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Topics - KrisNord

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Diplomacy and Events / Mundus Skies Observatory Project (MSOP)
« on: March 19, 2020, 10:30:34 PM »
To the Nations of Mundus

Several years ago the Cenneg Space Programme began a project to utilise radio telescopes to acquire unparalleled images of the solar system. It was our aim to create the largest astronomical interferometer network capable of bringing together an array of separate telescopes, mirror segments, or radio telescope antennas to function as a single telescope to provide higher resolution images of astronomical objects such as stars, nebulas and galaxies by means of interferometry. To date this has seen several systems erected in Ui Cenneslaig, Cantabria, Lodja, East Moreland, Heyra and Quintelia[1]. This has allowed us to undertake work on a scale very few nations have been able to. We however wish to further expand the network as it is only by increasing coverage that we can develop more detailed and better focused images that will help us learn about our solar system. With this in mind we have secured funding to help expand the network across Mundus.

We are offering the following.

1. The Cenneg Space Agency will fund 80% of the cost of the required array (Total Cost is $24,500,000, UC pay $19,200,000, host nation pays $4,900,000)

2. Once constructed the array will be avaliable to scientific team from the host nation for 90 calender days per year. This will allow host nations to carry out their own work.

3. Once constructed the array shall be paired with an University from the host nation. Students from that University may observe any work being carried out at the array so long as it is cleared before hand to avoid overcrowding.

4. The Cenneg Space Agency shall make avaliable to all host nations data gathered from the whole array network.

Host nations however must agree to the following.

1. Two members of the Cenneg Space Agency per array must be permitted to reside in the nation.

2. The array equipment shall remain the property of the Cenneg Space Agency.

3. The land the array is built in so shall be given rent free to the Cenneg Space Agency for 50 years.

4. Access for maintainence must be given to staff from the Cenneg Space Agency.

Should you be interested in becoming involved in this project we would require the following.

1. A location away from major urban areas.

2. A location away from major flight paths.

3. Preferably a location well above sea level.

We are more than happy to sit down and discuss the project with any nation or interested party. There are no limits to the number of arrays we could establish in any nation.

Those interested should contact Professor Jack Daley to arrange a meeting.

OOC- For reference purposes this is what a group of arrays looks like.
 1. I believe this is an accurate list

Diplomacy and Events / Making Mundus Blind
« on: March 01, 2020, 09:20:03 PM »
The landscape of northern Nya Åland was a mixture of thick forest and valleys full of snow. It was a place where if you really wanted isolation it was easy to find and it was a place where reindeer herders would go weeks without seeing outsiders. It was here among the forest that a small two log cabin complex was situated, here the residents lived off the land, the forest provided the fuel for heating and cooking, it provided the game for meat, the roots and vegetables helped suppliment their small homestead farm and the river close by meant fish was never often off the menu. The only needs they had from the outside came every two weeks flown in by small plane that landed on the nearby lake and was meet with sledge dogs. The early morning barking indicated that it was feeding time for the huskies that worked for the residents as transport. The only other early morning sound was the gentle buzz of the diesel generator that provided them with the small home comforts. This morning though it was a little different a group of five men sat around a series of homemade devices consisting of a home made antena, a long mass of copper wire and even a few PVC pipes. The sound of a cordless drill mingled with the dogs and generator as the group put their finishing touches to things. A series of numbers were read out and the homemade device attached to the telescope mounting swung into the correct position. "That's the spot. Power on." A man instructed and a switch was flicked. "We now just wait." It would be several hours before they knew one way or another whether it would work.

At the command and control centre of Nya Åland#s military they were getting various communications from embassies around the world. There was a ritual that happened every 12 hours that the embassies across Mundus would use the nations satellite communication systems to relay reports. Often they were just updates as to big news going on in the nation, political rumours or just health updates of the staff. It was getting close to the time and the bank of the various operators ready to note down what was going on. They hit the window for communication and then the first voice came in. "Hi, Krokom, this is Jan in Claith" the familiar voice began.

"Hi Jan" the operators on either end tended to recognise each others voices after so many days. "Ready for your report."

"Excellent......" there was nothing.

"Hello Jan."........"Jan are you reading me."........"Claith come in" There was nothing, not even static. As the operator looked down the line of operatives he saw several puzzled faces and removed one headphone from his ear. Similar conversations were being asked and then one at a time they pressed the button to alert the watch supervisor. As the suited man appeared from his office his eyes widened as he saw this wasn't just one operative reporting that the ambassador of somewhere like Zimalia was worried about the latest disease outbreak this was across the board. He headed into his office and picked up the phone and got in touch with his technical teams, they had already picked up on the problem as the Air Force who were on exercise in the Alucard had lost comms, additionally the Joint Nordic Space Programme had lost contact with one of their probes. Then an hour later just as suddenly as it had been lost everything returned to normal.

Out in the forest of the North a phone rang and Ragnar Odinsson, Head Gothi of the Gungnir picked up the phone. "Sir, it worked."

"Excellent. Thank you Anja" the man hung up having heard from Anja Odinsson, a member of the JNSP team and a devoted member of the Gungnir who had been instructed to be the eyes and ears for this particular effort.

Ragnar headed back into the log cabins communal area where men and women who had devoted themselves to returning the  Nya Åland nation back to the true ways of Odin. Weapons were being cleaned, on a table a woman was sewing damaged clothing while a younger girl, maybe 16 years of age, was chopping up meat to be used to bait traps to catch fish and game. It was all about being as self-sufficient as possible and the Gungnir were great at it. "Brothers and Sisters." Ragnar announced loudly. "We have been successful. We will soon be ensuring no foreign transmissions enter the sacred land of Odin. Soon we shall make them as blind as Höðr.

OOC- Written by Dave

"This morning's exercise is a simple one. You're going to take the RHIB, head out to the buoy in the middle of the bay. You'll find a waterproof bag padlocked to it. I want you to grab the bag and bring it back to shore." The sun was just raising over Red Base, the training area operated most of the year by East Moreland's elite Red Legion and designed to replicate an old fishing village, mainly due to the fact that at one time it was. Major Ryan Miller briefed the men, this case mainly probationers just recently out of selection.

"Simple" Sgt. Simon Grant exclaimed.

"Yeah....problem being everyone not in the RHIB is going to try and stop you bringing it to me in my office. They'll be locked in the barn until I give them permission to leave. I'll be watching from the lighthouse. Now everyone go and get your gear on." Miller finished briefing his team and made himself a cup of tea while the others set up their gear for the exercise. With the steaming brew made the Major picked up some cake and jam and plodded up to the top of the lighthouse where his giant spotting scope was waiting. "RHIB team you have a go."

Beneath him he saw the RHIB begin its mile long trip out into the bay and waited for it to reach the marker buoy. He picked up his radio and satellite radio set and told the team in the bar to go. The whole exercise was being monitored back home at Red HQ in Aldfield. He grinned to himself as he watched the men on the boat struggle with the bag, he'd given them the wrong padlock key on purpose. He took a swig of his brew and returned to the scope, he guessed by now the reception team would be taking up positions. He couldn't help but laugh as he saw Sgt. Grant stood bellowing at his probationers while extending his arm towards the lighthouse with his middle finger raised clearly now aware of the trick Miller had played, "improvise, adapt and overcome." Miller said to himself as he watched a probationer take out a knife and hack their way into the bag. Now the RHIB was back underway but rather than heading towards the base it was heading up the coast, clearly planning a flanking move. He stood and looked around and couldn't see any of the men below, that was promising as they'd clearly found a good ambush position. Thirty minutes later he could make out the first of Grant's men closing on the village complex and still nothing. Soon the team where within touching distance of the barn, not a shot fired. Something had clearly gone wrong.

Miller made his way down and entered the barn, the team where still in there going over weapons drills and checking gear. "What the hell you doing here." He was shocked they'd done nothing.

"You never called." an NCO informed him.

"I certainly did." The annoyed officer exclaimed. After a brief back and forth Miller unclipped his radio. "Red Home this is Nordic Red, did you get my call" nothing came back. "Red Home come in please" Once more nothing, not even static. "Get everyone geared up and in an all round defence." Miller ordered and instantly the men grabbed their gear and headed off into the complex in a well rehearsed pattern. Meanwhile Miller went and picked up a traditional land line and phoned his contacts at the Nya Åland Special Forces Mjölnir HQ. He was informed they'd no idea of anything going down in East Moreland but that they'd lost comms too. It seemed like something was going down but the idea of what was still a mystery.

OOC - Anyone else who is in Nya Åland and using satellite communications equipment can assume they lost contact for approx 4 hours.

Non Fiction / Kris' Guide to Odinism
« on: January 16, 2020, 09:20:48 PM »
Odinism has featured as a RolePlay issue recently and more nations on here are becoming "Pagan" in their religions origin. I therefore have put together a guide to what "Odinism" is in the 21st Century. If you go around the internet it often has far right conetations but like most world religions this is because it has been hijacked to serve others goals.

My real name is Kristoffer Hysen and I am a real life Odinist and I've tried to make this guide one relevant to the religions many views in the 21st Century.


Many people will call Odinism a "Neo-Pagan" religion. Odinists will dispute this as despite Christianity gaining a majority following in Europe Odinism has always existence. You will also find people calling is "Wodinism" "Wotanism" and various other regional spellings. More accurately we should perhaps call ourselves "Norse Pagans" but this usually takes much more explaining than using a term such as Odinist.

Some followers of Odinism see it as a religion while others, like myself see it more as a moral code, a little like many will perceive Buddhism.

Essentially an Odinist will worship several deities of which Odin is the lead one.


This again is varied and depends very much on the individual. Those who view it as a religion believe that what I am about to describe is almost historical fact, others who see the religion more as a moral guide view thee things more as a metaphor for how to live life and an example to follow.

