Roleplay > History

List Of Aschlonian Kings

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King Octavius I
Lived- 1872-1937
Ruled- 1891-1910

One of the shortest reigning Kings, Octavius was born on the 12th of October, 1872. He became King at age 18, being crowned on the 16th of September, 1891. He was one of the most popular Kings, introducing a host of social reforms that rose the standard of living exceptionally. He created the Royal Trust Fund in 1895, a system where a cut of the people’s taxes would be placed aside to help those in need, most notably through his introduction of nationalized healthcare. Unfortunately, the Royal Trust Fund was abolished after his reign. He also removed the Feudal Obligations in 1896, a law that made it mandatory for all men under the age of 34 to serve in the military in times of war, something that would also be abolished towards the end of his reign, as a world war seemed more and more likely. He left a good legacy, however it is tainted by the rumours that he had his father murdered in order to take the throne. He died from a stroke whilst on a walk in 1937.

King Ferdinand I
Lived- 1843-1891
Ruled- 1860-1891

King Ferdinand was born on the 18th of November, 1843. His mother unfortunately died during his birth. He took a very hands off approach to running the nation, allowing his court to run the nation. He was a well known jockey nationally, however critics from aboard called him lacklustre. He ran a massive debt of several million in 1873 to a coal selling company, and took the rather extreme measure of getting out of it by ordering billions of crowns (the national currency of the time) to be printed in excess, causing hyperinflation and allowing him to easily pay off his debt. The nation shifted to using fistes , named after the company that he had owed debt to. In 1885 he ordered for a sharp increase in taxes. Not much more is known about his reign, due to his administration's apparent inability to record things. He died on the 10th of September, 1891, apparently committing suicide by impaling himself on a bed post.


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