Abortion: Not formally banned.
Age of Consent: 18.
Age of Majority: 18.
Alcohol: Legal for purchase at the age of 18.
Birth Control: Legal.
Cannabis: Legal for recreational use at age 18.
Divorce: Legal.
Driving Age: 14.
Education: Primary education spans 8 years, secondary spans 4. Post-secondary education is free for citizens with 2+ years of military service.
Eminent Domain: The state may appropriate any land at any given time.
Euthanasia: Legal.
Flag Desecration: Banned, punishable by death in some cases.
Gambling: Banned.
Gender: The state recognizes 3 genders. Male, female and 'alternative'.
Gun Control: Civilians may not own firearms under any circumstances.
Human Cloning: Legal, actively pursued by the State.
Military Service: 10 months required for every able bodied male, exceptions exist.
Narcotics: Non-medical use banned.
Political Parties: Banned.
Polygamy: Banned.
Pornography: Banned but seldom enforced.
Prostitution: Banned.
Same-sex Marriage: Not formally banned.
Sex-change Therapy: Legal, required to change gender on official documents.
Slavery: Illegal.
Torture: Not formally banned.
Trial by Jury: Required in most cases above misdemeanor. The state reserves the right to override the judicial process.
Voting Rights: No voting system is in place. Presumed to be illegal.