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People of the Empire of Daitō - DEPRECIATED-
« on: April 05, 2020, 09:37:54 PM »

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[center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]BIOGRAPHY[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]FAMILY[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]NOTES[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]HONOURS[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]NOTABLE EVENTS[/size][/font][/center]
[hr][left][b]Positions Held[/b]:
[hr][b]Political Affiliation[/b]:

For historical figures, please refer to this thread: Historical Figures of the Empire of Daitō
« Last Edit: November 13, 2023, 05:41:46 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2021, 04:37:48 AM »

   Eijirō was born at 6:18 AM on the 11th of January, 1993 at the Imperial Household Ministry hospital in the Shinkyō Imperial Palace. His parents, Nobukatsu and Nagako, were then
the Crown Prince and Princess of Daitō, while his paternal grandfather, Emperor Eikō, reigned as Emperor. Eijirō's childhood was reported to have been happy, and he enjoyed activities
such as archery, riding, and learning the shamisen. He often played with the children of the Grand Chamberlain, Haruhiro Koizumi, and growing up, he was a fan of the Tenkyō Tigers,
a baseball team based in Tenkyō. Later in life, he would claim that, as a child his favorite player had been No.6, Satoru Katsura. In 2000, his parents took him to an air show in Awara,
sparking in him a lifelong fascination with aircraft and aerospace engineering, which would ultimately lead him to first his bachelors in Aerospace Engineering, as well as leading to him
becoming a pilot in the Imperial Daitōjin Air Force. He later said, quote, "I have had a keen fascination with flight since childhood. To fly is, in essence, to know
freedom. Since I have led a life where I have few chances to go out freely, the dream of flight always appealed to me."

   At the age of four, Eijirō was enrolled in the prestigious Gakushūin school system, where many of Daitō's elite families and narikin (nouveaux riches) send their children. He would
also spend several years outside of Daitō, studying abroad in Achkaerin studying for two years in Valtheim as a guest of the Emperor of Achkaerin from 2002 to 2003 and from 2008 to
2009. As part of his studies, this meant learning English, which he continued throughout his education for the day that he would eventually lead the Empire. As it happened, he had
something for a knack for picking up languages, learning Feng by the time he was eighteen, ostensibly to have a better understanding of many classics of that language. He would also
become the first member of the Imperial family to learn Dalseomin. On the 7th of June, 2001, with his grandfather's abdication and his father's enthronement as Emperor Antei, Eijirō
became the new Crown Prince of Daitō.

   In 2011, at the age of 18, Eijirō enrolled in the Imperial Navy Academy in Tenkyō, hoping to become a pilot and studying Aerospace Engineering. His enrollment was not without
controversy, as his father had initially objected to it. Rumors abounded that if he went through with enrolling, he might be removed from the line of succession in favor of his younger
brother. Of course, these were mere rumors, though his father did attempt to dissuade him from enrolling, but eventually, he acquiesced, and Eijirō began attending the academy that

   In 2013, while he was studying at the academy, Eijirō met Mayumi Tachibana during a party held by her father, Viscount Eikichi Tachibana, in Hatsukaichi. It is said that the Prince
was immediately captivated by her, and arranged for them to meet several times over the next few weeks. As a result, the two were pursued relentlessly by the press. The two would
begin dating later that year, although owing to both time constraints and their differing paths going forwards, it wouldn't proceed further than that for a while. In 2014, he would
graduate a year early from the academy and begin training as a pilot. At the same time, he would begin studying for his Political Science degree. In late 2014, after spending the
better part of the year in the "RAG" (Replacement Air Group), Eijirō was assigned to his first squadron, VF-13, nicknamed "Starfighters". VF-13 was, at the time of his arrival, in the
process of transitioning from the older J-7s to the J-24 Tiger II, which Eijirō had been trained on. During his 36 months with the squadron, which lasted from the 19th of October, 2014
until the 21st of October, 2017, Eijirō would be promoted twice (thrice if counting that his second promotion was a "jump-step" promotion) and he would serve in the Second Kalasinese

   In 2016, while serving with VF-13 off the IDN Jun'yō (CVN-39), Eijirō would be deployed to the Rokkenjiman Sea in order to safeguard against any spillover in fighting between the
Nueva Ardians and Toshikawans. During this time, as a result of engagements with the Toshikawan Air Force, he would secure the country's second air-to-air kill of the 21st century,
shooting down a Toshikawan Jīngguó fighter during what is now called the Lunel Bay Incident. During the Second Kalasinese War, he would down a further four aircraft, including two
MiG-21s, an Su-27, and a MiG-29. This final air-to-air victory, occurring on the 23rd of July, 2017, would effectively make Eijirō Daitō's first flying ace of the 21st century, though not the first
ace overall as a few RIOs had also earned kills alongside their pilots. As a result of this victory, Eijirō was formally given a battlefield promotion to the rank of Commander, skipping a rank
due to the nature of his promotion. In the months following the war, he would be transferred to VF-101, where he would remain for the rest of his military career, eventually retiring in 2020
due to his father's abdication.

   After the war, upon returning to Daitō, and even in spite of the disapproval of the Imperial Household Ministry, Eijiro remained interested in Mayumi Tachibana. He proposed twice,
before, on the 21st of July, 2018, the Imperial Palace announced their engagement. In spite of this, they would not marry until 2022, owing to unforeseen circumstances back home.
On the 12th of March, 2018, Eijirō was first notified of his father's intention to abdicate the throne. Over the course of the next two years, he would be forced to balance his duties in
the military with his ever-increasing duties back home, ultimately resulting in him applying for leave in mid-2019, effectively ending his military career, although he would still attend
training whenever possible. Finally, on the 1st of May, 2020, Eijirō acceded to the throne following his father's abdication, taking the era name of "Tenshi". He would be formally
enthroned on the 6th of November, 2020. His early reign was marred by political violence, including the assassination of Prime Minister Eita Fukumoto in early 2020 and an attempt on
his own life in 2021. This latter attack left both his father and Prime Minister Daisuke Hayata dead.

   On the 21st of April, 2022, Eijirō married Mayumi Tachibana, and shortly thereafter, he would be sent into an unofficial exile due to the influence of the President of the Privy Council,
Sachio Heike. He would spend the better part of the year in the old capital, Tenkyō, where, despite his circumstances, he would move to ingratiate himself with the locals. He would
spend much time enjoying the culture of the city, participating in numerous ceremonies and festivals, even participating in the 2023 Jidai Matsuri parade. At some point in 2022, Mayumi
would become pregnant with their children, and on the 6th of December, 2022, Crown Prince Tatsuhito and Princess Sayako were born. Shortly afterwards, in a move spearheaded by
members of the Imperial Daitōjin Armed Forces and the country's political establishment, Sachio Heike's de-facto regency was overthrown and the Eijirō and his family moved back to
Shinkyō. As a result of this, Eijirō would declare the Tenshi era over, instead adopting the regnal name "Banwa", or "Eternal Harmony" as it translates in English.

   Early 2023 brought Daitō into conflict with Rokkenjima over the Tokara islands. Though he made a televised broadcast announcing the declaration of war, Eijirō privately voiced his
anger that the conflict had even occurred, feeling that his orders were disobeyed, though to what goal were uncertain. The investigation into his father's murder bore fruit that year, and
it was uncovered that his younger brother, Prince Hidehiko, was involved in a conspiracy to overthrow him, with the war, though not his doing, providing an opportunity to strike. Thanks
to the country's intelligence services, this phase of the Kokuryūkai's plan was foiled, and in time, a tense peace returned to the continent. Now, as the Banwa era proceeds, Eijirō looks
to the future with a unique vision for the nation. He sees a country whose democracy has grown complacent and rocked by political violence, and wishes to reinvigorate it. For Daitō's
history is adorned with tales of great Emperors, paragons of virtue who saved their nation from harm or brought it out of the darkness. Though he may not achieve the same level of
enlightenment as his ancestors, he too holds a great love for his people. And unlike many of his ancestors, he will not rule on the behalf of his people, but rather, he will rule alongside
them. Perhaps in time, the rising sun will once again shine brightly with the glory of a wonderful Daitō over a modern, peaceful East Ardia.

       Emperor Antei (Nobukatsu; Father, 1961 - 2021)
       Empress-Emerita Nagako Arakawa (Mother, 1962 - Present)
          Empress Mayumi Tachibana (Wife, 1995 - Present)
             Crown Prince Tatsuhito (Son, 2022 - Present)
             Princess Sayako (Daughter, 2022 - Present)
          Prince Hidehiko (Brother, 1996 - Present)
          Princess Satomi (Sister, 1997 - Present)
       Prince Etsuji (Uncle, 1965 - Present)
       Princess Ritsuko Saruwatari (Aunt, 1966 - Present)
          Princess Hinata (Cousin, 1993 - Present)
          Princess Minako (Cousin, 1994 - Present)
          Prince Fumihiko (Cousin, 2003 - Present)
    Emperor Eikō (Uchitsune; Pat. Grandfather, 1926 - Present)
    Empress-Emerita Terumi Heishi (Pat. Grandmother, 1931 - 2011)

    Eijirō is a skilled linguist, having mastery over all the Kantō and Kinai dialects of the Onishi Language as well as English and Feng. He also speaks Dalseomin.
    In his free time, Eijirō  is known to enjoy flying, though owing to his new position, it is something he cannot indulge in as often. He does, however,
practice Yabusame, competing in and winning the gold medal during the Mundus Games twice.
    Eijirō is a skilled player of the Shamisen and the Ryuteki flute.

    — Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
    — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
    — Grand Cordon of the Order of the Pauwlonia Flowers
    — Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
    — Order of the Golden Kite

    11 January, 1993 - Born
    1997 - Enrolled in the Gakushūin School System
    2001 - Appointed Crown Prince
    2002-2003 - Studied in Achkaerin for the first time
    2008-2009 - Studied in Achkaerin for the second time
    24 March, 2011 - Graduated from the Gakushūin School System
    2011 - Enrolled in the Enojima Naval Academy
    2014 - Graduated from the Enojima Naval Academy
    2014 - Joined VF-13
    2016 - Scored first Air-to-Air Kill
    2016 - Promoted to Lieutenant
    2017 - Served in the Second Kalasinese War
    23 July, 2017 - Final Air-to-Air Kill
    2017 - Promoted to Commander
    21 July, 2019 - Engaged to Mayumi Tachibana
    1 May, 2020 - Acceded to the Celestial Throne
    6 November, 2020 - Enthroned as Emperor of Daitō
    21 April, 2022 - Married Mayumi Tachibana
    6 December, 2022 - Birth of Crown Prince Tatsuhito and Princess Sayako
    1 January, 2023 - Start of the Banwa Era


Tennō Heika
Banwa Tennō
Kinjō Heika
shiroshimesu ōkimi

11 January, 1993

Positions Held:
  Prince of Daitō (1993 - 2001)
  Crown Prince of Daitō (2001 - 2020)
  Emperor of Daitō (2020 - Present)
  Kaigun-heigakō-seito (2011 - 2014)
  Kaigun-shōi (2014)
  Kaigun-chūi (2014 - 2016)
  Kaigun-tai-i (2016 - 2017)
  Kaigun-chūsa (2017 - 2020)
  Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial
Armed Forces (2020 - Present)
  Head of the Teidō Faith (2020 - Present)

Political Affiliation: N/A
  Secondary Education in the Gakushūin
  Graduated top of his class in the Enojima
Imperial Naval Academy
  BSci in Aeronautical Engineering
  BSci in Political Science

: Emperor of Daitō

« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 03:59:18 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2021, 04:50:02 AM »

   Hidehiko, Prince Kachō, is the second-born son of the late Emperor Antei and grandson of Emperor-Emeritus Eikō. To some, he was born in the
shadow of his elder brother. To him, however, it was more that he had been born with a freedom which his brother, the future Emperor, never had. He
could devote himself to that which he loved most dearly, the history of his homeland and of East Ardia as a whole, all while being careful not to harm the
public image of the Imperial Family. That was what truly mattered to him; preserving that which had been the past for those yet to come, a gift to future
generations. So yes, he was born in the shadow of his brother, but that never bothered him. Frankly, it was preferable to being Emperor.

       Emperor Antei (Nobukatsu; Father, 1961 - 2021)
       Empress-Emerita Nagako Arakawa (Mother, 1962 - Present)
          Emperor Tenshi (Eijiro; Brother, 1995 - Present)
          Empress Mayumi Tachibana (Sister-in-law, 1995 - Present)
          Princess Satomi (Sister, 1997 - Present)
       Prince Etsuji (Uncle, 1965 - Present)
       Princess Ritsuko Saruwatari (Aunt, 1966 - Present)
          Princess Hinata (Cousin, 1993 - Present)
          Princess Minako (Cousin, 1994 - Present)
          Prince Fumihiko (Cousin, 2003 - Present)
    Emperor Eikō (Uchitsune; Pat. Grandfather, 1926 - Present)
    Empress-Emerita Terumi Heishi (Pat. Grandmother, 1931 - 2011)

   Hidehiko is an avid pianist and writer.

    — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum


華頂宮 秀彦 親王

His Imperial Highness
Prince Kachō

12 June, 1996

Positions Held:
  Prince of Daitō
 (1996 - 2020; 2022 - Present)
  Crown Prince of Daitō
 (2020 - 2022)

Political Affiliation: None
  Secondary Education
in the Ryūha system
  BSci in History from
Keiō University
  Studying for his PhD
in History at Keiō University

Prince of Daitō

« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 03:59:30 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2021, 05:00:40 AM »

   Satomi, daughter of the late Emperor Antei, took an interest in the intricacies of foreign relations from a young age. It was for that reason that she would work to be able to serve in such a position as to affect it. Eventually, she would be assigned to the Daitōjin embassy in Rokkenjima's capital city, Pyrettania.

      • Antei Tennō (Nobukatsu, Father - Deceased)
      • Empress-Emerita Nagako (Mother - Alive)
         • Tennō Heika (Eijiro, Brother - Alive)
         • Prince Hidehiko (Brother - Alive)
      • Prince Etsuji (Uncle - Alive)
      • Princess Saruwatari Ritsuko (Aunt - Alive)
         • Princess Minako (Cousin - Alive)
         • Prince Fumihiko (Cousin - Alive)
   • Daiwa Tennō (Uchitsune, Grandfather - Alive)
   • Empress Terumi Heishi (Grandmother - Alive)

   Satomi has allegedly been trying to work on a novel since 2019.

   • — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum



Her Imperial Highness

27 October, 1997

Positions Held:
 • Princess of Daitō(1997 - Present)
 • Attaché to the Daitōjin Ambassadorial Staff in Rokkenjima
(Briefly 2020, 2021 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
 • Secondary Education in the Ryūha system
 • BSci in Foreign Service

Princess of Daitō

« Last Edit: December 04, 2022, 02:15:43 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2021, 06:00:32 AM »

   Etsuji always had grown up in the shadow of his grandfather and elder brother. Both had been destined from birth to serve as the Emperor of Daitō, after all, and he was but the second-son of a deceased crown prince. But whereas the ambitious would see this as a tragedy, he saw it as an opportunity to forge his own path. He never believed in destiny, after all. It was for that reason that he, unlike his brother, would not serve in the military, nor would he seek a job in the Imperial Household Agency or Daitōjin Diplomatic Corps. Rather, he pursued a career as an Architect, a subject which he had loved from a fairly early age. Where his brother would build diplomatic bridges, he figured, he would build actual ones.

       • Daiwa Tennō (Uchitsune, Father, deceased)
       • Empress Terumi Heishi (Mother - Alive)
          • Princess Saruwatari Ritsuko (Wife - Alive)
             • Princess Minako (Daughter - Alive)
             • Prince Fumihiko (Son - Alive)
          • Antei Tennō (Nobukatsu, Brother - Deceased)
          • Empress Nagako (Sister-in-law - Alive)
             • Tennō Heika (Eijiro, Nephew - Alive)
             • Prince Hidehiko (Nephew - Alive)
             • Princess Satomi (Niece - Alive)
    • Kunan Tennō (Naganori, Grandfather - deceased)
    • Empress Ichiko Wakamatsu (Grandmother - deceased)

   Etsuji designed the current iteration of the Shinkyō National Arena, which was used to host some events during the Mundus Games.

    • — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum


梨本宮 悦司 親王

His Imperial Highness
Prince Nashimoto

1 November, 1965

Positions Held:
 • Prince of Daitō (1974 - 1987; 1995 - Present)
 • Crown Prince of Daitō (1987 - 1995)
 • Architect (1996 - Present)

Political Affiliation: None
 • Secondary Education in the Ryūha system
 • Masters in Architecture

Prince of Daitō

« Last Edit: November 13, 2023, 09:09:14 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2021, 06:44:25 AM »

   Sachio Heishi was born the first child of Iehisa Heishi, at the time the future head of the Heishi clan. His grandfather, Katsuhiko, was the Daijō
,the Chancellor of the Realm, since his father, Toshikatsu Heishi, had been assassinated in late 1936. Growing up, he had wished initially
to become a painter, though as it would turn out, the art he would have to master was that of statecraft. By the time his grandfather had passed,
the position of Chancellor had shifted from a mere advisory role to effectively one of true power, influencing the decisions made by the Imperial
Court in such a way that, in time, the emperor himself would become but a pawn in their game.
   In 1972, at the age of eighteen, he would be encouraged by his father to enter politics, so as to prepare him for his future as chancellor.
As a result, instead of studying the arts, Sachio would enroll in Gakushuin University, where he would study political science in preparation for
a career in the House of Peers. Graduating in 1978, the same year that his grandfather died, he would enter politics, not in the House of Peers,
but in the House of Representatives. After being elected, he would serve there for a term, leaving office in 1982.
   The next step in his political career saw him finally take up the responsibilities he had as the son of a Prince within the Kazoku system. He
would join the House of Peers in 1982, holding his position there throughout the 90s. His influence would only grow in the 90s, when his clan and
others aided an inexperienced Emperor Antei in "ruling" Daitō, all the while using the opportunity to push for a more conservative agenda.
Outside of politics, he participated in several prestigious events and was seen as an important figure in the upper echelons of Daitōjin society.
And of course, his crowning achievement, if it could be called one, was his accession to the position of Chancellor in 1998 when his father, Iehisa,
retired at the age of 80.

   Intelligence and cunning are two things that, if mastered, brings an individual to the heights of power. Sachio knows that better than most,
seeing its benefits throughout his decades-spanning career. Officially, Daitō is a state where the Emperor's word is as the word of god. But beyond
the gates of the Imperial Palace, it is a different story entirely.
   He is known as the "Invisible Regent", the one who decides what the Emperor's orders are. The one who rules on his behalf, who has turned
Emperor after Emperor into an unknowing pawn for interests that extend throughout the realm. The man who has, in effect, become a new shōgun
hiding just beyond the veil and has turned the Emperor into merely a figurehead. Any order that leaves the palace only does so because he allows it,
for the greater good of the Empire, or so he claims in private circles.
   But there are those who even now challenge his position. The emperor he now rules on the behalf of has a will of his own, and his very sons
have begun to turn on him. His son, Jin, has been left estranged out of disgust for who he has become. A party which, though cracks are forming
among its various wings, still desire a true Imperial Restoration, and a military which has often been held back even at the height of the Andean
Genocide, permitted only to send a token force as a show of solidarity. It is clear that the reign of the Invisible Regent will end, the question now
no longer if, but when.

