Section 1
Article 1: The Espirian Republic is a Republic of all its people, created by and for the people of Espiria.
Article 2: The Espirian Republic recognises the sovereignty and guidance of Almighty God.
Article 3: The National Flag consists of three vertical bands of black, white and gold, with the National Coat of Arms in its centre.
Article 4: The National Coat of Arms consists of a quartered escutcheon, the Espirian Zebra charged on a field of or in its first and fourth quarter; the Tytorian Brown Falcon charged on a field of sable, or and vert in its second quarter; and the Espirian parrot charged on a field of sable in the third quarter; supported by three flags of or, argent and sable on either side; crested by rifles with bayonets, crossed fasces and a Christian Cross; surmounted by a Republican Crown.
Article 5: The National Anthem of the Republic is “There’ll Always be An Espiria”
Section 2
Article 1: The Head of the Republic is the President
Article 2: The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
Article 3: The President has power to:
Dissolve the House of Commons and House of Representatives on the advice of his Prime Minister
Appoint Ministers and Deputies to Ministers
Appoint and receive Ambassadors and Diplomatic Missions
Pardon or reprieve offenders, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as he may deem fit, and to remit any fines, penalties or forfeitures
Sign international treaties, conventions and agreements
Proclaim and Terminate martial law on the advice of his Prime Minister
Make War and Peace on the advice of his Prime Minister
Appoint the times for the holding of sessions of Parliament and to prorogue Parliament
Article 4: The President Serves for Life, till Resignation or till Dismissal.
Article 5: The President is appointed by the House of Commons and House of Representatives.
Article 6: The President may be dismissed by both the House of Commons and House of Representatives; or the House of Commons unilaterally if it reaches a super-majority agreement of two thirds.
Article 7: Any person holding any public office in which he receives any remuneration or allowance out of public funds must resign from such office when he is appointed as President.
Article 8: In the event that the office of President is vacant or the President is unable to perform his duties, the House of Representatives will assume his duties as a collective until the office is no longer vacant or the President is once again able.
Article 9: Once appointed, the President must make the Presidential oath in the witness of at least two members of the Supreme Court, and must rest his left hand on a Bible whilst holding his right hand over his heart.
Article 10: The Presidential Oath reads: “I solemnly vow, in the presence of the Almighty God, to dutifully and faithfully execute the office of President. I pledge to uphold and execute the laws and principles of our nation, to serve our Republic’s citizens with strength and integrity, to strive for liberty and justice for all and to lead with unwavering faith and commitment.”
Article 11: Any person who commits an act which is calculated to unjustly injure the reputation or violate the dignity of the President shall be guilty of an offence and liable of conviction to a fine not exceeding the sum of five thousand Libre or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.
Article 12: The President shall receive a salary of twenty-eight thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 13: Former Presidents shall receive a pension of twenty thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 14: In the event of a President’s death whilst in office, his widow shall receive a lump sum equal to ten years of the President’s salary, as well as a pension of twenty-eight thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 15: Espirian House in Spencer-Harold City shall be the official residence of the President, though the President shall also be given Cliveden Manor in Michael City as a secondary residence, for the duration of their term.
Section 3
Article 1: The Legislative power of the Espirian Republic is vested in Parliament, which consists of a Lower House, the House of Commons, and an Upper House, the House of Representatives.
Article 2: The President may appoint such times for holding the sessions of Parliament as he thinks fit, and may also from time to time prorogue Parliament.
Article 3: There shall be a session of Parliament once at least in every year, so that a period of twelve months shall not intervene between the last sitting of Parliament in one session and its first sitting in the next session.
Article 4: Spencer-Harold City shall be the seat of Parliament.
Article 5: The House of Representatives shall be composed of Representatives from each Province, with each Province receiving one Representative for each electoral district it contains, with a minimum of five Representatives. Additionally, there shall be a number of Special Representatives making up no more than nine percent of the total House’s membership.
Article 6: Representatives and Special Representatives serve a renewable term of at most five years, with elections to the House held at least every five years or when dismissed.
Article 7: Representatives are elected by the Electorate of each province. Members of the Electorate may vote for up to twice as many candidates as there are eligible Representatives in their province, ranking them in preference (lowest numbers correspond to the greatest preference). If their preferred candidates fail to be elected, their vote will transfer to their next preferred candidate, repeating the process till all candidates have been elected.
Article 8: Special Representatives are elected nationally by the Special Electorate. Members of the Special Electorate vote for a single candidate. The candidates with the highest vote share become the Special Representatives.
Article 9: No person shall qualify to be a Representative unless
A They are of the Electorate
B They are of at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any office in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
Article 10: No person shall qualify to be a Special Representative unless
A They are of the Electorate or Special Electorate
B They are at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to or previously were a member of an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
H They own private property amounting to a sum of twenty-five thousand Libre
Article 11: In the event a Representative or Special Representative resigns or is unable to perform his duties before the end of his term, he may appoint a replacement. In the event he is unable to appoint a replacement, the seat shall remain vacant until the next Representative election.
