Centre Party Reveals Platform
The Centre Party platform seeks to support the work of the Empress while re-enforcing areas of Rokkenjiman policy which some feel have been neglected as of late.Leader Anselmo wasted little time to meet with Centre Party leadership and reveal the Party's platform to the Empire. "We've much work ahead of us and a task which may seem insurmountable but I promise, together we can, shall and must get the job done. After a productive meeting with Centre leadership we're focusing on five spheres which we believe are crucial in supporting Rokkenjiman democracy as well as building new links with the world around us. Let's go through them:
Enriching and Protecting Rokkenjiman Democracy:"Rokkenjiman Democracy was, in many ways, placed on the ballot by Teikokutō which makes it our job to not only preserve our democracy, but to see that it is enriched as well. The Centre Party has already explored negotiations with parties in both Houses of the Diet to see that the ultra-nationalist xenophobic agenda of Teikokutō does not survive beyond the floor. We're also planning to lower the voting age to 18, allowing those Rokkenjimans with great interests in the future of this Empire to have a voice in its direction, while expanding the services and capacity of YourVoice.rk to better serve the Rokkenjiman People and bring them crucial, unbiased information regarding all future elections. These measures will be pursued on day one."
Economic Stability and Growth: "We must also continue to promote policies that ensure the continued economic prosperity of the Empire. Keeping unemployment and inflation low, introducing initiatives to see more small businesses spring up across the First Empire while promoting the Rokkenjiman market as a profitable one for foreign firms to invest and participate in, especially via the Azukishima Free Trade Zone which offers a number of benefits to corporations moving goods and materials into, and out of, Rokkenjima. On top of that businesses which hold Certified Trade Partner (CTP) status enjoy further benefits in moving goods and materials from Rokkenjima and further into Ardia. Finally, as witnessed in the ADSN, we have an opportunity to build business relationships with a good many nations and we should be taking each step we can to maximize our mutual economic opportunities."
Social Equality and Rights:"As Teikokutō has flirted with curtailing the rights of some groups we must ensure that our march toward social equality continues unimpeded. Centre will protect the rights of all Rokkenjimans, regardless of their nationality or "purity", we'll continue to see progress in ensuring equality between men and women, continue to exist as a bastion for those who are often times ostracized such as those in the LGBTQ community whom we've long provided services for regardless of nationality via our embassies and consulates. Just as we are a nation which is continuing with its great experiment in democracy, we must also ensure that we are doing everything in our power to expand and improve upon policies which we have long supported to make our Empire, and Mundus, more fair and equitable."
Strong Defense and Diplomacy:"What we witnessed in the joint cooperation between Rokkenjima, Fusan and Achkaerin in the crises of Kalasin and later Kusan it is clear that supporting a path forward which sees greater cooperation and coordination between our nations might be a cornerstone for Rokkenjiman foreign policy moving forward. Beyond that we must see our horizons expand, setting Rokkenjima on a path to forge new friendships, strengthen existing ones, and work with all nations who wish to ensure a stable, secure and peaceful Mundus. Centre will continue to support a robust Imperial Rokkenjiman Armed Forces, while also ensuring that the Imperial Diplomatic Corps have the funding and assets to ensure our robust defense will not need to be employed. Just as we expect the IRAF to be capable of conducting operations in multiple theatres, the IDC should be capable of having diplomatic solutions, and ties, to ensure at least three diplomatic options for any crisis prior to IRAF options being considered."
Environmental Sustainability:"Supporting Rokkenjima's green energy initiatives will receive a renewed focus under Centre. Options are being explored to replace all single-use plastics with innovative approaches as well as looking to traditional solutions, such as glass for packaging and ensuring that there is a suitable replacement for all single use plastics. Supporting infrastructure that allows for a mixture of electric, hydrogen and other alternative fuels while building new nuclear plants to keep up with Rokkenjima's energy needs. We also seek funding to incorporate sustainable options for Rokkenjiman cities to enjoy a better, more harmonious relationship with nature while reducing our overall footprint on the environment through every day actions and activities."
"Between what Teikokutō has brought to the table, a platform devoid of ideas to improve the lives of the Rokkenjiman People, and our platform which seeks to improve not only your lives but address many of the shortcomings of previous governments, I hope that you'll join us in our drive to win this election. As I often said to you many times before, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish together. Thank you."