       Iehisa Heishi (Father, 1918 - 2017)
       Fuyuko Heishi (née Inoue; Mother, 1923 - 2011)
          Makoto Heishi (née Ayusawa; Wife, 1953 - Present)
             Suketoshi Heishi (Son, 1985 - Present)
             Jin Heishi (Son, 1987 - Present)
          Isao Heishi (Brother, 1955 - Present)
          Miura Heishi (née Akemi; Sister-in-Law, 1958 - Present)
             Takahide Heishi (Nephew, 1988 - Present)
             Yasuji Heishi (Nephew, 1989 - Present)
          Muneyori Heishi (Brother, 1956 - Present)
          Haruka Heishi (née Wakao; Sister-in-law, 1956 - Present)
             Chiyoko Hashiba (née Heishi; Niece, 1984 - Present)
             Daisaku Heishi (Nephew, 1985 - Present)
    Katsuhiko Heishi (Pat. Grandfather, 1892 - 1978)
    Kaede Heishi (née Yamana; Pat. Grandmother, 1895 - 1979)


    — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
    Grand Cordon of the Sacred Treasures


Sachio Heishi
平 祥雄

His Highness

3 May, 1954

Positions Held:
(1978 - 1982)
(1982 - 1998)
(1998 - Present)
(1998 - Present)

Political Affiliation: YFD
  Secondary Education in the Ryūha system
  Masters in Political Science

Chancellor of the Realm

« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 01:31:51 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2021, 08:02:46 AM »


      • Heishi Sachio (Father, Alive)
      • Ayusawa Makoto (Mother, Alive)
         • Kadonaga Akari (Wife, Alive)
            • Heishi Yahiro (Son, Alive)
         • Heishi Suketoshi (Brother, Alive)
         • Kawabe Kahori (Sister-in-law, Alive)
            • Heishi Tomoji (Nephew, Alive)
            • Heishi Kuniko (Niece, Alive)
            • Heishi Shimako (Niece, Alive)
   • Heishi Iehisa (Grandfather, Deceased)
   • Inoue Fuyuko (Grandmother, Deceased)

   Jin is, as a result of his elder brother's unwillingness to take the position on the death of their grandfather, the current heir to Prince Sachio Heishi.



Heishi Jin
平 仁

His Highness

1 February, 1987

Positions Held:
 • City Councilor, Awara (2010 - 2012)
 • Representative, Awara (2012 - 2020)
 • Prime Minister of Daitō,
Acting (2020 - 2021)
 • Special Advisor on Diplomacy (2021 - Present)

Political Affiliation: DFD
 • Secondary Education in the Ryūha system
 • BSci in Political Science

Crown Prince of Ishikari
Special Advisor on Diplomacy

« Last Edit: December 04, 2022, 02:19:33 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2021, 08:19:40 AM »

   A career officer, Okimoto has dedicated his life in service of the Empire, for which he has been greatly rewarded. He now stands as one of its most decorated officers as well as the highest ranking officer in the Armed Forces, second only to the Emperor himself.

      • Esashi Eijiro (Father, Alive)
      • Kaneda Suzue (Mother, Deceased)
         • Kanayama Shiho (Wife, Alive)
            • Esashi Reiko (Daughter, Alive)
            • Esashi Tomoya (Son, Alive)
   • Esashi Ichiro (Grandfather, Deceased)
   • Ariyoshi Mitsuko (Grandmother, Deceased)

   Okimoto was, from 1995 to 2014, a member of the Imperial Guard, having commanded the division from 2011 to 2014.

   • — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
   • — Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
   • — Order of the Golden Kite, Second Class


Esashi Okimoto


19 July, 1963

Positions Held:
 • Cadet (1981 - 1985)
 • Rikugun-Shōi (1985 - 1986)
 • Rikugun-Chūi (1986 - 1989)
 • Rikugun-Tai-i (1989 - 1995)
 • Rikugun-Chūsa (1995 - 2001)
 • Rikugun-Taisa (2001 - 2011)
 • Rikugun-Shōshō (2011 - 2014)
 • Rikugun-Chūjō (2014 - 2018)
 • Rikugun-Taishō (2018 - 2020)
 • Gensui-Rikugun-Taishō (2020 - Present)
 • Chief of Staff of the Imperial Daitōjin Armed Forces (2020 - 2023)
 • Minister of War (2023 - Present)

Political Affiliation: YFD
 • Educated in the Ganka system
 • Graduated top in his class from the Imperial Military Academy

Head of the Imperial Army

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2021, 10:16:22 AM »

   Hisayoshi is known as a compassionate individual, one who wants nothing more than to prevent the suffering of the masses. This stands in sharp contrast to his ancestors, who were the perpetrators of the so-caled "Nullification", a program which can only be considered cultural genocide in the 17th century against the native inhabitants of the island. One could reason, perhaps, that it is because of these actions that he has taken measures to help those who on their own he deems helpless, in a way an effort to atone for his family's sins.

      • Yamana Ryūji (Father - Alive)
      • Koma Nanako (Mother - Alive)
         • Fujiki Chiya (Wife - Alive)
            • Yamana Hisato (Son - Alive)
            • Yamana Kazuki (Son - Alive)
            • Yamana Kyoko (Daughter - Alive)
   • Yamana Akitake (Grandfather - Deceased)
   • Fumita Ikuyo (Grandmother - Deceased)

   Hisayoshi is the founder and CEO of "Children of Liberation", a nonprofit aimed at supporting victims of human trafficking from Tamora and other Aranyean nations. As a result, he cannot travel to the country without risking arrest. Hisayoshi took over as Prince following his father's abdication of the office in 2017.



Yamana Hisayoshi

His Highness,

1 April, 1969

Positions Held:
 • Prince of Tsukishima (2017 - Present)
 • CEO of the "Children of Liberation" (2006 - Present)

Political Affiliation: CDP
 • Secondary Education in the Ryūha system
 • Masters in Non-Profit Studies

Prince of Tsukishima
CEO of "Children of Liberation"

« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 04:12:58 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2021, 01:49:05 AM »

   The current State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tadakatsu is known for his devotion to the state but also for being a difficult boss to work for. Before his career in politics, he was a prominent political commentator who frequently worked alongside the state-owned Imperial News Service. Before that, he worked for three years as a salesman for the Nichirei Corporation.

      • Haruno Gorō (Father - Alive)
      • Arishima Akane (Mother - Alive)
         • Rokuda Manami (Wife - Alive)
            • Haruno Itsumi (Daughter - Alive)
            • Haruno Eijiro (Son - Alive)
   • Haruno Daizen (Grandfather - Deceased)
   • Fukatsu Meisa (Grandmother - Deceased)

   Tadakatsu is said to have a peculiar interest in Jiayuanese culture.



Haruno Tadakatsu

Gaimu Daijin

13 June, 1972

Positions Held:
 • Salesman for Nichirei Corporation (1994 - 1997)
 • Political Commentator for the Imperial News Service (1997 - 2008)
 • Representative for Ueno (2008 - 2012, 2016 - Present)
 • State Minister of Foreign Affairs (2021 - Present)

Political Affiliation: LDP
 • Masters in Public Policy from the University of Shinkyō

State Minister of Foreign Affairs
« Last Edit: October 15, 2021, 02:00:30 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2021, 11:45:36 PM »

   The first woman to hold the position of Head of the Imperial Air Forces, Nanako comes from a family whose members across the generations served in the military. When restrictions on enlistment were lifted, she would apply to study at the Imperial Military Academy in Shinkyō and would rise through the ranks of the Air Force throughout her career. Her firstborn son, Hidetoshi, is currently serving as a Rikugun-Shōsa in the Imperial Army. She was promoted to the position of Gensui-Rikugun-Taishō in early 2021.

      • Ahane Jiro (Father - Deceased)
      • Dewa Itsuko (Mother - Alive)
         • Fukuda Eikichi (Husband - Alive)
            • Fukuda Hidetoshi (Son - Alive)
            • Fukuda Hirotaka (Son - Alive)


   • — Order of the Rising Sun, Second Class
   • — Order of the Golden Kite, Third Class


Ahane Nanako


19 October, 1964

Positions Held:
 • Rikugun-Shōi (1986 - 1987)
 • Rikugun-Chūi (1987 - 1990)
 • Rikugun-Tai-i (1990 - 1996)
 • Rikugun-Shōsa (1996 - 2002)
 • Rikugun-Chūsa (2002 - 2004)
 • Rikugun-Taisa (2004 - 2012)
 • Rikugun-Shōshō (2012 - 2015)
 • Rikugun-Chūjō (2015 - 2018)
 • Rikugun-Taishō 2018 - 2021)
 • Gensui-Rikugun-Taishō (2021 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
 • Graduated from the Imperial Military Academy
 • BSci in Aerospace Engineering

Head of the Imperial Air Force

« Last Edit: October 15, 2021, 02:00:20 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2021, 03:39:30 PM »

   Some have said that Fukushi Hakaru never had a chance of becoming one of the highest-ranking officers in the Armed Forces. Those same people would've said that him lasting even a year in the army was unlikely, given his poor health in his early life. Despite the struggles he had to overcome, he has proven these critics wrong time and time again. Now one of the most influential people in the Empire, some say he has lost himself in his efforts to reach the top. Others say he poses a distinct threat to the status-quo. Some even say that, given the chance, he would seek a war with the allies that Daitō considers most dear as some attempt to gain glory on the battlefield like the legends of old. Whether any of these claims are true or not, it cannot be said that he lacks ambition. It is that ambition that pushes him, like it has many before, to take great sacrifices for the sake of notoriety, whether good or bad.

      • Fukushi Eijiro (Father - Deceased)
      • Esumi Fujiko (Mother - Deceased)
         • Haida Itsuko (Wife - Alive)
            • Fukushi Daizen (Son - Alive)
   • Fukushi Jiro (Pat. Grandfather - Deceased)
   • Abe Mitsuko (Pat. Grandmother - Deceased)

   The de-facto head of the SMRG, a faction within the Teikokutō, he has served in the military diligently, although he finds himself feeling jealous of his superiors, notably Marshal Esashi. An ambitious man, he plots the downfall of his rivals within the military, whether by their forcible resignation or, if the need arises, their deaths.



