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Messages - Geo

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The bang of the gavel signalled for silence in the packed Conference Hall. Delegates from every wing of the Nationalist Party were in attendance, as well as dozens of delegates from each electoral constituency. The Prime Minister and Nationalist members of the cabinet sat in a row before the stage, whilst to the left of a raised dais the Party Chairman sat. Party members and MPs made up the rest of the crowd, with representatives of the Farmer's Party in a huddled group near the side of the room. Behind the stage hung the Espirian flag, taking up the entirety of the back wall as the curtain at a theatre does.

The opening chords of the national anthem sounded through the hall, and a rustled of paper and chairs and hats sounded through the hall as all stood for the singing of the national anthem. If one were to look at those singing faces, belting out with all their patriotic might the words of There'll Always Be An Espiria, one would notice a lack of black faces, the choir the conference the hall became devoid of representation of the great mass of the land they hoped to represent.

The song ended and a second clamour could be heard as the hall took its seat. The gavel banged one more time and the Party Chairman, Alex Whiley took the stage. He welcomed the members of the Conference, and marvelled at the continued strength of the Nationalist Party, even after over seventy years. The short, portly man continued as he lamented the failure of the Party to seize the Presidency at the last election, but celebrated what he saw as a prime oppurtunity for the Nationalist government to extend to both houses and nominate a new President. One could see his excitment in this regard. A retired army Colonel, and MP for over 20 years, was now Nationalist Party Chairman, which meant he was only an election away from taking the Presidency. He continued in thanking the Nationalist's loyal and honest coalition partner the Farmer's Party, adressing their representatives and lamenting the Party split that had seen the birth of the Nationalist Party. Glancing around the room one last time, Whiley took the moment to issue warning against the omnipresent danger of a Party fracture. He took his seat, stepping down from the dais to thunderous applause.

Next it was the Prime Minister's turn to speak. He thanked the Party Chairman, perhaps quite curtly, and rose to the dais. Pausing for a moment, he looked over the crowd. He clarified his dual role within the conference. Both as Prime Minister and as Party Leader. But, speaking as both he was looking forward to seeing sensible government return to both halls of Parliament. He warned against the threat of foriegn influence permeating through Esperia. He advised preparation of defence against governments hostile to Esperia, and advised the neccessity of friends. He congratulated his MPs and Member of Cabinet for years of excellent performance within Parliament, and in turn paid his respects to the Farmer's. He encouraged optimism towards the Nationalist's future electoral success, but warned against allowing this to induce complacently. Complacently was, as he reminded the Conference, the downfall of anyone nearing victory.
He took the opportunityto weigh in on the debates that had swirled around the Party as it had readied for this conference. He expressed his continued support for the reformation of the Heath Laws, advocating for Third House Positionism[1]. He encouraged the continued adoption and advancement of LGBTQ rights (to the scowls of the Farmer's), highlighting the Christian nature of acceptance and the growing acceptance of LGBTQ rights as an electoral issue amongst their base. He deviated from his expected position of continued reapproached with the "hostile world" instead opinionating that "Esperia, in this hour more than ever, must turn inwards, and increase its self-sufficiency. The hostile world cannot be trusted, and I am more aware of this fact now than ever before, especially after 10 years in government." He did however not deviate too far, leaving open the possibility of reapproachment with Espiria's historical kin. With some final words re-expressing his commitment to God, Espiria and the principals of liberty and freedom, he took his seat, applausing chasing him out.
 1. Third House Positionism: The advocation that the Special Electorate should be removed from both House of Parliament and a new House soley representing the black vote should be created. In the political enviroment of Espiria it isdivided into a left and right wing, with the left supporting the removal of the Heath Laws in regards to state owned industries (such as hospitals and courts), and the right limiting their support to political reform.

Press Offices / Re: Press Office of the Espirian Republic
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:40:13 AM »
From: Office of the President of the Espirian Republic
Dated: 31/05/24
Subject: On the issuing of sanctions

This week has marked a grim and sombre moment in the history books. There are many countries in the world, each one varied in culture and mannerism and each one unique. The struggle for these countries to coexist has defined humanity's multiple thousands years of history. Who could forget the many brutal wars that have left bloody prints on the pages of our history books?
Yet many around the world seem to long for this violence to continue, for people of different cultures and backgrounds to once again tear each other apart in tribalistic and petty squabbles.
Espiria is in truth two nations held together by a single country. Both the indigenous Espirians and New Espirians call the same land home. It has been the long term policy of the state to forge these seperate nations into a single one, one that disregards the colour of one's skin and focusses soley upon the content of one's character. In Espiria's past, the New Espirians, arriving as settlers from Tytor afflicted many horrific crimes upon the Indigenous people of this fair nation, something I hope no one wants to see repeated. In order to avoid this clash of nations, we have established a system to protect both until they can develop to a level suitable for integration and reconcilitation. A system that will not last indefinitely, but only as long as it is strictly neccessary.

It is no surprise that the majority of these countries issuing condemnation and economic sanction are almost entirely homogenous: they have never experienced the strife of a house divided against itself and cannot reason outside their own national logic. They impose a standard that, whilst applicable in their own homogenous societies is almost entirely out of sync with the national experience of Esperia. More worryingly, there are those who issue their condemnation not out of actual worry for the population of Esperia, but rather to push their own sphere of influence by seeking to divide a proud country against itself. Simultaneously, many of these countries fail to understand basic economics: economic political action has in every instance in history disproportionately affected the lower classes of the targeted countries. In employing these economic actions in the pretence of caring for Esperia's populace they actually draw arms against them.

Addressing the comments of the Prime Minister in an interview than has sparked this most recent flurry of righteous indignation, I must stand with my fellow countryman, though we are domestically political enemies. My fellow countryman never claimed racial superiority of the white man over the black man. His comments have been deliberately misinterpreted and taken out of context in order to slander his international standing, and by proxy all of Espiria's. I have spoken to him personally and clarified what was already obvious to anyone that listened to the interview without malicious intent: the equality between the two races he was referring to was soley in matters of economic or societal development, not an innate genetic imbalance. Whilst Espiria strives for a policy of equal development (something often mysteriously ignored by geopolitical actors) it is a sad fact that the black race continues to be sidelined by society, with the black race disadvantaged both economically and socially. My fellow countryman was merely referring to the need for further development for black people before they can be considered equal in social standing to all the other people of Espiria. It is worrying that many foreign actors choose to twist these words into something racist and malicious.

Espiria calls upon every state engaged in economic or diplomatic actions against our proud Republic to halt all such actions immediately. These actions are fundamentally unjust and ultimately harmful only to those they claim are supported by them. To continue this reckless policy of sanctions is inadvisable. History has its eyes on you.

