The largest rock based live music festival on Mundus is back. Situated in the countryside just outside Silverhills the festival lasts three days across close to a dozen venues on the Marshall families farm. Every year (sometimes) the family use the three main stages to showcase the best in live rock, punk, metal, indie and various other epic art forms.
2020 Bands2019 Bands2017 Bands2016 Bands2015 BandsIn terms of signing up the Marshall family will have the final say, "guitar based" acts are generally given priority with a few quirky (code for Achkaerin) acts included to break it up. I'd love it if people could try and keep it semi-connected to their nation, so for example I would expect Bob Marley to come from East Moreland, which explains why he's probably from Paracambi. If someone has already claimed an act in previous years its still theirs, there are exceptions so for example me and Tytor have done some swaps in the past. If someone uses a band and you've used them elsewhere outside Glastomundus please just drop a message with the link so we know their off the table.
Sign ups until the 28th. Simply give names of the bands your using , nation their from and no more than four preferably youtube links to live performances of the songs. Then I'll post the line ups and make YouTube playlists of the running order. I'll also, if possible, make a Spotify play list this year and share the links.
The three stages are Main Stage (The biggest section of the festival), Pyramid Stage (Tends to be more dedicated to rock), The Big Top (indoor venue for more acoustic, alternative stuff). The Marshall family will determine what stage you're on. Word of warning a Morelander band always headlines the Main Stage on the Friday night, a foreign band the Saturday and then pot luck Sunday.
Name of Band
Song 1
Song 2
Song 3
Song 4