NOTE - Many people use the term Giant for the potaganists in Norse Mythology, a better term would be Devourer from the original Old Norse word "jötnar". If you read things on the internet you are more likely to come across the term giant so I have used that for the guide.

a)The Creation Story

In the beginning their was only an abyss called Ginnungagap which separated the homeland of elemental fire, known as Muspelheim and elemental ice known as Niflheim. When these two elements finally meet in the abyss water droplets formed into Ymir, a God like giant. Ymir was a hermaphrodite and could reproduce asexually; when he sweated, more giants were born. Eventually the cow Audhumbla emerged from the ice and gave sustenance to the giants. Meanwhile Audhumbla licked the ice and uncovered the first of the Aesir tribe of Gods Buri. In time Buri married the daughter of a giant and they had children, this was Odin and his two brothers Vili and Ve (many believe these brothers a just personifications of Odins charectoristics and their names translate to "Will" and "Sanctity"

As the Aesir became victims of the Giants brutality Odin and his brothers killed Ymir. They fashioned the world from his corpse. The oceans where formed from his blood, his skin and muscles became the soil, hair became vegetation , brain became clouds and his skull the sky. Odin then created the first man and woman, Ask and Embla, from two tree trunks, and built a fence around their dwelling-place, Midgard, to protect them from the giants.

b) Two Tribes of Gods

According to the stories there are two tribes of Gods. The Aesir are the older and more well known Gods. Amongst their number are Odin, Thor, Frigg, Tyr, Loki, Baldur, Heimdall, Idun, and Bragi. They dwell in Asgard which is one of the Nine Worlds located on the highest, sunniest branches of the world-tree Yggdrasil. While it is generally accepted that Odin is their leader a few followers believe that role was originally occupied by Tyr.

A younger pantheon of Gods exist known as the Vanir. The most well known of these are Freya, Freyr and Njord. Their home is Vanaheim, one of the Nine Worlds held within the branches of the world-tree Yggdrasil. Much less is known of the Vanir in terms of literary study.

Legend tells that the Aesir became jealous of Freya's ability to alter the course of destiny and as such tried to murder her. Three times they burnt her alive and three times she was reborn from the ashes. As such a war broke out between the two groups. The Aesir using honourable warfare while the Vanir used magic and underhand tricks. Eventually a truce was called and as was custom the sides exchanged hostages. Freya, Freyr and Njord went to live with the Aesir while Hoenir and Mimir lived with the Vanir.

c)End of Time

This is known as Ragnarok, it is a time in the future during which the cosmos is destroyed and is subsequently re-created. At some time in the future the Giants will return and break through the fortifications of the world. Hence Odin is gathering his army ready for that day. The God Heimdall will be first to see the Giants and will blow the horn signalling the start of the battle to end the world. Fenrir, the great wolf, will run across the land with his lower jaw on the ground and his upper jaw in the sky, consuming everything in between. Even the sun itself will be dragged from its height and into the beast’s stomach. The Gods will fight valiantly and many will die such as Thor who will die fighting a giant serpent. All the World will be destroyed leaving just Ginnungagap once again. At this time the God Baldur will return from the underworld and start the process all over again.

d) The Nine Worlds

These are the homelands of the various types of beings. They live in worlds held in the branches and roots of the world-tree Yggdrasil.

In no particular order (because scholars disagree on it) they are

Midgard, the world of humanity
Asgard, the world of the Aesir tribe of gods and goddesses
Vanaheim, the world of the Vanir tribe of gods and goddesses
Jotunheim, the world of the giants
Niflheim, the primordial world of ice
Muspelheim, the primordial world of fire
Alfheim, the world of the elves
Svartalfheim, the world of the dwarves
Hel, the world of the eponymous goddess Hel and the dead.


Odinists use the stories of the Gods as inspiration on how to lead their lives. As such there are probably hundreds of stories relating to the Gods, far too many to go into here. However an excellent resource for the stories can be found here. They are the basic very easy follow versions that require no knowledge of Odinism.


As such there are no religious texts such as a Bible or Torah. Most Odinists use the epic poem Hávamál(roughly meaning "Words of the High One" and thought to have been written by Odin) as a moral compass. The second text used by many is the Vafþrúðnismál (pronounced Mafbruismail) which is an epic poem of a conversation between Odin, Frigg and Vafþrúðnir about the creation of the cosmos and humanity.

In some cases Odinist use many of the ancient saga's contained within epic poetry. Many of these can be found in what is refered to as the Poetic Edda, which is part of a large Codex discovered in Iceland but thought to be a collection of minstrels songs, poems and writings.


Despite some variation the majority of Odinists follow these Nine Noble Virtues.

1. Courage - This does not need be the courage in battle. Standing up for what you believe in or what you feel is right is also considered courage

2. Truth - This goes beyond simply not lying. It is a challenge to investigate the true nature of the World and as such a true Odinist values knowledge in many fields.

3. Honour - This is our value, when we do good things we gain honour for ourselves and our family, likewise when we do bad we lose honour. It is our honour that we become known by to the Gods and our descendents.

4. Loyalty - This means standing by your family, friends and your community. This is also taken into marriage and loyalty to your wife/husband is considered one of the most important bonds.

5. Discipline / Strength - There is debate about the true name for this virtue. It is the moral strength or discipline to do what is right. It is also the discipline to do your best in all things.

6. Hospitality - This means several things. First it is to offer whatever you have to guests in your home and treat them as part of your family. In a wider societal sense it means to look out for each other, offer protection and share what you have with the fortunate. Some Odinists replace the word Hospitality with Charity.

7. Self-Reliance - All that are able are to use skills we have learnt to provide for ourselves and our family. We should also look to ever expand our knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure we can best look after ourselves.

8. Industriousness - In any task you should work hard to complete whatever challenge has been set before you.

9. Perseverance - This means not stopping if you fail. We believe that we will fail many times and that we should carry on until we complete our tasks in life.


Again there is no set method of worship. Infact many Odinist do not recognise Priests/ Priestess instead referring to a Gothi, who is usually a member of the Odinist community considered well read and respected enough to lead other followers in rituals and rites.

Odinists do not pray as such, by this I mean we do not ask God for anything. We give thanks to the Gods for what we have and we strive to be like them. So prayer in a way is through our daily actions trying to follow the example of the Gods rather than praising or asking them for things. An Odinist will not ask the Gods for forgiveness, they instead will make an Oath to do better and hope that pleases them. I guess a good description would be "Actions not Words."

Odinists celebrate several key festivals through the year

Yule, the popular Festival of Mid-Winter heralds the beginning of the Odinist year. It is the birthday of the unconquered sun, which at this time begins to come back after its autumnal decline whenThe Mid-Winter Festival includes the Twelve Nights of Yule, encapsulating the twelve months of the year in miniature, and culminates in the celebration of Twelfth Night.

Summer Finding, in March, is the Festival of Odin. It celebrates the renewal, or resurrection, of Nature after the darkness of winter. Some believe that it was transformed by the Christians into their Easter (named after the Odinist Goddess of the Saxons, Ostara

The Midsummer Festival, the Feast of Balder, is the great celebration of the triumph of light and the sun.

Winter Finding mourns the death of summer and heralds the coming of autumn. It is dedicated to the god Frey, patron of the harvest, and is also sometimes called the Charming of the Fruits of Earth, when we render thanks for the years supply of life-giving foods.

The main method of worship is through meeting with other Odinists, sharing hospitality with them and attempting to advance your knowledge of the faith and do good things for your community. Quiet often these meetings are referred to as "Shield Halls"


a) What do Odinists believe about marriage? Marriage is one of the most sacred oaths you can take and should only be entered into seriously. Should a marriage fail divorce is permitted as an unhappy marriage is a lie.

b) What happens when we die? Every human is made of three parts. The first is the physical body, this is created out of matter and when we die it is destroyed, becomes matter again and is reused. The second part is the human soul, this is what determines who we are and how we act, should we live a good life we will stand beside the Gods in Valhalla or Fólkvangr. If we lead a poor life we will go to the Shadowlands. We also contain a God Soul which is our living spark. When we die this is reborn within a new creation thus connecting us with our land, folk and family.

c) How are women viewed in Odinism? Women have the same standing as men, many of the Gods we worship are female and carry out vital roles within the religion. Women can become Gothi just as easily as men.

d)What is the Odinist view of homosexuality? - This is quiet a heated debate within Odinism. In the story of Thor and him losing his hammer he dresses as the Goddess Freya and marries a male giant. This seems to indicate that the Gods had no problem with same sex marriage or transgender. A form of magic known as seiðr is thought to be a woman only practice yet Odin is the only male to have used it. In another story Loki turned himself into a mare and, after having sex with the stallion Svaðilfari, gave birth to a foal Meanwhile the saga's contain many stories of the Gods exacting revenge if accused of being a "passive" partner in homosexual congress.

Convention Centre / The Mundus Hygelac Lab
« on: December 19, 2019, 02:38:48 PM »


If there are two things Ålanders know well it is the cold and science. For years now the Ålanders have felt a special connect to Hygelac from the time when the Toshikawans, determined to test nuclear weapons here, backed down once it was announced our scientists refused to evacuate. This lead first the formation of the smallest recognised nation on Mundus, The Odnist Republic of Hygelac, an area of less than 1km2 in the centre of the river that runs through Krokom, a nation that has a population of less than 1,000 citizens and acts more as a reminder and beacon for the protection of this vital region.

It is with this closeness to the region and love for it that we wish to see the area used responsibily for scientific research and at the same time understand some nations may lack the funding, resources, technical know how or experience to undertake research there. It is with this in mind that The Odnist Republics of Nya Åland and Hygelac wish to establish a Mundus wide lab. Inspired in some way by the recent East Moreland inflatable space lab we wish to construct a modular and moveable research station which we shall open out to be used by other nations. It is our hope that we can expand our knowledge of the planet as well as helping nations or individuals with a desire to conduct peaceful scientific research to do so.

