Government > Roleplay Moderator's Office

Nuclear Weapons


Recognizing that most of those who voted for nuclear weapons to remain a part of our RP are no longer with us and contributed little to debate last time, combined with the de-nuclearization of all present nuclear powers, I renew my request to the Roleplay Moderator to hold a vote as I believe the metric for revisiting the issue have more than been satisfied.

I would also suggest a suspension of any pending applications, as well as a refrain from such RP until the issue has had a proper vote.

What I think is going to work best is that we insist that anyone applying for nuclear weapons must fit in with current canon. This essentially works as a ban anyway as in effect none of the current nuclear powers would have disarmed had anyone with nukes not have done so. Effectively this means that we've got what amounts to a Nuke ban but that historically we had them.

Just a question to see if I understand the ruling, this means that the odd nuclear weapon could still appear on occasion, for instance a nation is in the middle of disarming but a situation arises where they might still use the threat of their arsenal, or a rouge nation/ terrorist group may get their hands on an old nuclear warhead, is that correct?


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