That's not what I mean by "reformatting" and given that the sole consideration is RP contribution which does not include time in region, minimum post count etc. quibbling over who's on the initial list isn't the issue here if people want other members inducted that can be dealt with by the Order once it's established.
This whole situation started because we missed something when the Constitution was drafted which is simply put as this (as pointed out by Tytor and Altona) - how does the GC induct members into the Order of the Pen when the the Order of the Pen has no members to instruct? What I think solves this is
the Peerage Act section 11 of which states
"The Grand Chancellor is authorized to create and maintain orders of chivalry. All appointments to any order of chivalry, and removals from the same, shall be at the discretion of the Grand Chancellor." It could easily be argued that the Order of the Pen is such an Order or at least analogous to such an Order. So we could say Beatrice as GC can establish the Order of the Pen, that at least gets us off our initial problem.
So if we were reformatting here's what could happen:
1) Beatrice's initial post be amended to read:
The Grand Chancellor formally establishes the Order of the Pen as an Order of Chivalry, this shall be awarded for members Roleplay quality and Roleplay Contribution, All individuals who hold titles of nobility, that were awarded for Roleplay Contribution, shall be inducted automatically into the Order of the Pen. The following Independent Nations are hereby recognized for the continued quality of their RP, and are thus inducted as Members of the Order of the Pen:
We all look forward to reading and engaging with excellent RP, and I to recognizing yet more people as time goes by. Thank you all for your contributions to our region, to sharing your stories with us, and may we all continue to build together.
I haven't put the nine nobles that this would effect on by name but for the record those nine are - Beatrice, Dave, myself, Tytor, Kris, Cool, Nova, Libby Dijel.
2) The Proposed Legislation here read:
Amendment to the Constitution
1. Under "The Chancellery", section i) shall be amended as follows: "Inducting (and removing when inactive or when otherwise advised) members of Orders according to the procedures of the Orders."
2. Under "Order of the Pen", the current paragraph shall be amended as follows: "- this is a non authority role, it is available to all players and is granted for contribution to Roleplay. It is formally awarded and revoked by the Grand Chancellor following the procedures of the order."
3. Under Miscellaneous add - In the event that an Order finds itself without active membership, as determined by the Grand Chancellor and confirmed by the Lord Chief Justice, the Grand Chancellor shall be empowered to make any inductions as they consider necessary, without being required to follow the process indicated for instruction by that Order.
Amendment to the Peerage Act (20131. Section 11 to now read - The Grand Chancellor is authorized to create and maintain orders of chivalry. All appointments to any order of chivalry, and removals from the same, shall be at the discretion of the Grand Chancellor unless the procedures of an Order dictate otherwise.