The project will cost $50 million and we have so far accumulated  just over half of that from government funds. We invite in the first instance nations who have not established research stations in Hygelac or Hrothgar to apply for part of the project. A permanent spot at the station will be given should a nation or individual contribute $1million. Should organisations such as for example the CNN wish to purchase a spot then they may also apply. For the first 30 days we will not accept applications from businesses only national governments, regional organisations and university institutes.

IF you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Nordic Research Alliance[1].
 1. A group made up of various scientific bodies and organisations running in Nya Åland but subsidised by government funds with some private partnerships.

Sporting Hub / Rugby World Cup 2019
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:04:02 PM »

While the teams may have arrived in the two nations before proceeding to their training camps the day of the Opening Ceremony saw them all head to Claith, the capital of Ui Cenneslaig. Canan Park may have been more acustomed to the Gaelic sports but today it was a mass of rugby shirts. The stadium stood next to the river and teams were brought to the stadium via ships, each with a huge flag from their nation at the front of their vessel. As they had arrived for the first time in Claith each team had been presented with kilts made from a newly designed tartan, each unique to their nation and even entered into the official Cenneg Register of tartans. So now as teams arrived some, such as East Moreland had opted to don their hosts national attire. The teams were escorted into the arena through a guard of honour made up of school children, each representing one of the clans from Ui Cenneslaig or Cantabria waving the assorted national flags.

Once everyone had arrived and taken their seats. King Finley and his sister Queen Cait entered and took their seats just above the players tunnel. The opening ceremony was as one would expect from the Celts a variety of Highland Dancing, Pipe Playing and demonstrations of some of the nations traditional games such as the Cabre toss and other such sports. It was then that the trophy itself was brought into the arena before a lone piper accompanied each nations captain to the centre circle. Once assembled the two monarchs entered the playing field and greeted each before presenting each with a silver minted four leaf clover. "On behalf of the Kingdoms of Ui Cenneslaig and Cantabria we welcome you all to the World Cup and hope that we enjoy over the next few weeks a great spectre of sporting excellence." Queen Cait addressed the crowd.

Finley looked a final time at the paper in his hand to reassure himself of the traditional words.

"May your blessings outnumber
The Shamrocks that grow
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.

May luck be a friend to ye,
And be with ye in all yer days,
And may trouble be to ye,
A stranger, always"

The pipers who had played for each captain now formed a flanking corridor around the monarchs and the captains before piping them off and down the tunnel ready for the first game to begin.

Character Guides / The Cenneg
« on: October 31, 2019, 09:02:05 PM »
Code: [Select]
[td][img]http://URL OF IMAGE GOES HERE[/img][/td]
[td]What's your name?[/td]
[td]What titles/roles do they have?[/td]
[td]Year of Birth[/td]
[td]Where and When[/td]
[td]Positions Held[/td]
[td]Think career history[/td]
[td]Who do they have?[/td]
[td]Links to Important events?[/td]
[td]WHat have they done[/td]
[td]Tell us about them[/td]

Convention Centre / Mundus Atomic Energy Agency (MAEA)
« on: June 03, 2019, 09:11:35 PM »
To the nations of the World.

Following interest by several nations regarding the establishment of an agency to oversee and support international developments regarding Atomic Energy it is my delight to present the following document for consideration by the international community.

Quote from: DRAFT

1. The nations signing this treaty agree to the formation and maintainence of the Mundus Atomic Energy Agency, (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency) based on acceptance of all parts of this treaty.

2. The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. It shall not knowingly involve itself in any measure designed to use atomic energy for military purposes.

3. The Agency is authorised by its members to carry out the following duties.

i) Encourage and assist with research, development and practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful uses throughout the world.
ii) Act as an intermediary for the purposes of securing the performance of services or the supplying of materials, equipment, or facilities by one member of the Agency for another.
iii) To make provision to help less economically developed nations access the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes
iv) To foster the sharing of technical and scientific data relating to Atomic Energy.
v)  To encourage the exchange and training of scientists and experts in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy
vi) To put in place safeguards to ensure expertise, material, services or equipment provided by the Agency are not used for military purposes.
vii) To put in place safeguards to ensure the use of atomic energy is safely monitored.
viii) To acquire, establish and maintain any facilities deemed necessary for the fulfilment of  the Agencies role.

4. In order to fulfil its duites the Agency shall;

i) Act in a manner to promote peace and co-operation.
ii) Maintain a record of all known fissionable materials held by member nations.
iii) Establish teams of inspectors to ensure compliance with this treaty.
iv) Publish quarterly reports of its activities.
v) not make assistance to members subject to any political, economic, military, or other conditions incompatible with the provisions of this charter.
vi) at all times seek to respect the sovereignty of all nations.

5. Any nation willing to abide by all articles of this treaty shall be considered members and granted all the rights and responsibilities contained within it.

6. The Agency shall establish a General Conference which shall give each nation one seat which may be filled by a representative of their choosing. The General Conference shall be based at the Headquarters of the Agency which shall be in ????????????. Each member of the Conference shall have one vote. The General Conference may discuss any questions or any matters concerned in this Charter. Recommendations may be passed with a majority of voting nations. The approval of the General Conference must be gained before the Agency undertakes any tasks laid out in Article 3. The General Conference shall elect a President to act on behalf of the General Conference.

7. The President of the Agency shall represent the General Conference in discussions with nations and shall report back to the General Conference before any decisions are taken. The President shall serve for two years but may be re-elected

8. The General Conference shall elect a Chief of Staff who shall oversee the day to day tasks of the Agencies staff. The Chief of Staff shall serve for four years and may be re-elected. The staff shall include such qualified scientific and technical and other personnel as may be required to fulfill the objectives and functions of the Agency. The Agency shall be guided by the principle that its permanent staff shall be kept to a minimum. Staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any source external to the Agency.  They shall not disclose any industrial secret or other confidential information coming to their knowledge by reason of their official duties for the Agency.


a) Each member should make available such information as would, in the judgement of the member, be helpful to the Agency.
b) Each member must make available to the Agency all scientific information developed as a result of assistance extended by the Agency.
c) The Agency shall assemble and make available in an accessible form the information made available to it under paragraphs A and B of this article.


a) Each member nations shall maintain a record of material capable of producing more than 25 RAD.
b) Each member nation shall be able to surrender to the agency such materials with 30 days notice.
c) The Agency shall maintain facilities to store such materials.
d) Members may only transfer materials to other member nations. Such a transfer must take place through the Agency. The Agency shall collect the materials and these shall be handed to the recieving nation no earlier than 14 days later.
e) The Agency may at 48 hours notice inspect any facility recorded as containing material capable of producing more than 25 RAD.
f) The Agency may at 24 hours notice inspect any facility recording as containing material capable of producing more than 100RAD.
g) The Agency may with no notice inspect any facility recorded as containing material capable of producing more than 200RAD.
h) Nations must ensure that their storage facilities are safeguarded against;

i)hazards of the weather,
ii)unauthorized removal or diversion,
iii)damage or destruction, including sabotage.
iv)forcible seizure.

I) Nations found to be in breach of e,f,g or h will no longer be permitted to receive materials from the Agency.
J) In storing its own materials the Agency shall ensure the geographical distribution of these materials in such a way as not to allow concentration of large amounts of such materials in any one country or region of the world.


a)  The Agency may inspect any specialised equipment or facilities concerned with the production of nuclear electricty. This is to ensure it conforms to international safety standards and is being used for peaceful means.

b) The Agency may enforce any internationally recognised Health and Safety conventions.

c) The Agency may view any facilities operating records to assist in ensuring accountability of materials.

d) The Agency may view and observe procedures involving the by products and waste of nuclear facilities.

e) The Agency may dispatch to any member inspectors to visit any facility as outlined in this charter. Inspection teams must consist of at least ten members drawn from at least four nations. Inspectors may speak with anyone they deem suitably qualified or employed in areas utilising nuclear material.

f) The Agency may inspect any other facility or materials approved by the General Conference.

g) Any nation deemed by inspection teams as interfering in these processes will lose its right to be transferred nuclear materials or equipment.


a) The Treaty may be amended at any time by approval of two thirds of General Conference voting members.

b) Any nation deemed to be breaking this charter may be suspended with the approval of two thirds of General Conference voting members. Upon suspension the right to receive material is lost.

c) A suspended nation may at any point petition for its suspension to be lifted only if it has first presented evidence of full complience with this charter.

d) A nation may withdraw from this charter at any time having first given at least 60 days notice.

e) A nation may re-enter the Agency at any time by resigning the Charter.

Signed _____________________

Nations are therefore invited to attend a meeting in Krokom co-chaired by Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson and Grand Duke Hugo Lascelles. Additions, amendments or even complete re-drafts of this charter are more than welcome.


With Odin's Blessings

Stein Ulfsson
Head Gothi

May The Gods Watch Over You and Your Nation Know Peace

Grand Duke Hugo Lascelles of Bakkermaya.

The Head Gothi's residence at Ulmberg had been a hive of activity over the last few days. The old countryhouse had seen the Head Gothi and Grand Duke get a crash course in nuclear safety and together with a herd of lawyers, scientists and other advisers they had penned the Charter that was now sat in front of them. They'd greeted the various delegates representing the nations of Mundus and having handed everyone a copy, a leather bound folder and got them sat around the table it was time to begin.

Ulfsson, the Head Gothi stood. "I am speaking only because of the actions of the Grand Duke here. I am grateful for the recognition of my people's role in science and research but nervous at the pressures he has put us under. I believe the initial proposal to make Mundus a place free of nuclear weapons is noble and wish to place on record my thanks to East Moreland, Rokkenjima and Achkaerin for taking the steps to make that happen. However non of us except the All Father can see the future and so we must take matters into our own hands. We have a Charter proposal here that we think allows a treaty on non-proliferation to be enforced and more importantly does not limit the development of peaceful uses of nuclear material. I pray Odin gives us enough wisdom to make this work." He sat down and Hugo Lascelles stood.

