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« on: March 25, 2022, 10:25:16 PM »

Rìoghachd na Arcaibh
Kingdom of Arcaibh

The Kingdom of Arcaibh was established out of various clans in conflict in the 7th Century AD. Under the command of Ougein Mac an Aba the Mac an Aba clan carved out a sizeable Kingdom and offered protection to other much smaller clans in return for annual tribute. While this largely held until the 1600's there was occasionally conflict. In the 1700's a civil war between the then monarch, King Archibald III, a civil war began between the King and his supporters and a army lead by Earl Roderick MacAngus. The main reason for this civil war was for Prince Fraser, Archibald's heir, being responsible for several drunken assaults, particularly on the daughters of the Royal Court. The young Prince was permitted to get away with it and in some cases the girls charged with "immoral behaviour". This lack of justice lead to MacAngus gathering several Earl's against the King. Many peasants supported the action as Archibald had been increasing taxes while also imposing higher quotas on goods to be paid to the Royal Court in tribute. In the aftermath a more equitable sharing of power was established which holds to today.

Government Type:- Constitutional Monarchy
Population:-:- 42,738,819
Capital City:- Yesnaby (1.3million)
Demonym:- Arcaibhian


Currency:- Sovereign (S)
GDP per Capita:- $31,671
Unemployment Rate:- 2.3%
Main Industries:- Shipbuilding, textiles, deep sea engineering, food processing


Ethnicity:- 90% Celt
Languages:- Gaelic (various dialects)
Religions:- Cailleach Paganism
Average Life Expectancy:- 81.01 years for females and 76.79 years for males


Head of State:- Queen Eithne Wallace
Head of Government:- First Minister Rory MacDuff
Name of Legislative Body:- The Three Estates - a body made up of the religious leadership (College of Bards), the nobility (Privvy Council) and the Burghs (General Public)

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2022, 11:18:41 PM »

Current Queen -  Eithne Wallace

The Monarchy of Arcaibh passes down to the eldest child of the serving monarch either on their death or their abdication. Should the heir apparent be unable to take the crown or deemed unsuitable then a Royal Decree may pass the throne to anyone within the current top ten spots in the line of succession.

The monarch is the final arbiter of legislation within the nation and is responsible for commanding the armed forces (usually delegated to officers), appointing judges, acting as a figure head of the Cailleach Paganist faith, appointing government Ministers and organising foreign diplomacy.

The monarch usually resides at Boars Head Palace.

The current Queen is Eithne Wallace who was born in 1983. She inherited the throne in 2019. She is married to Earl Archibald Wallace since 2015 and they have one child, Princess Eilidh who was born in 2017.

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2022, 08:35:17 PM »

The Burghs is one of the Three Estates.

It is made up of 150 members of the public with 75 members being elected every two years. Members of the Burgh serve four year terms and represent a geographical area. They are elected on a first past the post system and while membership of a political party is not required most Burghess (name for those serving) do. The Burghs select a representative to meet with the monarch and the other Two Estates as part of regular meetings and this individual also has their legislation ideas fast-tracked in debates. Therefore the First Minister is usually the person from the largest political party.

The Burghs is one of the two bodies that may, along with the monarch, instigate legislation change. Once a bill is presented the Burghs debate on the matter, this is controlled by a member of the Privy Council serving as a speaker. After sufficent debate it is voted on and if successful must gain the approval of either the Privy Council or College of Bards before the monarch either approves or rejects it. If a bill is rejected by the monarch this can be overcome should the Estate which has not yet approved it does so with at least 60% voting in favour.

First Minister Rory MacDuff

First Minister Rory MacDuff represents the Conservative Party and has been a member of the Burghs since 2010. He represents the South Kirkwell area and as well as being a politician he is a respected author on animal husbandry having been a livestock farmer for a large part of his life. He was born in 1961 and is married with two children. He stood on a platform for removing red tape for business, return of the death penalty, tax cuts for the fishing industry and heavy investment in youth activities in schools.

