are removed, that Rokkenjima is returned 100% to the Rokkenjiman People, and that we restore the sovereignty of Chrysanthemum Throne on behalf of the Rokkenjiman People."

Responding to the agenda of the Speaker of the Commons Speaker Anselmo found her palm on her face momentarily. "Let them pass their bills, I guess? The House of Councillors will naturally support good legislation which benefits the Empire, however, we will be a legislative graveyard for the worst impulses of Teikokutō; whether that be making the lives of foreigners living in Rokkenjima more difficult, ceasing immigration or targeting any person within our borders because they are "impure". Teikokutō may hold the Commons but the People put in place a safeguard by denying Teikokutō continued reign over the House of Councillors. Might I also remind Speaker Yasuda that she's an issue of five, an issue our coalition in the Commons is looking forward to working with to ensure that must-pass legislation makes its way through the Diet?"

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #371 on: July 27, 2024, 12:44:42 AM »

Anselmo Passes The Reigns To Sadow Masako After Most Productive 48 Hours In Diet History

Speaker Anselmo, navigating the fractured nature of the Imperial Diet through coordination between the House and the Councillors, achieved her aims in seeking the Speakership.

Utilizing the contacts she made within the House of Commons and rallying the coalition in the House of Councillors Speaker Anselmo, in a marathon session, saw the passage of five key bills which fulfilled her promises on the campaign trail before announcing that she would be stepping down. In a largely ceremonial affair the House of Councillors selected Councillor Sadow Masako of the Socialist Party to succeed Mrs. Anselmo. "I did what I came here to do," Anselmo shared with the RBC, "and with these five cornerstone pieces of legislation we've neutered the agenda of Teikokutō and ensured that Rokkenjiman democracy lives to see another day. To be certain I have my regrets," she paused, "but in Sadow Masako I see a kindred spirit and while we may belong to different parties, her and I are very much citizens of this First Empire of Rokkenjima and I place my trust in her hands to ensure the future viability and vibrancy of our Empire, but also to support our Empress when those moments inevitably arise."

The five acts in question are as follows:

Quote from: Acts Passed
Rokkenjiman Democracy Enrichment Act:
Objective: To enhance democratic participation, education and transparency.
Key Provisions:
  • Lower the voting age to 18.
  • Expand the services of YourVoice.rk, a platform for citizen engagement and feedback, including content from independent third party sources to inform the electorate on candidates, party platforms, and legislation currently before the Imperial Diet.
  • Implement measures to increase voter turnout and political awareness among young citizens.

Economic Prosperity and Stability Act:
Objective: To boost economic growth and stability.
Key Provisions:
  • Provide incentives and support for small businesses and startups across Rokkenjima.
  • Attract foreign investment through favorable policies and tax breaks.
  • Further develop the Azukishima Free Trade Zone to facilitate international trade and economic cooperation.

Social Equality and Rights Protection Act:
Objective: To ensure equal rights and opportunities for all citizens.
Key Provisions:
  • Enforce anti-discrimination laws to protect marginalized communities, including the LGBTQ community and protect all dual nationals living in Rokkenjima.
  • Strengthen gender equality in the workplace and public life.
  • Enhance social services and support systems for vulnerable populations and make illegal any efforts to deport foreigners or restrict reasonable immigration to Rokkenjima.
  • Establish under Rokkenjiman law that Rokkenjiman citizenship is the only national-based criteria upon which consideration for jobs in the Imperial Government will be considered.

Global Defense and Diplomacy Enhancement Act:
Objective: To strengthen national defense and international relations.
Key Provisions:
  • Increase funding and resources for the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces and Imperial Diplomatic Corps, with a focus on diplomatic, rather than military, solutions.
  • Expand the capabilities and reach of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps through increased funding and training.
  • Foster international alliances and partnerships to enhance global security and cooperation.

Environmental Sustainability Act:
Objective: To promote environmental protection and sustainable practices.
Key Provisions:
  • Implement policies to phase out single-use plastics and encourage recycling.
  • Support the development and broader adoption of green energy technologies.
  • Create incentives for businesses and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint while fining companies for not taking reasonable steps requiring individuals and businesses to take such steps.

Upon the passage of the Acts and the subsequent transition to Speaker Sadow the former Speaker offered some remorse. "I knew from the moment I embarked on this path my time would be short, but that I would have to make the most of that time," she began. "Due to the great work between Centre, Socialist and Green, as well as those of Teikokutō of common sense in both Houses, we've seen the Acts passed which needed to be passed, we've neutered Teikokutō's agenda and, in Speaker Sadow, I have someone I can trust to continue the work in being a vigilant defender of Rokkenjiman democracy and a voice in our Government which has my girl's back, always. It may be bitter sweet, for many beyond myself, but I had one job in mind when I ran for Speaker, and my job has been successful. No Diet in the history of our Empire has accomplished more than we have in a mere 48 hours and, while I'd have liked to expand that time, I am comfortable in being a member of the House of Councillors who will represent the voices and wills of my People and present them to Pyrettania each and every day. I recognize that many would look to me, and not Asuna, if I maintained a prominent role in our Government, and that would not be fair to her. I did my job, and now it's upon me to step back and allow others to do theirs and support their efforts along the way. I thank all who supported me, both my voters and my colleagues in the House of Councillors, now let us ensure that Speaker Sadow is just as successful as I was, and even more so. Thank you."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #372 on: July 31, 2024, 09:06:18 PM »

Speaker Sadow Speaks For First Time Since Transition

Speaker Sadow Masako called the shoes left for her to fill "large" and the duty to continuing the fight of Centre Leader Anselmo "imperative to the future of our First Empire."

"While I thank Speaker Anselmo for her stewardship following the fall of Sugano, I have to recognize the losses both my party, and the Green Party, were mostly to the Centre Party; I will not be a Socialist Speaker of this House of Councillors but a consensus Speaker," Sadow said in remarks to the RBC following the transition. "That's the only way we're going to preserve the Coalition, continue to carry the flag Leader Anselmo raised when she was elected Speaker, follow her example in passing legislation which benefits our people and, ultimately, defeating Teikokutō and that which they stand for. Whether Centre expands its presence in this Chamber and the House of Commons, whether my own party makes up lost ground from the election or the Greens surge, as long as Teikokutō is a threat it is my first priority to see that our coalition sets aside all policy differences and comes together in the moments that matter. We can debate our differences, we cannot, however, ever grow comfortable and inadvertently leave the door open for a Teikokutō surprise in the future," she continued.