Article 12: The presence of at least twenty percent of all Representatives and the House Speaker shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the House of Representatives for the exercise of its powers.
Article 13: The House of Representatives shall at least every five years elect from amongst themselves a House Speaker, who shall direct proceedings.
Article 14: All questions in the House of Representatives shall be determined by a majority of votes of senators present. In the event of a tie, the House Speaker has the determining vote.
Article 15: Any person holding any public office in which he receives any remuneration or allowance out of public funds must resign from such office when he is elected as a Representative or Special Representative.
Article 16: Representatives receive a salary of twenty thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 17: Former-Representatives shall receive a pension of twelve thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 18: The House of Commons shall be composed of Commons Members who each represent a single electoral district. Additionally, there shall be a number of Special Commons Members making up no more than ten percent of the total House’s membership.
Article 19: Commons Members and Special Commons Members serve a renewable term of at most five years, with elections to the House held at least every five years or upon dismissal.
Article 20: Commons Members are elected by the Electorate of each electoral province. Members of the Electorate may vote for a single candidate. The candidate in each electoral province who wins the highest number of votes becomes the Commons Member for that electoral district.
Article 21: Special Commons Members are elected nationally by the Special Electorate. Members of the Special Electorate vote for a single candidate. The candidates with the highest vote share become the Special Commons Members.
Article 22: No person shall qualify to be a Commons Member unless
A They are of the Electorate
B They are of at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
Article 23: No person shall qualify to be a Special Commons Members unless
A They are of the Electorate or Special Electorate
B They are at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to or previously were a member of an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
H They own private property amounting to a sum of twenty-five thousand Libre
Article 24: In the event a Commons Member resigns or is unable to perform his duties before the end of his term, a special election may be held in his electoral district, where the electorate will be able to elect a new Commons Member.
Article 25: In the event a Special Commons Member resigns or is unable to perform his duties before the end of his term, his seat shall remain vacant until the next election is able to fill it.
Article 27: The presence of at least twenty percent of all Commons Members, the Speaker of the Commons and the Prime Minister shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the House of Commons for the exercise of its powers.
Article 28: The House of Commons shall every five years elect from amongst themselves a House Speaker, who shall direct proceedings.
Article 29: All questions in the House of Commons shall be determined by a majority of votes of Commons Members present. In the event of a tie, the House Speaker has the determining vote.
Article 30: Any person holding any public office in which he receives any remuneration or allowance out of public funds must resign from such office when he is elected as a Commons Member or Special Commons Member.
Article 31: Any alteration in the number of members of the House of Commons to be elected and any re-division of electoral districts, shall, in respect of the election of members of the House of Commons, come into operation at the next election held after the completion of the re-division or of any allocation consequent upon such alteration, and not earlier.
Article 32: Commons Members receive a salary of eighteen thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 33: Former-Commons Members shall receive a pension of ten thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 34: Once elected, every Representative, Commons Member, Special Representative and Special Commons Member must make the Parliamentary oath in the witness of at least two members of the Supreme Court, and must rest his left hand on a Bible whilst holding his right hand over his heart.
Article 35: The Parliamentary Oath reads: “I solemnly vow, in the presence of the Almighty God, to be faithful to the Espirian Republic and solemnly promise to perform my duties as a member of the House of Representatives/Commons to the best of my ability.”
Article 36: All members of Parliament shall be referred to as “The Honourable”
Article 37: In order for a person to be a member of the Electorate one must
A Be eighteen years of age or older
B Not currently serving a sentence for a criminal conviction
C Not be of coloured descent
D Be a citizen of the Espirian Republic
Article 38: In order for a person to be a member of the Special Electorate one must
A Be twenty years of age or older
B Not currently serving a sentence for a criminal conviction
C Be of coloured descent or have previously served in Espirian Armed Forces
D Be a citizen of the Espirian Republic
Article 39: A person may be simultaneously a member of both the Electorate and Special Electorate.
Section 4
Article 1: Parliament shall be the sovereign legislative authority in and over the Republic, and shall have full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Republic.
Article 2: Parliament shall create legislation in the form of Bills, that require both the assent of Parliament and the President to become law.
Article 3: A Bill requires the assent of a majority of members of the House of Representatives and House of Commons to acquire the assent of Parliament, save in Bills modifying the articles of this constitution, which require a supermajority of two-thirds in both Houses.
Article 3: Bills appropriating revenue or money or imposing taxation shall originate only in the House of Commons.
Article 4: The House of Representatives may not amend any Bills so far as they impose taxation or appropriate revenue or money for the services of the Government.
Article 5: The House of Representatives may not amend any Bills so as to increase any proposed charge or burden on the people.
Article 6: Any Bill which appropriates revenue or money for the ordinary annual services of the Government shall deal only with such appropriation.
