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Topics - Geo

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Economics and Industry / For Sale: One (1) Geolizard
« on: March 08, 2020, 09:28:58 PM »
The Aschlon Rare Animal Trading Company (ARATC) are proud to announce that one of the most renown animals the Aschlon Isles have to offer, the so called 'Dinosaur of Aschlon', a Geolizard is now available for sale!
Simply give the name of the purchaser, your negations on price, purpose of buying and the date of delivery! It will go to the highest bidder of course.
The price starts at 40550𝒻 ( 1𝒻=$1.35).

Factbooks and Maps / The people's republic of Aschlon
« on: March 08, 2020, 12:08:18 AM »
Aschlon at a glance

National Anthem -Freedom!
Spoiler: show
Hear the sacred cry:
"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
Hear the sound of broken chains
See noble equality enthroned.

Their most cruel tyrant now overthrown
The united Aschlon!
And the free people of the world reply:
"To the great Aschlonian people, hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the great Aschlonian people, hail!"

May the laurels be eternal
that we were able to achieve
Let us live crowned with freedom
Or let us swear to die with glory!
Or let us swear to die with glory!
OOC- Yes this is literally me stealing the Argentian National Anthem and making it Aschlonian

Spoiler: show
The Aschlonian flag is a solid blue, with a sun and three stars at the top left corner. The sun represents the whole of Aschlon, whilst the three stars represent the mainland and the two islands.

Aschlon, officially the People's Republic of Aschlon, is a small nation, at the southern tip of Albion. It consists of two islands, split into five areas, called Provinces, it also has 5 mainland provinces to the North. It has a population of 49 million people. Its capital is Hootoft city, located in the Province Hootfot. It is ruled over by the Tarc, a democratically appointed council of 10 Representatives and their advisers. It is very secular, with the main beliefs being atheism/agnosticism (92%), Aschlonian Holy Church (5%), Cult of Helus (2%) as well as an assortment of others (1%).

Government Type- Representative Democracy
Size- 4.3 million kmē
Population- Approx. 49 million
Population Density- 11.3/kmē
GDP per capita - Approx. $26,500
Ethnicity- Aschlonian (Approx. 86%), Other (Approx. 14%)
Please Note the Aschlonian Ethnicity is an off-shoot of Heyran
Religion- Atheist/agnostic (91.7%), Aschlonian Holy Church (4.9%), Cult of Helus (1.5%) and Other (1.7%)
Currency- Fiste (1 Fiste = $1.35)
Economic Leaning- Moderate Left
Language (percentage of population able to speak it)- Aschlonian (100%), Latin (88%), English (53%), Fleuroix (18%), Other (13%)
National Animal- Queen Penguin
Main Exports- Agricultural goods, recreational drugs, mechanical parts and cars.

Spoiler: show

OOC-Following Aschlon's growth, alot of the below is incorrect. I will fix this as quickly as I can. Thank you for your understanding.
OOC-Aschlon is based loosely on Argentina

Diplomacy and Events / The celebration of ulka
« on: March 07, 2020, 11:48:45 PM »
The celebration of ulka (08/03-20/03) is an important part of Aschlon tradition. "ulka" is Aschlonian for luck, so in basic terms, the celebration of good luck in Aschlon. It is a 12 day holiday, in which the celebrators will take time off work and school and consume great amounts of alcohol and food. Even the children are allowed "Rugba" a weak watered down liquor which is not strong enough to effect the child, but tastes strongly of cherry. There are public feasts in the streets through out this holiday, as well as many "Scumble" drinking competitions. Scumble is a Aschlon drink, it is made from apples. Well, mainly apples, which in no way guarantees a low alcohol content. Scumble is drunk in thimblefuls, is strong enough to be used for cleaning spoons, and should not be put in a metal container or allowed to come into contact with water. Someone who can drink a lot of scumble all at once without ill effects is probably not really human. In these Scumble drinking competitions, who ever can drink the most before passing out, wins. The festival is believed to have originated from the funeral of George II, a King of Aschlon whose funeral was said to have lasted for "nay a fortnight, in which many of the people feasted and drank".

Economics and Industry / The cheese trade in Aschlon
« on: March 07, 2020, 12:00:28 PM »
Since the year 1946 the cheese trade has boomed in Aschlon. The rich and strong Aschlon goat cheese was first eaten outside of Aschlon in 1940, when the King, Henry I, sent a shipment of it to his wife's brother. The cheese soon became popular round the world, and a great demand for it sprung up, resulting in the Northern part of the Western island's, later turned into the provenance 'the North', economy to nearly become nearly entirely dependent on the cheese they made. After the Revolution, in which the monarchy was overthrown, the cheese trade suffered a sudden lack of customers, mainly due to big companies avoiding them for many reasons. This resulted in a wide spread spree of bankruptcy in the nearly founded provenance, the North, which resulted in mass starvation. The newly founded government was quickly on the scene, giving support to those out of business. Eventually the fears that had been held eased and the cheese trade reopened.

