NCTD-2 (As of 2019)
SWCS-1 (As of 1949)
The SICR hardly shed its tradition of military power by the end of the War of Black Blood, contributing to the Separation of 1949, which saw the frustrated Southern Provinces to break away, forming the Republic of Sinsu. History aside, the SICR has exactly five states of war,(Strategic Wartime Climate Severity) and five levels leading up to an armed conflict (National Conflict Threat Designation).
National Conflict Threat Designation - NCTDNCTD-0: No threat of war. All troops stay in regular order.
NCTD-1: Security Alert, National holidays or events/ partial National Guard forces deployed for policing
NCTD-2: Minor or dismissable conflict; expeditionary/volunteer/National Guard force mobilized
NCTD-3: Partial Mobilization; regular military forces deployed
NCTD-4: Full Mobilization, war imminent or already in action, all forces mobilized, reserves on stand-by
Strategic Wartime Climate Severity - SWCSSWCS-1: Small, controlled conflict, probably foreign intervention/Peacetime Climate
SWCS-2: Escalated conflict, full-scale war w/ all regular standing forces deployed
SWCS-3: Severely escalated conflict, chemical/biological weapons and reserves employed, forgo international law in order to conserving lives
SWCS-4: Nestland is being overrun, fall back to stronghold-armories and fight with guerrilla warfare, evacuate all children & pregnant women w/ their elders to shelters. Destroy the dams and dikes at Blut-Himmel Stadt to flood the lower plains and slow down enemy advance.
SWCS-5: All is lost. Activate Imperial Sword. Fall back to the Inner Nest and self-isolate.
Special Condition Scenario: Operation Dragontear and Operation Burning FlagLaunch [REDACTED] to achieve vengeance and fulfill the Last Will of the Dragons.
Special Condition Scenario: Solar Flare or Interference in Power GridInitiate nation-wide server shutdown to save national energy infrastructure. Neutralize control rods with neutron bombardment devices. Secure critical digital assets ASAP