Fukushi Hakaru


17 June, 1961

Positions Held:
 • Jun-i (1983)
 • Rikugun-Shōi (1983 - 1984)
 • Rikugun-Chūi (1984 - 1987)
 • Rikugun-Tai-i (1987 - 1993)
 • Rikugun-Shōsa (1993 - 1999)
 • Rikugun-Chūsa (1999 - 2005)
 • Rikugun-Taisa (2005 - 2006)
 • Rikugun-Shōshō (2006 - 2012)
 • Rikugun-Chūjō (2012 - 2018)
 • Rikugun-Taishō (2018 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
 • Graduated from the Imperial Military Academy
 • Masters in Political Science

« Last Edit: March 08, 2022, 02:55:51 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2021, 02:04:28 AM »

   Born on the 26th of August, 1995, to Eikichi and Miyū Tachibana, Mayumi was the second of three children growing up. Her father was a prominent figure in Daitō's
foreign service, and as a result, she would spend many years outside of Daitō as her father's job pulled her away at times from home. Between 1999 and 2003, she
and her family would reside in Vanora while her father served as Ambassador to the country. They would later move briefly to Ardia in 2005, although this stay would
only last a year before her father decided to retire, instead going into politics by joining the House of Peers, owing to his rank as a Viscount. For her part, Mayumi had
hoped to follow in her father's footsteps, aiming to study International Relations to prepare herself for a future diplomatic posting. In 2013, she began attending
Gakushūin University in Shinkyō.

   During her time at Gakushūin, she would become acquainted with a great many members of Daitō's Kazoku and Shizoku classes, as many a prominent or wealthy
family would send their children to study at what was, ultimately, one of the two most prestigious universities in the country. It was at this time that Mayumi would
first meet Eijirō, then the Crown Prince and a mere Ensign, fresh from the Naval Academy at Enojima. They would become fast friends and eventually, more than
that. Eventually, in 2019, they would become engaged, although their wedding would be pushed back several times due to unforeseen events. Finally, they would
marry in 2022.

       Viscount Eikichi Tachibana (Father, 1961 - Present)
       Miyū Tachibana (née Suzuoki; Mother, 1962 - Present)
          Emperor Banwa (Eijirō; Husband, 1993 - Present)
             Crown Prince Tatsuhito (Son, 2022 - Present)
             Princess Sayako (Daughter, 2022 - Present)
          Asao Tachibana (Brother, 1993 - Present)
          Chinami Tachibana (née Nakayama; Sister-in-Law, 1993 - Present)
             Haruka Tachibana (Niece, 2019 - Present)
          Nagako Tachibana (Sister, 1997 - Present)
    Sadakatsu Tachibana (Pat. Grandfather, 1932 - 2013)
    Asuna Tachibana (née Wada; Pat. Grandmother, 1938 - Present)
    Takatoshi Suzuoki (Mat. Grandfather, 1929 - 2019)
    Atsumi Suzuoki (née Atsumi; Mat. Grandmother, 1933 - 2001)



Mayumi Tachibana

26th August, 1995

Positions Held:
(2022 - Present)

Political Affiliation: None
  Secondary Education in the Gakushūin
  BSci. in International Relations from
Gakushūin University

Current Position:

« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 05:16:53 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2021, 02:26:28 AM »

   A career politician, Benkei is currently serving as Daitō's State Minister of the Interior.

      • Hiraide Takeharu (Father - Deceased)
      • Yajima Hiroe (Mother - Deceased)
         • Yukino Makiko (Wife - Alive)
            • Hiraide Itsumi (Daughter - Alive)
            • Hiraide Okimoto (Son - Alive)
   • Hiraide Rikiya (Pat. Grandfather - Deceased)
   • Tokui Mina (Pat. Grandmother - Deceased)


Hiraide Benkei

Soumu Daijin

14 June, 1965

Positions Held:
 • Secretary to a
Diet Member (1983 - 1988)
 • Representative for Kiyosato (1988 - 1996; 2000 - 2008)
 • Parliament Secretary for Internal Affairs
(1992 - 1996; Fujikawa)
 • Political Commentator (1996 - 2000; 2008 - 2020)
 • State Minister of the Interior (2020 - Present)

Political Affiliation: LDP
 • Bachelor's in Foreign Service from the University of Awara

State Minister of the Interior

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2021, 11:33:03 AM »

   Dr. Jiro Asagiri is the current Director of the DNSA. Born to a Daitōjin father and a Tytorian mother, he spent a number of years abroad owing to his dual citizenship within the two countries. Formerly, he headed the Shirotsuru program.

      • Asagiri Haruto (Father, Alive)
      • Elise Colbeck (Mother, Alive)
         • Ikeda Masako (Wife, Alive)
            • Asagiri Hitomi (Daughter, Alive)
            • Asagiri Takeru (Son, Alive)
   • Asagiri Yorinobu (Pat. Grandfather, Deceased)
   • Obuchi Akane (Pat. Grandmother, Deceased)
   • Edward Colbeck (Mat. Grandfather, Deceased)
   • Margret Colbeck (née Hitchens; Mat. Grandmother, Deceased)



   • Became the Director of the Shirotsuru Program in 2018
   • Served as Deputy-Director of the Kyūden IV program from 2011 to 2018
   • Delivered a Presentation on Shirotsuru at the 2021 Aperture World's Fair.

Asagiri Jiro


1 March, 1963

Positions Held:
 • DNSA Aerospace Engineer (1996 - 2011)
 • Deputy Director, Shirotsuru Program (2011 - 2018)
 • Director, Shirotsuru Program (2018 - 2022)
 • Director, DNSA

Political Affiliation: N/A
Education: PhD in Aerospace Engineering

Director, DNSA
« Last Edit: July 03, 2022, 03:39:13 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2022, 10:32:07 PM »

   Natsuki has, since 2018, served in the Imperial Guard, working in a plain-clothes role during the travels of various members of the Imperial Family. He has notably befriended the Emperor, Eijiro, since the latter's return from the war in Lechia back in 2019.

      • Uematsu Goro (Father, Alive)
      • Gonokami Tsukiko (Mother, Alive)
         • Uematsu Makoto (Sister, Alive)
         • Uematsu Yoriko (Sister, Alive)
      • Uematsu Ichiro (Uncle, Alive)
      • Hayaishi Yumi (Aunt, Alive)
         • Uematsu Haruto (Cousin, Alive)
   • Uematsu Hiroshi (Pat. Grandfather, Alive)
   • Togami Mayumi (Pat. Grandmother, Alive)
   • Gonokami Hayate (Mat. Grandfather, Deceased)
   • Yabuta Miwa (Mat. Grandmother, Alive)




Uematsu Natsuki

Mr., Uematsu-san

26 August, 1993

Positions Held:
 • Cadet (2011 - 2015)
 • Rikugun-Shōi (2015 - 2016)
 • Rikugun-Chūi (2016 - 2019)
 • Rikugun-Tai-i (2019 - Present)

Political Affiliation: N/A
Education: Graduated fifth from the Shinkyō Imperial Military Academy

Imperial Guard
« Last Edit: July 18, 2022, 06:39:16 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2022, 05:59:35 AM »

Born during the height of Daitō's economic boom then forced to watch it stumble, Suketoshi Heishi, son of Sachio Heishi,
has seen his nation both at its highest and lowest points. He remembers when the DFD made its pledge for democratization,
when the first Diet in nearly sixty years was elected free of influence by the ruling party. But he has also seen the corruption
that this process spawned. Nearly repeating word-for-word the 1930s, he felt as though something had to change, and soon.
Falling back on the writings of his great great-grandfather, he found himself believing more and more in the cause that the
Daitō fukkatsu dōmei had advocated in its early years, viewing the Kunan Restoration as incomplete and flawed.

At the age of eighteen, he enrolled in the Imperial Military Academy in Shinkyō, where he would study Political Science along
his road towards earning his commission. It would be in 2007, at the age of twenty-two, that he graduated, with a
Bachelor's of Science in Political Science and be commissioned as a Jun-i, a warrant officer, and would be assigned to the
1st Infantry Regiment, 4th Awara Division, based out of Fort Asuka.

In 2010, with war on the Horizon in Volhynia, Suketoshi was deployed to the small Aranyean country. He would serve his nation
with distinction during the first three years of the war until one fateful evening in early 2013. As he and his squad were on patrol,
they came under an ambush by Halychian forces belonging to the 18th Army Aviation Regiment and the 45th Artillery Brigade.
Though he and his men were forced to retreat, he knew that some of them had been wounded and would soon be overtaken by
the foe. As such, as they waited for evac, he would make a number of efforts to recover his fallen comrades, enduring heavy fire
and extensive injuries in doing so. For his extraordinary valour and dutiful service, he was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order
of the Golden Kite, although at the cost of his left arm, two toes, and his right eye.

Sent first to a field hospital then back home following his injuries, Suketoshi found himself almost aimless. He knew his military
career, at least in active service, was all but over, there was no way he would be cleared for it. Instead, he was left with one of
two options, either he passed the Discharge Review Board's examination or he was Medically Discharged. For his part, it really
wasn't up to him. Admittedly, part of him hoped he would receive his discharge papers, but fate, it seemed, had different plans.
Suketoshi would remain in the Armed Services, although as a reservist, with the understanding that while he may not see combat
again, he could be called up to serve in an administrative role instead. And so, Suketoshi Heishi, now of the rank of
Rikugun-Tai-i (Captain) and holder of the highest Military Honour in the Empire, found himself without a job.

