Aldwin could sympathise with Durad. He had sat through several briefings on the matter and only just about understood it himself. "No need to apologise" Aldwin began, "I'm more of a literature scholar than a scientist, last time I studied science I was 17 years old so a lot of time has passed. However I had anticipated such matters so perhaps Professor Fitzel here can explain better than I can." Aldwin twisted in his chair to where two seats to his left a bald headed man with a thick beard sat.
"Thank you Your Majesty" The man stood to speak to the room, his name badge before him stated Professor Roland Fitzel, University of Vilbruck. The whole plan had originated at his instutute five years earlier and though they had asked for funding before it had always failed to get the green light. Today Roland saw this as his final attempt. "If I miss anything you asked please just remind me." He looked down at the notes he had made with Durad talked. "We would identify anywhere between 60 and 100 sites in the southern ocean. Each location would be earmarked for a node. If we're given the green light we would ask that each nation nominate an institute to be its lead contact and while we have a design for a node ready to go we'd welcome input from other bodies. Once the sites have been approved we would load the nodes onto a boat along with a vast amount of fibre optic cable capable of withstanding the depths we'd be working at. This allows the data to flow back to land at high speed. Ideally either of Holmvik's islands or one of your own would be ideal as a starting point. The ship would lay the cable of the sea bed and when we reached a node spot a remote controlled sub would take down the node and fix it to the cable. Periodically we'd have small floating platforms with a small solar panel collection on to provide extrad power for the nodes. Now each node would be the size of a hotel rooms mini fridge and would contain various devices to measure the ocean's physical and chemical properties, including temperature, salinity, and pressure. This data is used to study the ocean's climate and to monitor the effects of climate change. The nodes are autonomous, meaning that they can operate without human intervention. They are equipped with sensors that collect data on the ocean's environment, and they use this data to make decisions about how to operate. For example, the nodes can adjust their sampling rates in response to changes in the environment. Once the whole network has been installed they will send their data back to shore and then to anyone with access to the system. All a scientist would get is live real time data from each of the nodes, it would then be for them to utilise the data for whatever research they are doing." He hoped that had covered the technical aspects. "Now these nodes should, all being well, last a decade and can then be replaced. Think of this as essentially underwater satellites. Now as for the finances we'd see no financial return directly. What the system would allow you to do is make better decisions for your people. I believe you're an ex-military man, so you'll be familiar with the idea of battlefield intelligence flowing in real time gives commanders better options, this would do the same for you in terms of managing your nations waters. You're science teams could use the information to help inform you on decisions about potential changes to fishing stocks, climate issues you may face or even where to best locate things such as tidal or wave energy. The data could also help predict things like typhoons, tsunamis or other natural disasters and thus save you money in other areas. I hope this answers your questions." The professor now looked at his own King who nodded approvingly before standing himself.
"Its a lot to take in, I know when the good Professor came to me with this I didn't quiet understand the scale of what he is proposing. To me the bit that makes sense is the comparison to space. We are effectively sending a series of probes to an alien planet, we're doing what nations like Daito, Achkaerin, Rokkenjima and the Alanders have been doing for decades, just while they risk the heavens we'll risk the depths."