Press Offices / Press Office of the Espirian Republic
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:07:42 AM »

Will be filled out as press releases are issued

International News Networks / Re: News of Espiria
« on: May 29, 2024, 09:51:11 PM »
The New International Journal
Excerpt from interview with Prime Minister Oliver Major

Extract begins

Jacob May: The Nationalist Party pledged that the Heath laws and policy of segregation would last for "as long as is neccessary" in 1962. Over sixty years ago. Is this racial seperation policy still "neccessary"? Is it not time for the Espirian Republic to accept majority rule?
Oliver Major: Now I'm glad you asked this question, because the situation today isn't in actuality that different from the situtation in '62.
JM: What do you mean?
OM: Look, I firmly believe in equality and the universal promise of liberal democracy, equal oppurtunity under the law and racial equality. But if you look at the stats, not thefeelings of bleeding heart "Liberationists" then you'll see: there is a severe difference between us folk and coloured folk. Greatest committers of crime? Colours. Greatest single mothers? Colours, etc etc etc. You look at the stats, and, the demographics, and you'll see that the coloured man, whilst more civilised than he was before the white man came to these fair shores, is still far from equal with the white man. The policy of seperate development, and I oppose calling it segregation by the way, remains because it is still needed. Simply put.
JM: But is the policy not counterproductive, the lack of oppurtunity causin-
OM: Now look here. Look here. I've heard this argument a dozen times, everytime I talk to someone who, like you, is ultimately well meaning but ultimately naive. I have yet to see what this so called "lack of oppurtunity" has to do with rape statistics or divorce rapes. You lot have never been able to answer that. Everyone creates their own oppurtunity regardless of race. Its not my fault that the coloured continue to squander it.
JM: You don't see the issue with the lack of representation in government?
OM: My government represents everyone.
JM: Eighty percent of the vote only goes towards 10% of the government.
OM: Now look. If you judged every government in the world by this standard, we'd be here all day. Tytor for example. You think everyone in Tytor voted for Thatcher? Of course not. But nonetheless her government is democratic and representative of the people. You can't just cherry pick.
JM: You're dodg-
OM: Look, I'll be the first to admit our system isn't perfect, but its the best system we have. When integration is completed, I, we, the Nationalist Party and Heath laws will be looked back as heroes. You lot would only see the genocide of the white man or the genocide of the coloured man, something we desperately want to avoid. We give representation in Parliament to the coloured as much as we safely can, anything more would be unstable. You see how often they turn to madmen...

Extract ends

International News Networks / News of Espiria
« on: May 29, 2024, 09:24:55 PM »

Will be filled out as develops

Factbooks and Maps / Policies
« on: May 29, 2024, 09:05:47 PM »

Heath Laws
The Heath Laws, a bundle of laws drafted in 1958 by Richard Heath and formally adopted by the Oxford Liberal Government in 1960, enforce a strict interpretation of the policy "seperate but equal development" upon the Espirian Republic, holding that integretation between the two racial groups in Espiria is impossible until both have developed adequately. It impacts almost every aspect of life within Espiria: Schools, cinemas, hospitals, neighbourhoods, trade unions, inter-city motorways and more are all segregated, with institutions being required to offer seperate facilities for both races. Whilst a strict reading of the laws demands equality in the standards of these facilities, actual enforcement has resulted in white facilities offering significantly better quality services. The laws also strictly restrict inter-racial marriage and establish a two-tiered justice system, with even the legal service segregated and a fast track for justice for white defendants. The Heath Laws works off the "one drop" rule, with a single coloured ancestor being enough to establish an individual as coloured, even if the rest of their family was entirely white.
The Heath laws remain esentially unopposed by almost every party drawn from the white populace, and is thus unopposed in government.

LGBTQ Rights
Homosexuality was legally decriminalised in 2016 by the Major Nationalist Government in the "Homosexual Sexual Criminality Act 2016", removing the homosexual relations from the same category of crime as rape. However, homosexuality remains heavily stigmatised in most of Espiria, police and vigilante brutality upon homosexual couples (especially in coloured couples) especially common. In recent years, the left wing of the Major Nationalist Government has been successful at lobbying for the adoption of more Queer friendly policies within the party.

Espiria lobbies a flag tax rate on income taxation, and imposes no taxation on inheritance. Domestic corporations enjoy a lower tax rate than foriegn corporations operating within Espiria. The main tax burden however is indirect rather than direct, with the state collecting the bulk of its taxation from VAT.

Trade Unions
Trade Unions within Esperia are required by law to only represent one or the other racial group. As such, many multi-racial work places typically feature a White and Coloured union, seperately. All unions are entitled to strike for a potentially unlimited period of time, however owners retain the right to hire replacement workers. However, in order to avoid exploitation of either racial group, owners are only allowed to hire members of the same racial group as those that strike. In practice this empowers white workers and depowers coloured workers, with white workers often significantly harder to hire and employ as replacement workers compared to coloured workers that have a significant greater level of reserve labour available.



Welfare State

More to be added

Factbooks and Maps / Interest Groups
« on: May 28, 2024, 10:35:05 PM »
Interest Groups within Espiria

Government Parties
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Nationalist Party

Farmer's Pary

Opposition Parties
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Liberal Party

Labour Party

Christian Party

Liberation Party

Banned Parties
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Communist Party of Espiria

National Liberation Front

Espirian Black Liberation Party

Black Freedom Front

Communist Party of Espiria (Marxist)

Social Democratic Party

Espirian Republican Party

Espirian Libertarian Party

Yaitik National Front

Yaitik Popular People's Party

Inter-Party Factions
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Significant Lobby Groups
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Armed Militant Groups
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Factbooks and Maps / Historical Stuff
« on: May 28, 2024, 10:32:19 PM »
Espirian History

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Initial Colonisation
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Modern Day
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Factbooks and Maps / Demongrafic Stuff
« on: May 28, 2024, 10:30:47 PM »

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Digitial Divide
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Factbooks and Maps / Economy Stuff idrk
« on: May 27, 2024, 10:47:38 PM »
Economy stuff

GDP per capita: TBD
Biggest Exports: TBD
Biggest Imports: TBD
Literacy Rate:
Unemployment Rate:

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Factbooks and Maps / Espiria Government Sturcutre
« on: May 27, 2024, 10:45:59 PM »
Government Structure:

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Section 1

Article 1: The Espirian Republic is a Republic of all its people, created by and for the people of Espiria.
Article 2: The Espirian Republic recognises the sovereignty and guidance of Almighty God.
Article 3: The National Flag consists of three vertical bands of black, white and gold, with the National Coat of Arms in its centre.
Article 4: The National Coat of Arms consists of a quartered escutcheon, the Espirian Zebra charged on a field of or in its first and fourth quarter; the Tytorian Brown Falcon charged on a field of sable, or and vert in its second quarter; and the Espirian parrot charged on a field of sable in the third quarter; supported by three flags of or, argent and sable on either side; crested by rifles with bayonets, crossed fasces and a Christian Cross; surmounted by a Republican Crown.
Article 5: The National Anthem of the Republic is “There’ll Always be An Espiria”

Section 2

Article 1: The Head of the Republic is the President
Article 2: The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
Article 3: The President has power to:
Dissolve the House of Commons and House of Representatives on the advice of his Prime Minister
Appoint Ministers and Deputies to Ministers
Appoint and receive Ambassadors and Diplomatic Missions
Pardon or reprieve offenders, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as he may deem fit, and to remit any fines, penalties or forfeitures
Sign international treaties, conventions and agreements
Proclaim and Terminate martial law on the advice of his Prime Minister
Make War and Peace on the advice of his Prime Minister
Appoint the times for the holding of sessions of Parliament and to prorogue Parliament
Article 4: The President Serves for Life, till Resignation or till Dismissal.
Article 5: The President is appointed by the House of Commons and House of Representatives.
Article 6: The President may be dismissed by both the House of Commons and House of Representatives; or the House of Commons unilaterally if it reaches a super-majority agreement of two thirds.
Article 7: Any person holding any public office in which he receives any remuneration or allowance out of public funds must resign from such office when he is appointed as President.
Article 8: In the event that the office of President is vacant or the President is unable to perform his duties, the House of Representatives will assume his duties as a collective until the office is no longer vacant or the President is once again able.
Article 9: Once appointed, the President must make the Presidential oath in the witness of at least two members of the Supreme Court, and must rest his left hand on a Bible whilst holding his right hand over his heart.
Article 10: The Presidential Oath reads: “I solemnly vow, in the presence of the Almighty God, to dutifully and faithfully execute the office of President. I pledge to uphold and execute the laws and principles of our nation, to serve our Republic’s citizens with strength and integrity, to strive for liberty and justice for all and to lead with unwavering faith and commitment.”
Article 11: Any person who commits an act which is calculated to unjustly injure the reputation or violate the dignity of the President shall be guilty of an offence and liable of conviction to a fine not exceeding the sum of five thousand Libre or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.
Article 12: The President shall receive a salary of twenty-eight thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 13: Former Presidents shall receive a pension of twenty thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 14: In the event of a President’s death whilst in office, his widow shall receive a lump sum equal to ten years of the President’s salary, as well as a pension of twenty-eight thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 15: Espirian House in Spencer-Harold City shall be the official residence of the President, though the President shall also be given Cliveden Manor in Michael City as a secondary residence, for the duration of their term.

Section 3

Article 1: The Legislative power of the Espirian Republic is vested in Parliament, which consists of a Lower House, the House of Commons, and an Upper House, the House of Representatives.
Article 2: The President may appoint such times for holding the sessions of Parliament as he thinks fit, and may also from time to time prorogue Parliament.
Article 3: There shall be a session of Parliament once at least in every year, so that a period of twelve months shall not intervene between the last sitting of Parliament in one session and its first sitting in the next session.
Article 4: Spencer-Harold City shall be the seat of Parliament.
Article 5: The House of Representatives shall be composed of Representatives from each Province, with each Province receiving one Representative for each electoral district it contains, with a minimum of five Representatives. Additionally, there shall be a number of Special Representatives making up no more than nine percent of the total House’s membership.
Article 6: Representatives and Special Representatives serve a renewable term of at most five years, with elections to the House held at least every five years or when dismissed.
Article 7: Representatives are elected by the Electorate of each province. Members of the Electorate may vote for up to twice as many candidates as there are eligible Representatives in their province, ranking them in preference (lowest numbers correspond to the greatest preference). If their preferred candidates fail to be elected, their vote will transfer to their next preferred candidate, repeating the process till all candidates have been elected.
Article 8: Special Representatives are elected nationally by the Special Electorate. Members of the Special Electorate vote for a single candidate. The candidates with the highest vote share become the Special Representatives.
Article 9: No person shall qualify to be a Representative unless
A They are of the Electorate
B They are of at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any office in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
Article 10: No person shall qualify to be a Special Representative unless
A They are of the Electorate or Special Electorate
B They are at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to or previously were a member of an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
H They own private property amounting to a sum of twenty-five thousand Libre
Article 11: In the event a Representative or Special Representative resigns or is unable to perform his duties before the end of his term, he may appoint a replacement. In the event he is unable to appoint a replacement, the seat shall remain vacant until the next Representative election.
Article 12: The presence of at least twenty percent of all Representatives and the House Speaker shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the House of Representatives for the exercise of its powers.
Article 13: The House of Representatives shall at least every five years elect from amongst themselves a House Speaker, who shall direct proceedings.
Article 14: All questions in the House of Representatives shall be determined by a majority of votes of senators present. In the event of a tie, the House Speaker has the determining vote.
Article 15: Any person holding any public office in which he receives any remuneration or allowance out of public funds must resign from such office when he is elected as a Representative or Special Representative.
Article 16: Representatives receive a salary of twenty thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 17: Former-Representatives shall receive a pension of twelve thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 18: The House of Commons shall be composed of Commons Members who each represent a single electoral district. Additionally, there shall be a number of Special Commons Members making up no more than ten percent of the total House’s membership.
Article 19: Commons Members and Special Commons Members serve a renewable term of at most five years, with elections to the House held at least every five years or upon dismissal.
Article 20: Commons Members are elected by the Electorate of each electoral province. Members of the Electorate may vote for a single candidate. The candidate in each electoral province who wins the highest number of votes becomes the Commons Member for that electoral district.
Article 21: Special Commons Members are elected nationally by the Special Electorate. Members of the Special Electorate vote for a single candidate. The candidates with the highest vote share become the Special Commons Members.
Article 22: No person shall qualify to be a Commons Member unless
A They are of the Electorate
B They are of at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
Article 23: No person shall qualify to be a Special Commons Members unless
A They are of the Electorate or Special Electorate
B They are at least thirty years of age
C They do not hold any in a foreign polity
D They do not belong to or previously were a member of an outlawed political party or group
E They have not been specifically barred by the Supreme Court
F They do not have a prior-criminal conviction
G They are not currently serving within the Espirian Armed Forces
H They own private property amounting to a sum of twenty-five thousand Libre
Article 24: In the event a Commons Member resigns or is unable to perform his duties before the end of his term, a special election may be held in his electoral district, where the electorate will be able to elect a new Commons Member.
Article 25: In the event a Special Commons Member resigns or is unable to perform his duties before the end of his term, his seat shall remain vacant until the next election is able to fill it.
Article 27: The presence of at least twenty percent of all Commons Members, the Speaker of the Commons and the Prime Minister shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the House of Commons for the exercise of its powers.
Article 28: The House of Commons shall every five years elect from amongst themselves a House Speaker, who shall direct proceedings.
Article 29: All questions in the House of Commons shall be determined by a majority of votes of Commons Members present. In the event of a tie, the House Speaker has the determining vote.
Article 30: Any person holding any public office in which he receives any remuneration or allowance out of public funds must resign from such office when he is elected as a Commons Member or Special Commons Member.
Article 31: Any alteration in the number of members of the House of Commons to be elected and any re-division of electoral districts, shall, in respect of the election of members of the House of Commons, come into operation at the next election held after the completion of the re-division or of any allocation consequent upon such alteration, and not earlier.
Article 32: Commons Members receive a salary of eighteen thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 33: Former-Commons Members shall receive a pension of ten thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 34:  Once elected, every Representative, Commons Member, Special Representative and Special Commons Member must make the Parliamentary oath in the witness of at least two members of the Supreme Court, and must rest his left hand on a Bible whilst holding his right hand over his heart.
Article 35: The Parliamentary Oath reads: “I solemnly vow, in the presence of the Almighty God, to be faithful to the Espirian Republic and solemnly promise to perform my duties as a member of the House of Representatives/Commons to the best of my ability.”
Article 36: All members of Parliament shall be referred to as “The Honourable”
Article 37: In order for a person to be a member of the Electorate one must
A Be eighteen years of age or older
B Not currently serving a sentence for a criminal conviction
C Not be of coloured descent
D Be a citizen of the Espirian Republic
Article 38: In order for a person to be a member of the Special Electorate one must
A Be twenty years of age or older
B Not currently serving a sentence for a criminal conviction
C Be of coloured descent or have previously served in Espirian Armed Forces
D Be a citizen of the Espirian Republic
Article 39: A person may be simultaneously a member of both the Electorate and Special Electorate.