His brother, Jin, had until 2014 served as a city councilor for their hometown of Shinkyō. With his recommendation and endorsement,
Suketoshi would join the Daitō fukkatsu dōmei and run for the office, which he would hold from 2014 until 2016, when he was called
up to serve once more, though this time it was a bit different. He would serve as aide-de-camp to the Emperor himself.

The new job was far different than his time in the military and as a member of the House of Representatives, suffice to say. While he didn't
have to worry about popularity or the enemy bullet, he had to be acutely aware of his position within the Imperial Heirarchy. Yes,
he was a descendant of a number of major figures in the Empire, but that mattered little as anything he said could be viewed as
official state policy. So, as a result, he had to quickly learn to watch what he said and when he said it. Nonetheless, his time around
Emperor Antei would help him to build his relationship with the DFD, ingratiating him with its leadership and with the government as
 a whole. By 2022, he found himself as a likely candidate for the office of Prime Minister, having refused to take the office of Chancellor
 upon his father's eventual resignation. Now, as he finds himself in the limelight, he prepares to make his play.

The dragon of the east stirs from its slumber, never to rest again.

   • Heishi Sachio (Father, Alive)
   • Ayusawa Makoto (Mother, Alive)
      • Kawabe Kahori (Wife, Alive)
         • Heishi Tomoji (Son, Alive)
         • Heishi Kuniko (Daughter, Alive)
         • Heishi Shimako (Daughter, Alive)
      • Heishi Jin (Brother, Alive)
      • Kadonaga Akari (Sister-in-law, Alive)
         • Heishi Yahiro (Nephew, Alive)
   • Heishi Iehisa (Grandfather, Deceased)
   • Inoue Fuyuko (Grandmother, Deceased)

Suketoshi lost his left arm and right eye to a firefight during the Volhynian War. While normally this would be grounds for a discharge,
he was given the option of moving into a more administrative role, one which would see him remain in Daitō full-time. As an aside,
because of this he now wears a glass eye.

   • — Grand Cordon of the Order of the Golden Kite


Heishi Suketoshi

His Highness,

16 May, 1985

Positions Held:
 • Junior First Rank (1985 - Present)
 • Officer in the Imperial Daitōjin Army (2007 - 2020)
 • City Councilor, Shinkyō (2014 - 2018)
 • Representative, Shinkyō 6th District (2018 - Present)
 • Aide-de-camp to Emperor Antei (2018 - 2020)
 • Prime Minister (2022)

Political Affiliation: Daitō fukkatsu dōmei
Graduated from the Shinkyō Imperial Military Academy
BSci in Political Science

Prime Minister

« Last Edit: January 04, 2023, 09:25:28 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2022, 07:20:42 PM »


      • Emperor Kunan (Naganori; Father, 1889 - 1973)
      • Empress-Dowager Ichiko Wakamatsu (Mother, 1897 - 1979)
         • Empress-Emerita Terumi Heike (Wife, 1931 - 2011)
            • Emperor Antei (Nobukatsu; Son, 1961 - 2021)
            • Empress-Emerita Nagako Arakawa (Daughter-in-Law, 1962 - Present)
               • Emperor Banwa (Eijirō, Grandson, 1993 - Present)
               • Empress Mayumi Tachibana (Granddaughter-in-law, 1995 - Present)
               • Crown Prince Hidehiko (Grandson, 1996 - Present)
               • Princess Satomi (Granddaughter, 1997 - Present)
            • Prince Etsuji (Son, 1965 - Present)
            • Princess Ritsuko Saruwatari (Daughter-in-law, 1966 - Present)
               • Princess Hinata (Granddaughter, 1993 - Present)
               • Princess Minako (Granddaughter, 1994 - Present)
               • Prince Fumihiko (Grandson, 2003 - Present)
         • Princess Ritsuko (Sister, 1928 - Present)
         • Marquess Hidekazu Omiya (Brother-in-law, 1928 - Present)
            • Jiro Omiya (Nephew, 1953 - Present)
            • Katsumori Omiya (Nephew, 1954 - Present)
   • Emperor Keiō (Shigenori; Pat. Grandfather, 1852 - 1932)
   • Empress Hiroka (Pat. Grandmother, 1855 - 1926)


   • — Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
   • — Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum



Daijō Tennō
Eikō Tennō

19 January, 1926

Positions Held:
 • Prince of Daitō
 • Crown Prince of Daitō
 • Emperor of Daitō
 • Emperor-Emeritus

Political Affiliation:
   Doctorate in Theology


« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 03:59:03 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2022, 02:08:36 PM »

   Among the many nobles of the Empire of Daitō, Muneyori is one of the scant few who truly have
the Emperor's ear. A friend of Emperor Tenshi since childhood, the two have served together from as far
away as the skies over Lechia to as close by as the Imperial Palace. So close, they are, that they have
oft been likened to brothers; indeed some even ponder if perhaps Lord Tomoshige is an illegitimate child
of the former Emperor Antei's, though such rumors are, of course, at present unconfirmed.
   Muneyori, though an officer in the Imperial Daitōjin Air Force, had wanted to achieve more once his
service was complete. As a result, starting with his time in the academy, he studied to become a diplomat,
eventually earning his masters in Foreign Service in 2021. Though inexperienced beyond a few minor
postings, most notably a brief stint in the Empire's embassy in the ASA, he now looks ahead to a successful
career with much hope for the future.

      • Tomoshige Yorimasa (Father, Alive — 1968 - Present)
      • Nakayama Etsuko (Mother, Alive — 1972 - Present)
         • Kiyowara Chiyoko (Wife, Alive — 1997 - Present)
            • Tomoshige Setsuko (Daughter, Alive — 2019 - Present)
         • Tomoshige Mieko (Sister, Alive — 1996 - Present)
         • Hamuro Fusakiyo (Brother-in-law, Alive — 1995 - Present)
            • Hamuro Fusatoshi (Nephew, Alive — 2021 - Present)
      • Tomoshige Katsunari (Uncle, Alive — 1969 - Present)
      • Hiki Natsue (Aunt, Alive — 1968 - Present)
         • Tomoshige Hirokatsu (Cousin, Alive — 1998 - Present)
   • Tomoshige Masatane (Pat. Grandfather, Deceased — 1935 - 2011)
   • Sasaki Manami (Pat. Grandmother, Alive — 1941 - Present)
   • Nakayama Yorisue (Mat. Grandfather, Deceased — 1938 - 2018)
   • Washio Ryoko (Mat. Grandmother, Deceased — 1937 - 2003)

   He bears a passing resemblance to the reigning Emperor.



Tomoshige Muneyori

His Highness,

11 June, 1997

Positions Held:
 • Junior Third Rank (2014 - 2017)
 • Officer in the Imperial Daitōjin Air Force (2014 - Present)
 • Kakushaku (2017 - Present)
 • Senior Third Rank (2017 - Present)
 • Senior Counselor (2020 - Present)

Political Affiliation: Daitō fukkatsu dōmei
Education: Graduated third in class from the
Imperial Air Force Academy
Masters in Foreign Service

Senior Third Rank
« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 06:21:07 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2022, 12:22:02 AM »

   One would be hard-pressed to find a man as devoted to the ideals of the Yamato Fukkatsu Dōmei as Superintendent-General Jin Hiraishi.
For the past 35 years, he has served the Tokubetsu Kōtō Keisatsu—the Special Higher Police—with distinction, climbing the ranks to eventually
lead it in 2021. However, his first task as Superintendent-General was a grim one, investigating the assassination of a former Emperor and the
Prime Minister who had appointed him. Since then, he has tirelessly worked to bury those who were responsible, them and anyone linked even
tangentially to the plot. Even those in the highest positions of power would not be safe. If it meant justice would be achieved, then, he thought,
it would be alright if people learned once more to fear the Tokkō. After all, such reputations went a a long ways and helped to achieve that which
other agencies could not.

       Yorinobu Hiraishi (Father, 1932 - 2011)
       Rina Hiraishi (née Ioka, Mother; 1938 - Present)
          Eiko Hiraishi (née Enomoto; Wife, 1967 - Present)
             Ichiro Hiraishi (Son, 1995 - Present)
          Masako Shimizu (née Hiraishi; Sister, 1963 - Present)
          Fumio Shimizu (Brother-in-law, 1964 - Present)
             Daisuke Shimizu (Nephew, 1990 - Present)
             Akiyuki Shimizu (Nephew, 1993 - Present)
    Katsumori Hiraishi (Grandfather, 1903 - 1981)
    Chiyoko Hiraishi (née Hagimori; Grandmother, 1908 - 1986)




Jin Hiraishi

Sōkan, Mr. Hiraishi,

26 April, 1965

Positions Held:
  Police Officer
  Chief Inspector

Political Affiliation: YFD
Masters in Criminal Justice

Superintendent-General of
the Tokubetsu Kōtō Keisatsu


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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2022, 04:10:55 PM »

   The commander of the Kenpeitai, Daitō's equivalent to a gendarmerie, Lt. General Hokinoue has served the Empire with distinction since the
closing days of the cold war. Cut of the same cloth as the men who staffed it since the days of old, he views the security of the Empire and its
people as his foremost concern, even above his own life. For without the Empire, he figures, what good is there in the world? As a result, a more
dedicated man you could scarcely find to lead such an important organization, a role which he takes pride in fulfilling. Yet below the surface, there
is more to him than just the dedicated servant. The excesses of the Kenpeitai and its sister-organizations are known to him, their methods of
ensuring the state's security encouraged despite treaties requiring otherwise. The fact of the matter is, to him, nothing matters besides the continued
security of his beloved homeland, and any threat he perceives will be treated as though it were a demon, utterly undeserving of compassion and
warranting nothing short of total erradication.

