Author Topic: Rosendahl Report Episode 1 - Runavik  (Read 1374 times)

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Offline KrisNord

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Rosendahl Report Episode 1 - Runavik
« on: October 04, 2020, 08:38:10 PM »

"Runavik are a nation with some unique points. Their government which is run by what could effectively be classed as a lottery. Their Parliament posses a rather strange name, The Thing. Even this Thing has some rather unique rules including one that states a rather gruesome death awaits any President who sets foot there. They are a nation that shares many things with my homeland of Nya Åland , a language, major religious observance, traditions and a history that saw Ålanders help colonise the hundreds of islands that fan out towards the bitterly cold Hygelac. Over the past week or so the nation has faced a rather unique problem. A group calling themselves the Cross Island Republic of Gungniröar have taken control of three small, uninhabited islands and now claim to be a nation. So far several nations from across Mundus have given their condemnation of those belonging to the newly proclaimed nation including my homeland,  Aschlon and Paracambi. Yet to date the newest nation of Mundus appears to be unchallenged by Runavik itself. While normally a handful of settlers may be considered nothing other than zealots intent on carving out their own way of life this group has raised eyebrows for one simple reason, the word "Gungnir" appearing in their name.

For those unfamiliar with Norse culture Gungnir is the name given to spear carried by the God Odin. It is said to be so well balanced that it will strike any target no matter the skill nor strength of the holder. While the name Gungnir may to those considering themselves Odinists may not be a problem in itself the fact that it was adopted by a group of ultra-religious terrorists that has caused many to worry about this latest development of the Cross Island Republic who have taken the name and added the Norse "öar" to mean "Islands of Gungnir"

We spoke exclusively with the new nations self proclaimed President Elvar Odinsson.

If we understand that the name Gungnir has taken on some negative connotations across Mundus why did your group take the name to be part of your attempts to secure a homeland?

That is exactly why we had to. The terrorist group known as the Gungnir bring about chaos, death and destruction. They are more in tune with Loki than with Odin. It is important that the word Gungnir once more becomes connected with the idea of those doing the hard work of changing the world to better please Odin, but by following his mandates not destroying them. We share some commonalities with them such as a name, and the fact we all honour the Gods by taking names befitting Odin, however we do not believe in striking those who do not willingly change to our faith.

How would you respond to people such as Prime Minister Thatcher of Tytor who has stated they will stand against your new nation and any "which would deny rights presently guaranteed to the people at large?
Unlike nations such as Nya Åland or Aschlon we are not in a position where vast numbers of people from various backgrounds exist. We are currently a nation with a population of around 20 people. We are the smallest nation in the world. While nations such as say Royal Seleucid occupied land already inhabited by a foreign culture in the Iwi and sought to push that culture out of existence we have inhabited land no-one lives on. It is a limited amount of land and naturally a sensible immigration policy is needed. At this time I would find it very strange should a non-Odinist seek to move here to our island homes. Therefore our constitution reflects this. We however will not deny any individual in our nation the right to worship how they see fit. Wear what you wish, pray how you wish to who you wish. Odin is a big boy and doesn't care if you pray to Jesus, you will just sadly be disappointed when you die and that is not Odin's problem. All we have done so far is impose rules to citizenship and who can sit in government. This is no different to other nations. It is my understanding Heyra place stumbling blocks before people seeking citizenship, in their case the person needs deep rooted family connections to the land. East Moreland only permit those who have done military service to sit on their councils. A person moving to our nation will have just the same rights as a say Lodjain living in East Moreland.

Tonight we get the chance to sit with the President of Runavik, Mr.Tobin Grimwal. Thank you sir for joining us. Can we begin by asking why Runavik is so concerned about this new self proclaimed nation when they appear to be nothing more than religious fanatics desperate to have a simple life?

On the surface Krista that is exactly what they seem to be, harmless religious followers of Odin. However we have seen in the past other groups corrupt the name of the God for their own means. Our concern is that out of the roughly 100 islands that make up the island chain heading South West another 42 of them are currently not occupied on a full time basis. While they may not have any life on land it does not mean they are not valued by our nation. They allow us to create marine safe zones to allow fish stocks to boom, they allow us to enforce rules about wildlife migration such as birds and they present a central part of the nations economic structure. To allow all that good work, which forms part of extreme long term planning to be disrupted is unacceptable. Had this group come to us and stated they wished to reside on the islands we could perhaps have worked with them but that chance has passed.

Are we likely to see them moved by force?

We would like to avoid that. These islands are inhospitable, which is exactly why no one lived there. It is our belief that in time their support network will be needed and it won't be there. At that moment we naturally will step in and be able to evacuate them to safety. Until then we are exploring a simple containment policy. We though have not ruled out a more robust response should it be needed.

Having spoken to their leader he is keen to point out the differences between themselves and the terrorist group known as the Gungnir. Are you aware of any connection between the two?

I obviously can't say too much about the work of our nations intelligence agencies other than the fact that we plan on checking the background of each resident of these islands carefully. To date we have some concerns we are following up. Should they prove unfounded as we hope then our response can be substantially different. We will not show any support to people involved now or in the past with terrorism.

Your nation has a rather unique system of government and a switch in the make up of the Thing had just occured when this incident took place. Do you think that was planned?

Its very clear the effective re-colonisation of an island is no easy task. To get aircraft to get out there, to get the supplies they need and to prepare for what they will face once they arrive is something that you can't do in a day. It is our belief that this act has been in the makings for months, if not longer. We think a much larger number of people must have been in on it and we are trying to find how far this conspiracies roots have gone. The government is rather unique in how it is selected but I believe its the best way of selecting a government possible. With the rough comes the smooth and so we must accept a brief but neccessary transfer of authority with the Thing. This however can fall largely under my remit to deal with Foreign Policy and the Armed Forces so while I shall obviously work with The Thing I shall also be overseeing our response myself.

Each week as I interview someone we invite an audience to sit in with us. This is the part of the show where I throw open the floor and the phone lines to anyone who wishes to ask the President a question. While I've focused on the island situation the President has graciously agreed that no topic is off the table for discussion and so over to you?