Article 7: If the House of Commons in any session passes a Bill imposing taxation only or dealing with the appropriation of revenue or moneys for the services of the Government, and the House of Representatives in the same session rejects or fails to pass it, the Bill shall, unless the House of Commons otherwise directs, be presented to the President for his assent and shall as soon as it has been assented to by the President become an Act of Parliament and be taken to have been duly passed by the House of Representatives and by the House of Commons notwithstanding that the House of Representatives has not consented to it.
Article 8: If the House of Commons in two successive sessions (whether of the same Parliament or not) passes a Bill and the House of Representatives in each of those sessions rejects or fails to pass it or passes it with amendments to which the House of Commons will not agree, the Bill shall, unless the House of Commons otherwise directs, be presented to the President for his assent, and shall as soon as it has been assented to by the President become an Act of Parliament and be taken to have been duly passed by the House of Representatives and by the House of Commons, notwithstanding that the House of Representatives has not consented to it, provided those sessions were not held in the same calendar year.
Article 9: When a Bill is presented to the President for his assent, he shall declare according to his discretion, but subject to the provisions of this Act, that he assents thereto or that he withholds assent.
Article 10: The State President may return to the House of Representatives or the House of Commons, in whichever it may have originated any Bill so presented to him, and may transmit therewith any amendments which he may recommend, and the House of Representatives or the House of Commons, as the case may be, may deal with the recommendation.
Article 11: The President shall nominate from among the members of the House of Commons his Prime Minister, who shall be confirmed by the House of Commons.
Article 12: The Prime Minister shall recommend ministers to the President, who shall then appoint them and their deputies.
Article 13: The Prime Minister shall lead the government, manage the execution of laws, and oversee the administration of public affairs.
Article 14: The Prime Minister shall be the principal advisor to the President and shall keep the President informed on all governmental matters.
Article 15: The Prime Minister shall be responsible for presenting government policies and legislative proposals to Parliament and ensuring their passage.
Article 16: The Prime Minister shall have the authority to summon and preside over meetings of the Cabinet, which consists of the Prime Minister and appointed ministers. The Prime Minister shall set the agenda for Cabinet meetings.
Article 17: The Prime Minister shall represent the Espirian Republic in international forums and negotiations, unless the President chooses to take on this role directly.
Article 18: The Prime Minister shall ensure that government operations are transparent and that public officials are held accountable for their actions.
Article 19: The Prime Minister shall appoint and manage the heads of public services and commissions, ensuring their effective operation and alignment with government policies.
Article 20: The Prime Minister shall be responsible for national security and may coordinate with the armed forces, intelligence agencies, and other relevant bodies to ensure the safety and security of the Espirian Republic.
Article 21: The Prime Minister shall propose the annual budget to the House of Commons, outlining government spending and revenue plans, and shall oversee its implementation upon approval.
Article 22: The Prime Minister may be removed from office by a majority of the House of Commons at any time.
Article 23: The Prime Minister shall receive a salary of twenty-five thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 24: Former Prime Ministers shall receive a pension of twenty thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 25: In the event of a Prime Ministers’s death whilst in office, his widow shall receive a lump sum equal to ten years of the President’s salary, as well as a pension of twenty-five thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Section 5
Article 1: The judicial authority of the Republic shall be vested in a Supreme Court to be known as the Supreme Court of Espiria and consisting of an Appellate Division and such provincial and local divisions as may be prescribed by law.
Article 2: The Supreme Court shall be the final court of appeal in criminal and civil law, as well as the final court in the interpretation of the law.
Article 3: The Supreme Court shall have the powerto block a Bill that contradicts the Articles of this constitution.
Article 2: The President shall appoint an Attorney General who shall advice the government on legal matters.
Article 5: All administrative powers, functions and duties affecting the administration of justice shall be under the control of the Minister of Justice.
Article 6: The Supreme Court shall be housed in the House of Justice in Harold-Spencer City.
Section Six
Article 1: The Official Language of the Espirian Republic shall be English
Article 2: All bureaucratic and legal documents shall be in the Official Language.
Article 3: All legal proceedings shall be in the Official Language.
Article 4: The Official Religion of the Espirian Republic shall be the Tytorian Reformed Christian Church.
Section Seven
Article 1: All individuals born within the Espirian Republic may claim citizenship. In the event the individual is unable to claim citizenship, their legal guardian may do so on their behalf.
Article 2: All individuals born to a citizen of the Espirian Republic may claim citizenship. In the event the individual is unable to claim citizenship, their legal guardian may do so on their behalf.
Article 3: All individuals legally married to a citizen of the Espirian Republic may claim citizenship. In the event the individual is unable to claim citizenship, their legal guardian may do so on their behalf.
Article 4: Individuals may apply for citizenship every four years, and requires the approval of the Ministry of Immigration and Border Control.
Article 5: Citizens may not hold dual citizenry with any other state. Adoption of citizenship of another state will result in automatic loss of citizenship. Individuals that wish to become citizens must renounce former citizenship once their application has been approved.