       Isao Hokinoue (Father, 1933 - 2014)
       Jitsuko Hokinoue (née Abiko; Mother, 1938 - 1974)
          Hisayo Hokinoue (née Ishikawa; Wife, 1965 - Present)
             Dairoku Hokinoue (Son, 1992 - Present)
             Aiko Hokinoue (Daughter, 1994 - Present)
          Mikako Tachikawa (née Hokinoue; Sister, 1966 - Present)
          Yahiko Tachikawa (Brother-in-law, 1966 - Present)
             Wataru Tachikawa (Nephew, 1993 - Present)
          Jiro Hokinoue (Brother, 1967 - Present)
          Noriyo Hokinoue (née Takayasu; Sister-in-law, 1966 - Present)
             Chisato Hokinoue (Niece, 1995 - Present)
             Mieko Hokinoue (Niece, 1996 - Present)
       Osamu Hokinoue (Uncle, 1931 - 2008)
       Reina Hokinoue (née Deguchi; Aunt, 1933 - Present)
          Sadayoshi Hokinoue (Cousin, 1959 - Present)
          Haruka Hokinoue (1961 - Present)
    Satsuo Hokinoue (Pat. Grandfather, 1907 - 1985)
    Natsumi Hokinoue (née Fujioka; Pat. Grandmother, 1908 - 1982)
    Etsuji Hachisuka (Mat. Grandfather, 1909 - 1945)
    Masako Hachisuka (née Wakao; Mat. Grandmother, 1914 - 1981)


    — Order of the Rising Sun, Third Class
    — Order of the Golden Kite, Second Class


Takahiko Hokinoue


07 November, 1964

Positions Held:
(1986 - 1987)
(1987 - 1990)
(1990 - 1996)
(1996 - 2002)
(2002 - 2008)
(2008 - 2013)
(2013 - 2018)
(2018 - Present)

Political Affiliation: YFD
Masters in Forensic Science

Rikugun-Chūjō of the Kenpeitai


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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2022, 10:02:28 PM »

   Hisayoshi was born in Tateyama, Tochigi Prefecture, in 1961. The son of Kiyomori and Haruka Kitabatake, he,
like many other members of the privileged Kazoku class, could trace his lineage back to the Samurai of old; his
great great-grandfather had been the last Daimyō of Kubota Domain, which existed along the coast of his home
prefecture. His grandfather on his father's side had served in the war as a colonel before retiring to a life of
politics, serving in the House of Peers from 1952 to 1976. On his mother's side, the Ikeyamada were much the
same, former samurai-turned Kazoku, however, unlike the Kitabatake, they became involved in business,
running a number of businesses, most notably the Ikeyamada Corporation, a major manufacturer of
   Hisayoshi, from an early age, wanted to follow in his grandfather's footsteps, becoming intensely interested in
politics. Some of his fondest memories growing up were being able to sit in on sessions of the House of Peers at
his grandfather's invitation; after all, his grandfather was most supportive of his goals and wished to cultivate
that love of politics. Something of a way of building a legacy, he figured. It was, therefore, no surprise when he,
having worked as a lawyer for some time, announced his candidacy for the House of Representatives in 1994.
   Early in his career, many saw Hisayoshi as something of a moderate, wishing to maintain the status-quo in the
country. He took after his grandfather in many regards, taking a critical stance against pork-barrel spending and
becoming a strong proponent of pan-Ardianism over the course of his first term. Towards the end of his second
term, he would be appointed as Minister for Home Affairs under Prime Minister Morihiro Obuchi, during which
time he oversaw Daitō's administrative system, elections, and police as well as managing the country's social
policy and public works programs.
   Following Prime Minister Obuchi's ousting in 2007, Hisayoshi found himself once again merely representative
of Tochigi Prefecture's second district. However, in 2008, he would successfully run to become the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, a position he would hold until 2018 when the YFD briefly lost power. During his time
as Speaker, he would become affiliated with the Seitōkyōgi—Orthodox—faction of the YFD as he became more
and more aligned with the hardline elements of the party. He would unsuccessfully contend the position of Prime
Minister twice, first in 2016 and again in 2021, shortly after regaining the position of Speaker the year prior. Now,
he stands as a challenger to Prime Minister Heishi, an opponent to the Shadow Regent, and a strong supporter of
the Emperor, believing that, perhaps, the time has come for action along the lines of the Kunan Restoration.
Having earned the respect of the people and sensing the desire to put an end to the disorder among the nation's
political scene, only time knows if and when he will act.

       Kiyomori Kitabatake (Father, 1935 - 2016)
       Haruka Kitabatake (née Ikeyamada; Mother, 1937 - 2009)
          Rin Kitabatake (née Hayaishi; Wife, 1961 - Present)
             Haruchika Kitabatake (Son, 1990 - Present)
             Fuyukichi Kitabatake (Son, 1991 - Present)
             Hiroyo Kitabatake (Daughter, 1993 - Present)
          Kimiko Akahoshi (née Kitabatake; Sister, 1963 - Present)
          Fusazane Chiyotanda (Brother-in-law, 1961 - Present)
             Haruto Chiyotanda (Nephew,
             Nanami Chiyotanda (Niece,
          Misuteru Kitabatake (Brother, 1964 - Present)
          Toshiko Kitabatake (née Ikeguchi; Sister-in-law, 1966 - Present)
             Sakurako Kitabatake (Niece, 1994 - Present)
             Miyuki Kitabatake (Niece, 1994 - Present)
       Fumihisa Kitabatake (Uncle, 1936 - 2019)
       Yaeko Kitabatake (née Sasagaki; Aunt, 1938 - Present)
          Daisaku Kitabatake (Cousin, 1964 - Present)
          Hajime Kitabatake (Cousin, 1966 - Present)
    Katsutoshi Kitabatake (Pat. Grandfather, 1907 - 1986)
    Sumire Kitabatake  (née Katabuchi; Pat. Grandmother, 1912 - 1991)
    Masanosuke Ikeyamada (Mat. Grandfather, 1909 - 2000)
    Minako Ikeyamada (née Deguchi; Mat. Grandmother, 1914 - 1981)

    Hisayoshi Kitabatake is an avid writer, being the author of numerous best-selling nonfiction books over the
course of his career.

    — Order of the Sacred Treasure, Second Class


Hisayoshi Kitabatake


16 April, 1961

Positions Held:
Tochigi Second District
(1994 - Present)
  Minister of Home Affairs
(2002 - 2007)
  Speaker of the
House of Representatives
(2008 - 2018; 2020 - Present)
  Vice President of the YFD
(2018 - Present)

Political Affiliation: YFD
JD from Gakushuin University

Speaker of the House
of Representatives

« Last Edit: December 26, 2022, 10:36:38 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2022, 07:49:58 AM »

   The grandson of an admiral in the navy who was later raised to the rank of Baron in the Kazoku system,
Kanetake Hayashi broke with the family tradition and entered politics, wishing to achieve by the pen that
which could not be achieved by the sword. He started small, as many a politician would, by successfully
running for mayor in Otsu. He would use that position as a springboard for his campaign to run for office
in the House of Peers in 1996, where he would remain for two terms until 2010.
   Raised to be loyal to the Emperor and the Empire above all else, it was perhaps no surprise that, during
his time in the Diet, Kanetake grew close to the Seitōkyōgi faction of the Yafudō. At the time, in the late
90s, it was still a fringe faction of the party, but he, alongside a number of other now-prominent politicians
such as Hisayoshi Kitabatake, Haruaki Kido, and Futoshi Murata, would see it rise to form a significant wing
of the party. However, like the seasons, his time in the diet would have to pass.
   By the end of 2010, Kanetake was, however briefly, out of a job, having lost his seat to another candidate
from the YFD. However, through his connections with now-Speaker Kitabatake, he was, by December of that
year, able to take the position of President of the Board of Audit. It would be in this position that he would
make contact with a powerful ally in the form of the late-Emperor Antei. When his term on the Board of Audit
expired, he would serve as Minister of the Imperial Household in the successive Katayama and Kishida
governments, a position which he would excel in. However, as before, this position would not last, as when
the YFD lost power to the Rikken Minshutō in 2018, he would likewise be out of a job once again.
   Kanetake never was an ally of the Heishi Chancellors. Sure, he, like almost anyone in the party, had great
respect for Toshikatsu Heishi, the "forerunner to the National-Imperial Revolution", but it ended there. Several
generations of a Shadow Regents had betrayed his dream, after all. It was this distrust that put him at odds
with the current Chancellor, Sachio Heishi, and which nearly cost him any hope of further advancement in his
career. Were it not for his "friendship", if one could call it that, with the Emperor, he almost certainly would
never have been appointed Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, a prominent figure in the Privy Council. However,
through the Emperor's direct intervention, this position would be his, and there was nothing stopping him
from keeping it. Not even the Chancellor's machinations.
   Yet it is a dangerous place at the top. Kanetake knows that. There is a proverbial dagger behind every door,
and he must be prepared for every threat that may come at him. Now, he plots to dispose of his problematic
foe once and for all, finally completing the goals of the Yamato Fukkatsu Dōmei after all these years.