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2022, 09:13:59 PM »


Central to the  Cailleach Pagan faith are the Bards. It is their job to perform the rituals required and also collect and perform songs that tell the stories of the spirits that watch over man kind. The Bards College is made up of 60 members of the College appointed by the Lead Bard who is also a member. They have no rules surrounding term limits or elections.  The Bard College historically is the least likely to present legislation. The College also has the duty of being the school where trainee Bards are prepared for a life of religious duty.

Senán McKenna

The 78 year old Lead Bard is Senán McKenna who took on the role in 2016. He has continued the tradition of not presenting legislation to government but has been outspoken on several key matters including environmental protection, relationships with other faiths and education.

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2022, 09:41:15 PM »


The Privy Council is appointed by the monarch and serves for no set term. They may be any individual that the monarch deems fit so long as they conform to four rules.

1. They must be at least 30 years of age.

2. They must have served in the public sector for at least three years.

3. They must have no criminal record

4. They must have lived in Arcaibh for at least five years.

The Privy Council has no set number but usually is made up of 12 members. The Steward of the King/Queen serves as the most senior member of the Council.

Ealar MacCallion

The current Steward of the Queen is Ealar MacCallion. The 56 year old was appointed in 2020. He is a former army officer who then served in the police force until 2009. He is the nephew of the Earl of Sandrick who recommended him for service on the Privy Council. Having first been used as an adviser on military and security matters he was then promoted to the Council in 2018.

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2022, 05:19:31 PM »


Cailleach is the name given to the "divine hag" or "great ancestor". It is believed that she created the world by walking its face and planting each tree from seeds in her basket and mountains with stones discarded from her hearth. She carries a hammer for shaping the hills and valleys, and is said to be the mother of all the goddesses and gods She is associated with winter where she ensured that mankind survived the harsh conditions through endlessly patrolling the wilds to provide for each person. She rests during each summer. As such it is the duty of each person to work hard during the year to help Cailleach as she works to see us through winter.

The worship of the Goddess carries with it many traditions connected to the harvests and various significant calendar events.

When each farmer in a district completes their harvest the first to finish the task uses the last sheaf of corn to make a corn doll representative of Cailleach. He then throws it into his neighbours field. The person in the district to finish their harvest last is left with the doll and must store it until the first day of spring the following year. That family are responsible for leading several of the rituals during the winter as they are considered to be giving the Goddess shelter for the winter. The family earn the title Cailleach Guardian for that year.

Another tradition is that on the 1st February the faithful celebrate Là Fhèill Brìghde. This is a day for omens and it is believed that if the day see's good weather it is because the Goddess knows that winter will continue for a significant period and needs the good weather to continue collecting firewood however if the weather is bad it means she has sufficient firewood and the winter will end shortly.

There are several folk-lore tales that explain why the world is the way it is. For example the reason for different races on Mundus is explained by the story that says "she had fifty foster-children in Beare (a fictional place believed to be heaven). She had seven periods of youth one after another, so that every man who had lived with her came to die of old age, and her grandsons and great-grandsons formed tribes and races."

The faithful have no place of worship instead praying in places of nature, usually by the side of rivers or lakes. Ceremonial cairns have been made across the country dedicated to helping Cailleach find her way during winter snows. These range from a village maintaining a pile of stones to the famous Cailleach National Carin Network (CNCN) which are a series of large cairns made at significant places in stories to the goddess. One of the most significant is the Abergeven Carin.

Abergeven Carin

The faithful believe there are several other Gods and Goddesses whom are the children of Cailleach. She even created other creatures such as pixies and fairies to help her in her task of looking after the world.

