Roleplay > Diplomacy and Events

Der Dag Ohgnen Solne

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Holy King:
Today in Foxtrove, predominantly in the Greater and Lesser regions rather than the Ironclad Isles, as this was when, almost 980 years ago, these two regions were united under Johann the Greater. In honor of the conquest, the people of Foxtrove would hold a festival in which they would abandon the social norms and begin to adopt the cultural taboos, many of which were simply partying. The center for this festival, St. Peters, would light up for several weeks on end with people strutting around in native Foxtrovian clothing and modern clothing, creating something kind of surreal as these two eras met. Foxtrovian culture and nationalism would explode in these days as the people began celebrate what their ancestors did to reach the point of where their descendants could live lavishly such as right now.

Annalena, otherwise known as Anna to close friends and family, was walking out on Nächt Street, one of the main streets of St. Peters where a majority of the festival would be taking place. Around her were crowds of people, drinking the Red Kiss[1], laughing, and all around having a good time. Even the state police, people trained to be as cold and harsh as the climate they grew up in seemed to be enjoying themselves, with many of them (guns still carried over their shoulder) taking pictures with the crowds as they marched past them. In the distance, Anna could see a group of people wearing traditional Foxtrovian clothing, although with a slight twist. This Foxtrovian clothing, was not clothing, but rather the armor made during the time that Johann the Greater had finished his conquest. The group wearing the armor could be heard shouting something. As they marched past her, she realized that is was the national anthem, only sung in old Whetian. She smiled as she could tell these were members of the Royal Guards as even in a older uniform, they still had their white cloaks. Walking down the street once more, she encountered a stall selling native food, venison with herbs, with spices and smoked ham stuffed inside. As she payed the vendor, handing the coins for a slice, she then heard the national anthem, although this time in more modern Whetian. She was not the only person to hear the singing - if it could be called that - as a group of people raced towards one of the many roads that branched off into the city. Soon joining the crowds, she found her way towards a coliseum of sorts, with wooden and metal barriers blocking people from the inside, as there was multiple people inside clashing it out inside. Anna knew what this was from the moment she saw it, a sport called "Holmgang", in which multiple people with full suits of armor would fight each other until they were the last one standing. She had seen it once or twice, but that was only a provincial tournament, but this one, the people were on another tier compared from the ones she had seen.

After the first few Holmgang rounds had ended, Anna had decided to leave as see what else there was to do. As she was walking the streets, she felt a buzz in her pockets as her phone went off. Reading the text, she decided what to do and where to do it at. She would go to the Solne Street, where the legendary sword of Johann would be shown.

 1. 1. A drink made from several native dyes and fruits that would leave a sweet taste and stain the lips a bright red for sometime

As first assignments for a Missionara went this was a strange one, Maggie was thrilled of course that Mother McKey had seen fit to send her out solo, it was what the Missionara girls dreamed off while studying, being that independent and having the freedom to explore the world, gaining knowledge of other lands and cultures. At 18 years of age Maggie had never expected to be given the role, especially at a time when the feared KGB of kaitaine seemed to be targetting the sisterhood. Even the thought of that instinctively made her check for the crystknife tucked into her boot. Almost as quickly as that thought had come to her it went again and she sat enjoying what was left of her hot chocolate while watching the street outside. She'd read the work of Blair MacReachtain one of the orders most respected Missionara and someone she hoped to one day emulate, in her journals she'd described how people watching was a great way of learning about the nations you were in, she even once suggested randomly picking someone and following them piecing together a story of what their life was like from what you saw. Maggie wasn't sure if that was something she'd ever do herself but the thought of being like some private eye on a mission did amuse her. The hot chocolate was gone now and so she checked her watch, she'd heard people talking about this Sword of Johann or something and seeing as it was seemingly so significant to this nation she figured she better go and check it out, she placed a few coins on her saucer as a tip to the waitress and put on her coat before heading out into the streets outside. She simply followed the crowd as it seemed several people all had similar ideas, on  the way she was tempted by the smells of some of the streets food stalls but promised herself that she wouldn't indulge now, instead waiting for her return home to her tiny little flat the Sisterhood was renting for her while she was here. She'd buy a veritable feast of food to try and then write up her journal for the day, her mind was picking out which stalls to visit on the way back already as she moved to get a good spot for seeing this sword thing.

"So this is it, Albion's Relic City." Junko thought to herself, studying the low snow-capped roofs that lined the streets of St. Peters. Albion wasn't her home, or at least it wasn't supposed to be; but the classical, traditional societies and the old cities they preserved so diligently were all she's known growing up so far away from Himeyama. Foxtrove in particular she admired, traditionalists to the core, and so viciously independent; they've come all this way on nothing but their own two feet, something she as a Himeyan respected greatly. As far as business was concerned, the newly-crowned - if illegitimate for the time being - Princess of Himekuno was a simple tourist this time around, not that it was obvious who she was by any means, the scar that ran under her eye and down her cheek would be an indicator only for those few who knew of the Shinonome royal family's continued existence.