       Masayoshi Hayashi (Father, 1940 - 2019)
       Yukari Hayashi (née Ōshima; Mother, 1943 - Present)
          Ritsuko Hayashi (née Ōyama; Wife, 1968 - Present)
             Dairoku Hayashi (Son, 1994 - Present)
             Wataru Hayashi (Son, 1997 - Present)
          Masako Yukawa (née Hayashi; Sister, 1969 - Present)
          Yukawa (Brother-in-Law, 1969 - Present)
             Minako Yukawa (Niece, 1999 - Present)
       Daisaku Hayashi (Uncle, 1941 - Present)
       Komako Hayashi (née Zendana; Aunt, 1942 - Present)
          Ayame Kaya (née Hayashi; Cousin, 1961 - Present)
       Jiro Ōshima (Uncle, 1938 - 2011)
       Fuyumi Ōshima (née Hirata; Aunt, 1940 - 1994)
          Harumi Ōshima (Cousin, 1966 - Present)
          Shintarō Ōshima (Cousin, 1966 - Present)
          Konomi Ōshima (Cousin, 1968 - Present)
    Tsunenori Hayashi (Pat. Grandfather, 1917 - 1993)
    Itsuko Hayashi (née Yuasa; Pat. Grandmother, 1921 - 2003)
    Toyohiko Ōshima (Mat. Grandfather, 1921 - 2001)
    Kahori Ōshima (née Ichiki; Mat. Grandmother, 1922 - 2001)




Kanetake Hayashi

Lord Keeper

11 May, 1966

Positions Held:
  Mayor of Otsu
(1990 - 1996)
  Member of the House of Peers
(Kawachi, 1996 - 2010)
  President of the Board of Audit
(2010 - 2014)
  Minister of the Imperial Household
(2014 - 2018)
  Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
(2018 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
 YFD (Seitōkyōgi)
Masters in Political Science

Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal

« Last Edit: December 20, 2022, 05:25:35 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2022, 02:44:02 AM »

   Haruaki Arita, known among his people as Koshamain, is the current Poro Sapanekuru (High Chief) of Utari Mosir.
Born the son of a local Yezo Clan Leader, or Sapanekuru, in 1966, he studied anthropology throughout his life,
eventually earning a PhD in it. However, despite this he is best known as an Indigenous Peoples' Activist, using his
later position first as Leader of the Wakiput Utari and later of the Utari Mosir as a whole to facilitate a revival of the
native Yezo language, in spite of government efforts over the year to assimilate his people. In 2013, he was elected
as the Poro Sapanekuru of the Utari as a whole, effectively serving as an ambassador of his people to the world at

       Hideki "Atuy" Arita (Father, 1930 - 2000)
       Kotono "Hotene" Arita (née Fukuzawa; Mother, 1936 - 2004)
          Eiko "Chinita" Arita (née Gamō; Wife, 1958 - Present)
             Haruto "Yayomanekuh" Arita (Son, 1986 - Present)
             Hisamoto "Sisiratoka" Arita (Son, 1987 - Present)
          Isao "Ponni" Arita (Brother, 1957 - Present)
          Miyo "Beramonkoro" Arita (née Iketaka; Sister-in-law (1958 - Present)
             Itsurō "Mennaukei" Arita (Nephew, 1990 - Present)
          Chisato "Asir Rera" Fujishima (née Arita; Sister, 1958 - Present)
          Daisuke Fujishima (Brother-in-law, 1955 - Present)
             Madoka Ishimura (née Arita; Niece, 1984 - Present)
             Ichirō Fujishima (Nephew, 1988 - Present)
             Hisako Hozaki (née Arita; Niece, 1989 - Present)
       Itaru "Oki" Arita (Uncle, 1933 - 2017)
       Hinako Kadokura (née Hanagata; Aunt, 1934 - 2019)
          Natsuki "Benkei" Arita (Cousin, 1959 - Present)
          Miku "Monashir" Arita (Cousin, 1961 - Present)
       Kazuhiro "Ekashiba" Fukuzawa (Uncle, 1931 - 2001)
       Sumire "Fusa" Jissoji (née Hijiri; Aunt, 1938 - 2017)
          Nanako "Horpecha" Fukuzawa (Cousin, 1959 - Present)
    Jūkichi "Tarikonna" Arita (Pat. Grandfather, 1906 - 1978)
    Mie "Esohranma" Arita (née Higashida; Pat. Grandmother, 1909 - 1986)
    Genjirō "Tahkonanna" Fukuzawa (Mat. Grandfather, 1906 - 1996)
    Saeko "Huisak" Fukuzawa (née Imai; Mat. Grandmother, 1905 - 2001)




Haruaki Arita
(有田 治察)

Poro Sapanekuru
Dr. Arita

23 October, 1956

Positions Held:
  Indigenous Peoples' Activist
(1974 - Present)
  Sapanekuru of Wakiput
(2000 - Present)
  Poro Sapanekuru of Utari Mosir
(2013 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
PhD in Anthropology

Poro Sapanekuru of Utari Mosir


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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2023, 02:04:49 PM »

   Born in the city of Hatsukaichi, some 22 years in the aftermath of the Atomic Bombing, Sadazane Konishi is
what is known as a Second Generation Hibakusha (被爆, lit. "Bomb-Affected Person"), having been the son
of a survivor of the blast. Said survivor was his mother, Harumi Konishi, formerly known as Harumi Sanada and
before her adoption, a name which is, ultimately, lost to time, having lost the rest of her family in the attacks.
His father, the son of a merchant in the city, had, owing to his parents foresight, been sent to live with relatives
in Gero, about 29 km northeast of Hatsukaichi, and as a result had been spared by the attacks.
   There are times when events outside of your control forever change how you are viewed in life. For him,
Sadazane's event was the attack, that and the discrimination he, owing to his parentage, faced as a child. People
were, understandably at the time, afraid of radiation sickness and believed, because his mother had been affected
by the blast, she had somehow passed it on to him. Not only that, they believed he could spread it, though we all
thankfully know that such claims are categorically false. Such discrimination often got to him as a child, even as
the bombing passed into history, but it had another, far deeper effect on him as a child.
   Sadazane never really his mother. The most he can ever recall was her face, and even then, only in glimpses.
She died when he was very young, around 1970, just before his third birthday. It was only when he was far older,
around the age of fourteen, that he found out how she had passed. Per his father, she had died of lung cancer,
a result of radiation exposure. As a result of his mother's death, he and his brother were largely raised by their
father, with the assistance of their aunts and uncles when necessary.
   Growing up, Sadazane's family was never really the best off. Between medical expenses for his mother following
her diagnosis and his father's gambling addiction when he was young, there seemed to have been little in the way
of prospects for him and his elder brother. As a result, he often found himself having to work to keep his family
afloat throughout the eighties, which unfortunately took time away from his studying for college entrance exams,
if he could even get into one. He had hoped, of course, to study law, to make a name for himself and rise above
his lowly origins. But even so, such dreams seemed far-fetched.
   At the age of eighteen, having graduated, Sadazane found himself on his own. He wasn't in education anymore,
and he couldn't afford the frankly exorbitant cost of going to college at the time, and there wasn't a job available
to him that would really be able to help him afford it anyways. However, there was still an option. Like his brother
before him, he could get his degree covered for him, but only if he signed on with the Army. Seeing no better
option, he took the offer and would, from the 18th of November, 1985 onwards, serve in the Imperial Daitōjin
Armed Forces.
   Throughout his time in the army, Sadazane would find himself serving both at home and abroad; eventually, he
would earn the rank of Sergeant before he would officially be discharged in 1998. He would spend his years of
service studying for his law degree, eventually graduating with a Juris Doctor from Keiō University in 1997. In his
last year of service, he would work as a lawyer in the army; he very nearly reenlisted in 1998, although he would
receive an offer from a major law firm that he could not, in good faith, decline. Even now, he sometimes imagines
where he would be if he had reenlisted. He would almost certainly have been sent off to OCS, having faced that
prospect even after he had finished his bachelors degree. Evidently though, he had made the right choice.
   Now aged twenty-seven, Sadazane, having never forgotten his roots, returned to the city of his birth, taking
a job as an attorney at Asahi & Mori, one of the "Big Four" law firms in the country, and which operates overseas
offices in Valtheim, Ashinxao, Artaxia, Pyrettania, Northfort, and Williamshaven. He would start out in their office
in Hatsukaichi before, over the course of his nearly sixteen year career at A&M, finding a high-ranking position at
their office in Shinkyō, during which time he represented numerous famous and politically prominent officials. At
the height of his career, it is estimated that he was bringing in approximately $1.16 million a year, before taxes
were factored in. For most, this would've been enough, but a man of his ambition could rarely be left satisfied. As
a result, he would, in 2010, announce his plans to run for a seat in the Diet, representing his home district, and
he would serve it ever since, though it meant leaving behind his old job.
   Of course, not everything in life revolved around his career. First and foremost, Sadazane was a family-man;
having grown up in near-poverty and having had to support his family from an early age, he couldn't just ignore
that part of what made him, well, himself. Even when he first became an associate at A&M, he made sure, to the
best of his ability, that his family was cared for. Even so, it was often joked, for the first few years anyways, that if
he were going to get married, it would be to his paperwork owing to, as is often the case for any job, especially as
a lawyer though, him being overworked. But in 1997, aged twenty-eight, he would marry Kanae Yabuta, another associate
at Asahi & Mori. The two would have a son and a daughter, Goro and Misato, in 2000 and 2004, respectively.
   Back on his career, though, Sadazane would be elected as representative for Izumi Prefecture's first electoral
district. A member of the YFD as early as his discharge from the Army, he quickly fell in with the party's Seitōkyōgi
faction, adopting much of the rhetoric that particular wing is known for. He became a strong advocate of
Pan-Ardianism in particular, pushing frequently for the establishment of an East Ardian Free Trade Agreement in the
diet as early as 2013. This hope would, for a time, be dashed when Toshikawa invaded Nueva Ardia in 2016, a war
which, though its involvement was limited, Daitō participated in by way of an air campaign on the behalf of Nueva
Ardia. But even though he advocated for Pan-Ardianism, he was, at the end of the day, still a Yamatojin Nationalist.
His particular brand of it was not formed on the basis of ethnicity, but rather the idea of a binding national polity
formed by the Empire's many peoples instead of merely its Ōnishi majority. He was also a prominent voice in the
Restorationist movement, which sought to, as the name implies, restore power to the Emperor rather than have the
country bound to the whims of a chancellor. He would make a name for himself by sponsoring a number of efforts to
legalize gay marriage in Daitō, which, while helping his popularity in the country at large, drew the ire of the YFD's
leadership and costing him a chance of holding a leadership position in the party in 2016.
   But when the YFD lost control of the House of Representatives in 2018, many in the YFD found themselves forced
to reexamine their views on such matters, and many turned, as a result, to Sadazane Konishi. Though he was not the
head of the party, nor even the head of the Seitōkyōgi, he would gain a prominent, if unofficial, position within the YFD
by the time 2020 rolled around, and he would be made the Deputy Prime Minister under Eita Fukumoto. When he was
assassinated, many anticipated that he would take over as Interim Prime Minister, but he would be passed over. Even
so, he would, through, his own negotiation, his popularity, and him ultimately being viewed as the best choice for the
party, remain as Deputy Prime Minister through the successive Heishi caretaker government, as well as the Hayata,
Yamaguchi, and Heishi administrations. He would achieve his dream of an East Ardian Free Trade Agreement in 2022,
and through his support for the Banwa Restoration, he would, upon the resignation of Prime Minister Suketoshi Heishi
in late 2022, finally reach the pinnacle of his career: He would be appointed and confirmed as Prime Minister.
   Now, at the dawn of a new era, he looks to the future and seeks to reshape Daitō, to complete the so-called
"National-Imperial Revolution" long sought by the YFD. He, once a poor boy from Hatsukaichi, had achieved what few
could even dream of. The only question left now was where the road would lead him.

