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Topics - Prince_Leuk

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Diplomacy and Events / The Principality and the Queendom [Luuxland & Lodja]
« on: September 23, 2018, 04:45:24 AM »
The Ambassador of Luuxland to Lodja had been named only a few days earlier, and had been the catalyst to a a small political uproar within the country. The Prince's sister-in-law had been named to the person to represent the Principality to the Queendom of Lodja. However, they had heard of Lodja's strict policy regarding Ambassadors and embassies, so Prince Leuk had instead asked Rahchehl to meet the Lodjain emissary there in Sahvannah at the capitol building. Her job was simple; meet the Emmisary and engage in the initial introduction of the two nations. Then she was to find out if she even met the requirements of being an Ambassador to the Queendom. She was to escort the diplomat directly to Sahvannah via River-Ship and show them to the office that was selected as the Embassay while the permanent one was being built. They would then s tour the city and after the E.S. diplomats had left they were to proceed at once to the Plantation to meet with the Prince.

 Rachehl was a bit nervous as she heard the the plane land at the airport in Sahtella.

"How do you do, Lord Besarian Ivanov" She began with a bow, "I am Rachehl MarcDohtuhr, sister to Princess-Lower Sehrra MarxDohtuhr Riatasun. My brother and law and sister would have welcomed you personally, but as you likely know they are currently away in East Moreland. The members of the Advisory are also currently meeting with the Ecclessiastical President and send their welcomes as well. You'll likely meet everyone when we all go to the Plantation near the end of your visit."

She picked up her head and body from the bow and awaited his response.

Character Guides / People of Luuxland
« on: September 16, 2018, 05:51:06 PM »
What's your name?
RolesWhat titles/roles do they have?
EducationWhat did they learn good??
Positions HeldThink career history
FamilyWho do they have?
Links to Important events?WHat have they done
BiographyTell us about them

International News Networks / Luuxland Rahg
« on: September 13, 2018, 07:52:40 AM »

A privately owned News Outlet in Luuxland based in the city of Sahtella.

Owned by: Fryer Dahvek
Editor-in-Chief: Gsaln Jeeorjsun


To all my Peers and Betters,

The Principality of Luuxland would like to extend a universal invitation to the leaders and governments of all nations; regardless of faith, creed, or status; to Luuxland to open up our international relations and establish ourselves in the region as a nation committed to peace, prosperity, and comradeship. I have thus ordered my government to construct a village of embassies only a few miles from the Capitol building in the city of Sahvannah. We offer, to any nation that will, identical buildings in which to establish embassies. The buildings and the plots on which they stand will be leased without charge to the nation that claims it. The Luuxland National Police Department is also available to offer security free of any charge as well, or you may supply your own. We must, after all be hosts to our guests, and not common landlords to tenants! The buildings, are not yet completed and won't be for some time, but there are a number of empty offices in the Capital building which may serve as temporary homes for any of you who wish not to wait to establish a permanent link.

I have already had the joy and honor to meet King David III of East Moreland, as I am actually writing this from my ship in his harbor. And I will have the privelege of welcoming the Prime Minister of the Ecclesiastical State is Sahvannah upon my return home. At the time being, these are the only two nations which have recognized Luuxland's independence, and also the only two who have reached out to me and my government. We wish to be considered by all nations as reliable friends, in particular our neighbors Nordmar and Andvari, with whom we share a border (OOC: Pending map update) and desire good relations with for economic and security reasons.

I thank you all for your attention and time, and pray to here from as many of you as possible. If many reply to this in a short span we may have to hold a Conference in Sahvannah in the coming days, but if only a few respond to this we will be happy to recieve you as individuals upon my return home.

May God be with you all,
Prince Leuk I of Luuxland

Press Offices / Luuxland Office of Events
« on: August 29, 2018, 01:14:16 PM »

The Official Press office of The Principality of Luuxland

Bringing all the latest News, Events, and Official the Statements from Prince and Advisory


Motto: "Furh Prinss n Pryde !" / "For Prince and Pride!"
National Anthem:- Road Goes Ever On


The Ancestors of the Luuxlander people were originally from the Northern reaches of the Ecclesiastical State of Christ. During a violent civil war in the 11th century, the Anabaptist Christians fled the region en masse to avoid the violent persecution which they suffered in their homeland. Forced for near a century to exist in a wide spread diaspora, they existed in small secluded communities around the world until the year 1318 when a small group of settlers landed on the Southern coast of Aranye. Once there, the diaspora slowly began to migrate into the region, creating an issue for the native states in the area.

The colony was peacefully annexed by Three local powers headed by native warlords. The Luuxlanders were initially welcomed with reservation by the existing peoples in the region as they from across the world. But, as their population increased over the course of the 7 centuries following their arrival they became a threat to their overlords. All of which began a campaign of systemic oppression of the Luuxlander population. When a great economic crash occurred in 2008 it rocked the region and caused civil strife in the region of the nations. During the ensuing "Great Recession" period, the Luuxlanders began a bid for independence across all three countries. Becoming violent for the first time in 2016.

On August 26, 2018 Luuxland achieved full Independence from all of it's former rulers. The hero of the Luuxlander Secessionist Movement was a young man named Leuk Riahtasun. Having become a Living national symbol, the 24 year old was crowned Prince of the new nation. Rahbin MakRyle deccided that the new nation should abandon its  historical name of Sehrashee and name itself after its new prince.

Luuxland is a Tanistral Constitutional Monarchy (Also called a Leuken Monarchy),  It's National Government has Final authority vested almost entirely in the Prince, who serves as the Head of State, Head of Government, And Supreme Judge. The Prince's powers are only curved by the "Advisory": a semi-parliment which is divided into 2 houses. The Upper-House is made up entirely of Members of the Royal Family or Close friends of Past or Sitting Monarchs (each Monarch can name two). The Lower-House is made up of elected representatives from each of Luuxland's provinces. The Advisory has no Legislative, Executive, or Judicial power not delegated to it by the monarch, except for two crucial powers:
  • Election of the Tanist
  • Vote of Abdication-by-Force
The Advisory is the only entity which may choose the "Tanist", which is the Heir-Apparent to the sitting Monarch. The only requirement of Tanist is that they must be a member of the Royal Family.
The Advisoy may also conduct a 'Vote of Abdication-by-Force' if the Monarch is seen as violating the Constitutional Rights of the Citizenry, or has reliable information showing a monarch's extremely low popularity among the populous.

Local Governments within the Provinces function as Republics, and each operates with their own quirks.

Government Type:- Tanistral Constitutional Monarchy/ Leuken Monarchy
Population:-:- 14 Million
Capital City:- Sahvannah (pop. 500,000)
Largest City:- Sahtella (pop. 2.5 Million)
Demonym:- Luuxlander.


Currency:- Luhx
GDP per Capita: $64,625 (USD)
Unemployment Rate: 13.9%
Main Industries:- Book Publishing, Cheese, Unranium Mining, Tourism.


Ethnicity:- 79% Luuxlander , 19% Ecclesiastical, 1% Other
Official Languages:- Official: Luuxlandish
Languages Used in Tourist-Heavy Areas:- [International Standard] English, Latin
Religions:- 70% Anabaptist Christianity, 27 % Celestian Catholic, 3% Other.
Average Life Expectancy:- 61.46 Years


Head of State:- Prince Leuk I
Head of Government:- Prince Leuk I
Legislative Body:- The Advisory
Head of the Advisory:- Brandahn Riatasun
Tanist :- Leuk Leuksun II (age 4)

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