Author Topic: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua  (Read 790 times)

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Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:47:19 AM »
Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
 (Confederation of the Nahua/Nahuatl Confederation)

Basic Facts:
Political System: Constitutional Monarchy with federal structure0
Head of State: Huey Tlatoani (Emperor, lit. Great Ruler/Speaker) Huitztlincuīcatl
Head of Government: Cihuacoatl (Prime Minister, lit. Snake Woman) Mizquixochitl
Legislative Bodies: Tlahtoancalli (Parliament, lit. Speaking Place).
Population: ~128.7 Million
State Religion: Teotl Faith
Capital City: Tenochtitlan
Demonym: Nahuatl

Brief Recent History:
The Confederation was formed from a union of many Nahuatl city-states under the Mexican State in 1871, when they defeated their main rival Tlaxcala in a war for dominance of the region. Since then the Confederation began the slow march to modernisation, though it remains semi-feudal, with large amounts of the country held by large agricultural landowners, whilst industry and mechanisation is mostly limited to the urban and mining areas. They did not contribute in the Great War, and have stayed mostly insular and focused on internal development. In addition, some of the south of the country is under the unofficial control of the Nahuatl Land and Freedom Army, a communist group who have followed a path of protracted people's war against the state set by their late ideaological father and once chairman, Yolcēhuanehecatl.

The current factbook is barebones, and mainly exists due to me wishing to put my thoughts down until I have more time to add to it.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2024, 12:15:01 PM by Geo »

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Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2024, 12:04:55 PM »
Political System

Federal Makeup:
The Confederation is divided into 48 Altepeme Teōchihua (Provinces, lit. Greater States; sing. Altepetl Teōchihua), ruled by a Tlatoani Teōchihua (Grand Prince lit. Greater Ruler/Speaker). Each Altepetl Teōchihua is further divided into numerous Altepeme (Cities; sing. Altepetl). These Altepetl Teōchihua are autonomous in internal politics, as long as their laws do not contradict those of the constitution or federal laws.
The Huey Tlatoani is leader of the Confederation, and is always the Tlatoani Teōchihua of the Mēxihcah Altepeme Teōchihua.

Made up of an Upper House, the Teuctlatoanitlahtōllo (Senate, lit. portmanteau for Noble Speaker Assembly), and a Lower House, the Āltepetlāliztlahtōllo (Federal Assembly lit. portmanteau for State Union Assembly).
The Teuctlatoanitlahtōllo has 96 members, two appointed by each Altepetl Teōchihua, whilst the Āltepetlāliztlahtōllo has 120 members, elected by proportional representation every 7 years.
Bills are created in either House, and go through three readings where they are debated and voted upon, before going to the other House where they will repeat the reading process. If the Bill passes through both Houses unchanged and is not vetoed by the Huey Tlatoani then it becomes law.
The Government is formed by the largest Party or coalition in the Āltepetlāliztlahtōllo, with approval from the Huey Tlatoani.

Insert Parliament Diagram here when made

Insert map of sates here when made

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Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2024, 12:07:13 PM »
The Teotl Faith

Brief overlook:
The Teotl faith is a polytheistic and monistic pantheism in which the Nahua concept of Teotl (an energy that is  continually active and is constantly born and reborn) is construed as the supreme god Ometeotl, as well as a diverse pantheon of lesser gods and manifestations of nature.
Great emphasis is put on the calendar, with rituals and festivals organised around key dates.
The Teotl Faith performs human sacrifice in honour to the gods, as well as the sacrifice of one’s own blood. Human sacrifice is considered the greatest gift one can give to the gods, and is performed only on key dates on the calendar (no more than a dozen times per year), or during or after a war. Sacrifices are either criminals sentenced to death, prisoners of war or volunteers.

Flesh out pantheon here

Flesh out other practices here

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Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2024, 12:14:18 PM »
The Economy

At a glance:
Mostly agricultural, with most agricultural land owned by a large and empowed landowning class and worked by peasants. Mechanised agricultural practices become more common the closer one is to a city.
Cities serve as industrial centres, with a mix of national owned companies and foreign ones controlling factories and workshops.
The rich mines are almost entirely owned by foreign companies, many of whom have been granted resource rights by the state.

More detail:

-Detail differences in mechanisation
-Remnant of tribute system and slavery
-Mainly deals in produce such as beans, maize, squash, chillies and tomatoes.

-Detail paradigm between national and foreign bourgeousie.
-Detail commonly produced goods

-Detail commonly mined stuff

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Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2024, 12:46:17 PM »
Nahuatl Land and Freedom Army (Nahuatl Tlālli Ēreki Teyollocuāni)

Ideaological line: Marxism-Leninism-Yolcēhuanehecatlism synthesises and builds upon the ideas of Marxism-Leninism and Yolcēhuanehecatlism.

Ideaological tenents:
New Democracy: a temporary but neccessary stage for long-term development of socialism, in which the national bourgeousie, petite bourgeoisie, proliteriat and peasant of a state will unite under the leadership of a Communist movement (in this case the NLFA) against the powers of feudalism, colonialism and imperialism.
Mass Line: builds on the theory of the Leninist Vanguard Party by directing the internal leadership of the Communist movement to gather the views of the masses and implement them as firm and executionable policies of the movement.
Protracted People's War: a revolutionary strategy wherein the Communist movement maintains the support of the people and draws the enemy into the country where they and their supply lines are worn down by guerillas.
Cultural Revolution: a theoretical part of post-revolution security wherein the bourgeousie elements that emerge within the vanguard movement are removed.
Elaborate on above for the libs, but is mainly marxism-leninism-maoism, as understood by the CPI

Controls much of the south unofficially, and has large influence among the peasant class.
Go into more detail
« Last Edit: January 18, 2024, 12:59:16 PM by Geo »

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Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2024, 12:58:46 PM »
History (currently in brief but will eventually be fleshed out)

Migration/Mythological Period (pre- ~1000AD)
Not much known as there were no written records from the time, but archeaological evidence and folk retellings of history suggests that the Nahuatl people migrated from the north.

City State Period (~1000AD-~1600AD)
The Nahuatl people exist as various city states, with the dominant power constantly in flux as alliances are made and broken

First Grand Alliance Period (~1600AD-~1700AD)
The balance of power between the Nahuatl city states is briefly upset as the Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan assert hegemonic control over the region before the alliance eventually collapsed.

Wars of Consolidation (~1700AD-~1850AD)
The number of independent city states is greatly reduced as war between them turn from just tributary and flower to direct wars of annexation.

The Tlaxcala-Tenochtitlan War (1851AD-1871AD)
A war between Tenochtitlan and Tlaxacala and their allies sees the creation of the Confederation with the victory of the Tenochtitlan.

Modern Period (1871AD-modern)