According to sources close to the matter following Leader Anselmo's stepping down there were those in the coalition, which includes disenfranchised members of Teikokutō, of its future viability. Leader Anselmo assured them that Speaker Sadow "enjoys my full faith and trust as our next Speaker" and that she had "no doubts that Speaker Sadow shares my convictions in guiding this First Empire always toward the arc of justice, principle and reverence for our values as a nation, and if anyone has concerns I am still the leader of the Centre Party, as such I will see that any concerns are resolved before they become a problem. The partnership we originally forged still exists, yet now I am able to lend my vote in our Chamber whereas before I was precluded from doing so."

"The shoes before me to fill are certainly large," Speaker Sadow shared, "but I am confident in my ability to continue the work of Leader Anselmo as it's imperative to the very future of our First Empire that we succeed. Everything, from our very principles to our standing in the world, depends on the success of our coalition and I will not take any day, or any legislative victory, for granted. The work of Leader Anselmo to ensure a smooth transition, to bring the support network she built not just in our Chamber but in the Commons as well, leads me to believe that our prospects for success are good, but I can't take even that for granted. Every vote, every piece of legislation, we'll have to fight on the presumption that we'll lose because, the alternative of complacency, is a luxury we cannot afford. While she is no longer Speaker, allow me to ensure that her tenure continues through carrying the banner on her behalf. On behalf of the coalition, of those Rokkenjimans who voted against a Teikokutō future, we will not take the future Leader Anselmo bought for us for granted and we'll fight each and every day to see that her vision, her mission, is not one that fails. We are the stewards of renewed hope and possibility, and we'll see that the seeds Leader Anselmo planted are fertilized and allowed to blossom into a beautiful, functional and multifaceted Rokkenjiman Democracy."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #373 on: August 06, 2024, 01:03:40 AM »

Empress Appeals To Community Of Nations In Rowe Trial

"We must ensure that no notion of bias may ever enter into the equation of his conviction, even in the hypothetical." the Empress stated as she made her request.

"I cannot allow any measure of doubt into the process which would, eventually, see him convicted of his crimes against this First Empire or our people," the Empress said in remarks to the RBC. "As such, he cannot be tried and judged by so many men and women who once served under him so," she paused, "I appeal to the community of nations to lend those in your armed forces, intelligence services and associated bodies to assist us in bringing one former Grand Marshal Alex Rowe to face a fair trial. While my mind calls upon me to see that he stands for punishment for his actions against the First Empire my heart guides me toward ensuring the process is unquestionably just and fair; I am unable to do that without an international presence in that process though. For us to put this chapter firmly behind us it is upon me to appeal to the international community to ensure the process is fair, beyond reproach, and to ensure this First Empire does not have to revisit this darkest of chapters ever again."

As the Empress made her appeal to international partners many in Rokkenjima took to social media, with the hashtag #HangTheBastard trending at number one for several hours. "We won't do that," the Empress said, "but I'm confident he'll face a fate much worse than death, he'll be imprisoned for the rest of his natural born life, never again to enjoy the sun or the air freely upon his skin. He'll live with what he did, he'll reflect on his actions for every day he lives on this world, and he'll die with great shame if we make our case strongly enough. His execution would say more about us, as a people, than it would say about his crimes," she continued, "so please, cool it with the celebrations of potential death maybe? I, no we, can do much worse to him than killing him. We can ensure the rest of his life is lived in shame so, to the nations of Mundus, lend me your best in judging and sentencing Alexander Rowe."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #374 on: August 08, 2024, 01:18:15 AM »

IRAF Hold Parade In Pyrettania

Rokkenjima celebrates its victory in the Anselmo Restoration through a display of military might. The parade also featured an appearance of the Sirius-C MBT.

Countless onlookers lined the streets of Pyrettania as the First Empire reflected upon its victory over the Federal Republic which resulted in the Anselmo Restoration while reflecting on the successful efforts of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Ground Forces (IRGF) as they close in on their recruitment goals. While the "constant defense" along the border shared with the Empire of Fusan is no longer a component of the build-up IRGF numbers improved to some 310,000 soldiers, addressing what had become a glaring weakness in Rokkenjima's military readiness. Also featured prominently was the Sirius-C Main Battle Tank, which is slated to replace the Sirius over the course of the coming years. Whilst scaled down from past events, due to deployments in various waters across Mundus, the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy maintained a commanding presence in Her Imperial Majesty's Review of Her Fleet, which the Empress enjoyed from the shores of Ashinxao.

"The capacity of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces, to not only protect our own shores but to support our allies, international partners and states in perilous situations, has never been greater," the Empress shared in remarks to the RBC. "Our forces today are acting in concert with our friends and allies to display our capacity to those who might act first without thinking, we're supporting our ADSN partners on the issue of Troyes, and as we saw in respect to Kalasin and Kusan, those who seek to harm the lives of the Rokkenjiman People, those who wish to bring violence to our shores, will face a certain, devastating and most resolute answer in kind. Those who harm our allies and friends will find themselves in our crosshairs and when we shoot, we will not miss. Violence will never be the first resort of this First Empire, but if it is employed upon us, or those we care for, or those in need of defense first, we will employ it to bring a most certain end to the threat at hand. Rokkenjima has long been a nation desiring peace and harmony amongst all nations, and while we'll continue to hold steadfast to those desires we won't be naive in believing all share those same ambitions. There will be those who seek to hit us, perhaps they'll attempt to do so, and as such we must ensure we're capable of answering such events in a manner which will resolve the situation fully in our favour."

Joining the Empress was a cohort of Rokkenjiman elites, in addition to her fiance, to observe both the parade and Fleet Review. "I am so proud of the many brave, young Rokkenjimans who have answered the call to serve your Empire. Not one day passes that your lives hang in the balance of my decisions and I promise all of you that I will never, ever, send you into harm's way unless it is to defend our shores, to defend our allies, or to protect those incapable of defending themselves. We must see that our shores are secured, that we stand always by our allies and see that no harm comes to them, and to do that which is perhaps the highest calling of the Rosari Faithful; to protect those most at risk, those that have no other voice in their corner. Together, with your help, we've built an IRAF that is not only capable of meeting those objectives, but one which is capable of ensuring them first through deterrence, even before the first bullet flies. My mother, Empress Saisei, rebuilt our revered Armed Forces to fight the Soviets and their ilk; today, we maintain and expand these Armed Forces for an even greater and higher calling: keeping imperialism at bay, protecting those less capable, and using our might to support causes which are just and necessary. Thank you all, and may we continue to see our voice, and our force, as ones which history looks back upon as supporting the right voices in any situation before us."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #375 on: August 10, 2024, 12:58:59 AM »

House Of Councillors Kills Theocracy Recognition Act

Teikokutō managed to win over a handful of those in the House of Commons who considered the designation of the Benne Gesserit as terrorists "outdated".