"When word went out from Empress Beatrice that she wished to put a Treaty together to stop the spread of nuclear weapons I was eager to see it become a reality. Its a destination some distance down the road and to get there we must go on a journey, and as a wiser man than me once said the journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. I hope the document before you is that first step. It shall become the foundation to help less economic developed nations acquire nuclear power stations, it shall help mankind advance our use of nuclear materials for a vast array of peaceful reasons and it will allow us to have a fair and accountable system in place to oversee the nuclear safety of Mundus. I hope you will help up ensure the document is as robust and encompassing as it will need to be, in no way do I believe it is perfect, but I would like your help making it more perfect, so with that in mind I place the future of Mundus into your hands."

International News Networks / CNN Alliance News
« on: May 27, 2019, 02:51:42 PM »


It was confirmed this morning that the CNN's joint space operation to gather fresh rock samples has been partly successful. The mission involves three stages and the first has gone according to a mission spokesman "Without a hitch". The mission see's a three part probe being used, the first probe effectively nothing more than a small bomb designed to land and make a fresh crater. This "bomb" is around the weight of a van and is designed to follow a laser emmitted from Mundus to help guide it to an exact target. That part of the mission has been hailed as a great success. The missions spokesman said, "What we hope is that this mission is one of unparalleled international co-operation. We publically announced the target as we wanted as many telescopes of all kinds focused on that point as the more images we gain of the impact the better. By analysing as much footage of the impact and the dust cloud thrown into the air the more we can work out regarding the way the moon was formed, it may also enable us to see if there is a chance of underground water as that should be thrown up. We therefore urge any nation or organisation that recorded the impact to become part of our mission."

24 minutes after the "bombs" impact a small lander touched down on the exact same spot to gather fresh samples of rock. It is hoped that by collecting samples of freshly exposed rock we may learn more about he geology of the moon. That part of the mission has gone according to plan and it is expected that at lunch time tomorrow the lander will have gathered its samples and be ready for its return flight. At that point the lander will launch itself back into orbit where it will reunite with the remaining section of the mission which is the Return Flight Vehicle which will then bring the lander and its fresh samples back to Mundus.

The news will see the first fresh moon rocks brought home for several years, however with Tytor recently landing on the moon it is unknown whether they brought fresh samples back with them. "So far this mission is going smoothly and we'll all be praying it remains that way. We hope to be able to confirm safe extraction tomorrow evening and then its just a short hop home." The project is the 2nd joint CNN space mission with the first being the "Inflatable Space Station (InfSS)" test which saw one astronaut from each nation spend four days in space. Further operations are expected with long stays on the InfSS planned for later this year.

In the last few days the Kingdom of Vaguzia has placed sanctions against Nya Åland because Vaguzia are "against the killing and imprisonment of whales by Nya Åland" The "imprisonment" of whales comes following the discovery of what the media are calling a "Whale Farm" within our nation. Due to the remoteness of this region it was brought to our government's attention at the same time as the media. The Vaguzian sanctions coming less than 48 hours since its discovery. The "WHale Farm" is run by a private company and as legal due process is yet to be carried out no government response to the issue has yet been forthcoming. We believe it unreasonable to expect within 48 hours our nation to have investigated, heard legal cases and imposed penalties on any wrong doing. Furthermore the "killing of whales" is reference to our annual whale hunt carried out by two villages. These hunts are done in such a way as to ensure only the targetted species is killed. That species is the Pilot Whale which is classed as an animal of Least Concern by international conservation groups such as the Wild Mundus Organisation. It is worth noting that other nations, such as East Moreland, also hunt animals classed as "Least concern" and consume them, while nations such as Rokkenjima and Achkaerin regularly have on their menu tuna, a fish of which there are four species, three of which are classed on the "Threatened" spectrum, yet no sanctions are put in place on them. Vaguzia in its own words stated the motivation for the sanctions was "For hunting on whales, which is an endangered species of animals" yet we have proven in our case this is a  lie and that other non-sanctioned nations hunt animals much more endangered. With this in mind we request the Council of Albion to support us in this unjust time by applying the following.

1. Release a statement recognising these sanctions as unjust.

2. Impose upon Vaguzia the same sanctions as they are imposing on us.

3. Demand Vaguzia lift their sanctions against our nation, a fellow member of the Council.

We look forward to your support.

Head Gothi Stein Ulfsson

Press Offices / Press Office of Nya Åland
« on: April 10, 2019, 04:59:50 PM »


It is with a heavy heart that today we must announce that The Odinist Republic of Nya Åland has no choice other than to impose reciprical sanctions on Vaguzia. We have no ill will towards that nation and understand the need to stand by your convictions on moral grounds. We however will not be cancelled the annual whale hunt that sustains two remote coastal communities through the harsh Åland winter. As for the "Imprisonment" of whales we have only just discovered the situation of what the media are calling The Whale Farm. As the media has stated we are investigating the facility now it has been brought to our attention. Should it be found to be breaching international or local law we will be closing it down and looking how best to deal with the whales being kept there. This will be done consulting marine biologists to ensure the best possible outcomes. Until such a time as we have carried out our legal process we can not comment further.

We appreciate the concern of Vaguzia, and other nations in terms of trying to protect species. We therefore look forward to seeing Vaguzia stand by its actions and impose sanctions on other nations which hunt and consume wild animals. We would suggest that they begin with East Moreland, their national dish of Royal Game Pie contains Wild Boar, Roe Beer, Pheasant and Partridge. Each of these creatures shares the same classification on their status of endangerment as the Pilot Whales which are hunted by the two rural communities under a strict quota system. The Morelanders also eat a considerable amount of Bear which also is classed in the same category as the pilot whale, namely "Least Concern". We also suggest that Vaguzia place their sanctions against Rokkenjima and Achkaerin[1] as both these nations utilise the sea for a source of food including tuna, three of the four sub-species being listed as on the threatened section of the risk of endangerment continuum, therefore more at risk than Pilot Whales. We wish Vaguzia good luck in their efforts to preserve animal species of the most at risk species.

Odin's Blessings

Stein Ulfsson
Head Gothi
 1. I'm assuming as Rokkenjima has a Japanese vibe there is a culinary parallel. If not ignore this.

Economics and Industry / The Southern Line
« on: March 07, 2019, 08:51:18 AM »
To:- Queen Cait of Cantabria, Emperor-Admiral Jingduming von Nanjing, King Lapu and President Ebston Paul Feish.

The nations of Ardia have several times tried to conceive a railway system that connects the whole of the continent. To date this has failed because of issues planning a route and disagreements over the manner in which it is to operate. I however believe that a route from Claith in Ui Cenneslaig, through Cantabria, into China, across to Quintelia and finally into New Derusmia is possible. I believe that with five nations discussing this proposal rather than the whole of the continent we can find a solution that makes this route and its construction a reality. Should we succeed where often the continent has failed I believe that we can all share in increased economic prosperity as we find trade and commerce along the route increases greatly. It may also act as a beacon of hope for other nations in Ardia as those such as the Allied States of Ardia or Noobia may one day seek to join the network and thus truly create a wonder of the modern industrial age. I am hopeful that this proposition finds you interested and therefore invite you to Claith where we can discuss his matter.

Gods Blessings

King Finley

OOC- Usually I'd just start this but the route only works if each of us attends.

Diplomacy and Events / The Old Ways
« on: January 04, 2019, 10:58:06 PM »
As was usual the courtyard that lead to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was packed with tourists and pilgrims all keen to go and see the place story tells Jesus was crucified as well as Jesus empty tomb. The tour groups stood listening to their guides in a variety of languages as the faithful Christians from across all of Mundus listened to the history they thought they knew so well. Theresa Odinsson and her brother Ragnar moved between the crowds occasionally listening to some of the explanations in languages they understood, they were both well educated from a rich family back in Åland and found the situation here amusing. They watched for people paying more attention to the talks than to their bags and slipped copies of the thin paperback into their bags. They'd elected for English language copies and each had around ten to sneak into bags.

They sat had their lunch sat against the wall in the shade watching those they'd given books to make their way into the Church. Once they'd finished their packed lunch they took some photos, placed their bags near the entrance to the Church and then walked away. They'd got around the corner when they heard the explosions from the hand-grenade they'd each lodged under the bag, once someone had moved it the grenades had gone off and each was strapped to a white phosperhous grenade. The pair walked away into the Vanoran Quarter of the old city as the crowded tiny streets wondered what had happened. Soon screams and the pair ran along with the panic strictcen crowd as the dead and wounded where counted.

Around 2000 years ago a messenger arrived in Albion bringing with him a tale. That tale told how the Son of God was born in a humble stable. Some thirty years later he was nailed to a piece of wood and executed only to raise from the dead days later. His miracles were not, if this messenger is to be believed, finished at this point. The man then ascended to heaven leaving behind teachings that became Christianity. This tale is built on nothing but a series of lies that have permeated through the centuries. This faith waged wars to spread their faith at the expense of any faith that got in its way. People may look at us Odinists and our blood thirsty history, this is something we do not move away from but Odinism has never sought to impose its faith on anyone through the blade or gun. What was once a flourishing continent full of diverse religion has long been under attack by Christianity and Åland stands as the only home of the true faith. Our laws have been established as a way of protecting the faith and our culture and even then Christians have shown a lack of respect by repeatedly violating them. As such time for retribution has come. Now Yule, our festival stolen by Christians, has ended our warriors will write new sagas of how we drive Christians from our homeland once and for all. What better way of sending Christians to their hell then when they are closest to the place their son of a carpenter died. Today we destroyed 23 members of a faith as guilty of plagiarism as a stressed University student.

More shall come until the followers of the All Father have wiped all remnants of this false religion from our shores.

The Ever Watching Gungnir

OOC - Agreed with Dave that I could use Vanora (our Holy Land) and the views expressed on Christianity are not my own.