Vignettes / The Murderer
« on: March 06, 2020, 10:00:06 PM »
Andrew Colins was arrested at 6pm on the 6th of March 2020. He was dragged, drunk and angry, by two police officers down to the local police station. He was thrown into a cell and accused of the murder of three men: Georgina Fallon, an Achkaerinian tourist visiting Aschlon alone; Bill Fi, the local pub owner; and his wife, Anne Colins. The evidence against him was undeniable, the cameras that watched every street and alley caught him breaking into the rented cabin of Georgina Fallon the night she was murdered and another night they saw him enter the about to close pub of  Bill Fi, which his wife was a frequent patron of, and saw him flee through the back door 13 minutes later. He was trialled, he pleaded innocent but was sentenced to life imprisonment. Nobody knows why he did what he did, he was described by shocked friends as a kind and gentle person. A few days into his sentence he was found in his cell, hung up by the neck. He was given an unmarked grave, his family didn't visit. His sister was looking after his children, they had not wanted to stay with him anymore. That was the final part of Andrew Colins' life.

And the murderer got away with it.

The Geolizard is a large, slow and lazy reptile. They sport colour that vary from dark shades of green to light browns. It has 4 legs, each which ends with three hooked claws, used for climbing trees and digging up grubs. Their heads are almond shapes, with two, usually yellow sometimes red, eyes that seem to peer at the world lazily. Their snout is long, and their mouths are filled with dozens of sets of teeth, most small and sharp with two sharp fangs protruding from the upper jaw. They are not venomous. They have long, thick tails, which they use to balance with as they cling to a branch.

The Geolizard mainly lives on the lush Lowlands, the South Eastern island provenance of Aschlon where nearly all the agriculture of the nation takes place. They can be found lying on beaches, lazing around on trees and scrabbling for grubs. Their habitats are facing destruction though, with large swathes of forests being turned into fields.

The Geolizard lives on a diet of grubs. Due to their lack of activity they eat a lot less than what other lizards of their size would eat. Despite many folktales of Geolizards gobbling up small children, they offer no threat to humans.

The Geolizard is a lizard, and has all the usual traits of one: cold blood, expandable stomachs and the laying of eggs. The eggs it lays are considered a delicacy in Aschlon. However unlike other reptiles, they have only one pair of eyelids.

Diplomacy and Events / The execution of the Monarchy- Aschlon memoirs
« on: March 05, 2020, 10:35:02 PM »
Henry VII, King of Aschlon, sat around his table sipping fine wine and dining on the finest stooso cheese, his expensive, ceremonial robes crisp and neat. His family sat on the left: his wife, his two children and his mother laughed and chatted to each other. On his right was seated the highest of the Church officials. All fat, their cyan robes were stained with dozens of colours; at least a third of the 5 course meal they had just wolfed down sat on their flabbery chests. They were laughing and talking, acting as if everything was fine. He scowled. How could they act so obliviously, did they not know that the world they knew was about to end? Did they not realise that the Hootofts were right at the gates? They had been told, they could have fled. But they did not listen. He himsleft could never flee. Better to die in his home than in a ditch somewhere. He glanced at his wife and she glanced back. He had not told her the news. She was worried for him. He sighed and continued to drink. A sudden banging made him put down the glass and glance at the door, just as it burst open and a Hootoft officer and two Hootoft soldiers walked in, their fully automatic weapons trained on the country's lords. Slowly, Henry VII, King of Aschlon put up his hands as more soldiers streamed into the hall. He was led out, his family weeping and the Priests gaping behind him as they entered the courtyard. The Priests were shot first, their bodies hitting the ground with a thump. His mother died next, her eyes begging him to save her as the gun was pressed against the back of her head. But he could do nothing. His wife was next, their children grabbing her, begging her not to go. He looked into his love's eyes for the last time. He watched as his children died, their cries and wails silenced. He looked up at the sky just as he felt the gun nuzzle, almost lovingly, against his temple.

Introductions / Greetings from Aschlon
« on: March 05, 2020, 09:35:50 PM »
errmm. Hi then. This is my new region Aschlon. They just recovered from a civil war, in which they over throw their church and monarchy. Now they hate religion and monarchy, and let everyone express their opinion as long as it doesn't harm others.

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