While an Act was passed by the House of Commons which would have seen the terrorist designation imposed upon the Benne Gesserit under the Terrorist Enterprises Act revoked and, likewise, removing the Theocracy of Kaitaine as a state sponsor of terror while opening the door to normalization between the First Empire and the Theocracy, Speaker Sadow held the lines in the House of Councillors. Whilst the Commons saw 30 defections to vote for the Teikokutō act just one Socialist, one Centre and one Green Councillor broke ranks to support the measure. "The nays have the vote," Speaker Sadow said as she thrust the gavel down, "the Theocracy Recognition Act has failed to pass."

"This was the expected result," said Commons Speaker Yasuda. "While you won't see every Act passed by the Diet or signed into law, once in a while, it is good to place people in a position where they'll have a recorded vote on a matter on their record. What the House of Councillors have done today is continued the tone set by Empress Evanthe some three years ago when she personally blocked a move to recognize the Theocracy, instead supporting a program which sent billions of Ducats to Soviet Kaitaine under the auspices of "strategic security" grants. The same nation that stood so steadfast against the USR and the Warsaw Pact, this First Empire, was all to happy to send hundreds of billions to soviets in Kaitaine and begrudgingly ceased such annual payments? So we'll continue to condemn an entire faith, and nation, continue to label them as terrorists, because some in Pyrettania can't admit they were wrong."

"Most faiths don't try to steal nuclear materials, and I'm fairly confident they don't employ children as soldiers but, here we are, that is their record" Speaker Sadow said in her own remarks. "My counterpart in the Commons saw fit to see an Act that is wholly dead on arrival in the Councillors placed before us and, knowing the result, wasted time which could have been better spent on matters of actual importance to the Rokkenjiman People. For these reasons, amongst many other, Rokkenjima will not be changing its stance on the Theocracy, nor on the Benne Gesserit; they'll remain recognized as a terrorist enterprise, the Theocracy as a state sponsor of terrorism, and states who support either as state sponsors of terror by association."

The Imperial Palace declined to comment on the moves in the Diet beyond stating "that the democratic institutions of the First Empire have rendered a decision without the involvement of the Empress is one step forward toward the dreams of the Saisei Empress and her vision which birthed Rokkenjiman Democracy. The Empress will not intervene in this matter as the Imperial Diet has rendered its decision, even if it is along the lines of division, just as they were sent by the Rokkenjiman People to do."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #376 on: August 11, 2024, 11:35:59 PM »

IRN Signs With Abstergo For Additional Naval Stealth Fighter Capacity

Alongside the RK80-N, the RK81-N is slated to expand Rokkenjima's airborne capabilities at sea.

Envoking imagery from the swept-wing era of the 1970s the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy has contracted with Abstergo Industries  to supplement the current fleet of RK-80Ns with a new aircraft, the RK-81N. While some have noted a visual appearance to the Tytorian AS-60 Raven Abstergo has said the design is "a natural evolution of current Rokkenjiman platforms, and one which utilizes our experience in indigenous production capacity as well as keeping in mind out interoperability needs for the IRN in integrating with broader actions with the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces. We've a fine platform in the RK-80, and now we've a fine partner in the IRN in the RK-81N to maintain our security, our safety, as well as that of our partners and allies. This new plane will allow us to strike deep into enemy territory, likely before they even realize they were struck," a spokesperson for Abstergo shared with the RBC.

Whilst the Imperial Palace has said their interest in the AS-60 Raven remains they've added that "domestic capacity has always been there to provide the solutions we sought in Rokkenjiman purchases of the AS-60 Raven. We've a fine plane in the RK-80 which is, for all intents and purposes, an equivalent or superior plane to the Raven, a fine naval plane in the RK-80N, and an even finer option with the RK-81N. For every plane we build here on Rokkenjiman soil we're more secure, and just as the IRN has received world-class submarines to accomplish their mission, we're happy to see the IRAF and IRNAF receive options to accomplish their missions. This partnership with Abstergo will secure our interests long into the future."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #377 on: August 15, 2024, 01:26:19 AM »

Madam Leader: Anselmo Speaks On Crucial Work Of The Councillors

Councillor Anselmo, Leader of the Centre Party, took some time to speak with the RBC.

Taking advantage of a warm day in Pyrettania the former Speaker of the Councillors strolled with me on the grounds of the Imperial Diet and spoke of the work the House of Councillors has accomplished so far, what goals lay next to be achieved, and the decision to step down as Speaker after leading a marathon session of the Imperial Diet which saw the most productive 48 hours in the history of the legislature. "It was for all intents and purposes an inoculation," she said of that session, "just as one looks after their children through the administration of vaccines and other preventative measures I had one duty as Speaker: to inoculate Rokkenjima's democracy and provide it with the pillars to support it long into the future while giving the Empress additional tools to support our democracy at home and build meaningful and lasting connections with our global neighbours. Once that duty was successfully realized, in order to best support the Empress and as I said before not be a figure people would look to instead; I had my time upon the Throne, and I couldn't allow my position to undermine her or her reign. Certainly, while the decision itself was simple, that doesn't mean it wasn't bitter sweet all the same; building coalitions, whipping votes, finding compromise with those across the aisle, I think I did quite well with the short time I had but in order to see my work stood the test of time, I had to step back because Rokkenjimans must look forward and it is best that we begin to do so now; I won't always be here, after all, so let's do that now while I'm here to ensure the transition to the era of Asuna is most successful."

