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Kusanese Isolation Must End, Says Chairwoman Ri Sang-Hee

"Since the fall of the Warsaw Pact Kusan has stood alone; today we take a first big step in returning to the community of nations."
Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee aroused the applause of the Supreme People's Assembly as she laid out her ambitions for the People's Democratic Republic in emerging from "our long years in the wilderness of isolation" which followed the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. "We first saw our greatest challenge when the Federal Republic of Rokkenjima sought to burn our lands and lead our People astray in their effort to "reclaim" Kusan despite the fact they never held any power nor sway over our lands nor the People who inhabit them. They wished to bring "democracy and freedom" to our shores drunk on their own propaganda that we lack for both, and as is often the case, words used by powers who so often instead seek subjugation and enslavement in their wake. Neither were to be delivered, yet what we saw behind the facade is the destruction and tyranny the Anselmos so dearly love. Despite the array of forces brought down upon Kusan we stood and, against many odds, we prevailed in preserving Kusan and the Kusanese way of life. When the Federal Republic was defeated by the Anselmo Restoration of 2003 many here in Kusan celebrated the end of nearly a century of cultural genocide and abuses of the Rokkenjiman People at Republican hands; there was hope that we could, perhaps, find reconciliation between us and a Rokkenjima restored to its roots and, as is often the case, we were left disappointed as Anselmoist Rokkenjima viewed the People's Democratic Republic as a threat due to the support and friendship which were forged between Kusan and the Warsaw Powers in the post-war era forced upon us by the Federal Republic."

"Warsaw provided us a model to follow, a model which preserved and has sustained the Kusanese State following the misguided intervention of the Republicans into our lands and, one which continues to preserve Kusan against the many challenges which bore down upon us over the decades to follow that misadventure. The deep hatred held by Rokkenjima for the Warsaw Pact robbed it of an opportunity for reconciliation with the Kusanese People and State; to this day Kusan acts in a defensive posture to the First Empire due to their efforts to undermine the People's Democratic Republic as, in their view, it represents the last functional power of the Warsaw Pact and denies, in their view, their ultimate victory over it. We did not choose this path in our relations to the First Empire, no, it was foisted upon us and we were forced to adapt to those conditions imposed upon us, developing an army of over one million Kusanese to ensure that the day Rokkenjima gives into the darkest aspects of their hearts they will find not victory in Kusan, but a graveyard for those they send as they unwittingly repeat the worst impulses of the Federal Republic: cultural genocide, subjugation, and denying over 29 million people the right of self-determination they so righteously uphold as a paramount right of all Peoples."

"We've seen peoples emerge from periods of isolation far longer than ours; one only needs to look across the Krimeon for such an example in Lijiang. They also share an unfortunate experience with the People of Kusan in their maltreatment by the First Empire in an episode of diplomatic embarrassment for Rokkenjima in the form of the events surrounding the formation of the MAEA. Despite our differing systems, like us, Lijiang is a nation which is proud of its traditions and is unapologetic in its approach to foreign powers; it did not blink nor bow when the vitriol of Pyrettania was brought down upon it. Though Empress Evanthe walked into those meetings fully dressed with the pompous smug of her predecessors, by that point, Lijiang showed her to be, in fact, naked; while the Empress spoke and acted as if it were 2014 she in fact traded all of her hard-earned gains post-Saisei for what is in effect a building in Rokkenjima and an inert Agency to inhabit it. We feared them for so long, we endured isolation as those who even dared to speak with us could face sanctions, yet even we were guilty of still living in that 2014 world. That changes here, and today, as Kusan welcomes 2024 as a new horizon between us and the world around us."

"To those ends I propose that we follow in the footsteps laid before us by Lijiang, and also to consult them on the path they took toward ending isolation and rejoining the world around them. I feel there is much to learn from them, and while some have raised eyebrows due to the differences I laid out before, I feel there are more similarities than differences in the stories of our histories. I also look to Mktvartvelo with hope, as the platform of National Renovation (MKTERAG) seems to align with many of the beliefs and principles we see in everyday Kusanese life and governance. If we may be an ally to them, perhaps we may see in Mktvartvelo a natural ally to the People's Democratic Republic emerge in the near future, a prospect which is both inspiring and encouraging as we re-introduce Kusan to the broader world. I would be delighted to invite General Secretary Levan Mikaberidze to Kusan to discuss possible paths for the future ahead of us."

"We approach the broader world once again seeking two things," the Respected Comrade paused, "peace and friendship. To those who would welcome us we promise camaraderie and tranquility; to those who would oppose us on blind ideological lines or other illogical grounds, we promise a robust defense of our State and our People; never again will we allow Kusan to be a ground for foreign nations and armies to determine the future of our people. In the coming days Kusan will celebrate our victory over the Federal Republic with a military parade in Ri-Sŏng-jin Square in our capitol, Kaesong. I look forward to inviting many of you to join me and to building the links of friendship which I hope will stand the tests of time. Let us meet, without the biases of others, and work toward a better future for our Peoples and nations. Thank you."