Diplomacy and Events / RS BS
« on: January 02, 2019, 11:02:35 PM »
OOC - A joint Dave and Kris post

It was another chaotic day in the Celtic Protectorate, Lt-Col Isaac Mulligan had already had ten new problems to deal with before even getting to the council chamber. He felt his time here he was more like a primary school teacher dealing with naughty children than actually helping run the area. He was handed another two letters by councilmen as he made his way into the room they used for their meetings. He politely thanked the two men and promised he'd examine the letters once business had been concluded for the day. He suspected he knew the contents, more of the council giving its expert legal opinion on the request by one of their kin to extend the Protectorate, a legal review was ongoing and expected next week, why couldn't they just wait?

Isaac made his way to his desk and proceeded to get himself settled for what would no doubt be a rather long session. Around half of the twenty council members were already inside, some discussing things in small groups, others patiently waiting with a cup of the strong local coffee. Around ten minutes later and everyone was present and Isaac started the meeting by informing everyone of the measures they'd be taking following the locust swarm. "Food will be in shorter supply for the next week or so, its my hope we can get some help from Ui Cenneslaig in the meantime, however we are instigating limits on price, and asking shopkeepers to voulentarily ration." he explained.

"You can not do that. Fixing prices is not within your remit" a Councillor called Raban Shoma protested, he himself was in the food business and it was likely that he'd be able to make some profit off the recent disaster. "You must abide by Seleucid law."

"Yes I am aware of that Mr.Shoma, however" Isaac put on his thin spectacles and read carefully. "In times of national crisis the King may assume full control over material deemed neccessary for the needs of the people." he receited, "The treaty in place gives myself the powers of the King for the Protectorate, the locust swarm is a national crisis and I deem food is a neccessity for the people. So I expect you to conform to my orders in this matter." He removed his glasses and placed them back on his desk.

"In that case then I look forward to these supplies arriving soon." Shoma huffed.

"So any other business?" Isaac asked looking around and sadly seeing a forest of hands. "Very well, Mr. Macaral, the floor is yours." He looked at his watch, he supposed he wouldn't get away anytime before 5pm today.

"Sir, I wish to request Councillor Rifat Saib be suspended from the Council for bringing it into disrepute." Saib was the lead of the Cultist group on the council and it had been his petition that had caused an outbreak of fighting within the chamber only a few days ago. "The man has spent the night in prison cells and is not an example to the youth, he must go."

"It is you who should go" A voice called from the opposite side where the five Cultist members were sat together. "It was you and your kin who tried to kill us. It was you and your kin who murdered women and children. How can you blame us for wishing to escape you." Shouting and counter shouting began streaming back and forth and Isaac feared a repeat of the scenes of a few days ago. He picked up his phone and began dialling the number of the Military Police at the desk of the building but as the phone rang so did a shot. Isaac was familiar with the sound but here in place of debate and politics he had never expected to hear it, three more in quick succession and then he saw  Macarel levelling another shot towards the Cultist, two of them already lay on the ground motionless as the next bullet hit one square in the chest, Isaac had instinctively gone for his sidearm but he remembered how he had elected to not carry it to council as it gave "the wrong impression." Macarel was about to fire another shot when two Cenneg Military Police burst into the room rifles levelled, Macarel spun and began to take aim at them but the soldiers responded far quicker than the aging man and fired a burst into the man who fell.

"Get medics in here." Isaac shouted as more Military Police piled into the chamber, "Put everyone under guard." he bellowed as he made his way over towards the Cultists, out of the five who had been in chamber that day three were now dead. "Fuck" Isaac muttered before turning back to the doorway where more military folks where gathering, along with journalists. "Shut the door" he ordered as he noticed a few journalists taking pictures with their mobile phones. "Get those phones." he pointed at a sergeant but it was too late several had live streamed the scene to their affiliates around the world. As they sealed the chamber Isaac picked up his mobile and made a call, "I want leave cancelled, everyone is on high alert" he issued orders to the HQ a few hundred meters down the road.


It is agreed today that the Celtic nations of Mundus desire to embrace their kinship and support each other in the following goals.

1) Economic Prosperity
2) Educational Excellence
3) Cultural Kinship
4) Mutual Security

In order to achieve these aims the nations agree to the following

1. Economic Prosperity

1. Nations agree to gradually reduce tariffs on all goods over the next five years.

2. By the end of the five year period no TCF nation shall ensure any tariffs existing are on par with the lowest tariffs paid by non TCF nations.

3. Nations agree to enforce intellectual property rights recognised in any other TCF nation

4. Nations agree to not charge additional taxes on transfers of funds between TCF nations.

2.Educational Excellence

1. Nations agree to open their higher education establishments to citizens of all member nations on equal terms with their own.

2. Nations agree that students will not require a visa so long as they meet the following criteria

a) They have meet the requirements of an educational institute for which they hold the offer of a place.
b) They have sufficient funds to cover their course.
c) They pose no risk to national security
d) They have no criminal record

3. Students may work up to 15 hours a week to supplement their studies.

4. Students graduating may remain visa free in their nation of study for two years after graduation.

5. A TCF University shall be established, either as a department within an existing institute or as a independent entity. It shall share best practice and students may move freely between it's campuses so long as they meet the criteria in 2.2

6. An annual Summer school for 100 students from each nation shall be held. This shall be hosted in a different nation each year with nations taking it in turns alphabetically. This shall feature competitions, adventurous activities, creative arts and socialisation opportunities.

3. Cultural Kinship

1. There shall be an annual Highland Games tournament held between member nations. This shall rotate around members.

2. A TCF register of Recognised Clans shall be made, this will be open to any clan with more than 1,000 members. Every four years a sporting tournament similar to the Mundus Games shall be held. Competitors will represent their clan rather than their nation. Any citizen not part of a Recognised Clan may compete as part of a Celtic Citizens team.

3. There shall be the establishment of a Gold Barrel Medal. This will award a series of awards to manufacturers of Whiskey every year. This shall promote excellence in distilling as well as promote a traditional art.

4.Mutual Security

1. Nations agree to share information regarding potential terrorist activity, so long as

a) It does not breech existing treaties
b) the act of sharing information does not endanger their own nations assets.

2. Nations agree to extradite suspected criminals so long as;

a) Reasonable suspicion is shown
b) A trial under the Mundus Convention of Universal Rights is guarenteed.
c) The nation to which extradition will occur will not impose a death penalty.

3. Nations agree to solve problems peacefully between themselves. They agree should no agreement be reached between themselves that a neutral nation be asked to arbitrate.

4. Nations agree to a series of bi-annual military games.

5. Nations agree to offer support during times of natural disaster if requested or if another nations government is incapable of operating.

6. Nations in the same geographical regions agree to joint naval and air patrols when practical. 

5. General Provisions

1. Each nation shall maintain an active embassy in all other members.

2. New nations joining must be proposed by an existing member. Should no nation oppose that proposal within 48 hours the potential member is admitted. Should a nation oppose the admission a vote of all members is held and a majority decision taken.

3. Any member may propose an addition or amendment to this treaty at any time. A majority vote will be sufficient to carry the change.

4. The organisation will meet every six months for talks. These meetings shall rotate around each nation in turn with the host acting as Chairperson. The Chair may set the agenda for the talks.

Current Membership

Ui Cenneslaig

Press Offices / The Official Cenneg Press Office
« on: November 02, 2018, 10:23:24 PM »

The following dispatches are issued for and on behalf of the Ríocht de Uí Ceinnselaig. Any questions to members of the Cenneg government may be passed through these channels.

Convention Centre / Krokom initiative for Scientific Support
« on: July 16, 2018, 01:55:15 PM »

The Formation of the Krokom Iinitiative for Scientific Support (KISS)

To all Nations

Several years ago Krokom was selected by the then Union of Nordic People's to build the worlds first and to date biggest Large Haddron Collider. In the years that followed we have uncovered many new secrets of the universe. We have always prided ourselves on our LHC being open to people of all nations who share our interest in science and have long had visitors from East Moreland, Achkaerin and Ui Cenneslaig based here. The LHC project was designed to unite scientists around Mundus like never before. In a similar fashion we have seen the Joint Nordic Space Programme carry out wonderous launches that have made all their data available to the world, including our Longboat 3 project[1]. We ourselves watched on in wonder at the Lunar Three, Solo, Blinkly and Bob, the SwarmBots left behind that after 12 months on the moon came back as media stars. It is projects such as this and the Ui Cennesliag network of telescopes that will help us understand Mundus and our universe so much better.

It is therefore my hope that nations will join with us Nords in Krokom to establish a formal network designed to help science at all levels flourish.

I therefore look forward to people visiting Krokom in the next few weeks and us changing the world of science for the better.

Odin's Blessings

Stein Ulfsson
Head Gothi
 1. Cassini

International Organisations / CMA Debate - The Borlander Situation
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:59:53 AM »
Concerned about the recent wave of attacks carried out by the Borlanders

Worried about the potential for further attacks

Aware of the need for a global unified response.

Mindful of the sovereignty of other nations.

The Odinist Republic of Nya Åland  therefore proposes that the CMA, and in this case the wider international community do the following.

1. Publically reaffirm our stances that terrorism will not be tolerated.

2. Share intelligence of these attacks with all nations.

3. Permit the Ålanders to make visits to the "Principality of Northern Borland" to inspect for weapons of mass destruction. Some time ago our nation was the only one to witness the decommissioning of weapons in the Principality and therefore we believe we have a unique connection there that may enable us to do this.

4. Ask President Elwes of Zimalia to implement strict boarder controls on the "Principality"

5. Ask the people of the Principality to sign up to Uppsala Passports, run by the CTO's refugee council. This will give them travel ID documents making their travel around Mundus easier and more monitorable.

6. Allow the Principality of Borland to become a recognised member of the Uppsala Convention thus making weapons inspections and the like easier to access.

This resolution is now open for debate.

Diplomacy and Events / An offer to Seaforth
« on: June 30, 2018, 09:09:10 PM »

To King Andrew

Some time ago I hosted a gathering of Celtic nations in order to attempt to join all Celtic nations into an agreement that would provide each of us with economic, educational and cultural opportunities as well as supporting each other in terms of security. Sadly the offer was rejected by Somerset, Irishar and the FIR without explanation and therefore it was left to my own kingdom, and that of our neighbours Cantabria to form this organisation.