Continuing, Madam Leader smiled, "I need not be Speaker of the Councillors to support the crucial and necessary work of our chamber. As Centre Leader I'm working with many gifted legislators to craft Acts which will benefit our People, expand the potential and horizons of our First Empire, and to ensure we hold to our values and that the attempts to hijack the spirit of the Empire by those across the aisle are set to fail. In addition to measures to expand participation in our democracy we're focusing on the educational side of the equation, updating text books used since my Era to reflect the Rokkenjima in which we all now live. In the immediate years following the Anselmo Restoration it was necessary to have a bulwark Chrysanthemum, at least until we could see public trust in elected officials grow to a point where concerns of a second Federal Republic had been most certainly laid to rest. That was a great challenge throughout my reign; when each opportunity presented itself I worked tirelessly to shed the absolute position of Chrysanthemum Throne and see more responsibility, more authority, in the hands of those elected by the People and while the success of those efforts ultimately culminated long after my reign had ended, the day that the amended Constitution passed the Diet was one I could celebrate as the greatest victory of my reign. The seeds were sewn, the grounds nurtured, and the Empress, my beloved daughter, ensured the sun shone on a day where Rokkenjima finally stood itself aligned with all it professed and espoused in the Anselmo Restoration. We've now a democracy, if we can keep it, and I am confident that we can after the tests of Offdensen and Sugano. The days may have been tense, the concerns very real, but we rose to each of those challenges and turned the tide back, and I couldn't be more proud of the Empress, this Imperial Diet, or my People in navigating those challenging times successfully."

We concluded our walk on the grounds with a question: do you regret anything? "Naturally, it is human nature to regret the paths not taken, after all I was quite effective as Speaker and after that first session, I wonder just how much more I could have accomplished if I persisted at the steering wheel so to say. I still maintain that my decision was the right one, I'm thankful to still be a part of the process as Centre Leader, but I'll add to that by saying Speaker Sadow has my full and unconditional support. She's a brilliant woman, and I'm certain she'll see that the work I did to build a foundation will flourish as we move into the future. For myself, I'm happy to represent the voices of Azukishima Prefecture as their favoured Councillor and, together, all of us will work toward the Rokkenjima we truly are, healing the scars of these two recent crises of character. Men like Offdensen and Sugano only win when those of moral character are silent, they win when apathy is the default, and as we've seen twice neither of those conditions exist. We can't grow complacent, not now and not ever, the work we began when we took back the Imperial Diet continues and does not have an end date, but we've got this. Together, we'll see each day forward is that much brighter for the First Empire."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #378 on: August 15, 2024, 02:07:23 AM »

Imperial Councillor Defends 2024  र220bn ($407bn) Defence Budget

Councillor for Defence Rei Katayama defended Rokkenjiman defense spending following debate in the Imperial Diet.

"Quite simply, our history has shown us what happens when Rokkenjima does not have an adequate defense," Councillor Katayama said in remarks following a briefing at the Ministry for Defense in Pyrettania. "In the Great Patriotic War we saw capitalist vultures, backed by those in Themata, descend upon Rokkenjima and attempt to destroy our culture and pick clean from the bones anything they could exploit to the highest bidder. Before that, we saw Imperial Ardia attempt to destroy our culture and exploit the Rokkenjiman People so they might live lives of luxury and opulence; replacing our revered Divine with Christianity. We saw the Soviets, in all their bravado on the international stage, attempt to shape the world in their own image, necessitating Rokkenjima to rise to the challenge and build a military capable of containing their worst impulses. And while the Soviets and Warsaw fell there remains several challenges in the international landscape that mandates Rokkenjima maintain a military capacity not only to defend our First Empire, but also to combat terrorism and extremism wherever it may exist; to do that, we must ensure our "two plus a half" doctrine is maintained. This demands more soldiers, deployments of our carriers, and the ever-present reach of the IRN submersible fleet across the oceans of Mundus. The cost of freedom, of democracy itself, is eternal vigilance, and that is the mandate which the Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces answer to each and every day."

"The Diet may make noise," she continued, "but at the end of the day we have to make the decisions which ensure the protection of Rokkenjima and our allies, to see that each day lived by our Peoples are lived in freedom, and there is no cost not worth spending in that pursuit. Arguments that the IRAF should be a "regional force" as one member of the Diet said are quite simply balderdash; a "regional" IRAF would not be able to project the strength necessary to meet the defense requirements we presently face and would open the door to all manner of threats which the First Empire faces. Under my stewardship we'll see the assets of the IRAF utilized more in the support of the policies of our Empire, to support every effort to make Mundus more fair and equitable, and to stir fear in every would-be human rights abuser or wanna-be dictator wherever they may reside. This spending is not frivolous, it is most certainly necessary," she paused, "and let me ask you a question: do you feel we spend too much on the defense of our Empire and our values?"

Our reporter noted their adherence to neutrality, "Respectable, of course for a journalist," Katayama said in response, "but even you must recognize our mission. Many argued following the fall of the Soviets that Rokkenjima should enjoy a "peace dividend" but, in my eyes, that is merely an excuse to exude weakness. We can never be weak again though, and we can never allow for a situation which would see foreign actors capable of determining events within our region, especially within our borders, with absolute impunity. So we make the decision to spend what must be spent, and we ensure our young men and women have all the support they need to successfully achieve whatever mission is before them. I, for one, will always be a strong advocate for our service members, which is why this new budget will be put to great use to ensure not only the interests of the First Empire, but those on the front lines fighting on our behalf. I have a goal," she said before concluding our interview, "that not one Ducat spent on the IRAF is wasted, that every Ducat spent benefits, directly, our First Empire and our allies, and I'll see that record remains spotless."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #379 on: August 17, 2024, 02:17:39 AM »

Teikokutō Fueling Independence Movement in Fukadomari; Referendum In Shōkan Prefecture

A wounded Teikokutō is employing unexpected maneuvers to cause a measure of chaos in Pyrettania via actions in Fukadomari and Shōkan Prefecture.

Teikokutō are spending millions of Ducats in the Grand Duchy of Fukadomari calling for "the return of independence to Fukadomari, which once existed as a proud island nation in the Dauntel Sea, yet had its independence stripped from it by an expansionist Azukishima. Fukadomari stands to gain much more as an independent state and a financial windfall via tariffs and other duties which could be imposed upon the First Empire for the continued use of Sentāpōto as the heart of Imperial trade. Yet more could be made by establishing terms of rent for the Naval and Air bases upon Fukadomari soil, all while allowing for the people of Fukadomari to determine their course instead of being dominated by the concerns of Pyrettania," the words of a campaign posted across social media read.

