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Messages - Norgeras

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19]
World Assembly Discussion / Resolution at Vote Discussion
« on: September 06, 2017, 08:59:16 PM »
This Topic will be our Place to discuss the Resolutions currently on Vote.

Please mind to keep it on Topic.

For the First Resolution:

Freedom of Religion

Today's Referendum, in my opinion, is yet another Example of overly simplified, stick to the Template Legislature that should not Pass for it's horrific low Quality standard.

Each and every cause can be bent to be non Applying at all, leaving only the Definition of Terminology left standing.

A loud and Clear "No" from me.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Festival of Sail - Conclusion
« on: September 06, 2017, 03:33:42 PM »
Maria smiled at the two children, putting the bowl into their reach so they could take from them: "Of course you two can. Seems i am not the only decorative asset left on the Sideline."
Maria chuckled watching the Kids with their Treats: "So i gather your name is Charles, i am sorry but i don't think i would have been able to not hear it. Can i call you Charlie?" before nodding to the Girl: "How about you introduce you to the Lovely Lady at your Side?"

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Everyone Has a Price
« on: September 05, 2017, 07:21:19 PM »
Wilhelmina was sipping a cold Glass of Water with some Lime and Ice in her makeshift Office for the building project. For now she was out of Albrecht's reach here, and she still more than enough supporters. He wouldn't dare make a move yet.

glancing over the plans with the pristine white Streets, beatifull Alley and small Parks, she chuckled as she snipped another piece of Buildings from the Cities model and put another street of the new quarter there.
"Yes, yes. We have thought of defense. The whole Area will be Walled in and Secured. No common rubble will be able to penetrate. It wont hold bakc an Army, but it should give time to retreat if needed." Hanging up the phone she picked up the Newspaper and couldn't help but laugh loudly before throwing the Newspaper on the womans feet (
"They did picture your Boy pretty well. Don't you think? He is a little Star now."
Hearing the door Ring as her Bodyguards did lead one of Caidan's contacts in she smiled: "Here she is, just make me an offer once you actually have a child. Maybe I'll adopt it and raise it then. Her Kid was incredibly durable."

Back in Neu Uburzis, Albrecht threw the Newspaper into a fire, followed by a bottle of Whiskey from the Shelf. Not that he was drinking, but the Burst of Flames made him vent better.
"She killed someone, just so she could show us that she is still a threat?" Orion had walked into the room, seemingly shaken: "The boy died because he looks like me. She already killed Mum and Dad, is she never Satisfied?"
Albrecht shook his head, allowing Orion to lean on to him: "No. She is not. But she wont dare make a move on you, i promise."

/and that is because i have her children here/ - Albrecht thought to himself, giving the shaking emperor a small kiss on his forehead.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Festival of Sail - Conclusion
« on: September 05, 2017, 07:01:46 PM »
"I am glad at least some countries let them choose whom to be with, Orion most likely won't have that choice." was what Matillda said to her daughter, before saluting to the Royal couple, her daughter doing a small curtsy: "Your Majesties, we thank you for the wonderful wedding. Such a marvelous Idea. And with mostly no Incidents on such short notice. I am truly impressed."
Her daughter Maria almost stuttered, before finally finding the words to say: "I am so honored to have witnessed your wedding, your Majesties. The feeling of honor for my Citizen's heart is unbelievable."
Matilda patted her daughter strongly on the back: "Ah come on, you are still the daughter of an almost infamous mercenary Captain gone Admiral and Royal Adviser, get used to the Attention." While her daughter turned deep red in her face, Matilda was smiling at the newly weds: "I hope i find this Edward guy again, i definitely want to find out how much he can drink. I mean this is a Wedding after all, we should make sure it's a night to be remembered."
"MOTHER!" Maria protested, as she shoved her daughter past: "I wonder if they bought some of your bread. I mean you do have the bakery conveniently close." was all the Admiral answered. She had made sure her Grandson was brought back to his Grandfather, before she had allowed her daughter to find people to talk to herself, as she made her way with two Pina Colada and some Entree's towards Edward, grinning as she handed him one of the Drinks: "So, what is your usual Job mister" she said munching on a small piece of Bread with Spread: "or is keeping Foreign Dignitaries Happy your actual work?"

Maria on the other hand had ended up near a table with bored Royalty Kids pouting at each other as she finally took a seat with a bowl of Ricecrackers she had been generously offered by one of the Server who needed more Space for actual food.