Both myself and my sister Queen Cait, who is currently regent of Cantabria, are keen to see this organisation grow and would therefore like to offer your nation a chance to join us in what I hope is an arrangement that will support Seaforth as it regains its rightful place in the world. We look forward to hearing from our Celtic kin and should you need to discuss matters we are more than happy to host you or both of us can visit your homeland.

Best Regards

King Finley of Ui Cenneslaig

Spoiler: Text of Proposed Charter • show

It is agreed today that the Celtic nations of Mundus desire to embrace their kinship and support each other in the following goals.

1) Economic Prosperity
2) Educational Excellence
3) Cultural Kinship
4) Mutual Security

In order to achieve these aims the nations agree to the following

1. Economic Prosperity

1. Nations agree to gradually reduce tariffs on all goods over the next five years.

2. By the end of the five year period no TCF nation shall ensure any tariffs existing are on par with the lowest tariffs paid by non TCF nations.

3. Nations agree to enforce intellectual property rights recognised in any other TCF nation

4. Nations agree to not charge additional taxes on transfers of funds between TCF nations.

2.Educational Excellence

1. Nations agree to open their higher education establishments to citizens of all member nations on equal terms with their own.

2. Nations agree that students will not require a visa so long as they meet the following criteria

a) They have meet the requirements of an educational institute for which they hold the offer of a place.
b) They have sufficient funds to cover their course.
c) They pose no risk to national security
d) They have no criminal record

3. Students may work up to 15 hours a week to supplement their studies.

4. Students graduating may remain visa free in their nation of study for two years after graduation.

5. A TCF University shall be established, either as a department within an existing institute or as a independent entity. It shall share best practice and students may move freely between it's campuses so long as they meet the criteria in 2.2

6. An annual Summer school for 100 students from each nation shall be held. This shall be hosted in a different nation each year with nations taking it in turns alphabetically. This shall feature competitions, adventurous activities, creative arts and socialisation opportunities.

3. Cultural Kinship

1. There shall be an annual Highland Games tournament held between member nations. This shall rotate around members.

2. A TCF register of Recognised Clans shall be made, this will be open to any clan with more than 1,000 members. Every four years a sporting tournament similar to the Mundus Games shall be held. Competitors will represent their clan rather than their nation. Any citizen not part of a Recognised Clan may compete as part of a Celtic Citizens team.

3. There shall be the establishment of a Gold Barrel Medal. This will award a series of awards to manufacturers of Whiskey every year. This shall promote excellence in distilling as well as promote a traditional art.

4.Mutual Security

1. Nations agree to share information regarding potential terrorist activity, so long as

a) It does not breech existing treaties
b) the act of sharing information does not endanger their own nations assets.

2. Nations agree to extradite suspected criminals so long as;

a) Reasonable suspicion is shown
b) A trial under the Mundus Convention of Universal Rights is guarenteed.
c) The nation to which extradition will occur will not impose a death penalty.

3. Nations agree to solve problems peacefully between themselves. They agree should no agreement be reached between themselves that a neutral nation be asked to arbitrate.

4. Nations agree to a series of bi-annual military games.

5. Nations agree to offer support during times of natural disaster if requested or if another nations government is incapable of operating.

6. Nations in the same geographical regions agree to joint naval and air patrols when practical. 

5. General Provisions

1. Each nation shall maintain an active embassy in all other members.

2. New nations joining must be proposed by an existing member. Should no nation oppose that proposal within 48 hours the potential member is admitted. Should a nation oppose the admission a vote of all members is held and a majority decision taken.

3. Any member may propose an addition or amendment to this treaty at any time. A majority vote will be sufficient to carry the change.

4. The organisation will meet every six months for talks. These meetings shall rotate around each nation in turn with the host acting as Chairperson. The Chair may set the agenda for the talks.

Convention Centre / Pride 2018 Applications - Willa Foundation
« on: June 11, 2018, 10:31:10 PM »

In 2015 my dearly departed wife Willa Sunbrek invited the world to Uppsala in what was then the Union of Nordic People to celebrate the first ever international Pride event. This event was designed to support the LGBT+ Community and at the same time celebrate advances made in civil rights. Since then the celebration has been taken to first Gowu, then Northfort. The spirit of Pride was also continued by the Morelander duo Melissa Lusk and Amelia Merriman when LGBT+ rights were taken away in KasierAdolf, a hastily organised music festival shone a spot light upon global issues. It is this spirit of mutual support and action we need to continue.

With this in mind the Willa Foundation was set up in 2017 to continue the legacy of the UNP's former Head of Longhouse and Pride Founder, Willa Sunbrek. The organisation sees itself as the custodians of her desire to create an inclusive world and continue her duty of supporting LGBT+ rights across Mundus. As such we are now seeking a venue for Pride 2018 which will take place in late July.

Any nation wishing to host the event may apply and a panel of judges will select the most appropriate venue. The Willa Foundation staff will be on hand to support with planning and sponsorship for the event as well as provide educational resources and use our media contacts to make this a truly global event. Any nation wishing to host should contact the Willa Foundation in writing addressing the following points.

1. Which city would host the event?
2. Why is your nation a fitting venue.
3. What would the theme of this years Pride be?
4. What would you do to entertain the crowds?
5. What impact would hosting Pride have on your nation?
6. What impact would you hosting Pride have internationally?

Any nation hosting the event should be prepared to host citizens from all over the world and provide a welcoming atmosphere.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Krista Rosendahl-Sunbrek
Patron of the Willa Foundation.

Character Guides / The Ålanders
« on: June 03, 2018, 07:43:52 PM »
Code: [Select]
[td][img]http://URL OF IMAGE GOES HERE[/img][/td]
[td]What's your name?[/td]
[td]What titles/roles do they have?[/td]
[td]Year of Birth[/td]
[td]Where and When[/td]
[td]Positions Held[/td]
[td]Think career history[/td]
[td]Who do they have?[/td]
[td]Links to Important events?[/td]
[td]WHat have they done[/td]
[td]Tell us about them[/td]

International Organisations / The Global Seed Bank Organisation
« on: April 22, 2018, 09:07:23 PM »

To All Nations and Corporations of Mundus

In recent years we have seen just how quickly the world can change. With global warming, natural disasters, man made tragedies and various other threats to the world we put ever growing pressure on our ecosystems. During the tragedy that befell Uppsala we saw the loss of the Nordic Seed Bank, one of the worlds largest depositories of genetic seed material designed to ensure the long term diversification of genetic groups, many of which we depend upon for our food. With this in mind we have completed the construction of a new seed bank for our nation, the Jaholm Seed Bank, however with thought of a future global tragedy we have made it far bigger than it needs to be for our own nations use. It is with this in mind we propose that the Jaholm Seed Bank become a backup of national seed banks, and thereby becomes the worlds largest collection of seeds. We therefore propose to form the Global Seed Bank Organisation (GSBO)

The vault is state of the art and built into a mountainside in a former mine shaft, the vault is "Doomsday Proof" and temperature controlled to ensure that seeds can be stored for extensive periods of time with little worry. We shall offer use of the Seed Bank to all corporations and nations who agree to abide by our organisations charter.

We look forward to working with the world in order to preserve our planet and who knows some of these seeds may one day find themselves taking their species into the stars.

Dr.Ulf Gren
Manager of the GSBO

Spoiler: Charter • show

Aims of the GSBO

1. To preserve for future generations genetic diversity in plant and crops species.

2. To reference the seeds of Mundus

3. To create a fall back collection of seeds for use after natural disasters.

In Order to achieve this the following is agreed.

1. The GSBO HQ in Jaholm shall be the propery of the Nya Åland government. They shall assume all maintainence and upkeep costs.

2. Any national government willing to abide by this charter is permitted to store seeds at the facility without fee.

3. Any corporation willing to abide by this charter is permitted to store seeds at the facility for a fee of $1 per seed per year.

4. Any seeds stored within the facility shall remain the property of the nation or corporation who deposited them.

5. The Global Seed Bank Organisation reserves the right to access 5% of any nation or corporations seeds. These may only be used for non-profit purposes.

6. No genetically modified seeds may be stored at the facility.

7. All seeds shall be stored in batches of approximately 100 in specially designed test tubes. These shall be vacuum packed inside foil containers and stored at temperatures below -18 degrees Celsius.

8. Batches of seeds may be of any size wished by their owners however may not exceed more than 1000 of any one type per nation/corporation.

9. A nation/corporation may withdraw their seeds at any time by sending a representative with a written request to the facility.

10. The GSBO shall maintain a list of which seeds are stored at the facility in the public domain. This list will not however declare who owns the seeds.

11. The GSBO will facilitate requests from researchers to access the samples stored. No seeds will be released for study however without consent from their owner.

Diplomacy and Events / Slow Train to Arnor
« on: January 30, 2018, 10:56:08 AM »

To King Elendil II

In recent days my Minister has been in talks with several Ardian nations regarding the proposed creation of a Trans-Ardian Railway. Many of those gathered see a vital role within this organisation for the people of Arnor, and these talks have only highlighted to myself how little we have embraced our continental neighbours from your nation.

With this in mind and with a view of bringing you into the railroad project I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit Claith to meet with myself and my family, in order to better establish contacts between us, promote the prosperity of each of us and find matters in which we can co-operate. Should your schedule not permit I would be honoured to be able to visit your nation.

I look forward to your response.

Best Regards

King Finley of Ui Cenneslaig.

