With the three other Celtic monarchs likely to attend the meeting Queen Aoife of Eigg made her entrance. Finley had allowed her to arrive the day before and she had been waiting upstairs for the arrival of the others. She was pleased to see Talulah and Etienne, she had meet them once before and liked them. Now though she felt the nerves begin somersaulting in her stomach. "Good Morning, wonderful to see you all again." Aoife said nervously. "I'm sorry to say that I'm the one that has caused Finley to bring us all here. I apologise for the secrecy but when I explain my reasoning then I am sure you'll understand why it had to be this way." She took a deep breath. "As you know we've been working towards Eigg gaining its independence and while I am confident we'll win the upcoming referendum but we have uncovered a concerning matter." Aoife had several folders that she handed around the monarchs in the room.
"It transpires that Grand Marshall Kenneth Macrae has been preparing to have Federal troops seize military bases and depots across the Kingdom of Eigg the moment we vote for independence. We currently are home to a naval establishment that is home to the Federations naval fleet and we also house a air base with two squadrons of fighters located there currently. My fear is that as Eigg also has the Federations second biggest civilian port which lies just 5km away from the border with Eigg and the Federation that Macrae may seek to prevent us acquiring what is on our territory." Inside the folder were several documents that contained evidence of messages being sent by Macrae to various military units. "We have someone who is inside high command who has managed to acquire these documents." She offered as way of explanation to as how the information had come to her possession.
"What I want to ask is that should the referendum go in my favour, and remember we've the Morelanders overseeing its legitimacy, and then Macrae does seek to grab these locations there is no way that Eigg's small militia forces could do anything. As we share a border with Ui Cenneslaig I'd like to ask that the three of you would be willing to bring a task force into Eigg to help us protect ourselves from Federal powerplays. It would not take much I believe, just a show of force and a willingness to support the newly independent Kingdom. I understand this is a big ask but we will not be able to stand alone."