Once we have the new Constitution in place, and even leading up to its implementation, I hope we all rememer that all of us have a hand in the responsibility of healing and moving forward as a community. I will do all that I can to address the concerns of the community, rebuild links and trust with players who have felt ostracized, and do my best to encourage and engage with the stories which will be told once everyone is back to RPing full time. We've got 8 years behind us which, while blessing our region with a rich history and culture, we've also got work to ensure that new and future members of our region have the same opportunities that we, as older members, have had to leave their mark on this wonderful tapestry we share. Our stories, from vignettes to international events, all weave just a part of that tapestry. It is our common heritage and as I've said before we can't allow complacency or comfort to blind us to issues in the future. While we can all agree that recent times have not been pleasant I'm thankful that we're facing them, addressing them, and I can only hope that this work sees us grow closer and bring us all back onto the same page.
I'm confident, just as we've seen with the structural changes, that we're capable of solving that side of the equation, and I believe we're seeing promising signs there. Let's keep things moving in the right direction and keep these lines of communication fully open because, when we're talking to each other, the things we can get done I feel there is no limits to.