"With no other suggestions or issues I think we can all say this is the final draft. With that I'd like to commence us actually committing ourselves to this." With that he picked up a pen and added his signature to the draft document.
On this the 30th day of October in the year 2023AD that the nations whose signatures are affixed to this charter have agreed to the following.
The Council of Small Nations and its associated bodies are open to any nation that meets the following criteria
1. Has a population of less than 15million according to its own census.
2. The Nation has control of its own armed forces.
3. The Nation has a Head of State who under their own laws can make agreements with other nation.
4. Any nation that is a member and due to a change in circumstances no longer fulfils these criteria will no longer be permitted to be a member but may become an observer.
5. Observer members may send diplomats to the Council of Small Nations but may not vote. They may send representatives to associated bodies who are free to establish their own systems of governance.
6. A nation may withdraw from this Charter at any time with no prejudice.
1. Any nation that is a member or observer may send a diplomatic representative to the Council which shall be headquarted in x x
2. The host nation shall, with reimbursement being shared equally among all members and observers, provide lodging, security and facilities deemed neccessary for this organisation.
3. The Council will be made up of one speaking member per nation per meeting.
4. Nations may send teams of advisers to support this speaking member but only the speaking member shall be permitted to talk during debates.
5. Any member nation may place before the Council a resolution for discussion. Any resolution must use the COSNAT template
6. Once the nominated chairperson believes an acceptable resolution has been drafted they may call for a vote of members. (OOC- No vote until 48hours with no reply or majority make it clear a vote is ready)
7. Should a majority of members agree with the resolution it shall be published on behalf of the Council.
8. Should a majority of members disagree with the resolution it shall be put aside. This does not prevent any member presenting an amended resolution on the same manner.
9. Any nation that is a member of the council that is a subject of a resolution is expected to comply with it, failure to do so will permit the other nations to exclude them from the organisation and/or impose sanctions upon them.
10. Any resolution that requires military action will be then sent to the COSNAT Military Office (COSNATMO) for further action.
Spoiler: COSNAT Resolution Template show
This resolution is concerning ______________ and involves the nations of ____________ and _____________.
The current situation we are asking the Council to consider is........
Our biggest concerns are
To resolve this matter the Council believes.
(add more as appropriate)
We nominate the nation of ________ to chair this resolution. (May nominate yourself so long as not a nation involved in the opening line)
1. Each member nation shall appoint three representatives to the Office, these should be ranking officers representing each of the traditional branches of the military, Army, Navy and Air Force.
2. In a situation where a nation does not have such branches they are to appoint three officers representing however best they believe Land, Air and Sea operations would be represented.
3. Following the passing of a successful resolution the membership of COSNATMO shall formulate a leadership structure that is believed best for the situation.
4. Once a leadership structure is in place that leadership team shall present members of the Council with a formal request for assets.
5. It is expected members who voted for military action shall, within reason, supply military assets.
6. Upon the formal ending of military action the leadership team shall appear before COSNAT to give a full debrief and to answer any questions put before them.
7. While it is not expected that nations will have signed the Uppsala Convention this document shall be utilised as a standard for operations.
8. It is expected representatives of COSNATMO will share relevant intelligence so long as it does not impact their own national security.
1. Any member of COSNAT may propose the creation of an Associate Organisation.
2. An Associate Organisation shall be an individual body that shall have the aim of at least one of the following
i) Promoting global co-operation in a field
ii) Providing support for those in need
iii) Aiding nations to better defend themselves
iv) Furthering science and technology
3. Once a proposal is made to form an organisation it shall create a charter. Once a charter has been accepted by the majority of COSNAT members the organisation may be established. A proposal shall proceed in the same manner as perscribed in Article 5-9 of the COSNAT section of this charter.
4. Nations may opt out of an Associate Organisation regardless of how they voted however initially all nations who voted in favour shall be considered members.
5. Once an Associate Organisation has been approved it shall be free to establish its own procedures.
6. At least once a year all Associate Organisations are expected to give a report to COSNAT.
His Majesty King Aldwin VI of Weißenwald