Section 4
Article 1: Parliament shall be the sovereign legislative authority in and over the Republic, and shall have full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Republic.
Article 2: Parliament shall create legislation in the form of Bills, that require both the assent of Parliament and the President to become law.
Article 3: A Bill requires the assent of a majority of members of the House of Representatives and House of Commons to acquire the assent of Parliament, save in Bills modifying the articles of this constitution, which require a supermajority of two-thirds in both Houses.
Article 3: Bills appropriating revenue or money or imposing taxation shall originate only in the House of Commons.
Article 4: The House of Representatives may not amend any Bills so far as they impose taxation or appropriate revenue or money for the services of the Government.
Article 5: The House of Representatives may not amend any Bills so as to increase any proposed charge or burden on the people.
Article 6: Any Bill which appropriates revenue or money for the ordinary annual services of the Government shall deal only with such appropriation.
Article 7: If the House of Commons in any session passes a Bill imposing taxation only or dealing with the appropriation of revenue or moneys for the services of the Government, and the House of Representatives in the same session rejects or fails to pass it, the Bill shall, unless the House of Commons otherwise directs, be presented to the President for his assent and shall as soon as it has been assented to by the President become an Act of Parliament and be taken to have been duly passed by the House of Representatives and by the House of Commons notwithstanding that the House of Representatives has not consented to it.
Article 8: If the House of Commons in two successive sessions (whether of the same Parliament or not) passes a Bill and the House of Representatives in each of those sessions rejects or fails to pass it or passes it with amendments to which the House of Commons will not agree, the Bill shall, unless the House of Commons otherwise directs, be presented to the President for his assent, and shall as soon as it has been assented to by the President become an Act of Parliament and be taken to have been duly passed by the House of Representatives and by the House of Commons, notwithstanding that the House of Representatives has not consented to it, provided those sessions were not held in the same calendar year.
Article 9: When a Bill is presented to the President for his assent, he shall declare according to his discretion, but subject to the provisions of this Act, that he assents thereto or that he withholds assent.
Article 10: The State President may return to the House of Representatives or the House of Commons, in whichever it may have originated any Bill so presented to him, and may transmit therewith any amendments which he may recommend, and the House of Representatives or the House of Commons, as the case may be, may deal with the recommendation.
Article 11: The President shall nominate from among the members of the House of Commons his Prime Minister, who shall be confirmed by the House of Commons.
Article 12: The Prime Minister shall recommend ministers to the President, who shall then appoint them and their deputies.
Article 13: The Prime Minister shall lead the government, manage the execution of laws, and oversee the administration of public affairs.
Article 14: The Prime Minister shall be the principal advisor to the President and shall keep the President informed on all governmental matters.
Article 15: The Prime Minister shall be responsible for presenting government policies and legislative proposals to Parliament and ensuring their passage.
Article 16: The Prime Minister shall have the authority to summon and preside over meetings of the Cabinet, which consists of the Prime Minister and appointed ministers. The Prime Minister shall set the agenda for Cabinet meetings.
Article 17: The Prime Minister shall represent the Espirian Republic in international forums and negotiations, unless the President chooses to take on this role directly.
Article 18: The Prime Minister shall ensure that government operations are transparent and that public officials are held accountable for their actions.
Article 19: The Prime Minister shall appoint and manage the heads of public services and commissions, ensuring their effective operation and alignment with government policies.
Article 20: The Prime Minister shall be responsible for national security and may coordinate with the armed forces, intelligence agencies, and other relevant bodies to ensure the safety and security of the Espirian Republic.
Article 21: The Prime Minister shall propose the annual budget to the House of Commons, outlining government spending and revenue plans, and shall oversee its implementation upon approval.
Article 22: The Prime Minister may be removed from office by a majority of the House of Commons at any time.
Article 23: The Prime Minister shall receive a salary of twenty-five thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 24: Former Prime Ministers shall receive a pension of twenty thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.
Article 25: In the event of a Prime Ministers’s death whilst in office, his widow shall receive a lump sum equal to ten years of the President’s salary, as well as a pension of twenty-five thousand Libre, with tri-annual adjustments to match inflation or deflation.

Section 5
Article 1: The judicial authority of the Republic shall be vested in a Supreme Court to be known as the Supreme Court of Espiria and consisting of an Appellate Division and such provincial and local divisions as may be prescribed by law.
Article 2: The Supreme Court shall be the final court of appeal in criminal and civil law, as well as the final court in the interpretation of the law.
Article 3: The Supreme Court shall have the powerto block a Bill that contradicts the Articles of this constitution.
Article 2: The President shall appoint an Attorney General who shall advice the government on legal matters.
Article 5: All administrative powers, functions and duties affecting the administration of justice shall be under the control of the Minister of Justice.
Article 6: The Supreme Court shall be housed in the House of Justice in Harold-Spencer City.