When a person dies it is believed that when she next passes by Cailleach will gather their soul in her basket and take them to Beare (a paradise) if she deems them a worthy person. Funeral rituals dictate a person is placed inside a shroud and buried in a barrow. On the 1st anniversary of their death the body is taken and burned. It is believed that by this time Cailleach will have collected the persons soul, if she has not deemed it worthy then the spirit is trapped in the body and thus must be destroyed to prevent it becoming an evil spirit upon the world. The ashes of the deceased are then either placed in an urn and kept by the clan in their own vault or more often sprinkled on the land.

A marriage to worshippers of Cailleach is carried out on any day without a full moon. It is believed that on nights of the full moon Cailleach is busy working and could not bless the ceremony. A wedding must take place outdoors so the Goddess can witness it. A groom must build a cairn at which the ceremony will take place, this usually is done the week before with the friends of the groom turning up and helping. This in many ways is a time for the groom and his friends to celebrate the upcoming wedding. The bride must meanwhile collect a flower for each person attending. During the ceremony the two have their hands tied together while a Druid gives a blessing. Following the ceremony a feast takes place at which there is a high table with just one seat that is reserved for the goddess.

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2022, 05:39:22 PM »

84,672 Soldiers
10,322 Reservists

200 x Taigan Main Battle Tanks
45 x Project 105 Main Battle Tanks
100 x Aidi Infantry Fighting Vehicle
300 x Akbash Armoured Personnel Carrier
180 x Akita Armoured Personnel Carrier
100 x Alopekis Armoured Car
100 x Project 104 Armoured Mobility Vehicle with Anti-Tank capabilities
380 x Ariegeois Mobility Vehicle
250 x Armant Light Mobility Vehicle
30 x Project 103 Unmanned Ground Vehicle
35 x Project 102 Self Propelled Howitzer
30 x Azawakh Mobile Rocket Artillery
50 x Barbet Towed Howitzer
20 x Basenji Portable Anti-Aircraft Gun
25 x Dachshund Equipped for Anti-Aircraft Duties
12 x Dalmatian Air Defence System
« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 12:12:32 PM by DaveIronside »

Offline Maes

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2022, 05:48:59 PM »

18,472 Sailors
4,812 Reservists

3 x Carnfunnock Class Submarine

1. Robert Bell Walkington
2. Henry Lawrence Cox
3. Richard J. Bell

5 x Project 301 Destroyer

1. Abraham Prim Cronyn
2. John Thomas Myles
3. Richard Galbraith
4. Edward Nangle MacIlwaine
5. William Stewart Allen

5 x Glenariff Class Frigates

1. Robert Maude Maginniss
2. Abram Combe
3. Francis Thomas Hewson
4. George A. Andrews
5. Edgar Galbraith

3 x Lagan Class Corvette

1. George Hall Stack
2. Sandy McDonald
3. Maurice Barlow

6 x Slieveanorra Class Patrol Ship

1. Henry Deans Walsh
2. William Gaffikin
3. Brab Casement
4. Hamilton Moore
5. Edward Wallis Hobson
6. James Ireland

4 x Gosford Class Unmanned Vehicle (no names given)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 03:34:34 PM by DaveIronside »

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2022, 05:57:01 PM »

22,763 Airmen
4,291 Reservists

40 x Project 201 Multi-Role Fighter
20 x F-15 Fixer Multi-Role Fighter
20 x A-3 Abomination Strike Fighter
20 x E-3 Electro E-Warfare Aircraft
10 x K-13 Kang Tanker Aircraft
15 x C-13 Chemistro Transport Aircraft
10 x A-13 Annihilus Attack Aircraft
10 x Project 201 Attack Helicopter
15 x H-41 Hood Helicopter
15 x T-63 Taskmaster Advanced Trainer / Light Strike Fighter
15 x T-31 Tyrak Basic Trainer / Ground Attack
10 x P-14 Psyklop Maritime Patrol Aircraft
« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 02:45:31 PM by DaveIronside »

Offline Maes

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Re: Arcaibh
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2022, 06:11:59 PM »