Back on the Pier the Crews of the SG017 and the SG018 Galleon had started their own Beach party with a Local Kid having organized a Life stream Projected onto one of the Ships Re purposed Sails from the Wedding, wheres as now music videos where playing and Teens of all ages where either Snacking on fresh open fire charred treats, or drinking beer for the older ones the Girls on the SG018 had smuggled onto the Festival.

In one of the Pubs the Crew of the MM703 was having a drinking contest with some local Sailors. So far the Women and men equally holding their liquor While singing Praise to whichever Majesty they just toasted on.

International News Networks / Re: Zimalian Gazette
« on: September 04, 2017, 02:57:44 PM »

Tourist and three Officers Dead in Tribal Blood Ritual

In a shockingly brutal shootout during a Raid on Criminal Afolayan Tribe Members, three of our best Police Officers have been killed. As the scene had been reported for suspicious activities during the last couple of Days, including high Pitched screams, the Officers stormed the place ahead of Backup trying to rescue whoever was kidnapped by the Brutal Savages.
While they did corner and slay the armed Tribesmen, a prepared bomb went up blowing up half of the Apartment. Only as the Site was investigated and cleared afterwards, the True Horror of what transpired in this house was revealed. Inspectors found the decomposing Body of a young Boy, believed to be a Neu Uburzian tourist by the fact they also found Clothing and Children Books from Uburzis on Sight.
After first examinations of the corpse, the coroners where shaking when handing us the following report as of what Torture this extensive Blood Ritual had imposed on the Child. It was verified the child was poisoned with radioactive Pollonium, fed with Led Poisoned water, beaten brutally before slowly being bled out by cutting him over and over again. The absence of the Victims blood in it's Body and only Traces of it on the sheets suggests the now dead Afolayan Tribe Members had been selling the Victims Blood as Potency Potion to unsuspecting Tourists, with a Scam Tourist Store around the corner having been their Cover.

The Ceremony for the Officers Funeral will be held in three Days with the President's Son attending and holding a Speech. To find out the Identity of the child, we have included a Reconstruction of the Child's Face.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Festival of Sail - Conclusion
« on: September 03, 2017, 08:08:04 PM »
Matilda shook her head as the woman had been escorted out: "I discussed that woman with our Prince Regent before. Maybe we should make a statement after all, since Emperor Orion's future Wife will be a hot Topic. But generally speaking, we where pretty disgusted she pulled that legislation stunt just after King Ironside's Ex-Wife had born another Child she will likely outlive. It is disrespectful and shameless to point fingers to a Mother who already was struck with terrible misfortune. She might have not been a good Queen for her King in Retrospective, but such childish behaviour is unbearable. Not to Mention that Citizens aren't unpure, Royalty stands on Top as the summary of all that is good in their Citizens, even if choosen by the gods, a hard working Man or Woman is never Unpure."

The Admirals knuckles had turned white as she took a long breath, making her daughter raise an eyebrow, the Morelandish accent in her Daughters speech  more than clear: "For once i have to agree with you, it was beyond Tasteless to treat the former Queen that way. Not to mention what an incredible insult i felt like this act is towards our Crown Princess. And isn't she the sweetest?" hearing her own son wiggle and seemingly complain, she turned back to him with a smile: "Alright Alexander, you are /my/ sweetest."

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Festival of Sail - Conclusion
« on: September 03, 2017, 06:49:52 PM »
Matilda had been slightly distracted during the Festival, what else would you expect when one of your daughters just happened to have a child.

She had been a Grandmother for over a year and didn't know. 'Serves me right' she thought to herself as she mused over the fact that her daughters choice in Partners was as terrible as her Fathers. Munching on one of the baked Ships her Ex Lover sold at his bakery she held her little Granson on her lap as she gently rocked him, before hearing the News about the Wedding over her Bluetooth Headset.

Looking around the Harbor she spotted the Crew of the galleons happily camping out on the Pier with moreland teens, having made their own Campside and trading different trinkets and foods to heat over their Makeshift Bonfire. The Marines from the Eonar where busy doing a drinking contest with some of the Vikings so her Options on whom to bring along where starting to wear thin, before she turned back to the Bakery.