Section Six
Article 1: The Official Language of the Espirian Republic shall be English
Article 2: All bureaucratic and legal documents shall be in the Official Language.
Article 3: All legal proceedings shall be in the Official Language.
Article 4: The Official Religion of the Espirian Republic shall be the Tytorian Reformed Christian Church.

Section Seven
Article 1: All individuals born within the Espirian Republic may claim citizenship. In the event the individual is unable to claim citizenship, their legal guardian may do so on their behalf.
Article 2: All individuals born to a citizen of the Espirian Republic may claim citizenship. In the event the individual is unable to claim citizenship, their legal guardian may do so on their behalf.
Article 3: All individuals legally married to a citizen of the Espirian Republic may claim citizenship. In the event the individual is unable to claim citizenship, their legal guardian may do so on their behalf.
Article 4: Individuals may apply for citizenship every four years, and requires the approval of the Ministry of Immigration and Border Control.
Article 5: Citizens may not hold dual citizenry with any other state. Adoption of citizenship of another state will result in automatic loss of citizenship. Individuals that wish to become citizens must renounce former citizenship once their application has been approved.

William Henry (Liberal)

Prime Minister
Oliver Major (Nationalist)

House of Commons
Spoiler: show
Left to right
Nationalist Party (81)
Farmer's Party (22)
Liberal Party (33)
Labour Party (19)
Christian Party (7)
Liberation Party (18)

House Leaders: Nationalist-Farmer Coalition Majority (103/180 ; 57%)

House of Representatives
Spoiler: show
Left to right
Liberal Party (14)
Labour Party (10)
Nationalist Party (12)
Labour Party (19)
Farmer's Party (8 )
Liberation Party (6)

House Leaders: Liberal-Labour Coalition Minority (24/50 ; 48%)

Spoiler: show

Factbooks and Maps / The Espirian Republic
« on: May 27, 2024, 10:25:29 PM »
The Espirian Republic
Spoiler: show
"One People Under God"

President: William Henry
Prime Minister: Oliver Major
Legislative Body: The Espirian Parliament
Capital City: Spencer-Harold City
Population: 62.1 Million
GDP per Capita: 12737.05 USD
Languages: TBD
Religions: Tytorian Reformed (44%), Yaitik New Christian (30%), Church of Tytor (10%), Xi!alan Paganism (5%), Catholicism (4%), Other (7%)
Currency: Libre
Ethnicity: Yaitik (40%), Xi!alan (25%), Tytorian (14%), Zolo (10%), Other Indigenous (6%), Other White (5%)

Below all yet to be complete

Map / Re: Claiming Your Spot on the Map
« on: May 27, 2024, 09:51:12 PM »
Nation Name: Espirian Republic

Nation Link: N/A
Provinces you wish to claim:
1:  W62
2:  O59
3:  O58
4: O60
5: O64
6: O61

Proposed colour of your nation on the map: Dark Blue of Purple

I, Geo, have read the rules set down above, and agree to follow them.

Please remove my former nation please.

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 12:58:46 PM »
History (currently in brief but will eventually be fleshed out)

Migration/Mythological Period (pre- ~1000AD)
Not much known as there were no written records from the time, but archeaological evidence and folk retellings of history suggests that the Nahuatl people migrated from the north.

City State Period (~1000AD-~1600AD)
The Nahuatl people exist as various city states, with the dominant power constantly in flux as alliances are made and broken

First Grand Alliance Period (~1600AD-~1700AD)
The balance of power between the Nahuatl city states is briefly upset as the Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan assert hegemonic control over the region before the alliance eventually collapsed.

Wars of Consolidation (~1700AD-~1850AD)
The number of independent city states is greatly reduced as war between them turn from just tributary and flower to direct wars of annexation.

The Tlaxcala-Tenochtitlan War (1851AD-1871AD)
A war between Tenochtitlan and Tlaxacala and their allies sees the creation of the Confederation with the victory of the Tenochtitlan.

Modern Period (1871AD-modern)

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 12:46:17 PM »
Nahuatl Land and Freedom Army (Nahuatl Tlālli Ēreki Teyollocuāni)

Ideaological line: Marxism-Leninism-Yolcēhuanehecatlism synthesises and builds upon the ideas of Marxism-Leninism and Yolcēhuanehecatlism.

Ideaological tenents:
New Democracy: a temporary but neccessary stage for long-term development of socialism, in which the national bourgeousie, petite bourgeoisie, proliteriat and peasant of a state will unite under the leadership of a Communist movement (in this case the NLFA) against the powers of feudalism, colonialism and imperialism.
Mass Line: builds on the theory of the Leninist Vanguard Party by directing the internal leadership of the Communist movement to gather the views of the masses and implement them as firm and executionable policies of the movement.
Protracted People's War: a revolutionary strategy wherein the Communist movement maintains the support of the people and draws the enemy into the country where they and their supply lines are worn down by guerillas.
Cultural Revolution: a theoretical part of post-revolution security wherein the bourgeousie elements that emerge within the vanguard movement are removed.
Elaborate on above for the libs, but is mainly marxism-leninism-maoism, as understood by the CPI

Controls much of the south unofficially, and has large influence among the peasant class.
Go into more detail

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 12:14:18 PM »
The Economy

At a glance:
Mostly agricultural, with most agricultural land owned by a large and empowed landowning class and worked by peasants. Mechanised agricultural practices become more common the closer one is to a city.
Cities serve as industrial centres, with a mix of national owned companies and foreign ones controlling factories and workshops.
The rich mines are almost entirely owned by foreign companies, many of whom have been granted resource rights by the state.

More detail:

-Detail differences in mechanisation
-Remnant of tribute system and slavery
-Mainly deals in produce such as beans, maize, squash, chillies and tomatoes.

-Detail paradigm between national and foreign bourgeousie.
-Detail commonly produced goods

-Detail commonly mined stuff

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 12:07:13 PM »
The Teotl Faith

Brief overlook:
The Teotl faith is a polytheistic and monistic pantheism in which the Nahua concept of Teotl (an energy that is  continually active and is constantly born and reborn) is construed as the supreme god Ometeotl, as well as a diverse pantheon of lesser gods and manifestations of nature.
Great emphasis is put on the calendar, with rituals and festivals organised around key dates.
The Teotl Faith performs human sacrifice in honour to the gods, as well as the sacrifice of one’s own blood. Human sacrifice is considered the greatest gift one can give to the gods, and is performed only on key dates on the calendar (no more than a dozen times per year), or during or after a war. Sacrifices are either criminals sentenced to death, prisoners of war or volunteers.