Diplomacy and Events / Blast Off in Ardia
« on: October 23, 2017, 09:06:49 PM »

To all nations of Ardia

Over the last few years our nation has begun taking a larger interest in space exploration, in that time we have started to think beyond our own orbits and have begun making small satellite launches and establishing networks of large observatories on Munuds, all these have been designed to help improve our knowledge of the galaxy. With this in mind our UC Science Academy (UCSA) has been working on a lander designed for Nergal for some time, in that process a "Mini Lander" has been built which they will now send to Luna. It is my hope that this mission will bring about a new age in my nations exploration of space. It is my understanding that many of our neighbours also have an interest in space exploration. With this being the case I would like to invite you all to be my guest as we launch our lander to Luna, it is my hope that this gathering and hopefully celebration of our first launch to the moon of Mundus can serve as a platform to discuss various other oppurtunities and begin building a network for space exploration that will see Ardian nations leading the way.

I look forward to meeting you soon.


King Finley.

King Finley wasn't sure who was more excited him or his 11 year old son Keane, they'd both arrived at the Dalgan Air Force base that had seen its coastal firing range turned into a launch pad. It was only a short helicopter flight from Claith and his wife Queen Riona had complained that they would still see the rocket taking off from the estate on the edge of the capital. "It won't be the same though Mammy" Keane had argued already picturing in his mind the flames and smoke he'd capture in a picture for his school newspaper. It didn't take much to persuade Finley that it would be more fun watching the thing up close and so he'd agreed that his wife would stay at the palace and prepare for the after launch gathering while Finley and Keane would go to Dalgan, meet the representatives and watch the launch.

The young Prince was snapping away with is digital camera, he'd got involved with his High School's newspaper and was in truth a decent photographer, but his stories lacked real writing skill, it didn't really matter as he enjoyed the lunch time club with new friends. Teams of engineers swarmed over the rocket as it was being prepared, the tiny lander contained in its nose. It was three hours until launch and the sun was just beginning to dip in the sky, a launch in the dusk sky would be spectacular and Finley couldn't wait, he was so distracted watching the camera feeds of the close ups of the ant like scientists setting about their work that he almost missed the first arrival and it was only the sound of the aircraft taxiing to a halt that snapped his attention back to the moment and the main reason for inviting people here.

International Organisations / Joint Emergency Team - JET
« on: October 13, 2017, 12:38:09 PM »
Charter of the Joint Emergency Team
Spoiler: show

The Charter of the Joint Emergency Team

Mission Statement:- To provide non-military support to people effected by war, disease environmental or natural disasters.

How we will do this:- An independent organisation known as JET will be established. The organisation will be supported with man-power and/or finances from member nations.

1.The organisation will be governed by the JET council. This will be made up of two members of each nation supporting the organisation. These members can not be serving members of the nations government. The JET members will appoint from within their number a Secretary General who will serve a term of no-more than 8 years. This Secretary General will be appointed on a majority vote. Should 1/4 of the Council bring a letter of no confidence to the Council there shall be a vote to remove the Secretary General, this must gain 3/4 approval.

2. The role of the Secretary General is to manage the resources allocated to them by the member nations.

3. Any member of the Council may propose a aid mission to the Council. The decision to offer aid will be made by majority vote of the Council. Once an aid mission has been decided upon the Secretary General will act as in the manner of Commander in Chief.

4. No member serving on a JET operation may be a serving military member.

5. The Secretary General will make a twice annual statement to the general public about the state of the JET in terms of resources, missions being undertaken and issues they see relevant to future action.

6. JET will not enter a country without the permission of the local government in times of natural disaster. In times of war JET will only enter a conflict zone if their safety is guaranteed by forces in control of the area.

7.Should the proposed International Accord Conference or proposed International Order Administrative Region come into effect the JET Council would be obliged to place themselves available for deployment through those bodies assemblies.

8.No nation will be forced to send man-power on any deployment.

9.Membership to JET will be granted to all nations willing to make a financial contribution and/or provide manpower and equipment

10. The JET will be based in Krokom until such a time a permanent base is appointed.

Current Members

Nya Åland - represented by Dr.Leopold Thern and Jan Thom
Achkaerin - represented by Katya Ascott and Charlie Henson
East Moreland- represented by Colin Meredith and Kelly Winfield. 
Uí Ceinnselaig - represented Adeen O'Maragh and Shuanna Conners
The Unified Iwi - represented by Dr.Carlton Meulami and Helen Meulami
Rokkenjima - represented by Isaaru Abruscato and Jason Cole.
Tytor - represented by Dr. Jason Jones and Dr. Edward Bradbury

International Organisations / Cross Mundus Agency
« on: September 14, 2017, 08:32:06 PM »
Spoiler: Charter • show

Desiring to create an organisation that is capable of responding swiftly and fairly to international incidents.

Determined to ensure that all nations are represented evenly.

Committed to using international co-operation to support improving living standards for all people of Mundus

of presenting nations with an avenue to follow a peaceful path.

The signatory nations of this document agree to abide by the following Articles.

1. Nations agree to form a CMA Council. This shall consist of one member representing each nation, any member may put forward a proposal for vote regarding any issue of concern. These issues will then be debated and voted upon by the Council.

2. The Council shall be chaired by a Chief Councillor who shall administer debates in the Council as well as representing the organisation internationally. This person shall be in term for a one year period [note]Three months in RL[/note] and chosen by rotation in alphabetical order. The Chief Councillor may be appointed by their own nation using any criteria deemed fit.

3. Should a Chief Councillor receive a vote of no confidence from 2/3 of member nations they shall stand down and their nation forfeit their tenure of the position.

4. The CMA shall establish a system of school exchanges designed for 15-18 year olds. These shall take place annually between all members. Furthermore the CMA shall establish a network of teachers willing to travel abroad to help train and support teachers in other countries.

5. The CMA shall establish a Scientific and Research Council. This Council shall hold regular seminars every six months to allow the scientific community to share research. The CMA further agrees that it shall, in so far as national security permits, make data from government funded space missions available to all CMA members. Additionally this Council agrees to share information regarding the spread of disease.

6. The CMA establishes a International Disaster Team (IDT) which will support nations declaring medical emergencies or natural disasters. They will be tasked with carrying out humanitarian work when directed by the CMA Council. The IDT will appoint a liason to work alongside the existing independent Joint Emergency Team (JET)

7. CMA nations agree to share information regarding potential terrorist activity.

8. CMA nations agree to, when requested and confident of a MCUR compliant trial will take place, deport suspected terrorists once evidence of potential crimes has been presented.

9. The CMA will establish a Mundus Cultural Festival, which will be held annually in one CMA nation. This event shall be open to CMA and non CMA members alike. Furthermore the CMA agree to work with the Cultural Exchange Treaty Organisation to help preserve historic artefacts and landmarks.

10. The CMA Council shall make recommendations for peaceful solutions to problems whenever possible. Military force may only be by means of Peacekeeping. These missions shall be commanded by an appointed person voted on by the CMA Council.

11. Any nation willing to abide by this charter is permitted to join at any time.

12. Any nation may become an observer member at any time. An observer may take part in debates but may not propose resolutions or vote. Observer nations may also join all sections of the Charter.

13. A nation may leave the organisation by tendering their resignation in writing to the Chief Councillor.

Founder Members in Alphabetical Order

The Divine Queendom of Lodja
The Holy Empire of Achkaerin
The Kingdom of Dartfordia
The Kingdom of Ui Cenneslaig
The Odinist Republic of Nya Åland

Additional Members in order of joining

Current Membership

Nya Åland
Ui Cenneslaig
Unified Iwi
Neu Uburzis

- May join debates but not votes


If you wish to present a proposal to the CMA Council please use the form below.

Code: [Select]
[b]A resolution to[b] write some stuff here to explain what you want to happen (E.g A resolution to stop the genocide in Mercia)

[b]The Agency must act because[/b] Give some details of what the situation is.

[b]The Agency agrees to[/b]

1 - The first thing you'd do.

2- The second thing you'd do.

3- The Third thing you'd do

4 - Just add as many as you need.

Once a resolution has been started it will get its own thread and you can follow the process here.


Resolutions Currently Open to Debate


Resolutions Currently at Vote


Resolutions Passed with Date


Failed Resolutions


In accordance with the Charter the Chief Councillor is to be appointed by the Divine Queendom of Lodja

Current Chief Councilor is TBC (Lodjain)

They will be in position until 14/12/2017 when The Holy Empire of Achkaerin shall appoint the next Chief Councillor.

TV Shows / Ask a Gothi
« on: September 12, 2017, 10:58:13 PM »
With the upcoming elections in Nya Åland coming soon the candidates will be taking part in a televised debate. Candidate details can be found

Feel free to ask them any questions.

International News Networks / Nya Åland News
« on: September 03, 2017, 04:03:36 PM »



It was confirmed today by Allsherjargoði Jin Odinsson that the nations leader, Head Gothi Daniel Stenberg has died. Shortly after a video was posted on several news channels showing a traditional boat funeral conducted in secret and the boat being pushed into the Sea of Alucard. A spokesman for the government said, "It is a sad day for our nation, Daniel Stenberg was seen by many as the father of our nation, he has lead us through difficult times and made our nation stronger, now it is our duty to ensure we continue his works to make our nation a place fit for the Gods."

A few hours later the Police, who had carried out an investigation into the death made their own statement. "This morning the Head Gothi was killed in a swordfight, it appears that this was arranged with a group of Gothi's who considered themselves loyal followers of the Head Gothi. Acting with his consent he was killed and a traditional Odinist funeral was carried out. We have determined that none of the men involved will be charged with murder, this was clearly something done by a man who made a decision to die. It was discovered during our investigation that each of those involved had a signed and sealed letter from the Head Gothi pardoning them for the murder of Daniel Stenberg, therefore we are unable to charge them. We have also discovered that Stenberg was suffering from Motor neurone disease and therefore this is likely to have been some attempt at an honourable death in the eyes of a deeply devout Odinist."

A few hours after the announcment this newspaper recieved a couriered letter which turned out to be the Head Gothi's farewell letter.

Quote from: Letter

To my Brothers and Sisters

Today my earthly life has come to an end, I wish it to be known that I view the man that killed me not as a murderer but as a true brother, it is thanks to him that I have died a true noble death, a weapon in my hand surrounded by friends. It is my dearest hope that no punishment will be given to those who have helped me on my way, and that my final destination will be to Valhalla where I shall be reunited with my darling wife.