The smell of food cooking would ride for miles on the cold air as it passed through St. Peters, all the advertising one would need to make a small fortune during a festival like this, and there was no escaping it. Junko, now feeling the effects of a light breakfast began prowling the streets of the city for something to eat; she heard the Foxtrovians ate heavy thanks to the cold climate and was looking forward to trying what they had to offer.

"Aha." she exclaimed, noting the steam and smoke rising high into the air from the other side of a wall. Eagerly seeking out the pillar of smoke, Junko smiled and bowed as she passed state police officers and soldiers who were enjoying the festivities as much as anyone else; one of which informed her of the Sword of Johann being shown on Solne Street; if it was culturally significant to Foxtrove it was worth checking out she thought. Passing through a narrow alleyway between two stone buildings, Junko found her prize; a busy stall that looked like it was feeding the entire city. She eagerly skipped up to it, keen on getting a better look at what these guys were cooking that smelled so good. "Wow, this is native Foxtrovian food?" she said to herself, fascinated; pulling out a bill, she took two slices of the stuffed venison and was on her way; now to see that Sword of Johann these locals kept mentioning.

How many degrees warmer is it here than home? thought Amelia Whitaker as she looked around the streets of the city, it felt slightly warmer than home but then again Achkaerin was geographically speaking closer to Hrothgar than Foxtrove was to Hygelac so that was perhaps to be expected. This wasn't an official visit or anything, Amelia had been pulled into this by her siblings - her brother George Whitaker and sister Ashleigh Whitaker, the reason had been simple, Amelia had been covering as Achkaerin's ambassador to the Cross Mundus Agency and with 'Achxit' now complete the responsibility transferred to Cheryl Holmes, as a result George and Ashleigh had decided that she needed to de-stress and relax, probably a good thing to since Amelia would have probably gone and thrown herself straight back into working on the Black Rose Spring Collection.

George of course being the history buff was loving this, he'd spent most of their time in the city so far commenting on the traditional aspects, the clothes, the building techniques and quite a lot of other things in between.
"So did I tell you David Aragon invited me over for Christmas?" Ashleigh asked
"Hang on." Amelia said "The Duke of Vanora invited you for Christmas?" Amelia asked "What's Peter said about this?"
"I think he's a little bit worried he'll have to deal with Christmas without the family's Christian." Ashleigh said
"Well given it's just Christian rebranding of Namia." George said referring to the Cult of Namis festival that fell at the same time of year and bore plenty of similarities.
"Don't start." Amelia said she glanced at Ashleigh "I go off to the CMA and you get a boyfriend?"
"Apparently." Ashleigh said
"So George where do we go from here?" Amelia asked
"I believe that Solne Street is just over there" George said "Word is that the Sword of Johann is being displayed. Could be interesting."

Forever Alone:
Andrey Feofilakt Lagounov watched the festivities around him and felt mildly disgusted, "how do these Foxtrovians have time for such festivities? Who is running the factory machinery?" He murmured to himself in Stormontian. As a pair of children ran by him giggling he frowned and reached into his pocket pulling out a cigarette. As he fumbled around looking for his lighter he thought about how these children required more discipline, these giggling Foxtrovian children would not be prepared for the harsh reality of an adult life. Upon finding his lighter in his back pocket he discovered it was out of fuel. After attempting to light it several more times he gave up and with a sigh replaced his cigarette in its box. Unable to relieve his craving to smoke he decided to focus on his work. Andrey was an angent of the NKGB, he was sent to Foxtrove to learn more about its culture and internal security and stability. He had been chosen for his fluency in Whedian. In fact Andrey was fluent in six languages, Glengarrian, Stormontian, Dundasian, Whedian, Leedian and Auelian and was less competent in three other languages, English, Spanish and Renfrisian. His work for the NKGB usually kept him within his own nation, the United Socialist Republics of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, where he worked to sniff out rebels and dissenters which often had him working in the Renfrisian and Auelian speaking regions of the USRSDG. However his home nation had finally recovered from the devestating century and a half of conflicts that had ended with the People's Revolution. The leaders of the Union had isolated SDG for much of the recovery period but now they had decided that the Union was strong enough to perform on the stage of world politics. It had already been spying on many nations for decades allowing for the military of SDG to keep up to date with other nations of the world. The generals of the People's Liberation Army of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (PLASDG) were desperate to flex the muscles of SDG's military and Foxtrove was one of their possible targets. Andrey kept this in mind while he watched a group of young women in strange clothing drink some red liquid that stained their lips and teeth crimson. As the women laughed at something one of them had said Andrey turned his attention to the police acting as security for the festival. He took note of their organization and their armaments. Snapping a picture of the police he looked at his watch, it was almost time for him to meet his contact. He stowed his camera away and began walking through the crowds of people.


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