The effort is a tricky one certainly, as the present arrangement between the Grand Duchy and the First Empire enjoys broad support across the populace while the Grand Duchess enjoys high support ratings herself. The campaign has moved the needle somewhat, from 9% seeking the option of independence prior to its start to 14% desiring the option today. "I urge the People of Fukadomari to ignore the noise made by traitors to everything we, as Fukadomari-Rokkenjimans, hold faith in," the Grand Duchess shared in remarks to the RBC. "The mutually beneficial relationship between the Grand Duchy and the First Empire is one which has enabled us to enjoy one of the highest standards of living in our region, and while independence was once sought it was sought by a generation of Fukadomari who are no longer with us; indeed, we're a generation removed from such a time. I ask for your support when I say that I will see the failure of any measure which would precipitate a change to our relationship with the First Empire via my right to withhold consent."

Meanwhile in Shōkan Prefecture, consisting of the isles of Suisenjima and Akarishima which saw fire exchanged between Rokkenjima and Fusan, Teikokutō is seeking a referendum asking the following:

Quote from: Proposed Referendum
What future do you wish for Shōkan Prefecture?
  • As a Prefecture of the First Empire of Rokkenjima
  • As a Prefecture of the Empire of Fusan
  • As an independent entity

Despite heavy spending and advertising thus far the proposed referendum, to date, lacks the necessary support to be put before the people of Shōkan Prefecture however has drawn the attention of the Empress herself. "I see that Teikokutō have delivered my wedding gift, albeit a few days early, and while I wish I could say I'm surprised they're attempting to sow the seeds of division in Shōkan and Fukadomari, I simply can't. Since becoming a Prefecture of Rokkenjima we've seen great things done in Shōkan Prefecture, from remedial efforts following the brief troubles with the Empire to seeing that the standards of living in Shōkan are raised closer to those throughout the rest of the First Empire. This referendum they seek is not for you, it's to hurt us, it's to distract the attention of Chrysanthemum Throne from the tasks before it, and I trust you'll all see it precisely for what it is. Show them you're not foolish, deny them their referendum and please, in the next election, send them home. They're not working for you, they're working for Sugano and his bruised ego; and while he's doing all he can do to hurt me, he's doing so because I stand in the way of him hurting you and while Shōkan may be the youngest of our Prefectures, that doesn't mean that your concerns aren't at the centre of my attention. Just yesterday I signed an Act which will see a vast array of infrastructure improvements across Shōkan, all of which will lead to improvements in your daily lives. I'm sorry that Teikokutō has made you a battle ground, but I promise you, I won't ever seek to exploit you or your needs for any gain; I'll just try to do what I do for each and every citizen of this First Empire every day in making your lives better."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #380 on: August 20, 2024, 12:53:26 AM »

Specialized Assault Team Deployed In Suisenjima Following Clashes

The Specialized Assault Team of Shōkan Prefecture was dispatched to restore order following protests which turned into violence and looting in Nakagata, Suisenjima.

In an attempt to restore order in Nakagata, Suisenjima, the Specialized Assault Team was deployed following reports of violence, looting, and the ransacking of the local Nakagata Police Station. As efforts to effect a referendum as to the future of Shōkan Prefecture seemed to lack traction protesters gathered in Nakagata, the largest city in Suisenjima, drawing counter-protestors who prefer the status-quo. Shouting between the two groups devolved from that point, with witnesses indicating those of the pro-independence and pro-Fusanese faction threw the first blows. Local police were soon overwhelmed as the violence spread, with reports of looting quickly finding their way to social media. At its apex the riot saw the ransacking and occupation of Nakagata Central Station which, at time of publication, is still within the hands of rioters.

Following coordination with the Imperial Palace the Specialized Assault Team of the Shōkan Prefectural Police were activated, however, the situation within the city remains tense. At present the SAT is coordinating with the Shōkan Defensive Reserve should present plans to quell the riot, evict those occupying Nakagata Central Station and ensure the resumption of orderly conduct are not successful on this first round of actions. A curfew of 6 PM AST has been imposed across Suisenjima to dissuade a broadening of the chaos.

The Imperial Naval Intelligence Service, which has been analyzing signals intelligence since the outbreak of the unrest, has not ruled out the possibility that Teikokutō has had a hand in fomenting the present situation. "While I cannot go into great detail as this is an ongoing investigation of the INIS, I can state that there are certain things I've become privy to that will require further investigations, and actions, on behalf of the INIS. We continue to provide an open line of intelligence to those of the SAT and the Shōkan Defensive Reserve and while I am glad they've not yet been called upon for direct involvement, we will support all efforts to see these rioters, provoked or otherwise, are prevented from upending good social order. We will also see that those who provoked these actions are held duly accountable under the Insurrection and Insubordination Act of 1904," Tamaki Kado, Director of the INIS, stated to the RBC.

The Empress, despite welcoming foreign dignitaries and preparing to embark upon the first ceremonies of her wedding in the coming hours, is expected to address the situation with the public in the coming hours. "The Empress maintains full faith in all civil officers of the First Empire, and the Rokkenjiman People themselves, to approach this situation with the delicate care which is mandated by it. The Empress is aware of social media posts, as well as signals intelligence, which points to the deliberate manufacturing of these unfortunate events and will address the situation accordingly," a statement from the Imperial Palace read.

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #381 on: August 27, 2024, 03:22:13 AM »

Eiryū Class To Replace Remaining Eleanor Class Carriers, Battleships

"Having identified the duties demanded of the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy, we have crafted a procurement program to best reinforce Rokkenjima's capacity," stated Councillor Rei.

Having reviewed the present and future needs of the IRAF Councillor Rei revealed plans to replace the Eleanor Class Carriers and the remaining Reverence Class Battleships with five further Eiryū Class Carriers. "The conditions which led to the reactivation of the Reverence Class no longer exist," the Councillor explained, "and with work moving forward on the Ryōshi Class Ordinance Ship we may finally see the Reverence Class removed from service. At present we are working with many localities throughout the First Empire to find berths for these ships where they will embark upon their final mission: as educational platforms which will enrich future generations of Rokkenjimans in the proud naval heritage of our Empire. Likewise, we are working to preserve two of the Eleanors, Eleanor as a museum here in Rokkenjima and Elsa as a museum in Jenka-Jenkinson. Having served as the forward-deployed carrier at QKNB we understand she has quite a following with the Dartfordians, and I can think of no better permanent home for her than the Kingdom."

Facilities at Rosa Shipyards, Luca Shipbuilders and Josai Naval Works have been contracted for the construction of the next three Eiryū carriers.

Councillor Rei also addressed a flag which has sparked some controversy in online discussions.