       Ichirō Konishi (Father; 1938 - Present)
       Harumi Konishi (Née Sanada; Mother, 1943 - 1970)
          Kanae Konishi (Née Yabuta; Wife, 1970 - Present)
             Goro Konishi (Son, 1998 - Present)
             Misato Konishi (Daughter, 2004 - Present)
          Haruto Konishi (Brother, 1966 - Present)
          Mie Konishi (Née Wakamatsu; Sister-in-law, 1968 - Present)
             Ichirō Konishi (Nephew, 1997 - Present)
       Sachio Konishi (Uncle, 1931 - Present)
       Otome Konishi (Née Akasofu; Aunt, 1934 - 2015)
             Sayo Konishi (Cousin, 1957 - Present))
       Jin Horikoshi (Uncle, 1934 - 1986)
       Chizuko Horikoshi (Née Konishi; 1936 - Present)
             Gakuto Horikoshi (Cousin, 1960 - Present)
             Bunzō Horikoshi (Cousin, 1963 - Present)
       Yukio Sanada (Uncle, 1939 - 2018)
       Sanada (Aunt, 1940 - 1944)
       Haruki Sanada (Uncle, 1945 - Present)
       Sachiko Sanada (Née Hamada; Aunt, 1946 - Present)
             Daiji Sanada (Cousin, 1973 - Present)
             Eiji Sanada (Cousin, 1975 - Present)
             Mayumi Sanada (Cousin, 1976 - Present)
    Hiroki Konishi (Pat. Grandfather, 1912 - 1987)
    Isuzu Konishi (Née Asada; Pat. Grandmother, 1912 - 1996)
    Atsuo Sanada (Mat. Grandfather, 1916 - 1992)
    Sumire Sanada (Née Utda; Mat Grandmother, 1919 - 2000)

    Sadazane Konishi is, perhaps, well known for his presence on social media. For a Daitōjin politician,
he is among the most followed on twitter.



Sadazane Konishi
小西 定実

His Excellency,

12 October, 1967

Positions Held:
  Private, IDA
(1985 - 1986)
  Private First Class, IDA
(1986 - 1988)
  Corporal, IDA
(1988 - 1991)
  Sergeant, IDA
(1991 - 1998)
  Lawyer, Asahi & Mori
(1998 - 2010)
  Representative, Izumi 1
(2010 - Present)
  Deputy Prime Minister
(2020 - 2022)
  Prime Minister
(2022 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
 YFD (Seitōkyōgi)
 JD in Criminal Justice,
 Keiō University

 Prime Minister of Daitō

« Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 03:55:07 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2023, 12:00:05 AM »

   Dr. Fumihiko Wakamisugi is a well-known Daitōjin archaeologist and historian, having worked and taught for the prestigious
Gakushuin University in Shinkyō for just over thirty years. Of course, throughout his education, he assisted in a number of
excavations, which bolstered his career. Most recently, he has become notable for being approved to excavate the Mausoleum
of Emperor Tengyō, which is, by size, the largest mausoleum in East Ardia.

       Ichirō Wakamisugi (Father, 1933 - 2021)
       Minako Wakamisugi (Née Okumura; Mother, 1935 - Present)
          Chikako Wakamisugi (Née Momose; Wife, 1964 - Present)
             Haijime Wakamisugi (Son, 1990 - Present)
             Koruri Wakamisugi (Née Momose; Daughter-in-Law, 1991 - Present)
                Haruto Wakamisugi (Grandson, 2017 - Present)
                Naoko Wakamisugi (Granddaughter, 2021 - Present)
             Masako Hirose (Née Wakamisugi; Daughter, 1993 - Present)
             Saburō Hirose (Son-in-Law, 1994 - Present)
                Shigeru Hirose (Grandson, 2020 - Present)
       Sadakazu Wakamisugi (Uncle, 1934 - 2016)
       Naruko Wakamisugi (Née Tanigaki; Aunt, 1933 - 2018)
          Chie Shigemoto (Née Wakamisugi; Cousin, 1960 - Present)
          Sumio Wakamisugi (Cousin, 1963 - Present)
       Sachio Wakamisugi (Uncle, 1935 - Present)
       Sumie Wakamisugi (Née Kubo; Aunt, 1935 - 2019)
          Tadami Wakamisugi (Cousin, 1961 - Present)
          Tomoyo Ushioda (Née Wakamisugi; Cousin, 1965 - Present)
       Wakako Uyenishi (Née Okumura; Aunt, 1933 - 2014)
       Teruki Uyenishi (Uncle, 1931 - 2007)
          Jiro Uyenishi (Cousin, 1962 - Present)
    Takehito Wakamisugi (Pat. Grandfather, 1904 - 1980)
    Wakamisugi (Née Akimoto; Pat. Grandmother, 1912 - 1996)
    Ryūsei Okumura (Mat. Grandfather, 1909 - 2000)
    Yūko Okumura (Née Fueki; Mat. Grandmother, 1911 - 1999)




Fumihiko Wakamisugi
若乃花 文美士

Dr. Wakamisugi

6 August, 1964

Positions Held:
(1990 - Present)

Political Affiliation:
 PhD in Archaeology
 Gakushuin University

 Professor of Archaeology,
 Gakushuin University


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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2023, 11:51:09 PM »

   Prince Fumihiko of Nashimoto, more typically referred to as simply Fumihiko, is the only son of Prince Etsuji and Princess Ritsuko Saruwatari. Born in 2005, the Prince has expressed an interest in joining the nation's navy, following in the footsteps of his cousin, the Emperor Banwa, although he may instead go into the foreign service.

       Etsuji, Prince Nashimoto (Father, 1965 - Present)
       Ritsuko Saruwatari, Princess Nashimoto (Mother, 1966 - Present)
          Princess Hinata (Sister, 2001 - Present)
          Princess Minako (Sister, 2003 - Present)
       Emperor Antei (Nobukatsu; Uncle, 1961 - 2021)
       Empress-Emerita Nagako Arakawa (Aunt, 1962 - Present)
          Emperor Banwa (Eijirō; Cousin, 1993 - Present)
          Hidehiko, Prince Kachō (Cousin, 1996 - Present)
          Princess Satomi (Cousin, 1997 - Present)
    Emperor Eikō (Uchitsune; Pat. Grandfather, 1931 - Present)
    Empress-Emerita Terumi Heishi (Pat. Grandmother, 1931 - Present)
    Baron Saburō Saruwatari (Mat. Grandfather, 1932 - Present)
    Yuna Saruwatari (Mat. Grandmother, 1935 - 2017)





Prince Fumihiko of Kachō

18 March, 2005

Positions Held:
  Prince of Daitō (2005 - Present)

Political Affiliation: N/A
  Secondary Education in the Gakushūin System

: Prince of Daitō

« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 05:38:30 AM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Empire of Daitō
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2023, 08:04:34 PM »

   Katsuhito is the tenth head of the House of Tamagawa-no-Miya, one of the shinnōke—cadet branches of the Imperial Family—descending from Emperor Genroku, whose reign lasted from 1691 to 1703. Through intermarriage, he is also a distant cousin of the reigning Emperor, Eijirō, as his great grandmother was Princess Masako, a daughter of Emperor Keiō. As of present, he is working as a Professor of Anthropology at Gakushūin University.

       Prince Fusazane Tamagawa (Father, 1949 - 2021)
       Princess Akemi Tamagawa (née Nitta; Mother, 1957 - Present)
          Princess Junko Tamagawa (née Mizuhara; ex-Wife, 1984 - Present)
             Akoya Tamagawa (Daughter, 2011 - Present)
             Sukehito Tamagawa (Son, 2014 - Present)
          Chikashi Tamagawa (Brother, 1986 - Present)
          Michiyo Tamagawa (née Takemi; Sister-in-law, 1985 - Present)
          Izumi Fuchigami (née Tamagawa; Sister, 1987 - Present)
          Haruto Fuchigami (Brother-in-law, 1986 - Present)
             Ichirō Fuchigami (Nephew, 2018 - Present)
       Eijirō Nitta (Uncle, 1954 - Present)
       Yuna Nitta (Aunt, 1955 - Present)
          Wataru Nitta (Cousin, 1982 - Present)
    Prince Akihisa Tamagawa (Pat. Grandfather, 1918 - 2003)
    Princess Satsuki Tamagawa (née Fujita; Pat. Grandmother, 1923 - 2008)
    Hibiki Arai (Mat. Grandfather, 1930 - Present)
    Etsuko Arai (née Kuramoto; Mat. Grandmother, 1932 - 2013)




Katsuhito Tamagawa

Prince Tamagawa
Tamagawa-no-Miya Katsuhito Shinnō

3 August, 1984

Positions Held:

Political Affiliation: YFD
  PhD. in Anthropology
Gakushūin University

Professor of Anthropology
Gakushūin University