Twenty minutes and a short trip to a Barber later, Matilda had her Daughter refurnished into a presentable Lady carrying the Toddler along as the two approached the ceremony, making themselves known to Miss Germaine along the Way: "Admiral Eidmeier from Neu Uburzis, along with my Daughter Maria and My Grandson."
"His Name is Alexander." Maria added blushed deeply: "I feel like i am your Pet Dog Mother."
Matilda shrugged as they made their Way over: "Think of it as a chance to see a royal wedding up close, and not just through TV."
Though she ahd to admit, she felt pretty bad about this. She hadn't talked with them other than letters in years, and now that she was one of the Highest Advisers After Alexandras Death she had even less time: "I have to make sure you meet your Half one Day. I think you might get along."

"If he is anything like us, then the only thing we might have in common is a thing we don#t know very well. You."
Matilda sighed as she took seat. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: Little Death
« on: September 02, 2017, 10:53:45 PM »
It took a while for the small patrol ship reaching the rendezvous point several miles off the Uburzian coast. The weather was rainy and a storm was brewing, perfect conditions to stay in harbor unless you have something to hide.

Matilda had been instructing them clearly, the packaged Traitor sitting tied up in a crate ready for delivery. A little thank you to the Benne Gesserit for giving them the spies identity. Officially he had fled the country before the police was able to catch him, in reality he was grabbed from his home in the dead of night.
They didn't even bother interrogating him to much, as a power station technician he never really came close to important people so far. But as a gift for their potential Partners, he was invaluable. While the trouble in Moreland had clouded the potential of this joint venture, the Admiral and the Prince Regent had instructed that the Spy was enough of proof whom was their better potential ally in the future.

And so the crew of the small vessel waited for the pickup to arrive, armed and nervous.

Diplomacy and Events / A Royal Dinner - Conclusion
« on: September 02, 2017, 12:00:27 AM »
What happened so far:

Several Monarchs had met up and discussed matters of the coronation in Neu Uburzis' Palace. After concluding that they would not bow or kneel to the Emperor during coronation, leaving Albrecht to find a Solution, while they would accept to sit among Peasants. The Dinner was going along fine, with The Prince Regent dancing with the Queen of Lodja, Emperor Peter dancing with Princess Adelheid, a young Cadet dancing with one of the Morelander envoys, and the Oranian stand in for Royalty arriving way late.

Olaf, that was at least how he had to call himself during school time and in public, had gently shoved Jocelyn along the corridor leading to the Throne room. Pushing the creaking the Door open he had let her in to the right now sparely filled room. The massive Red sandstone pillars carried the ceiling reminiscent of an ancient temple. Where the inner Sanctum in old Temples would have been, a Podium made from the same red stone stood. The throne beneath still hidden under white sheets, as Olaf pointed Jocelyn to the pillars: "Usually there are large Tapestry on the wall, when there's no more space for the new emperor's tapestry the oldest gets moved into a museum archive." he widened his hands to simulate the whole room filled: "And the floor is covered with carpets as well. but everything is still being restored to mint conditions. So i am sorry that i can't show it off yet."

He then climbed up to the throne, and pulled back then sheet keeping the dust from the seat of power, revealing the pitch black Marble throne, accompanied by two wolf gold statues to each side. The young Cadet took seat on the Throne with a childish giggle: "My Ancestor really fancied the ancient temples, so he fashioned his center of power around their ideals." wiggling with his feet that did not reach the bottom of the throne he sighed extensively: "I really hope they finish in time. without all the Tapestry this all seems only half as beautiful."

Back int he main hall it had gotten late, and the younger Cadets seemed to tire slowly as the Desert was being Served. The chocolate and Rare exotic fruits, like pineapple, where only barely enough to keep them awake, while albrecht had taken seat on the lodjan table after the dance, with Adelheid on the Aechkaerin table. Only Kurt, their Father in wheelchair, seemed to try and keep a low profile, having roled hismelf onto the oranian table, he had greeted them and mot of the time silently enjoyed his food.

(OOC: let's wrap this up. ^^ those who can and still care make a post so we can finish it soon)

Character Guides / Re: The Faces of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:32:50 PM »
Wilhelmina of UburzisA blonde woman with cold blue Eyes and a sovereign arrogant Aura around her.
TitlesChosen Wife to the firstborn Prince
CEO of Wingert Building Corp.
Year of Birth/Death1981, Neu Uburzis. 2018, Shot dead in a Ditch in Zimalia
FamilyBorn into the Wingert Family. Two Daughters, two Brothers.
LifeWas elected elected Wife to Orion's oldest Brother, though it took a hefty amount of money and smear campaigning from her father to pull it off. Poisoned the Empress with Polonium. Was killed by Bene Gesserit Assassins by Orders of Albrecht of Uburzis, after she had been linked to the Murder of a Un Cenneslaig child and the abduction of his Mother.

