Author Topic: The Historical Archives of the Holy Kingdom of Samantra  (Read 6893 times)

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Offline Markus

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The Historical Archives of the Holy Kingdom of Samantra
« on: November 14, 2021, 10:32:13 AM »
A collection of the most important events in the XXth century that helped shape modern Samantra.

NOTE: Please read them considering the context: it's a state channel, the country is going through war. Some aspects are greatly exaggerated. The purpose of the thread is to show how information was presented on the Samantran side.

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The Kingdom of Samantra joins the Great War
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2021, 10:37:13 AM »
1914: The Kingdom of Samantra honors its alliance with the Ardian Empire and joins the Great War

His Majesty, King of Samantra, Vladislav Godunov announcing before the state Duma that the kingdom will honor its longstanding alliance with the Ardian Empire.
“Honor, friendship and heritage commands us to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ardian Empire and the Heyran Kingdom”.
That day all of Duma's one hundred members voted in favor of the declaration of war.

The Minister of External Affairs arriving at the Royal Palace with the written declarations of war to present to His Majesty to sign. Later that day the Minister of External Affairs presented to the summoned ambassadors of the Allied Powers (ooc: or whatever the forces opposing the Ardian Powers were called) the signed declarations of war.

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Nuclear hell unleashed over the Ardian Empire
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2021, 11:59:29 AM »
7th November 1945: Breaking news – the enemy unleashes nuclear hell over the Ardian Empire

"We have received formal confirmation that earlier today the Ardian Empire suffered a nuclear attack perpetrated by enemy forces of the Achkaerin Kingdom aided and abetted by its allies. The destructive power of the bomb has yet to be assessed but preliminary reports indicate tens of thousands men, women and children have succumbed to a gruesome death. The government has stated that this day “will live in infamy” and is making preparations in case such a genocidal attack will be perpetrated by the enemy forces against our kingdom. "

OOC note: Read the post in the context of having passed decades of war and it is the first use of the nuclear bomb. While the nuclear bomb was indeed used by Achkaerin on 7th November 1945 on the territory of present day Allied States of Ardia not much else has been agreed/defined by Ach. For exact info on where the bomb was dropped, the effects (victims) it had, please to refer to Ach and/or RP mod.

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The kingdom surrenders
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2021, 12:01:03 PM »
November 1945: The kingdom surrenders

"Following the capitulation of the Ardian Empire, the kingdom has formally surrendered to the Allied powers. The kingdom has suffered over 6 million deaths during the more than 3 decades of conflict. While victory was stolen from us by the genocidal attack of the Achkaerin Kingdom, their sacrifice will be forever remembered and honored. "

OOC note: Read the post in the context of having passed decades of war and it is the first use of the nuclear bomb. While the nuclear bomb was indeed used by Achkaerin on 7th November 1945 on the territory of present day Allied States of Ardia not much else has been agreed/defined by Ach. For exact info on where the bomb was dropped, the effects (victims) it had, please to refer to Ach and/or RP mod.

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January 1946: The Communist Revolution begins
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2021, 01:21:28 PM »
January 1946: The Communist Revolution begins

"Three more cities in the West of the kingdom have declared their allegiance to the so called Communist Revolutionary Guard. As refugees continue to flee the rebel occupied territories, they bring with them eyewitness accounts of the horrors perpetrated by the communists rebels. They speak of mass killings of the bourgeoisie, the nobility and the clergy, destruction of church property and mass rapes. The king has condemned the atrocities but following the recent government bankruptcy there are fears that it will be extremely difficult to mobilize the army in defense of the people. "

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Hope arises: the counter revolution
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2021, 01:23:14 PM »
March 1947: The counter revolution begins in the eastern part of the kingdom

"After more than a year in which the communist scourge has spread over the western half of the country almost unopposed, the people of the eastern provinces have banded together in defense of the nation. Under the banner of the Fascist National Front, a counter revolution was declared with the objective of restoring law and order and bringing the communist rebels to justice. "

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May 1947: The Fascist National Front liberates the city of Abinsk
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2021, 01:26:04 PM »
May 1947: The Fascist National Front liberates the city of Abinsk

"Less than two months after the establishment of the Fascist National Front, the forces under their command have scored a victory in the western part of the kingdom and liberated the city of Abinsk. The second and third divisions of the newly formed army under the banner of the Fascist National Front have obliterated the communist resistance in the city. This marks the first setback for the communist rebels since their self-proclaimed  revolution began. The swift victory was celebrated by the local population which welcomed the victorious forces as liberators from the communist scourge. "

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1952: The Samantran Civil War rages on
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2021, 07:06:49 PM »
Excerpt from the Samantran international archive, section: Allied States of Ardia

1952: The Samantran Civil War rages on

Titus Labienus, reporter from the Allied States of Ardia, providing coverage of the Samantran civil war

"More than five years have passed since the beginning of what is now called the Samantran civil war and peace is nowhere in sight. The ongoing conflict between the communist and fascist factions have wrecked the country and caused millions of deaths, half of them of starvation and disease. The civil war has also brought the demise of the country’s monarchy when, three years into the war, the ruling king Vladislav Godunov was forced to abdicate and cease what little power he had left to the fascists.