Kusan Invites Mundus To Join In Victory Day Celebrations

The People of Kusan celebrated the victory over the Federal Republic alone in the previous year. It is the hopes of Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee that Kusan will be joined by "honoured guests" to celebrate the occasion in 2024.
The Peoples Democratic Republic is gearing up to celebrate our joint victory over the Federal Republic of Rokkenjima following its misguided adventure to invade Kusan in 1949. Following information shared with the KSBA this years parade, which demonstrates the might and the determined resolve of the Kusanese to fully defend our continued self-determination, will involve a total of 72 units (50 infantry units joined by 22 mechanized units) in an effort which will see the sum result of roughly 20,000 Kusanese acting toward one purpose and goal. Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee has hinted that the parade held in celebration of our victory this year would include "a special introduction which will showcase the totality of Kusanese ingenuity and our ceaseless drive to defend the motherland." Speaking with our reporters she shared her hopes for the upcoming parade and Mass Games that are slated to follow.

"It is true that Mundus does not know us," she began before looking outward toward Mount Gwasan, "this is an opportunity to celebrate an event which is central to each and every Kusanese, the defeat of the Rokkenjimans and the preservation of our way and our right to chart our own path, with honoured guests from across Mundus who have never experienced our culture and traditions. Much like Warsaw the knowledge of our nation has so often been penned by those in foreign lands who truly know nothing about us, our people, or why this land is so important to us. It's a joyous occasion for me to offer an open invitation to the nations of Mundus to see just what Kusan truly is, but also to reclaim a part of our nation that has been robbed from us by the Rokkenjimans; our narrative and our collective right to define it not by rhetoric, but instead by fact. I know some states, especially those close to Rokkenjima, will be hesitant at accepting our invitation but I would urge them to hold back that restraint, if just for this one occasion, and see for themselves the vibrant, proud and strong nation that I know we are and engage with us for who we are, not for who we've been painted to be."

Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee looks over a formation as it practices drills for the upcoming parade to be held in Ri-Sŏng-jin Square.
"Following the parade I, and my guests, will enjoy the Arirang Mass Games which is an event few foreigners have bore witness to outside of our fallen Warsaw allies. I'm certain we'll share unmatched displays of gymnastic and artistic excellence which unfold the epic story of how the nation of morning calm, the centre of the Orient, put an end to historic distress and rose as one unified voice, and as a most distinguished nation. Together, with what I hope will be new friends and new horizons to be realized between us, I am inviting Mundus to join us in our collective celebration and to see Kusan as they've never seen it before, free of bias, free of expectations, to see us for who we are. Let us make this, our 75th anniverary of victory, one which is truly meant for the books of history."


Respected Comrade: "Kusan Isn't Afraid"

"Kusan is not afraid of an empire ruled by an idiot child...nor an empire which is seemingly finally resolving its confusion as to what its very name is," Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee.
In her weekly address Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee remarked upon the "voices of the decadent" which had portrayed Kusan in a derisive manner while a "comedian" from Daitō levied an insult at the KPAF. Her remarks to both nations are shared in full below.

"Let me end this week's address by saying that the People's Democratic Republic is not afraid of an empire ruled by an idiot child, raised from day one of her birth to believe she is a gift to all of Mundus and that her word is spoken with the force of law to whoever should hear her words. When Kusan first won its independence from the dissolute Azukishimans we truly escaped a bullet, I mean, just compare Kusan to Rokkenjima and anyone can see the differences in our nations, our cultures, and how we relate to our ancestors. Today known as Rokkenjima, a name chosen by their very oppressors only to be embraced by the "great restorer" Beatrice Anselmo, their empire has embarked upon a path of "de-Ardianization" as they've lost so much of their culture that a mix of Ardian and Republican influence still holds onto the soul of the Azukishiman nation to this day. I must wonder just what Beatrice Anselmo managed to restore beyond the capacity of her people to stretch their noses to corners of Mundus where they don't belong in the first place. Likewise Azukishiman culture, once something we desired to seek reconciliation with, is today marked by rampant consumerism, and along with it the beasts of over-consumption and waste which so often accompany a society which has been absorbed wholly to the whims of the corporate elite. It is not what is best for the nation, the people, nor the land, no; lands such as Rokkenjima, as it is the name they've attached themselves to I may as well use it to describe them, see what is best for the bottom line as what is best. It is not wrong to shed a tear for those who base their lives upon acquiring temporary fame as well as those who only see their value through what products they consume, but let us also be thankful that we avoided that desolate and decadent future for our beloved land and people.