With recent online discussions mentioning a yellow flag depicting a cat with a snake in its mouth with the words "I'll tread wherever I want" being flown from the IRN Eiryū Councillor Rei took a moment to speak with the RBC on the matter. "It dates back to our storied history with the Ardian Empire," she began, "as you'll recall it wasn't until we sailed to their ports following the comprehensive naval build-up conducted by the Great Matriarch that we achieved the long-stated goal of the Empire of Azukishima: that the Ardian Empire would never again be in a position to dictate to us anything, that we were a free people. I understand that Captain Sakata has a presence about her, she's proud of her ship as she should be, and as a student well versed in Rokkenjiman naval history she shares our understanding that the IRN won't be constrained by any foreign force. The only force with the power to constrain the IRN is the Empress herself as the IRN serves as both her shield and her sword. We, as an Empire, were subdued twice: first by Imperial Ardia and then by the Federal Republic and having endured that humiliation twice the Anselmo Restoration ensured that wouldn't be possible a third time, hence the unofficial motto of the IRN has long been represented by that flag."

Finally, we asked the Councillor if reports that a modernization program for the RK-77D would delay an adoption of the RK-81 that Abstergo was contracted to build. "The RK-77 family is a proven platform and there are those within Imperial High Command that view it as one that could serve another twenty or thirty years. I don't believe we need a new option there yet and have prioritized budgeting toward upgrading our RK-77s across the board, from the initial batch acquired from the Fusanese prior to the Anselmo Restoration to those produced domestically under license. I know we've explored our own upgrade proposals on these air frames, and I've received countless emails that we should compare notes with the Fusanese in this sphere."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #382 on: August 28, 2024, 01:09:27 AM »

Imperial Diet Authorizes Export Version Of Sirius-C MBT

Following careful consideration the Imperial Diet has granted clearance for Abstergo to produce an export version of the Sirius-C MBT.

The Sirius-C MBT, the follow-up to the Sirius-B, is to be the first Rokkenjiman weapons platform cleared for export to nations beyond CSTO and Major Non-CSTO allies. According to the Defence Solutions Division Sirius C was designed to fulfill a "dominate and destroy" philosophy; indeed, with its 130mm New Generation Gun System (NGGS) Abstergo claims a 50% longer kill range than conventional 120mm systems which is supplemented by a 12.7 mm coaxial machine gun. In addition, loitering ammunition options in the form of the Halo 120 allows for a concentrated firepower solution allowing for long-range strike capability in multiple target engagements. Sirius-C is further equipped with outward facing cameras to provide the crew 360 degree visibility without exposure to enemy fire. A secondary 7.62mm machine gun, operated remotely  from within the tank, is capable of targeting drones as well as ground targets.

Utilizing four reconnaissance quadcopters from the turret Sirius-C is capable of conducting its own local reconnaissance operations thanks to a drone launcher being incorporated into the turret. With the addition of the aforementioned Halo 120 loitering munitions, each with a 60 minute flight time and 9 pound warhead, Sirius-C may engage targets beyond its line of sight, such as behind tree lines and hills. When designing Sirius-C Abstergo worked to reduce the weight from the current Sirius MBT; whereas a Sirius MBT weighs in at 64t a Sirius-C weighs in at just 59t, allowing for increased mobility beyond systems currently serving in the IRGF with speeds of upwards of 45mph forward and nearly 20mph in reverse.

To protect itself the Sirius-C adopts an integrated suitability approach incorporating both on and off-platform sensors joined by active, reactive and passive protection. Recognizing threats from above, Sirius-C has incorporated a dedicated top-attack protection system to thwart threats from above the tank, whilst the fast-acting Adora obscurant system conceals the tank from the observation of the enemy. These systems, in conjunction with loitering munitions and drone systems available to the tank, ensure a comprehensive ability to know the battlefield, maintain knowledge of conditions beyond the line of sight and, through that, the success of the mission at hand.

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #383 on: August 31, 2024, 03:04:33 AM »

Councillor Rei Speaks With Diet On Battleship Retirement

The Imperial Councillor for Defense explained why the IRN was moving away from "an increasingly expensive and obsolete platform."

"As I said when announcing this decision the conditions which saw Rokkenjiman battleships drawn back into service no longer exist," Councillor Rei said as she answered questions before the Armed Forces Committee of the House of Councillors. "The Arswydus-Class is no longer something the IRN has to account for and, as the only other nation which fields vessels such as the Reverence and Obeisance Class, the Empire of Fusan, has become a firm security and stability partner of the First Empire, any justification for the continued deployment of the battleship as a platform of the IRN has been removed. Some have shared concerns that firepower would be a concern, yet I would remind them of the capabilities of the Sovereign Class SSGN which can park 154 Tomahawk missiles anywhere we should need them; we hold this capacity now and it is a capacity which will serve the IRN well. This capacity will only be enhanced when the Ryōshi Class Ordinance Ship enters into service with the IRN, which many are considering a spiritual successor to what is an increasingly expensive and obsolete platform."

Edward Truden firing a broadside during the Kalasin conflict.

Members of the House of Councillors cited the recent actions of the Edward Truden while remarking on the expenses spent on the Susanoo Munition Program. "These capabilities are represented in other vessels and platforms utilized by the IRN, and I will remind you that the replacements for these ships, more Eiryū Class Carriers, will present more capable platforms for the IRN to complete its mission wherever it is called upon globally. The Obeisance Class does not possess the projection capabilities of the Eiryū Class which, in some cases, carries an air wing which rivals the power of the air forces of some nations. Our battleships have served us admirably, but the day has come for the tools of the previous era to be retired. We've much more effective platforms for the deployment of Rokkenjiman naval might, making room for them to serve our Empire and Empress is not only the correct decision, it's one which should have been made already."

Following the session the Imperial Diet approved the plan to retire the battleships, allowing them to become museum ships under the condition that they will be maintained in a condition to be reactivated should a national emergency demand such, for a period of ten years. Furthermore, Edward Truden is to become the symbolic flagship of the IRN although it will be maintained and will serve as a training vessel. "You can't always get everything you want," Councillor Rei said following the session, "although seeing their removal from the fleet as new Eiryū's enter is the ultimate victory. No one can deny that battleships are cool, I mean there's several things that are cool, but we've moved beyond them as better tools became available. I'm only thankful that the Empress did not take after her mother in sustaining this platform beyond its expiration date."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #384 on: September 11, 2024, 03:01:43 AM »

Director Kado Confirms INIS Detained Former Speaker For Questioning

"An investigation is ongoing into the incitement of violence in Shōkan Prefecture; Councillor Sugano is a person of interest in that investigation and as such he was questioned."

