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Online Beatrice

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A Summit For Reform
« on: November 13, 2017, 10:14:03 PM »

Fellow Orderians,

It has become increasingly clear that there remain issues we must address with the Government of the Independent Order. To effect positive change we will be hosting a discussion to review the Government and make changes which best serve the interests of the Independent Order and place its Government in a position reflective of the demands it presently faces. We've had some ideas shared on Discord already, which I am pleased to present to you:

  • Abolishment of the Office of the Premier and the institution of the Regional Assembly.
  • Authority over appointing officers to act on behalf of the Order shall be entrusted with the Chancellery.
  • The Chancellery shall assume management of the Gameplay responsibilities of the Order.
  • Three Committees, utilizing the Cabinet Offices forum, shall be established: Recruitment, Foreign Update, and World Assembly Delegate.
  • Roleplay-related matters, such as changes to rules, shall be entrusted to a Roleplay Assembly headed by the Roleplay Moderator.
  • The Lord Chief Justice and Roleplay Moderator will continue to exist in their present state.
  • A list of legislation which will continue to stand will be established, while those not included will be set for repeal.

Both the Vice Chancellor and myself look forward to a productive and engaged dialogue with the region as we address these issues and move forward in strengthening the operational capabilities of our Order.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 10:19:39 PM »
I think we should become an absolute monarchy under the Grand Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. However, I do feel we would need some sort of mechanism to remove a Grand Chancellor, Vice Chancellor or any Officer they appoint if an issue were to arise such as inactivity, breaking the law, etc.

Online Beatrice

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2017, 10:25:35 PM »
We already have a mechanism of recall which would naturally be carried over.  ;)

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Offline hobbes

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2017, 11:10:49 PM »

First thing. I don't claim to have any mandate as Premier with one whole vote. But it outlines the numerous problems we have.

To be frank, we face two options:

1) Remove all Chancellory involvement in government and make the positions forum/region administrative only.
2) Remove the government and function as a absolute monarchy.

The 'constitutional monarch' train left the station at this point years ago. We may have had one under Ava, but what we currently have amounts to a President-for-Life or Absolute Monarch. Sure, on paper, the monarch's powers are defined by the constitution, but the institution of a constitutional monarchy is dependent on the monarch being unbiased and uninvolved, The Crown puts this well, saying the job of the monarch in a modern democracy is to do nothing; and doing nothing requires the upmost energy.

Beatrice already functions as a politicized figure with political authority rather than a monarch with ceremonial authority except in utmost crises, so at this point the only two options are to remove that power or just formalize it.
I scream

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2017, 11:31:00 PM »
Generally looking at what Hobbes outlines the question becomes for me - if we do this what happens? I'm not forming a final personal opinion yet but just offering thoughts.

What would be of concern is that given that we've just had an election with a single valid vote, before that only Dave ran, before that I recall overruling with a Judicial order but again it was one candidate. At this point I'm not so sure that removing the GC power would suddenly reverse this trend, not because I doubt the validity of the argument but because I'm not so sure we have the people who would step in and form a government and legislative. But I'm happy to be proved wrong.

I would also like to point out that given we put a lot into our RP the simpler the government the better no matter which way it goes.

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2017, 05:43:25 PM »
Generally i think we need to Slim the Government down from a Sort-of-RP in itself to a functional Administration. We don't need to call it "Monarchy" or "Democracy" or whatever we fancy. Leave that Part for the actual RP.

Basically trim down legislation from Novel-Length to the Essentials that are really needed. (like we need the emergency plan, as we all have seen this year)

What we don't need is things like the whole Ordeal about the WAD for Example. If we basically have no one really caring, we don't need to legislate it.

And sincerely don't tell me anyone of the active ppl cares about it at this point. I have been WAD long enough to know you don't.

For the overall Style of Government - i think we need active Admins ensuring People don't rip each other new holes over tiny disputes.

Basically have some technically Admin Roles, like the one holding the Founder Accounts, keeping Discord working and so on, and maybe one or two Elected Roles from the RA (maybe rename that too).

I am not too much down in the technicality of how the exactl positions would look like. But my overall line of thought is basically this:

- less Roleplay-inside-a Roleplay and more functionality.
- less Legislature for arts of Nationstates we don't even Participate in actively
- Administration formed by function and necessity as overall goal.