Flesh out pantheon here

Flesh out other practices here

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 12:04:55 PM »
Political System

Federal Makeup:
The Confederation is divided into 48 Altepeme Teōchihua (Provinces, lit. Greater States; sing. Altepetl Teōchihua), ruled by a Tlatoani Teōchihua (Grand Prince lit. Greater Ruler/Speaker). Each Altepetl Teōchihua is further divided into numerous Altepeme (Cities; sing. Altepetl). These Altepetl Teōchihua are autonomous in internal politics, as long as their laws do not contradict those of the constitution or federal laws.
The Huey Tlatoani is leader of the Confederation, and is always the Tlatoani Teōchihua of the Mēxihcah Altepeme Teōchihua.

Made up of an Upper House, the Teuctlatoanitlahtōllo (Senate, lit. portmanteau for Noble Speaker Assembly), and a Lower House, the Āltepetlāliztlahtōllo (Federal Assembly lit. portmanteau for State Union Assembly).
The Teuctlatoanitlahtōllo has 96 members, two appointed by each Altepetl Teōchihua, whilst the Āltepetlāliztlahtōllo has 120 members, elected by proportional representation every 7 years.
Bills are created in either House, and go through three readings where they are debated and voted upon, before going to the other House where they will repeat the reading process. If the Bill passes through both Houses unchanged and is not vetoed by the Huey Tlatoani then it becomes law.
The Government is formed by the largest Party or coalition in the Āltepetlāliztlahtōllo, with approval from the Huey Tlatoani.

Insert Parliament Diagram here when made

Insert map of sates here when made

Factbooks and Maps / Factbook of the Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:47:19 AM »
Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
 (Confederation of the Nahua/Nahuatl Confederation)

Basic Facts:
Political System: Constitutional Monarchy with federal structure0
Head of State: Huey Tlatoani (Emperor, lit. Great Ruler/Speaker) Huitztlincuīcatl
Head of Government: Cihuacoatl (Prime Minister, lit. Snake Woman) Mizquixochitl
Legislative Bodies: Tlahtoancalli (Parliament, lit. Speaking Place).
Population: ~128.7 Million
State Religion: Teotl Faith
Capital City: Tenochtitlan
Demonym: Nahuatl

Brief Recent History:
The Confederation was formed from a union of many Nahuatl city-states under the Mexican State in 1871, when they defeated their main rival Tlaxcala in a war for dominance of the region. Since then the Confederation began the slow march to modernisation, though it remains semi-feudal, with large amounts of the country held by large agricultural landowners, whilst industry and mechanisation is mostly limited to the urban and mining areas. They did not contribute in the Great War, and have stayed mostly insular and focused on internal development. In addition, some of the south of the country is under the unofficial control of the Nahuatl Land and Freedom Army, a communist group who have followed a path of protracted people's war against the state set by their late ideaological father and once chairman, Yolcēhuanehecatl.

The current factbook is barebones, and mainly exists due to me wishing to put my thoughts down until I have more time to add to it.

Map / Re: Claiming Your Spot on the Map
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:16:09 AM »
Nation Name: Tetlahtōlcah Nahua
1. O51
2. O50
3. O52
4. O53
5. O54
6. O49

Proposed colour: Deep Red

I, Geo, have read the rules set down above, and agree to follow them.

Map / Re: Claiming Your Spot on the Map
« on: December 01, 2023, 04:54:46 PM »
Please remove Kishon

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Confederal Republic of Michaelia
« on: October 22, 2023, 12:13:44 PM »
Religions of Michaelia

Michaelian Dominionism
The Michaelian Dominist Convention traces its routes to the Dominionist awakening in the mid 18th Century. The Faith emerged from the divine visions of the late Father Edward Starmer, whom the Archangel Michael appeared to and revealed that the Second Coming of Christ was imminent. However, before Christ could claim His Earthly throne, Starmer was tasked with establishing a globe-spannjng Christian theocracy, lead by the Michaelian people (who were God's chosen people rather than the Jews, who had abandoned it after the death of Christ and erroneously claimed it ever since) following a strict and fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible. In states where Dominionists have taken political control they have implemented their theocratic vision: Dominionist Church Councils are formed as the ruling governmental body, with candidates nominated by the International Michaelian Dominionist Convention of Worshippers (a Convention of Dominionist Vicars who represent Dominionist interests) and then elected by all ethnically Michaelian and religiously Dominionist members of that jurisdiction (mothers can vote in their children's name).

The Catholic Church in Michaelia
The Catholic Church in Michaelia follows the official Catholic Doctrine laid down by the Church, but leans to the right wherever there is wiggle room. Ever since the 100 years war and the Dominionist Wars, the political power of the Church has steadily decreased, nowadays exerting mostly cultural influence.

Protestant Churches in Michaelia
Nist Protestant Churches in Michaelia are non-affiliated with any particular denomination or overall group, and the practice of faith varies from Church to Church. However, there are some common trends such as a rejection of Baptism and Transubstanciation, the rejection of Icons and Church decoration, the holding of services in Latin and a very strict, but not necessarily literal, reading of the Bible.

Interfaith relations
Ever since the wars of religion that plagued Michaelia, religious tolerance between Christian denominations has been high, though there does still exist discrimination in various parts of the nation. The Catholic Church has adopted a policy of religious reconciliation with its adrift brothers whilst the various Protestant Churches have no unified opinion but have pgenerally ursued a similar policy. Relations are frostiest between the Dominionists and everyone else, but even then they are still far from cold. The Dominionists, realising the Catholic Church is not likely to suddenly leave Michaelia have instead focused their efforts on friendly relations with the Church in Michaelia, working long term to influence them to align with their Theocratic ambitions, hoping a Michaelian Nationalist may one day become Pope and work alongside the Dominists. Similarly, they hope to gradually assimilate and integrate the independent Churches.

Factbooks and Maps / Re: Confederal Republic of Michaelia
« on: October 22, 2023, 11:18:31 AM »
History (TBA)
The 100 Years War
Pax Nixonis
The Revolutionary Period
The Dominionist Wars
The First Michaelian-Olympian War
Participation in the Great War
Modern Period

Factbooks and Maps / Confederal Republic of Michaelia
« on: October 22, 2023, 01:40:52 AM »
The Confederal Republic of Michaelia

Confederal Flag

Major State Arms

Minor State Arms

Presidential Seal

Head of State & Government: President Henry Baker
Legislative Body: National Confederal Assembly & National Congress
Government Type: Presidential Confederation
Motto: "To be kept right or set right"
National Anthem: The Archangel's Justice/ The Legend of Saint Michael
Capital City: Free City of Capital
Population: 100.73 million (83 million: Core Michaelia; 17 million: Occupied Moravian States)
GDP per Capita: 43,600 USD

Government Structure:
The 35 States
Michaelia is divided into 35 states. Each state has its own governments that are responsible for managing and administrating the state, as long as they do not counteract national law or the constitution. Each state‘s government can organise itself as it pleases, and appoints two Assembly Members (AMs) to the National Confederal Assembly. Each state can levy taxes on its populace as it pleases, provided that the state can provide the required quota of taxes for the Confederal Government and balance its own budget.