Much like Rokkenjima we see a confusion in identity in the equally ensnared consumerist Daitō; their Emperor apparently sees it as necessary to "issue an ordinance" which requires the "renaming of the country." In parlance, as well as globally, they are known as Daitō, their people the Daitōjin or Fusanese, and with this act we see an embarrassment of their Diet having to vote upon how they identify their nation, both to themselves and the world around them. How could we be afraid of an empire which is seemingly finally resolving its confusion as to what its very name is? Unlike the Rokkenjiman/Azukishimans or the Daitōjin/Fusanese we, Kusanese, have always been Kusanese; we've never had a name foisted upon us, nor have we been known globally by a name not entirely of our own choosing. Although just months ago these two were quite literally firing weapons against each other it's not hard to see why they've so easily settled their differences: they're both cut of the same cloth, both equally rudderless, and both equally ignorant of anything beyond their borders almost to the point they're worthy of pity. Almost, I say, as we've seen both of these nations send their ships, planes and soldiers far beyond their borders and far beyond where they belong. Ask yourselves why Kusan, a nation which just recently re-engaged with Mudus, is drawing the ridicule of two of the largest militaries and economies in the expanses of Ardia? Two empires which lost their way, yet, two empires that will soon find themselves in need of a change in attitude. To Rokkenjima I say Kusan has hardened itself beyond the capabilities you built to fight Warsaw and to Daitō I say we are not Kalasin; you may have won the war here but if you should even as appear to threaten the People's Democratic Republic, our sovereignty or our right to self-determination you'll find the graveyard of your soldiers, sailors, airmen and even your very empire within the borders of Kusan.

Eijirō should not mistake his triumphs against the ignoramuses to our South as free passage to Kusan, nor should the idiot child get ideas as she looks north to Kusan. She can laugh all she wants, Eijirō can thump his chest all he wants, neither action speaks to the strength of either of them yet instead toward their shared weaknesses. Kusan knows who it is without holding votes or affixing a "de-" prefix to the actions of our government. Once you both have figured out who you actually are then, perhaps, the People's Democratic Republic may take you seriously. Until then, keep your attempts at jokes to yourselves as they land dead at the feet of those you're trying to elicit laughter from. Instead of looking to Kusan for your punchline, look to your destitute and tell them why you may launch military operations far from your shores instead of feeding, clothing and housing them. Kusan views how it treats its most vulnerable as the metric of the success of the People's Democratic Republic, the same cannot be said of our detractors as they stare at one screen or another for their next fix of digital narcotics. So get your laughs, your likes, your impressions on social media; they're meaningless compared to making a meaningful difference in the lives of your peoples."


People's Democratic Republic Releases Footage Of Harbinger 6 Test

//"We must instill fear into the adversaries in a most public and undeniable fashion so that their people know that if their governments seek to play their games of folly against the PDRK we hold the ability to strike back in kind," Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee.
Near Gangnan at a military facility the Kusanese People's Army Strategic Force conducted not one but two successful tests of the Harbinger 5 and Harbinger 6 ICBMs overseen by Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee and Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun. This test demonstrates the capacity of the PDRK to address any reckless manouvers of the adversaries, with Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee stating of the tests that "unfortunately we must instill fear into the adversaries in a most public and undeniable fashion so that their people know that if their governments seek to play their games of folly against the PDRK we hold the ability to strike back in kind. Harbinger 5 and Harbinger 6 fly not because we desire conflict, no, but because we are all called to defend our right to exist. These launching drills prove to anyone with a set of eyeballs that the PDRK is not a nation that can be forced to heel and that we'll ensure the adversaries have to kill each and every citizen of the PDRK to enact their wicked designs for our lands. In the coming year we will continue to hone the capabilities of the KPASF through additional tests of our defensive systems as well as the deployment of satellites capable of warning our defenders of any moves against the PDRK ," Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee continued.

The Harbinger 5 and Harbinger 6 missiles bring the vast majority of Rokkenjiman territory, as well as that of their friends and their associated friends, within range of the fire of the PDRK in a great achievement for the whole of our people. As the missiles soared across the sky as shooting stars one could be forgiven for making a wish upon them as they do indeed carry the wishes of the Kusanese People to enjoy the rights of any other people to live free of foreign influence. "The PDRK will not sulk in its responsibility to protect its people from the hypocrite nations who see themselves and their examples as the only ones to be followed," Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee said alongside her brother following the conclusion of the drills. The two wasted little time after the drills in their return to Kaesong to address the matters of the PDRK and its people.

Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee and Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun in Kaesong.
A most trusted advisor, Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun is a frequent figure in proceedings held by Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee, as seen above. The pair, speaking with an energy producer, guaranteed a 45% increase in electricity generation by Kusan Energy to provide for the needs of the people of the PDRK. "We have absolute faith in Kusan Energy to meet the targets it has set forth for itself and to broaden the capacity for state operations and civilian operations utilizing a variety of means and technologies at our disposal. While there have been some issues regarding infrastructure and transmission Kusan Energy has, at the moment, the confidence of the PDRK to fulfill its promise of a 45% increase across the board," Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun hared with KSBA following their meeting.


Kusanese People's Army Deploys To Border With Kalasin

Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun, Chasu (Vice Marshall) of the Kusanese People's Army, boosts morale as the People's Kusanese Army reinforces the border between the PDRK and Kalasin.
Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun shared many jovial moments prior to the Kusanese People's Army deploying numerous units to the border shared between the PDRK and the Lampang province of Kalasin. Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun imparted upon them the importance of "ensuring the insanity and instability in the south does not penetrate our borders, much in the way a virus breaks into a cell to wreak havoc. Coalition forces operating in Kalasin must likewise be monitored as we know of the trickery and scheming of the Ardian empires are most renowned throughout the whole of Mundus. If a wayward Ardian crosses our border mistakenly and enters into your sights I trust you'll know what to do with such a fool," he said with a knowing wink as the crowd of soldiers chuckled alongside him. "The Ardians might see fit to play their games in Kalasin and it is the hope of Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee that the elections which have been spoken of will be internationally monitored to ensure that only the uncoerced votes of the people of Kalasin will determine their future from this unfortunate chapter in their history."

Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee addresses the PDRK on the operations being conducted on the border with Kalasin.
As Comrade Ri Chŏng-jun was with our brave forces Respected Comrade Ri Sang-Hee addressed the PDRK regarding the operations being conducted on the border. "We are, of course, taking every precaution to ensure that the chaos to our south does not spill over into our own borders. What we see to the south is the hallmark of the unwarranted interference of the Ardian nations wherever their noses sniff something of interest in the broader world we so unfortunately share with them. I assure you all that the PDRK is taking every responsible and well-advised measure to ensure the security and safety of the PDRK and its people as we ensure the insanity is contained outside of our borders and, that if anyone gets an idea of insanity they'll rue the moment that thought crossed their minds. Whilst our southern neighbours roil in turmoil as the residual infection continues to fester within their borders one only needs to look to the PDRK for an example and see that life after an unfortunate infection of the Ardian states is indeed possible. I can only hope that the People of Kalasin may navigate this period of their history as successfully as our own people have."

She continued, "The coming elections must be open and free with safeguards in place to ensure that their interests, not Daitōjin interests, prevail at the ballot box. Unbiased and independent foreign eyes need to be set upon every ballot box, every level of scrutiny possible must be placed upon these elections to ensure that the spectre of colonialism does not snuff out even one voice in Kalasin. As has always been the case the PDRK will welcome any from Kalasin who feels their voice has become disenfranchised or otherwise disregarded to cross the border and together, you and I," she said making a pointing motion with her hand as to one person to her, "I'll ensure your voice is heard through this most unfortunate affair. Just as the PDRK prevailed over the ambitions of a Rokkenjima that saw beyond its purview so too shall we ensure that Kalasinese interests and voices win out over the cancerous infections currently inflicted upon the very body of the nation and people."

"With that I will close; those of the coalition, and especially the Daitōjin must make their time short upon the continent of Aranye. The age of imperialism and the heights it sought for the people under the crowns of emperors and empresses is long behind us. The PDRK will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and will strive to see a day where all Ardian influence upon Cotf Aranye is eradicated, so that we may see our continent as the graveyard of imperialists. We recently witnessed the liberation of the Republic of Lakhzovia from the shackles of imperialism when the idiot child turned her words against the Administration of President Tesan Cikniye, a move which leaves their nation and people in a better position to chart their course throughout history free of appeasing the feeble whims and ideals of the Rokkenjimans which seemingly change with the winds of fate or those which blow forth from the shores of Valtheim in recent years. To him I would say you lost nothing, but gained so much. It was not so much a betrayal but, indeed, a favour to you and your people that the Rokkenjimans leveled wholly their treaty with Lakhzovia."

"I do hope to see President Cikniye at my side for the parade and the accompanying Games that follow," she said with a grin, "we've both been unfortunate as Aranye nations to be afflicted with the Ardian Affliction, seeing them rob our nations of so much for the pursuit of their own gains, and now it is our turn to turn those tables they played with such confidence just a few short years ago. Let us make 2024 the final year anything Ardian touches Aranye shores. Thank you."


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