The decision I have made was difficult, my body was failing and over the last few months it has become hard for me to hold a chisel, as a Carpenter who loved his work this was heart breaking, my diagnosis of Motor neurone disease meant this would only get worse and that I would be unable to complete my duties. Our Republic deserves strong leadership, and in this difficult time needs it, I am now pleased that it will get exactly that. In the coming weeks the people of our land will go to the polls and select my successor, to whoever it is I hope Odin will bless you as you lead our people to a great future.

As I leave you I wish only to tell you that I am proud of the nation we created as a family and that I shall be watching you continue to greatness.

Go With Odin.

Daniel Stenberg.

It is expected that a memorial service will be held in Krokom for Stenberg in two days and that a memorial will be built soon after. Nominations for the new Head Gothi are expected to be opened in a weeks time with Jin Odinsson taking emergency powers until a new one is elected.

Vignettes / Åland Happenings
« on: September 03, 2017, 03:23:42 PM »
Co-Written by Libby

The site had had been specially decorated for the occasion, mistletoe branches tied to make an archway and timber poles arranged in a circle each with a different rune carved into them. It had taken Daniel Stenberg, Head Gothi of Nya Åland weeks to preapre in secret, his hand was not as steady as it had been in his youth but he had enjoyed the work. He sat on a rock overlooking the Sea of Alucard, a light dusting of early morning snow had turned the shallow stone beach a smooth white blanket. The crunch of several sets of feet alerted him to the approaching group. "Good Morning" he said without turning around, his eyes enjoying the sight of the grey mist rolling off the Sea as the sun crept into the sky. Soon he was joined by ten men, all dressed in furs, they sat on the rocks and logs around him as though expecting some words of wisdom.

"Good morning Your Holiness" the taller of the men said as he puck a rucksack down on the snow.

"Henrik, how long have we known each other, twenty, twenty five years?" Daniel asked as he finally removed his gaze from the ocean giving the man a friendly hug. "Have you brought what we require?" he asked as he began looking into the rucksack.

"Yes, everything you put on the list" Henrik replied as he handed Daniel a metal box the size of a cigrarette carton. Daniel flipped the lid open and a flint and striker was visible, he took it out and crossed to the pile of wood nearby that he'd collected first thing that morning. His hand trembled as he tried to strike the two together, it was difficult and took several attempts, the men around him light heartedly teasing him as he tried one last time, thankfully it took and twenty minutes later a roaring fire was raging. Then men had all taken seat on logs around it and passed amongst them horns of mead and pieces of salt fish. For a good hour until the sun was fully up they sat, drank, sang and ate.

Daniel finished his horn of mead and stood putting a couple of new logs onto the fire, "You can't let this go out" he instructed two of the men, younger than the others these were Henrik's sons and they nodded obediently. "Now once this is done there is a letter for each of you" Daniel walked around the group handing each of them a white envelope sealed with the Head Gothi's seal. "It means what you do today you are doing on my orders and that I accept fully the consequences, keep them safe." he watched as each of them placed their letter in a pocket of their rucksacks. "Now, Osvald, its not too late for you to change your mind?" he asked as he continued

"I was about to ask you the same question" Osvald, a tall muscular man with a long greybeard chuckled as he slipped off his fur jacket and white shirt leaving just a heavy steel torque around his neck bearing the marks of a Gothi.

"Unlike you I have no choice" Daniel said grimly as he removed the axe from its protective covering.

"That's just a lump of heavy weight" Osvald unsheathed a sword, "Sword beats axe, just let the other man swing himself out and then gut him." Osvald was a great swordsman and as such knew he could stay away from an axe easily.

"Well that's reassuring" Daniel managed a smile and pulled his long greying hair into a pony tail through a leather thong. "Lets do this" he urged and the two men began circling each other as the others watched. Daniel grunted and swung the axe in a powerful arc aimed at Osvald's stomach, it was a mighty blow but the taller man just stepped back as it whistled into thin air, Daniel wasn't done though he now swung downward hoping to split his opponent in half. Osvald raised his sword letting the axe bounce harmlessly away. The swordsman came forward now and lunged for the Head Gothi who narrowly twisted away, next the sword lunged at the arm and nearly found its mark. The two traded parries and blows for a few minutes, but it was clear Daniel was tiring, the weight of the axe, the snow and his health all slowing him down. "Do it! Do it now!" a heavily breathing Daniel screamed as he hefted his axe, he never swung it as Osvald came forward burying the sword in Daniels stomach, the Head Gothi slumped forward, his warm red blood pouring onto the virgin white snow turning it pink in places. He collapsed onto his knees before slumping onto his side. "The axe....I dropped the axe" he stammered as he fumbled with his right hand.

One of the men in the circle stepped forward scooping up the weapon and wrapping Daniel's hand around it tightly. As one the men, along with Daniel, began praying.

"Lo, There do I see my Father
Lo, There do I see my Mother and
My Brothers and my Sisters
Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
Lo, They do call to me
They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
Where thine enemies have been vanquished
Where the brave shall live Forever
Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death."

As Daniel reached the final words Osvald slit his throat ending his life. The group stood around for a few moments contemplating what they had just done, it was a middle aged bald bearded man who broke the silence. "Right, get him in the boat, Tobias" he turned to one of the two boys tasked with looking after the fire, "Film this" the youngster obediently did as ordered and his phone captured them scooping up his body which they'd washed using sea water so that no blood was visible, dressing him in a long white Gothi's robe, mistletoe tied in his hair and beard. They lowered him onto a boat, filled with bracken, twigs and soaked in oil.

Osvaled placed the Head Gothi's axe into the boat followed by the others who all placed an object alongside him, horns of mead, game pieces, silver plates, all the things a warrior would need in the afterlife. Once prepared he spoke, "We send to Valhalla a brave man who died in battle, a weapon in his hand, a true heroes death. He will go ahead and keep a place by the fire for us all and a horn of mead ready for when we arrive. May Odin accept him" With that the group ignited the boat and pushed it out into the Sea of Alucard, the First Head Gothi of Nya Åland going to Valhalla in the quiet unassuming way he had lived his life.

International News Networks / Gairm Nan Gaidheal
« on: September 03, 2017, 01:25:39 PM »


Tomorrow afternoon the King and his sister Princess Una will turn on the Extremely Large Telescope, possibly the largest telescope on Mundus with a diameter of  39.3 m. It is expected that from this site, built in the Highlands, that an unprescidented view of the solar system will be possible. The project was pushed for by Princess Una who has a keen interest in astronomy herself having been the President of her universities Astronomy Society. In the coming weeks three other telescopes using a variety of techniques will also be activated forming the Southern Skies Observatory. It is also expected that a further telescope being built in Lodja and one in East Moreland will also feed into the network making it the most extensive star gazing network on Mundus. The Princess has already spoken of her excitement saying. "I'm proud that our nation has invested so heavily in scientific advancement, while others are building weapons we're building things to learn about the galaxy. Its exciting to think what we could discover."

It is also expected that scientists from all the CNN nations will be present at the turn on, something King Finley was keen to emphasis, "The CNN is not a military alliance, it covers a whole range of co-operation and science is just one facet, possibly the most important. The more that we learn the better we can take care of our world and ourselves, I hope that having the brightest minds from four nations working together to learn all we can from this will show great results soon."


Queen Ríona has today announced that she is expecting her third child. The Queen, who is 41 years of age has been married to King Finley since 2005 and the pair already have two children, Prince Keane (Aged 11) and Princess Isobel (age 7). There has been several misreported pregnancies over the past few years however this time it is believed the royal couple choose to wait until the Queen was three months pregnant before making the announcement which was read at the Palace gates by King Finley's chief of staff Miss Adeen O'Lone before leaving the notice on the gates. Later in the day the King was seen watching his son Keane during his Gaelic Football practice where he also enjoyed a drink with other parents. As he left he spoke briefly with the press saying he was "Excited and nervous about becoming a father again."

Queen Cait of Cantabria, the King's youngest sister took to Twitter to share her joy saying, "Looking forward to meeting new nephew/niece and seeing UC soon". Queen Cait is due to visit the nation for the turn on of the ELT and is likely to spend a few days catching up with her family.

Factbooks and Maps / Ríocht de Uí Ceinnselaig
« on: August 31, 2017, 01:53:23 PM »

Motto:-    Is treise gliocas ná neart.
(Cunning is more powerful than strength)
National Anthem:- When Pipers Play


A nation forged over hundreds of years by wars between around ten small Kingdoms. The 13th Century however saw King Cennsalach of a minor nation begin to exploit the rivalries of bigger kingdoms and by his death after 40 years on the throne of what began as a small Kingdom he had conquered half the territory of modern day UC. It was his grandson Malcolm who finally united all the celtic tribes in the nation and gave his Empire the name Uí Ceinnselaig meaning "grandsons of Cennsalach". Today only one of the other Celtic Kingdoms still exists and that is Cantabria which is a nation of 12million that borders Uí Ceinnselaig and generally always follows its bigger neighbour.

Government Type:- Monarchy supported by an elected council
Capital City:- Claith (8million)
Demonym:- Ceinneg


Currency:- The Punt
GDP per Capita:- $35,000
Unemployment Rate:- 3%
Main Industries:- Naval Systems,  Barley, Computers, Computer Software, Electronics, Fish, Confectionery, Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Whisky, Ships, Textiles, Timber.


Ethnicity:- 45% Celtic, 45% Gaels, 5% Norse, 5% Other
Languages:- Gaelic
Religions:- Celtic Paganism (70%) Celtic Christian (25%) Other (5%)
Average Life Expectancy:- 81 years of age.


Head of State:- King Finley Ó Séaghdha
Head of Government:- Taoiseach Cadoc MacKenzie
Name of Legislative Body:-
Upper House - Teach na Nobles (Council of Nobles)
Lower House - Cóimeáil de na dTreabh (Assembly of the Clans)

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