The National Confederal Assembly
The National Confederal Assembly (NCA) is made up of 70 AMs, who are appointed by the 35 states. The NCA is the Upper House of the Confederal Government. The NCA can create bills, and if a majority of AMs vote in support of the bill, it will be sent to the National Congress (NC) where if passed it will become law. The same is true vice versa for the NC. However, the NC can bypass the NCA if it blocks a bill three times.

The National Congress
The National Congress is made up of 160 Congressmen, who are appointed by parties every national election (held every 6 years) who in turn receive a set amount of seats to fill depending on their electoral share. The electorate is made up of every able adult citizen (18+). The NC is the Lower House of the Confederal Government.

The President & Cabinet
The President is appointed by the NC every national election. They have veto power over any bill that makes its way through both the NCA and NC. They are head of state and government as well as commander in chief, and are responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws of the state. They appoint a cabinet who leads departments in the day-to-day running of the country. The President must have held a government office for at least 15 years prior to their appointment (these 15 years need to be in total, not continuous), but may not hold any other government office whilst President.

The High Court
The High Court is made up of 12 High Judges, who hold the position for life or retirement with the current President appointing a new Judge if a vacancy is created. They are the final court of appeal for all civil and criminal cases in Michaelia, and are also tasked with making sure legislation passed by the Confederal Government conforms with the National Constitution. They have the power to overturn legislation which violates the Constitution, however this in turn can be overturned by a super majority vote in the NC with the consent of the President (the same requirement for changing the Constitution. In the event this happens, the NC will be tasked with amending the Constitution so that it and the new legislation do not conflict, with any changes requiring a supermajority from the NC. If a change is not confirmed within a month, the troublesome legislation is permanently struck down.

Ceremonial Monarchs
Whilst Michaelia is a republic, the state does recognise the existence of several ceremonial monarchs within its borders, who have a traditional claim to a domain within the borders of the Republic. These monarchs are subservient to the Republic rather than above it. They receive a small grant split between the Confederal Government and any state governments they own land in and in return the state controls any political activism and control (though not ownership) over any royal property deemed to be culturally significant to the Michaelian people.

Michaelia is divided by a system of informal segregation, on both state level and Confederal level. Examples include the limiting of movement between states based off of citizenship, the limit of suffrage to those who can pass a civics test, exclusionary zoning laws, formalised state-level segregation in workplaces, etc. The system has only intensified after the invasion and conquest of Olympia, Oregon and Portland, with the occupied Moravians lacking basic rights and living under martial law, with their status as part of the Confederal Republic still hanging in limbo.

OOC Socialisation / Re: Leave of Absence Topic
« on: September 19, 2023, 10:10:25 AM »
Got my a level mocks in under 120 days, so it's time to revise. Ciao. I'll be back once all my exams are over.

Vignettes / Re: Dance, Dance, Revolution!
« on: September 05, 2023, 11:10:11 PM »
"You," said the manager, "are the greatest selection of soldiers this country has. All of you have fought on the battlefield of the pitch, and all of you have had your victories, your defeats. You've suffered and you've fought and you've made it all the way here."
He looked the assembled players up and down. All the best players from the best clubs across Kishon. It had been easy to select the eligible players, since there weren't that many clubs in Kishon, but now it was time to whittle them down.
"There," he continued, "are over a hundred of you here today. Seventy of you will be going home. Remember, this is your chance for glory. The Amonite rugby team will take the world by storm. Whether you're in that storm, driving the world before you, or stuck in club games is up to your performance today."

"So," Attal said, "what do you think of the team?"
The manager thought for a second.
 "Simply put," he began, "the team has talent and they're motivates."
He paused.  Attal raised an eyebrow.
"But," he said, "you will forgive me, I hope, to comment that the coach you hired is almost useless. However much you paid for him is too much. The man is worth less than a diseased swine."
Attal shrugged. He got up, and looked over the balcony at the players training below.
"My wallet is yours for this matter," he responded, "if you want to replace the man,  do so. My wallet is yours. Build a new national stadium, fly in the finest dieticians, nutritionists,  sports psychologists, whatever; my wallet is yours. You know what I want. My wallet is yours. And as long as you can bring in medals, my wallet will continue to be yours. Is that understood?"

The manager sipped his tea and considered his options. The current coach had to go. But how would he replace him. He could scour the country for the finest talent, which would likely be the cheapest option. Or he could shop abroad for new coaches, after all his budget was hypothetically endless, and why not get the best? Then again, how would national pride handle a national team trained by a foreigner?

Convention Centre / Re: Glasto-Mundus 2023
« on: August 19, 2023, 12:27:48 AM »
Name of Band: Daniel Khan and the Painted Bird
Nation: Kishon
Song 1: Freedom is a Verb
Song 2: The Butcher's Sher
Song 3: March of the Jobless Corp
Song 4: Yosl Ber

Diplomacy and Events / Re: K-K Talks (Kaitaine & Kishon)
« on: August 19, 2023, 12:01:13 AM »
Attal internally sighed. He had hoped that the Bene Gesserit would prove amiable to the list of points without trying to stir up anything, allowing him to direct the flow of the conversation. He was surprised that anyone who dwelled in the general area of the former USR would draw a distinction between communism and sovietism, maybe their ideological zeal had been exaggerated by the foreign reports. He may have to improvise.

He leaned back.
"Like you, Kishon has had a vicious history with Communism, sovietism, call it what you want. The USR invaded the First Amonite Empire in 1893, establishing the 'Democratic People's' Republic of Kishon, a puppet state that existed until the Amonite restoration, which saw the re-establishment of the Empire you see today. However, the lackies of this dead state still persist."
He paused.
"The perfidious KLA. An army without a state still obsessed with bringing a tyrants ideology to the nation. Both our states face aggression from the remnants of the lackies of foreign Communism. We have the KLA, you have the SRK. Our primary enemies are thus vastly similar. It strikes me, and I hope it would strike you too, that many hands make light work. If our two states work together, we can contain, reduce, push back or even destroy the threats to both our people's freedoms."
He leaned forwards.
"Is there anything else?"

