Roleplay > History

The Crusades V.1 OOC

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Aragon's order comprises 500 men, by the time we get towards the end of the Crusades that may be between 1000-1500 people, they will likely also be added to with another 800 coming from elsewhere. But that's only for the final parts of the timeline.

Ok, so I am trying to get Tamora involved in this someway (as in actually fighting). I have to say the whole timeline is a little daunting at first. So are all 23 points canon and established or just the first four points? I am asking since I want to come up with some suggestions where (in the timeline) Tamora might participate.

I believe (Dave may correct me if I'm wrong) that all 23 points are canon in terms of the timeline, I if I recall correct the now dead IC thread relevant to this i.e. "V1" was initially focusing on the first four points before moving on.

Ok, so the Muslim side of the war is represented by Abydos and whatever local Muslims forces were in Venora, right? I mean there are no other countries that have been established as fighting or offering support to the Muslims, right?


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