Character Guides / Re: The Faces of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:31:53 PM »
Adelheid of UburzisA stunning young woman with Fiery Auburn Hair and fashionable Outfits
TitlesPrincess of the Empire of Neu Uburzis
former Ambassador of the Imperial Culture
Owner of "Adel verpflichtet" FashionbrandHost and Organizer of Niameck Fashion Week
Year of Birth1990, Neu Uburzis
FamilyRoyal Family of Uburzis, one Brother, Cousin to the Emperor
StatusWas appointed Ambassador, despite having an Ill reputation of being a diplomatic Elephant in a porcelain Warehouse, due to lack of other High Profiling Royal survivors. Resigned the Position in Favor of Launching her Fashion Brand and Cementing herself as Icon in the Empire

Character Guides / Re: The Faces of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:31:08 PM »
Albrecht of UburzisA cultivated man with Auburn Hair. Usually wearing a Parade Uniform for official Encounters.
TitlesPrince to the Empire of Neu Uburzis;
Regent to Emperor Orion the First of his Name;
Head of the KND
Year of Birth1988, Neu Uburzis
FamilyRoyal Family of Uburzis, Cousin to the Emperor Orion, one Sister
StatusBecame Regent after Alexandras Death due to his close Relationship with Orion, and having first been Alexandras Apprentice, then closest Adviser. He ensured Wilhelmina of Uburzis Death by the Hand of the Bene Gesserit

Character Guides / Re: The Faces of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:30:44 PM »
Orion of UburzisA thin short late teen, with platinum Blonde Hair and sparkling green Eyes.
TitlesOrion the First of his Name
Emperor of Neu Uburzis
Year of Birth2004, Neu Uburzis
FamilyRoyal Family of Uburzis
StatusKept from the public Eye since his Mothers Death, officially coronated on his 13th Birthday November 2017. Currently in his final school year enrolled in a military Academy. His biggest Hobby is painting. Cares deeply for his Nieces and Nephews. Openly gay even though he will be forced to marry someone by the Nations choice soon.

Character Guides / Re: The Faces of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:30:04 PM »
Alexandra of UburzisA Tall woman, she used to be platinum blonde in her younger Days.
TitlesAlexandra the Second of her Name
Empress of Neu Uburzis
Year of Birth1965, Neu Uburzis
FamilyRoyal Family of Uburzis, four Children, one Brother
StatusDied 2017 in what was ruled a tragic Accident. Was poisoned with Polonium by her Daughter in Law Wilhelmina.

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Empire of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:24:13 PM »


40,000 Active Sailors / 32,000 Reservists

ClassShips in ClassArmament
Augusta Class Attack Sub1.??
6 x 21 in (533 mm) torpedo tubes (18 Mark 48 torpedoes)
Victoria Class Attack Submarine1.??
4 × 533 mm torpedo tubes (28 torpedoes)
 4 × 650 mm torpedo tubes (12 torpedoes)
 40 torpedoes total
1–3 × Igla-M surface-to-air missile launcher fired from sail (surface use only)
Granat cruise missiles
Louisa Class Aircraft Carrier1.??
2 × Mk.29 octuple launcher for Sea Sparrow/Selenia Aspide SAM
3 × Oto Melara Twin 40L70 DARDO
2 × 324 mm triple torpedo tubes
4 × Otomat Mk 2 SSMs

10x GR.3 Harrier
8x H-101 Merlin
Mary Class Amphibious Transport Dock1.??
1 × Otobreda 76 mm gun
 2 × OTO Melara KBA 25/80 mm guns

3x  H-101 Merlin
Ludovika Class Destroyer1.??
48 HHQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missiles
8 C-805 anti-ship / land attack cruise missiles or
8 HN-2 land attack cruise missiles[1] or
8 YJ-62 anti-ship / land attack cruise missiles
1 × Type 210 100 mm dual purpose gun
2 × 30mm Type 730 close-in weapons systems
6 torpedo tubes
4 × 18-tube decoy rocket launcher

1 x  H-101 Merlin
Frederika Class Frigate1.??
1  × 8-cell Mk 41 VLS w/ 32 × RIM-162 ESSM
8 × Naval Strike Missile SSMs
4 × torpedo tubes for Sting Ray torpedoes
Depth charges
1 × 76 mm OTO Melara Super Rapid gun
3 × 12.7 mm Browning M2HB HMG Sea Protector
2 × LRAD Long Range Acoustic Device
1 × Otobreda 127 mm/54 gun
1x Phalanx CWIS

