PRINCESS TABLES SANCTION MOTION Princess Kivuli, leader of the Nzuni Tribe, has today used her seat upon the Imperial Senate to table a motion designed to bring in trade sanctions against two nations. The Imperial Senate is made up of two senators from each of the 42 provinces, a representative from each tribe with over 50,000 individuals and 13 members appointed by the Emperor bringing the total number of senators to 70. The Nzuni tribe have always held elections for their representative however the leaders of each tribe maintain the right to directly appoint an individual should they wish. The current Nzuni representative, Elias Uheigou, is currently undergoing rehabilitation following a car accident last month and his seat has been filled by a senior military officer from the Nzuni on an ad hoc basis. Today with the Princess in the city of Abertone to visit potential investors in the Nzuri Land Development Fund and used the opportunity to take the seat herself.
Raising from her position upon being recognised by the Consul, Prince Graziano, the 29 year old stated. "Generations ago the tribes of Albion and the explorers of Abertone came face to face in a meaningful way for the first time. There was of course a clash of cultures and close to a century of bloodshed, something that could have been close to be labelled a genocide. It was then in the early 1600's that it was determined that an Empire where all cultures could co-exist in equality was possible. That dream has not yet been fully reached but we are so very far along that path. It is true to say that the Western part, or as some poor historians may call it the "White" part of the Empire has greater economic power, has a much more visible presence on the world stage but the Eastern part, or what those same historians may call the "Black" part, perhaps what the Prime Minister of Espiria may call the "Coloured" part. We have, in both parts of the Empire mixed, the Empire becoming a melting pot of cultures, traditions and systems. We stand here witnessing the existence of tribal influence while we also see the democracy that came out of the West. We recognise that while to the uneducated the West is home to grand modern buildings and skyscrapers that vastly outnumber those in the East this does not equal civilisation. The Lafiag Codex, a set of human rights, existed for 800 years before the Empire came into existance. The port at Imache in the North of the Eastern part of the Empire was at one point one of the most thriving ports in the whole of Albion, a key port for those trading in the Kyne. It was only geography of the area and nothing else that saw it lose its influence as it could not spread. Today it can not handle the large cargo ships of the 21st Century and so other port towns have flourished, yet that ancient glory remains in its beautiful buildings and temples. In the East we see Catholic Churches just a few doors down frrom Vodou temples, across the street from tribal groves. The idea that segregation on grounds of race exists anywhere is an afront to humanity. To say it is homogenous societies that are raising the issue can no longer be stated. I therefore call upon the Senate to issue a ban on trade with Espiria in terms of all but medicine and food." The motion was put to the floor and passed 48-12.
The Princess then turned her attention to Nya Aland. "I do not bring this motion lightly. I believe that the people of Nya Aland have experienced hardships on a scale unknown to many across Mundus, a disaster that wiped out millions, a chemical disaster that saw mass evacuations, several terrorist coup attempts and now political chaos. They have currently seen their country ripped in two. The North under control of the Gungnir, the south under the control of a military counci, an emergency measure brought about by a lack of political clarity. My concern is the North. Should the Gungnir prevail then it is clear they intend to pursue racist policies. They have already called for, and we believe begun, deportations of any who do not confirm to their community ideals. I believe a handful of Abertonians may have been caught up in this. If we continue our trade with that nation then the fear is that the funds may trickle to areas under Gungnir control. That is a risk we should not take. I further propose that as we stop the flow of money we should also commence a flow of military aid, once the Gungnir threat is destroyed we should resume normal relations with our Nordic friends." The economic motion failed to pass with 39 voting against and 21 for, the remainder abstaining. The motion to begin supplying military aid was also defeated with it ending 52-9.
Speaking at the end of the session Consul Graziano stated "As Consul my duty will be to present the motion for trade sanctions against Espiria to the Emperor for him to issue a Decree. The Emperor may of course overrule the motion. I spoke against the motion in the Senate saying I believe that the sanctions will have little to no impact as we have so little trade with the nation and that I believe perhaps more targeted and diplomatic sanctions would have been better. That though is the past and as Consul I now act as a conduit between the Senators and the Emperor. Regarding Nya Aland I think it is too soon to take direct action but I am hopeful that should the need arise we would be ready to help drive terrorist from any attempts to hold onto a seat of power."
Meanwhile Stumiaga's Senator, Gianluca Alfonsa saw his motion to have Emperor Marco announce an heir defeated by a resounding 61-8. He has however said that he now intends to present a new motion at tomorrows Senate that would take the power to announce the heir out of the Emperors hands. Speaking following the Senate session Mr.Alfonsa stated "I and the people I represent want clarity and that needs to happen fast. We are not Lodja where insane rules determine who can have the throne meaning an endless round of young girls playing Princess end up with a Queendom of their own. We need to know long term plans and so while the Senate have been short-sighted in making the Emperor announce an heir I will now propose we ensure this happens. Tomorrow I intend to table a motion that would name Prince Graziano as heir to the Imperial throne." Prince Graziano has already gone on record saying, "I believe such matters as naming heirs should not be dealt with by the Senate. My task in Senate meetings though is to act as a kind of umpire and guide to ensure we don't just talk in circles. Should Mr.Alfonsa go against this guidance of this not being a matter for Senate and directly name me in a motion then I will take a unique action and will temporarily appoint a Co-Consul to run this debate and vote. I will take no part as I feel my presence could harm the nature of discussion which must be open, frank and allowed to flourish." Early polls suggest that should Prince Graziano be named as heir 72% of the Empire would support that decision.