Samantrans have left the country in droves escaping to whatever country would take them. A lucky few even made their way to the Allied States of Ardia. Regardless of what side of the conflict they flee from, they all tell a similar story of abuse, starvation and unspeakable atrocities committed by the two warring factions.

Representatives from both sides of the conflict have blamed the other side for escalating the conflict and have justified their reprehensible actions against civilians as retaliation. Furthermore, there have been unsubstantiated claims that the communist faction is being secretly supported by Soviet Rodina but no credible evidence has been provided so far.

I spent less than a week in Samantra but I have seen more tragedies than I can recall. It pains me to see our former allies going through such immense hardships, a once proud people that stood beside us in the most difficult of times is now hopelessly broken. I can only pray that the people of Samantra will find peace soon.

This has been Titus Labienus reporting for..."

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1953: The Civil War in Samantra takes a new turn
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2021, 07:17:52 PM »
Excerpt from the Samantran international archive, section: Allied States of Ardia

1953: The Civil War in Samantra takes a new turn

"According to local reports two months ago a spontaneous riot in the city of Abinsk, in the communist controlled Samantra, lead to an unexpected turn of events. The spontaneous riot, allegedly started because of chronic food shortage, engulfed much of the city and eventually lead to the rioters storming the prison where political prisoners were kept. Among those liberated was Patriarch Bartholomew, the leader of the persecuted Church of Samantra. It is yet unclear what happened but reports indicate he is now leading the rioters and his movement is spreading across the communist side of Samantra. "

Relatives of the deceased political prisoners identifying their lost relatives in the Abinsk prison

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The Legionnaires have taken the Samantran capital
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2021, 07:24:38 PM »
Excerpt from the Samantran international archive, section: Allied States of Ardia

1954 : The Legionnaires, a paramilitary force loyal to Patriarch Bartholomew, have taken the Samantran capital 

"A year after his escape from prison, Patriarch Bartholomew has lead a nationwide riot against the communist and fascist factions that ravaged the country for almost a decade. With the fall of the capital, the last remaining forces loyal to the fascists have surrendered to the Legionnaires, a paramilitary forces made up people loyal to the Patriarch.

Patriarch Bartholomew has called on the last pockets of communist resistance to surrender and according to sources it is expected they will do so in the coming week. While it is perhaps too early to say for certain it is possible that peace will finally come to Samantra. "

Patriarch Bartholomew, the now de facto leader of post war Samantra

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A most peculiar referendum has taken place in Samantra
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2021, 07:41:15 PM »
Excerpt from the Samantran international archive, section: Allied States of Ardia

1954: A most peculiar referendum has taken place in Samantra 

Samantrans going to the polls

"Less than three months after peace finally came to the country, the new de facto leader of the country, Patriarch Bartholomew has called on a very peculiar referendum. The Samantran people were called to the polls to decide if they agree to make Jesus Christ, the God of the Christians, king of Samantra.

The referendum comes after a period of reconciliation where all the captured leaders of the defeated communist and fascist were pardoned personally by Patriarch Bartholomew by going to their jails and immediately ordering their release. The Patriarch went even further than that and organized a very emotional conference with the jailers of his time in captivity and publicly expressed that he forgives them for the years of suffering he had endured.

All major public figures of what is left of Samantra's present and former political elite including the former communist leader of the Samantran Communist Revolutionary Guard now turned Christian have expressed full support for the motion proposed at the referendum.

It is perhaps of no surprise then that when the ballots were counted and the results were in that a incredible 95,89% of the votes were in favor of the initiative with a just as astonishing 83,21% participation rate.

When I asked regular Samantrans why they voted yes in the referendum their answers usually fall in two categories: "we voted for peace " or "as a thank you to the Patriarch" and while none could express in detail what they think the vote will mean for Samantra that is perhaps understandable.

Shortly after the results were announced, Patriarch Bartholomew gave a short speech comparing Samantra’s 40 years of war to the 40 years of wandering in the desert of the Israelites lead by Moses in the Christian teachings. He called the four decades of war a “cleansing purgatory” which has allowed Samantra to be reborn with Jesus Christ as king. Although his speech was deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and offered hope to the people of Samantra is was lacking in detail as to how and what the referendum will change for country."

Regular Samantrans stopping to pray to the ruins of churches is an increasingly common occurrence in Samantra and perhaps symbolic of the future of the country

OOC: The end.