1x H-90 SeaSprite
Christine Class Frigate1.??
Naval guns:
1 × 127 mm lightweight Otobreda naval gun with guided VULCANO ammunition for land-attack missions (range: more than 100 km (62 mi))
2 × 27 mm MLG 27 remote-controlled autocannons
5 × 12.7 mm Hitrole-NT remote-controlled machine gun turrets
2 × 12.7 mm heavy machine guns (manually controlled)
2 × RAM Block II surface-to-air missile launcher/CIWS, 21 cells each
Anti-ship missiles:
8 × RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles (interim solution until joint sea/land attack missile RBS 15 MK4 becomes available)
Water cannons

2x H-90 SeaSprite
Sophia Class Patrol Ship1.??
1 × 76 mm Oto Melara Super Rapid
1 × 30 mm Oto Melara Marlin WS
2 × 12.7 mm Oto Melara Hitrole NT
6 × 7.62 mm FN MAG machine guns

1x H-90 SeaSprite
Dorothea Class Missile Boat1.??
1 × 76 mm gun
1 - AK-630 gun system
2 P-15 Termit anti ship missiles
Charlotte Class Mine Vessel1.??
2х2-30 mm AK-230
2х2-25-m 2М-3М
2 х5 RBU 1200
7 AMD-1000 naval mines or 32 depth charges
underwater mine searcher MKT-210
Sweeps BKT, AT-3, TEM-4
Henrietta Class Electronic Ship1.??
2 × OTO Melara KBA 25/80 mm
1x H-90 SeaSprite
Eonar Class Floating Base1.??
3xNaval Guns

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Empire of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:23:46 PM »


53,000 Active Airmen / 32,000 Reservists Service
F-3 TornadoMulti-Role120
F-4 TejasMulti-Role96
GR-5 AMX InternationalGround Attack50
E-99 SpookSIGINT3
EB-6 IntruderElectronic Warfare/Bomber10
C-130J Super HerculesTactical Transport15
C-225 CossackHeavy Transport16
C-295 CasaTactical Transport24
H-139 WestlandUtility Helicopter45
H-26 HaloTransport Helicopter30
T-200 HawkTrainer/ Light Fighter30
T-290 RedigoBasic Trainer/ Ground Attack15
U-4 Global-HawkUAV15
N-8 PoseidonMaritime Patrol4
KC-135 StratotankerTransport/Aerial Refuelling7

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Empire of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:23:03 PM »


104,000 Active Soldiers / 80,000 Reservists


AR-36Assault RifleStandard Infantry
AR-550Assault RifleNon.Infantry Units
HG-3HandgunInfantry Units
SMG-7Sub Machine GunVehicle Crews
SMG-9Sub Machine GunVehicle Crews
GPMG 60Machine GunSquad Issue
SG-13Assault ShotgunMission Requirements
MM-12 Marksman RifleDesignated Marksman
SR-2 Sniper RifleDesignated Snipers
SAM-43MANPADSSquad Issue
LAW-100Anti-Tank WeaponSquad Issue

MBT-84 Main Battle Tank350 (2 variants)
AT 142Anti Tank Vehicle400
IFV 113Infantry Fighting Vehicle280
IFV 90Infantry Fighting Vehicle600
APC3Armoured Personnel Carrier1500
APC7Armoured Personnel Carrier100
MBT 30Support Tank200
ARV-8Armoured Recon Vehicle330
MRPV3Mine Resistant Patrol Vehicle120
IMV 4Infantry Mobility Vehicle2500
IMV 8Infantry Mobility Vehicle2400
AC-9Armoured Car2000
SPH 90Self Propelled Howitzer300
PH56Pack Howitzer100
MLRS 160Multiple Launch Rocket Artillery40
SAM-87Mobile SAM System35
H101- MerlinHelicopter30
H-64 ApacheAttack Helicopter15

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Empire of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:17:09 PM »

The Mermaids:

Status: Peacefully Disbanded

Having been found in 1955 the Mermaids where a Band of Female only Mercenaries in a Time when the Army did not allow female Soldiers. Spanning mostly a Private fleet they rented out to smaller Nations, private Merchants and research Groups that needed that little extra muscle.
Officially Disbanded in 2010 when the Nation's Woman Representatives gave up their Opposition to female Soldiers, and mostly integrated into the Imperial Fleet, with some of them staying in their stationed Nations leading civilian lifes instead of returning home and joining a regulated Army.

