Author Topic: Complaint against the GC  (Read 2416 times)

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Offline RobertAgira

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Complaint against the GC
« on: February 27, 2022, 11:02:37 AM »
It is my belief that the Grand Chancellor has acted outside the rules set out by the Constitution.

The Constitution clearly states in 2e

(2) The Grand Chancellor shall be responsible for: Inducting, by means of Writ, members of the region into the Regional Nobility;

However currently Nova is suspended from his title of nobility which I believe is outside he power of the Grand Chancellor as no provision exists in the Constitution for removal of titles of nobility.  Having brought this to the attention of the Grand Chancellor I was told that she was "not without means"

Spoiler: Screen grab • show

Having asked several times for a reference from the orders constitution or any other rule that gives her the authority to suspend his title of nobility I have not been provided with one.

As an aside sadly this also will apply to Gadshack's removal but frankly thats one I would 200% support.


Online Achkaerin

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Re: Complaint against the GC
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2022, 12:47:43 PM »
Ruling on the Above Matter

The wording of the Constitution, not being the best, does not communicate on paper what would be assumed the powers are in practice, that much is apparent. Based on what the Constitution says I do not believe the Grand Chancellor has the explicit authority to remove titles of nobility, they arguably have the implied authority to do it but it's not stated  in the Constitution. As such I rule that the Grand Chancellor doesn't have the authority to remove titles of nobility.

My recommendation to the Grand Chancellor is to introduce an Act of the Chancellery to amend section 2e of the Constitution to read "Inducting and removing, by means of Writ, members of the region into and out of the Regional Nobility;"