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2017, 10:08:41 AM »
I'm all for trimming down Government. Essentially they should only be involved in infrastructure and defence.

Leave me alone. Don't take my stuff. Don't be a jerk. Those're the 3 rules.
Awesome quote goes here.

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2017, 10:12:05 PM »
I think some people here have made some pretty solid points.

I know that I myself am focused almost solely on the roleplay side of this region, and to be honest I think that is our real strength. As for the rest of it really we only need a government in so far as there are a number of key functions that require oversight to ensure the region keeps going.

I've been in other regions before where governments are far more active, however that's because the main focus of the roleplay in those regions was RPing a government. Given that the amount that can actually be done or legislated for in a cyberspace forum this inevitably led to active government devolving into tribalistic wars of personalities over imaginary power that had a very real life result of tearing regions apart.

Really I would be happy to see a solid government of only those roles or functions necessary for the health of the region. This is best achieved by a head authority figure who is known to be stable and active appointing ministers that they judge are able to carry out their task well. Perhaps the best thing would be to have a head of state elected to run the region on a long term of 4-6 months at a time, or perhaps have an indefinite term with some recall mechanism to trigger an election if enough people decide they want a change.

Sorry if that comes across as a mere stream of consciousness. I'm sure there are myriad issues with everything I just said/suggested.

Offline hobbes

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2017, 09:55:59 AM »
I scream

Offline KrisNord

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2017, 10:54:26 AM »
Personally I think anyone with any interest has probably given the matter their opinion. I think what is needed now is a concrete proposal that we can start picking over.

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2017, 12:01:48 PM »
We don't need government. We just need administrators. Both on NS and diacord.

Online Beatrice

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2017, 09:09:29 AM »
The nice thing about the proposal put forth is it allows for those who do retain an interest in gameplay affairs to manage those in a down-sized capacity while focusing the majority who are principally concerned with RP to manage and focus upon the RP. At the same time it preserves the capability of the Order to re-engage with gameplay affairs in a more in-depth manner should majority opinion change by leaving in place a structure which is engaged in the Gameplay front that can be built upon in the case we find a greater Gameplay desire. We'll retain a footing there, but it won't be one which puts perhaps unwanted pressure on people who wouldn't want to engage.

TL;DR, the proposal as put forth allows the handful of people who do have an interest in gameplay to pursue those interests on behalf of the Order while allowing the RP majority to do their thing without being bothered. Should that change, we'll have a footing in gameplay and a structure that can be easily built upon. Nobody is pressured into anything they don't wish to engage in.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2018, 05:23:03 PM »
Without guidance from the Premier (his last post here being made November the 28th) I believe it would be of benefit for us to continue moving forward in this discussion and put into place a system which best ensures the interests of the Order. As I stated in my last post the system set forth initially allows those who do maintain an interest in gameplay to act in those interests, while allowing RP functions to be delegated to those primarily concerned with RP. Should the situation at some point change and a greater desire for gameplay develop we will have maintained a presence and have an infrastructure from which we can build.

In recent days the Vice Chancellor and I have revisited this topic while discussing further options. This has seen a proposal in which the Chancellery may propose legislation. Following the proposal for a new law there would be a minimum of 72 hours to gather 3 objections. Should 3 people object the proposed law would go to referendum. If not, it would become law.

It is my goal to see a resolution ready by at least the end of the month and a new system implemented and in place shortly thereafter.

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Offline Norgeras

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2018, 06:41:11 PM »
Drop the Naming already xD

Chancellors, Vice chancellors, Fancy Pantsellors. xD We need a clean cut that most of us aren't "gameplay" oriented. Keeping up this pretense is just going to keep hurting us, and it makes reading the Rules section a royal pain in the Back. It feels more like reading an RP Post than actually working on Problems. We already aren't a Gameplay Presence since the Reset, so i don't think we need to built up something again that we aren't. We do, however need a stronger Game Presence in Nationstates.

I am taking invitations, forum, someone to actually read overarching things there. As much as i hate to Admit it we do need that connection, just i think we should make a dry cut of where we RP, and where we don't. We won't fall of the Earth, and the Gameplay oriented members are already members of at least 2 Regions to start with. Embassy Construction and Maintenance has nothing to do with "Gameplay" in the Sense most Regions treat it.

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Re: A Summit For Reform
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2018, 05:26:13 PM »
Drop the Naming already xD

NO :(
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