The Imperial Rokkenjiman Naval Intelligence Service confirmed that it had detained the former Speaker for questioning in regards to his role in fomenting violence in Shōkan Prefecture. "With an investigation that is ongoing into the incitement of violence in Shōkan Prefecture the former Speaker is a person of interest in that investigation, especially given the funds and operations of Teikokutō which led us to this present moment. He was detained as a person of interest in our investigation, which has indicated the highest levels of Teikokutō were involved in the plot in Shōkan as well as the developments in Fukadomari. These events are viewed as a coordinated effort against the Imperial Government and the domestic tranquility of Rokkenjima," Director Kado continued with the RBC.

"The former Speaker, I will note, was cooperative in our discussions and understands he may be called upon for further talks in our ongoing investigations. We take the situation in Suisenjima very seriously, indeed, I understand that the IRN will be visiting under the terms of our agreement with the Ardian Assembly. The restoration of order is something which the INIS is working in full concert with local authorities to ensure, and order will be restored I promise you. Teikokutō losing an election does not entail them the right to raise all hell throughout the outskirts of the First Empire; and thus far our investigation points to such a conclusion. If our continued discussions prove otherwise I'll let you know, however, the institutions of the First Empire will not allow for their attempts to succeed. I look forward to the continued cooperation of the former Speaker, and I trust he knows the alternative to that cooperation would not bode well for his affairs or those of his Party."

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #385 on: September 13, 2024, 12:41:41 AM »

Space Shuttle Ensei Disaster Tied To Rowe

Space Shuttle Ensei, which suffered a "catastrophic failure" shortly after launch, has now been declared an act of sabotage.

Following an intensive investigation the Imperial Government has concluded that the cause of the tragic loss of Space Shuttle Ensei was not due to any defect, structural or otherwise, but the malicious use of code transmitted to the shuttle shortly after launch. The code, implemented in a time prior to satellites and other manners of manipulating other objects in orbit, was intended to be utilized only when every other protocol had been exhausted to render a safe and controlled re-entry impossible. Removal of the protocol from the Hakken Program had been overlooked upon the resumption of the program, as "malicious use of Protocol [REDACTED] was not considered a possibility as institutions with knowledge of the Protocol are trusted actors within Rokkenjiman aerospace and defense circles," according to the Report.

The protocol was transmitted to Space Shuttle Ensei 67 seconds after launch resulting in the deaths of all 10 astronauts on board and resulted in the grounding of the Hakken Program "for the foreseeable future" according to ISEA's position at the time. With the cause of the disaster determined to be malicious, rather than due to defect, ISEA has cleared the Hakken Program to resume flights and has authorized the construction of two orbiters. The Imperial Government announced that it would be pursuing ten counts of murder against Alex Rowe, as well as further prosecution under Rokkenjiman terrorism law, in conjunction with international proceedings against him. "We will pursue the full course of justice against him for these crimes," the Empress stated simply.

Beatrice Anselmo
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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #386 on: September 17, 2024, 11:34:22 PM »

Meishō Strike Group, Angel Deploy To Centralia

IRN Meishō has departed QKNB in a scheduled rotation of assets and an updated assessment of the situaiton.

Carrier Airwing Seven, Kōgō no Kaze (皇帝の風), embarked with the Meishō Strike Group in a rotation of forces dedicated to the Rokkenjiman deployment to Centralia. The Strike Group, joined by hospital ship IRV Angel, relieves the two destroyers and hospital ship already deployed to the war-torn nation. Speaking with the RBC on the rotation Grand Marshall Forrester said that "the decision to deploy the Strike Group was made after a review of conditions as they exist in the present day, to uphold the conditions promised in our initial deployment to Centralia, and to act as a force which lends itself to reinforcing conditions fertile to stability and a way forward for the Centralian People to place this time of unrest behind them. We have authorized our forces to extend the protections offered by Valiant Shield to civilian areas, while utilizing assets of the Strike Group to continue in Rokkenjima's humanitarian mission to Centralia, itself centred around IRV Angel."

With IRN Meishō departing QKNB the Imperial Rokkenjiman Navy has dispatched IRN Saisei alongside Carrier Airwing Three,  Hikari no Senshi (光の戦士), to maintain Rokkenjima's forward deployment in the Eastern Kyne. "The First Empire remains a committed partner in the process towards a Centralia which is once again peaceful. We recognize that the path to such a conclusion is fraught with difficulties, however, we will not let that dissuade us from success," a statement from the Imperial Palace read. Of concern to the adjustment of the Rokkenjiman presence in the region is the Stalinist elements which hold ties to the USR. "Adherents to the ideologies of Stalin must never be allowed any platform from which to operate," an official familiar with the matter shared off the record, "thus I expect this beefed up deployment is meant to further support the position of the Federal Government which many in Pyrettania see as the "least worst" option."

Meishō Strike Group Composition:

Meishō Class Carrier Meishō
Steadfast Class Cruisers Crescent and Pride of Lydcaer
Mizuchi Class Destroyers Excelsior, Kraken and Siren
Rorqual Class SSNs Ambush and Tireless
Sovereign Class SSGN Prudence

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #387 on: September 21, 2024, 03:28:14 AM »

Abstergo Cracks $2 Trillion Market Cap

Abstergo Industries is poised to exit 2024 with a market cap of over $2.15tn (र1.6tn) thanks to the strong performance of aOS, nexus and Lexa AI.

"What can I say, we've done it," Albert Relkin said in an earnings call, "and we beat our target. Not only is Abstergo the first trillion-Ducat company in Rokkenjiman history, we're nearly the first two-trillion ducat company in Rokkenjiman history. This is, naturally, due to us focusing on our core strengths: aOS, nexus, Lexa and defence. The work we've seen alone from the Lexa team has been remarkable, essentially leapfrogging the competition in the enhancements we've seen to the backbone that powers Lexa while delivering a better experience to our consumers across the board. While we've seen Lexa perform well on pre-2023 devices the enhanced experienced promised by Pineapple has seen sales increase in both the aOS and nexus markets, with each up 12% and 17% respectively over previous year sales. Indeed, aOS has exceeded our expectations from my prior remarks on the matter and has secured 72% of the domestic market; our nearest mobile competitor holds just 12%," Relkin shared with a smile.

