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Topics - Ongeaux

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Factbooks and Maps / Confederation of Concordian Republics
« on: July 25, 2019, 11:31:03 PM »
The Confederation of Concordian Republics
National Motto: A Union Among
National Anthem: Hymn of the Concordian


Government: Confederal Parliamentary Constitutional Republic
Population: 39,492,663
Capital City: Lanton (884,911)
Largest City: Port Kee (6,391,222)
Demonym: Concordian
Continent: Alba Karinya


Currency: Concordian Lue
Nominal Gross Domestic Product: $2.3 Trillion (2019)
Nominal GDP per capita: $58,238
Industries: To be determined
Unemployment Rate: 4.8%


Ethnics: To be determined
Official Language: None at confederal level
National Languages: English, French, Morelandish, Various Zimalian Languages, Esperanto, Vaguzian
Religions: To be determined
Life Expectancy:
M - 79.4 Yrs Old
F - 82.3 Yrs Old


Chief Councilor of the Concordian Confederation: Geoffrey Todd
Deputy Councilor and Leader of the Cabinet: Minevra Alex
Chief Justice of the Paramount Court: Kriss Ingham
Speaker of the Commons' Council: Val Clarke
Chief Justice of the Diet: Griffin Goldblum
Chief Justice of the Union Congress: Jonatan Simmons

Legislature: Parliament
Lower House - Commons' Council
Upper House - The Diet
Trade House - Union Congress

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