Last Leader: Admiral Matilda "Mermaid" Eidmeier

Factbooks and Maps / Empire of Neu Uburzis
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:16:27 PM »
Empire of Neu Uburzis

Informal Name: Uburzis, NU

Spoiler: show

Quick Overview:

Citizens: about 100 Million

GDP per Capita: about 30000

Environment: Going from Saltmarches at the Northern shore, to a thick Maze of Dark Beech and Oak woods, concluding in towering Mountain ranges to the South Neu Uburzis houses several temperate, but challenging environments for a nation to thrive on.

Society: Most Uburzians strive for physical prowess, and participate conscientious in the political System. Environmentalism is deeply rooted in their traditions since the dawn of steam power.

Politics & Government: While the Emperor is an absolute Monarch, topping each and every decision, they traditionally rarely do so. A set of Regional and City wide Senate like Councils, where every Citizen over the age of thirteen is part of, governs the every day life aspects of the Uburzians, while the Military is supervised by the Admirals and Generals sworn too the Emperor.

Faith: Most Uburzians follow a Neo Paganistic faith split into different Cults revering Aspects of Nature as parts of an all uniting Godly spirit. A smaller percentage is christian, after recent events divided in a dwindling number of Catholics and the Newly Found Independent Church of the Trinity Order

Current important political figures:

Elder Robert of Niameck - current Senatorial Elder unofficial Spokesman of the Senates
Admiral Matilda "Mermaid" Eidmeier - Adviser to the Emperor's Regent
General Nikolaus Straussenhof - Adviser to the Emperor's Regent

Alexandra the Second of her Name - recently deceased late Empress
Albrecht, Prince of Uburzis - Current Regent to the Emperor
Orion the First of his Name - Child Emperor of Nova Uburzis

Quick Historical overview:

Around the Year 0 - the Noniam Empire Builds the first Uburzis at the gate to an Important Mountain pass

Around the Year 500 - the predecessor Empire pulls out of the Area when small Tribes unite under a rouge General and burn down the original Uburzis, Christianity becomes the Dominant religion

from 550 to 1650 - small Micro Kingdoms and the Trinity Order are at constant War with each other, keeping the Uburzians in a tight Grip

the Year 1651: After four Decades of constant war, Friedrich the Calm unites the quarreling lands with ideas picked up from the ancient Empire, getting crowned as the first Emperor of Neu Uburzis.

the Year 1652: Pfefferstadt is renamed into Neu Uburzis City, the old Castle is beginning expansion into a Palace.

the Year 1811: Emperor Konrad the Third pushes a campaign against Pollution of the new found industries, backed by the newly Arisen Neo Pagan Cults, forcing the Industrials and the Trinity Order into submission. Isolating the Empire diplomatically ever since.

the Year 1997: Empress Alexandra the Second ascends the Throne, and starts preparations to open the Nation to a new age of Interaction.

the Year 2017: Empress Alexandra II is murdered by her Daughter in Law Willhelmina, along most of her Children. Her youngest Son Orion survives by chance. to the public it is presented as an accident.

Empire of Neu Uburzis Armed Forces

104,000 Active Soldiers / 80,000 Reservists

40,000 Active Sailors / 32,000 Reservists

53,000 Active Airmen / 32,000 Reservists

Important Organisations:

The Mermaids

The holy Trinity Order

Kaiserlicher Nachrichtendienst (t.b.d.)


Wingert Building Corp. (t.b.d.)

Noteworthy Laws:

  • Boys under the Age of Eighteen can face judical corporal punishment, while Girls get Social Work Hours
  • Instead of Regular Youth Prisons, Convicts are Force-Enrolled into the Nations many Military Academies, for the Time of their Punishment. They are usually called "Convict Cadets"
  • You can avoid the Mandatory Military Draft of two Years by being enrolled in a Military Academy for the same amount of time
  • A Company is not considered a legal Entity. It can not own, and the Owners are held responsible for what the Company does
  • Prison Sentences for Adults longer than two Years Result in the Convict being sent to a Dedicated Prison Island. With the First and Last Years Dedicated to preparing for the Island, and resocialisation after.
  • The use of Pesticides, Herbicides & Co is banned aside from threats of mass destruction of Crops.
  • All Goods, Agricultural or Industrial, have to follow strict Ecological guidelines.

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