He had considered blatantly lying, and saying that the intelligence services had detected cooperation between the KLA and SRK to really try force it down their throats, but he held off.  If it was happening, the intelligence service didn't know about it, but that vague fact was unnecessary. Maybe he'd bring it up if they continued to try drag this point.

Diplomacy and Events / Re: K-K Talks (Kaitaine & Kishon)
« on: August 16, 2023, 01:13:09 PM »
Barasha took the box and smiled warmly at the delegates.
"Thank you for your gift, I believe that the Amonite people will take your gift as a symbol of our nations friendship."
He smiled, looking the various members of the delegation up and down.
"I hope you do not think us ungrateful, but we do have a gift for you in return," He guestered to the Presidential Palace, "but it awaits inside," he said, "as does the President."
He took the moment to take another glance at the gift from Kaitaine before turning to the Palace and handing it off to an aide, who would find a cabinet somewhere to display it. He had done reading up on the religion of his people's neighbours before the visit, to make sure he maintained etic enough to avoid gracious offence, and he had wondered at the time on their reverence and use of this "spice".  It was one of those religious oddities that, though he may wonder at and disbelieve, was ultimately no more odd than the belief that one shouldn't work on the Sabbath.

He led the group up the Palace's steps, leading them quickly through the outer gate house, avoiding the gaze of the portrait of the President hung above the archway. He led them inside the Palace, up the winding staircase, trying to maintain small talk, offering them refreshments if needed, and sending aides snapping off to the kitchen.
He paused before the door, leading to the presidential office wing, mustering himself, and then opening them. Leading the delegates down the corridor, lined with the painted faces of heroes of ages past and the coloured scenes of battles lost and won, he stopped before the desk of Attal's secretary
The boy, a young lad Barasha, could never remember the name, looked at the group, up and down, before nodding to Barasha.
"Minister Barasha," the secretary said, " please head right in, the President is waiting."

Attal's office was well furnished. He had his desk, solid oak carved with scenes taken from the Torah, whilst he himself reclined in a large leather chair. A portrait of himself hung behind him in a frame of gold leaf, whilst a glass chandelier illuminated the mahogany walls and red carpeting. In the corner, a large cuboid object was covered with a velvet cloth, the gift for the Bene  Gesseri he had visiting him. There was a bookcase in the corner, filled with works of political and geopolical theory, as well as several copies of his father's autobiography. A book on economics made an occasional appearance, but like most on the shelf, rarely had a broken spine. In the corner was a small door, built into the wall, that led to a small room for him to think in. The room had, of course, had to have been completely renovated when he had moved into the Palace, with the archaic and ageing memobrillia of past President's being discarded.
A light on his desk lit up, informing him that the door to the office wing of the Palace had been opened. That would be the visitors.
He stood up, dusting his tailored suit off, and quickly readjusting his tie. He heard voices outside his door and smiled broadly as it was opened and his Foreign Minister Lea the visitors in.
"Preaident Attal," He said, holding out his hand across the desk to the advancing Bene Gesserit, "Reverend Mother, it is an honour to be able to meet you, and your kinsmen alongside you, Duke and Duchess" nodding to them.
"I understand that you have a gift for my people,  and I must say a marvellous gift it is at that, such artesian quality! I wish to repay the favour," and he gestured at Barasha to pull off the covering, not wanting to get out from behind his desk.
The covering fell off, revealing a tank filled with a variety of fish and underwater fauna.
Attal guestered to it proudly, "the tank is filled with a variety of waterline native to the fair rivers and marshes of Kishon, some of the fish are eveb almost extinct in the wild. All our gift to you."
He paused dramatically,  giving them time to digest the gift before he sat back down, and pulled out a schedule.
"I am, fortunately for my poor secretary, a man of routine, and I have devised a list of topics for us to discuss and go through."
He laid them out in front of the Bene Gesserit.
"If you want to add anything to said list, please just pencile it in... oh, please do take a seat."

- Furthering economic ties between our two nations
- Cooperation in the face of communist aggression
- Geopolitical realities and incidents
- Outreaching culture between our two nations

Vignettes / Re: Dance, Dance, Revolution!
« on: July 24, 2023, 11:55:11 PM »
The scene, a string of military bases. Each drilled into the mountains; bunkers, stockpiles, barracks and depots, all sealed behind uncaring stone. Anti-aircraft encampments, buried into the side of the mountain, watch towers, keeping an unending gaze, obverse the surrounding countryside. Trenches and fall back lines scar the landscape, whilst artillery guns poke their noses into the daylight. Underground logistic tunnels spread like a nervous system, just as vital as one, weebbing their way through the vast complex.
The actors: the most loyal statesmen of a failing regime, men willing to become matyrs for a cause greater than any of them. The nation's most loyal soldiers, driven with an unparalled ideological zeal, guarding every station. Civilians: doctors, chiefs, engineers, all recruited as bees in a hive.
The stage: a nation under siege. Beset on all sides by imperialistic powers, by nations wishing to trample Kishon's dreams underfoot. Foreign tyrants, foreign murderers, foreign robber barons. A nation betrayed by those it was supposed to be brother to, the paternal love of Caine and Abel.  A state that saw the writing on the wall, and decided it would not go quietly into the history books.

The play itself, mused General Nasser, was however never performed. The actors had failed to arrive on a scene that hadn't finished being written.
The Hive, the greatest fortress of the Communists of Kishon had not finished its construction, and those required to man it had not been vetted in time. Far from being a bunker the regime could shelter in and then sally forth from when the time was right to drive the capitalist dogs back to where they came from, it had acted as a tomb, a bottomless money hole  for the Party to pour the nations funds into. It was a stupid plan, regardless, born from the paranoid mind of that last Party cabinet. So much could go wrong, it's issues were obvious to all those who cared to think for a second.
It was why, when the previous General, his father, had declared his dedication to the principles of the global crusade of communism and lead his men north at the funeral of the Republic, he had not attempted to seize control of the Hive, even when it was left to rot. Instead he and his men learnt its secrets, using its tunnels and bunkers as simply part of a larger guerilla campaign, rather than using it as a bunker that could be used for target practice.
It was a campaign that had proven successful. The rebellion against the dual tyrannies of capital and monarchy endured to this day. War communism had been implemented in all the villages that swore to the communist cause, their food, resources and recruits aiding the reborn revolution. With military supplies smuggled in by enterprising arms dealers (the capitalists would be hung with their own ropes, eventually) and their allies abroad, the movement had seemed to be unstoppable. Successive governments have tried and failed to wipe out the insurgency raging within the Inland Empire's borders, and now, what with the political instability beought around by Attal, it seemed that the second revolution was imminent.
The question, mused Nasser (ever the philosopher) was now when, not if, communism would reclaim its rightful dominion over Kishon. The KLA would claim victory from the decaying and debauched body of Capital.

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