"Pineapple has proven itself a boon to our position," he continued, "and to see the results of their research out in the world has been something else. We're powering the future with our work and I am proud of our team to deliver an update to Lexa that changes the entirety of the AI field. Lexa has moved beyond basic understanding to more advanced decision making, and that is something that will benefit every user of an aOS or nexus powered device and we're thankful that our customers are along with us on the ride to a future which is more advanced, one which makes our lives easier thanks to these advancements. If you told me yesterday that Lexa would be among the top 80% of those testing in the Imperial Mathematics Olympiad I'd have questioned it, but the data doesn't lie."

When asked what Abstergo would do next Relkin shrugged, "I can't offer you all of our secrets, that would take the fun out of it. Good things are in store though, and our refresh of aOS and nexus computers will bring smiles to consumers in all categories. That's all I'm willing to indulge there."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #388 on: October 19, 2024, 06:57:14 AM »

Chrysanthemum Purity Referendum Fails To Gain Support

A Teikokutō effort which would have called for a referendum petitioning Chrysanthemum Throne to initiate the process for an amendment to the Constitution has failed to gain the necessary support to move forward. Councillor Sugano has said their efforts "would not end at this point."

"We must ensure the purity of our Empire," Councillor Sugano said to a crowd estimated at 1,500 people just outside the grounds of the Imperial Diet, "not only to preserve Rokkenjima as a home first and foremost for the Rokkenjiman People, but to inoculate our Empire from foreign corrosive influences." The Councillor was speaking of a Teikokutō sponsored effort to force a referendum which would have called for the issuance of an Imperial Order to amend the Rokkenjiman Constitution to preclude "any member of the Imperial Family who weds a foreigner from the line of succession....or to remove from any position in the Imperial Government a member of the Imperial Family who has wed a foreigner." The proposal failed to gain the necessary support for consideration falling short of the threshold of support by a significant margin. Still, Councillor Sugano said that the efforts of his party "would not end at this point, nor on this day."

"One only needs to look at the Imperial Palace to see why this common-sense measure is necessary," he said, "you've the Achkaerinese walking about in the open holding positions which Rokkenjimans should hold, you've the Empress who turned her nose up at even considering a relationship with a Rokkenjiman noble to marry a Tytorian, a mere Earl no less, and then we have Princess Sophia who's perhaps the most worrisome of the lot through her relations with a Toshikowan, and we all know that while they bear similarities to Rokkenjiman culture and tradition, those similarities borne are only superficial. The Toshikowan has no honour, holds little regard for human life and the world knows them to be little more than barbaric bastards yet here we have a Princess of Rokkenjima courting one of them? Just think of the tragedy if Princess Sophia were to bear the child of a Toshikowan and just what an abomination that would represent. This mixing with lessers is diluting the blood of the Blessed of Islyna, and if we were to allow it to continue unchalleged I promise you we'd see a day dawn in our Empire where some Toshikowan or other bastard sits on Chrysanthemum Throne and that's a future Teikokutō has sought to prevent in our pursuance of this Referendum."

Pausing, Sugano continued, "and let's return to the Empress. I know of several noble lines in Rokkenjima which would have resulted in a union which maintains the purity of the Imperial bloodline, yet she looked to foreign shores just as Empress Saisei did. Enough with the insanity of introducing foreigners into the Imperial Family so that some foreign King or Emperor may lay claim to any part of Rokkenjima, though the referendum effort failed the work of Teikokutō does not stop here. One way or another we must stop this poisoning of the blood of Rokkenjima by those who don't know our land, our history, not even a hint of the depths of our culture. It is the goal of Teikokutō to see only those of pure Rokkenjiman blood representing us, from the top to the bottom, and we will not give up upon that pledge."

The Imperial Palace responded to the remarks of the former Speaker stating that "such statements are inappropriate on many magnitudes, especially from a Councillor of the Imperial Diet. The Imperial Palace disavows this stance taken by Councillor Sugano and Teikokutō at large and further finds it disturbing that they've sought to police what is a most basic right of all; to love just who you love. Notions of "purity" and "poisoning the blood of Rokkenjima" seeks to sow division, mistrust, jingoism and nativism, the pursuit of which would set the First Empire back centuries. The Imperial Palace, joined by legislators in the Imperial Diet, will remain as a bulwark to contain these impulses until they are ultimately captured by their death throes."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

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Re: Rokkenjima Broadcasting Corporation (RBC)
« Reply #389 on: October 27, 2024, 02:40:23 AM »

Imperial Intelligence Services Consolidated

Director Tamaki Kado has been named by the Empress to lead the successor to the Imperial Naval Intelligence Service (INIS), the Rokkenjima Security Agency (RSA), the Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) and Institutum following their condolidation as the Imperial Rokkenjiman Intelligence Service (IRIS).

The duties of the various Rokkenjiman intelligence services have been brought under one roof as four intelligence services have become one. Recognizing the failures of having different aspects of Rokkenjiman intelligence needs being handled by multiple institutions they have been merged into the Imperial Rokkenjiman Intelligence Service (IRIS), with Director Tamaki Kado of the Imperial Naval Intelligence Service being named the Director of IRIS. "I am humbled by the trust which the Empress continues to show in me and I pledge that I will not disappoint her," Director Kado shared with the RBC. "This consolidation expands the scope of the capabilities at my disposal to ensure the security interests of the First Empire and utilizing those tools to ensure that most scenarios are resolved before military options need even be considered. Not only will this consolidation improve the intelligence and security pursuits of our Empire, it will also ensure that any situation which was previously met with four agencies will now be dealt with one agency operating efficiently to protect our interests and People." Prior to this consolidation Director Kado oversaw the INIS which has, for all intents and purposes, absorbed the competing three intelligence services to form IRIS.

"IRIS will look wherever is needed, it will have at its disposal whatever information is necessary to preserve the safety and security of the First Empire," Director Kado continued. "The INIS serves as the foundation for IRIS, and as an institution which was not marred as was that of the Anauša who preceded us, today marks a new day for Rokkenjiman intelligence, and a new era in our primary mission which remains the preservation of peace and tranquility for the First Empire and the protection of our most vital interests. I served a good many years leading the INIS, and I look forward to many more in serving IRIS, fulfilling our duties to the Empress and her People."

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
Empress of the First Empire of Rokkenjima

Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis