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The Ataman Republic of Kemerovo
« on: March 23, 2023, 12:14:56 PM »

The Ataman Republic of Kemerovo was formed in 1901. They Cossacks that called the Kemerovo region their home rebelled against the Rodinha regime after attempts at "Rodinhafication". Keen to keep their way of life the Cossacks undertook a brutal two three year war that saw them take land off of Rodina. They also spread North from their river home and pushed their boundaries until in 1901 they signed the Kemerovo Pact which saw several Cossack Hosts and Rodina agree to the territory claimed today.  The Pact also sets out the rules under which the Republic will be run. The nation is governed by an Ataman, a title previously reserved for individuals who commanded multiple Cossack Hosts. While the title is non-heridtary the Holovaty-Chepiga family have dominated the nations politics since its foundation.

Population - 31million
Capital -  Polhary (1.8million people)
Leader - Ataman Tymofiy Chepiga ( since 2019)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 07:18:27 PM by Kemerovo »

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Re: The Ataman Republic of Kemerovo
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2023, 09:15:27 PM »
Host NameHost EmblemCossack StylingSignificant Information
The Denisov Host"The Forgotten" - This name for the Denisov host is drawn from the fact that three Cossack families, the Denisov's, the Holovaty and Chepiga's lead the rebellion against Rodina yet have yet to have any of their members lead the nation as Ataman. Despite this the family have a proud reputation for providing leading members of the National Host (armed forces)

Approx Population - 5million
The Holovaty Host"The Bannermen" their name comes from the fact that historically when the National Host had marched a member of the Holovaty has served in the colour party. Along with the Denisov's and Chepiga's the Holovaty family lead the rebellion against Rodina which created the nation. The family then inter-married with the Chepiga's and the two families have since almost held a monopoly on the nations political system.

Approx Population - 5.5million
The Chepiga Host"The Black Birds" The family rode into battle during the historic conflicts on the past with large black plumes in their helmets and later cap badges. They are the largest of the Hosts and closely tied to the Holovaty family.

Approx Population - 4.5million
The Platov Host"Andrews Tigers" - The families patriach in the 1600's adopted a special veneration of Andrew the Apostle, this combined with the families adoption of yellow as a uniform colour gave them the nickname.
The family today are considered to be one of the most prolific producers of artists and poets.

Approx Population 3.5million
The Grabbe Host"The Hunters" the family originate from part of the nation with dense woodland and considered to be some great game. The family have long been associated with woodland life and quiet often provided scouting parties for the National Host. In more recent times the family have established a number of timber businesses.

Approx Population - 3.5million
The Kaledin Host"Dragon-Killers" In the 1650's Gregori Kaledin began to adopt St.George as his preferred saint. Since then the emblem of a dragon being struck by God has featured on their emblem. The family today are known to be one of the more global outlooking.

Approx Population - 3.25million
The Krawtzoff Host"The Bowmen" The family were considered rather poor and while in the early period of gunpowder usage by the cossacks struggled to equip their soldiers with firearms. As a result the Krawtzoff would often form cavalry units exclusively and many opted to carry bows which they were skilled with from horseback. Their horses are considered even today among the best in the nation.

Approx Population - 3million
The Ilovaiski Host"The Fortress" During the rebellion the relatively unknown family of the Ilovaiski were located on the frontier of Kemerovo and Rodina. Despite being vastly outnumbered when Rodinan forces invaded they refused to leave their home town despite being given many oppurtunities to. A force of around 150 men of the family held the town against a force numbering in the thousands for six days. On the 7th Day the National Host arrived to relieve the town and found just 33 men left alive. Their stand however ensured that the National Host were able to gain an advantage against the Rodinans. As a mark of respect they were given permission to become their own Host and status. They today are still the smallest Host but still highly respected.

Approx - 2.75million
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 11:29:35 AM by Kemerovo »

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Re: The Ataman Republic of Kemerovo
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2023, 10:43:02 PM »
The Office of Ataman

The Ataman is the equivalent of what many nations would consider a President. They are elected every four years and may serve two consecutive terms, however may serve as many terms as they wish so long as they have a gap of at least one term. The President is responsible for determining the order of proposed legislation is presented to the Rada (council). The President may draft legislation themselves. Thursdays in the Rada is considered "Representative Day" and is a day on which the President may not have any of their own legislation put before the Rada.

The President is responsible for foreign and domestic governance as well as being the head of the National Host (Armed Forces). The President also appoints judges to the Supreme Court which is made up of six individuals who once appointed maintain their position until death, disability or retirement.


1901-1909 -Fyodor Holovaty
1909-1913 - Danylo Chepiga
1913-1921- Fyodor Holovaty
1921-1929 - Danylo Chepiga
1929-1933 - Samuil Fedorov
1933-1936 - Volya Smirnov
1936-1940 - Aleksandr Holovaty
1940-1948 - Arkhip Holovaty
1948-1956 - Savely Grabbe
1956-1964 - Venyamin Chepiga
1964-1972 - Trofim Holovaty
1972-1977 - Aleks Ilovaiski
1977-1985 - Trofim Holovaty
1985-1993 - Oleh Chepiga
1993-2000 - Arseny Fyodorov
2000-2008 - Oleh Chepiga
2008-2016 - Radimir Holovaty
2016-2019 - Grisha Platov
2019-         Tymofiy Chepiga   

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Re: The Ataman Republic of Kemerovo
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2023, 10:24:49 AM »

Unlike many nations the Republic does not have multiple branches to its military. In the Cossack tradition it is expected that all men are expected to be able to defend the nations territory if required. This is done as each region has its own "Host", a military unit. Upon reaching the age of 18, or following University if a person wishes to attend, all men must undertake 18 months service within the National Host and then six months in their local Host. If an individual at the end of their service with the National Host wishes to they may extend their service there and this exempts them from serving in their local host. Upon the end of their service each man is permitted to take with them their rifle and are expected to maintain two magazines of ammunition. At this point they are classed as "committed to a host", meaning should the nation go to war they would be required to serve again. As such once a year each man must attend a 4 hour training session with their rifle run by their local host. Here newer weapons can be issued if required. At the age of 40 they are removed their obligation to be "committed to a host" but may also agree to sign on for additional years. During times of emergency this system can be utilised for humanitarian purposes. This means that should the nation enter a large scale war it could, in theory, field an armed forces in the region of 3.1million people.

Each local Host maintains what is called a Garrison Host which is responsible for local defence and often supports the role of the police in the region. Each host is responsible for the upkeep of is own equipment and is in some ways a small regional military.

The Denisov Host Forces

Approx Men aged between 18-40 = 580,000 men
Current Host Forces Strength = 2,800 men

1st Heavy Uhlan Regiment - 500 men Armoured Unit. Operates 40 Tanks
1st Starkovo Rifle Regiment - 500 men Infantry Unit. Operates 15 APC and 30 Mobility Vehicles.
Starkvo Horse Artillery Regiment - 500 men Artillery unit. Operates 24 Howitzers
Denisov Ranger Regiment - 500 men Light Infantry unit. Operate 30 Mobility Vehicles.
Denisov Officer Corps - 800 men mixture of engineering, logistics and other duties.

The Holovaty Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 646,610 men
Current Host Forces Strength = 2,200 men

The Soboleva Reconnaissance Regiment - 500 men light armour unit. Operates 20 Light Tanks, 15 Armoured Cars and 30 Light Strike Vehicles
The Banner Guard - 500 men infantry unit. Operates 15 APC and 30 Mobility Vehicles.
The Soboleva Artillery Regiment - 500 men artillery unit. Operates 24 Howitzers
The Soboleva Mechanised Engineers - 500 men combat engineering unit. Operates a variety of engineering vehicles e.g. bridging vehicles.
The Home Regiment - 200 men general service unit.

The Chepiga Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 520,000
Current Host Forces Strength = 2,250 men
1st Agarkovo Guards Regiment - 500 men Infantry unit. Operates 20 IFV and 25 mobility vehicles
2nd Agarkovo Guards Regiment - 500 men Infantry unit. Operates 20 IFV and 25 mobility vehicles
1st Mounted Regiment - 500 men tank unit. Operates 35 Tanks
1st Special Operations Regiment - 300 men commando unit. Operates 2 Helicopters and 15 mobility vehicles
Agarkovo Administrative Regiment - 500 men general purpose regiment.

The Platov Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 410,000 men
Current Host Force Strength = 1,800 men
The Tiger Rifles - 500 men Light Infantry Unit - Operate 30 Mobility Vehicles.
The Tiger Uhlan Regiment - 500 men light armour unit - Operates 35 Light Tanks
1st Litva Artillery Regiment - 300 men Artillery unit - Operates 25 Howitzers and 4 Self Propelled Mortars

The Grabbe Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 400,000 men
Current Host Force Strength = 1,600 men

1st Hunting Rifles - 550 men infantry Regiment. Operates 15 IFV and 30 Mobility Vehicles.
Lunevka Artillery Regiment - 550 mobile artillery unit. men. Operates 15 Self Propelled Howitzers
Grabbe Service Regiment - 500 men support unit.

The Kaledin Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 380,000 men
Current Host Force Strength = 1,500 men
Kaledin Horse Guards - 500 men armoured regiment. Operates 35 Tanks
Kaledin Grenadiers - 500 men infantry unit. Operates 15 armoured vehicles and 20 Mobility vehicles
Cossack Service Corps - 500 men general purpose unit.

The Krawtzoff Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 350,000 men
Current Host Force Strength = 1,500 men
1st Krawtzoff Bows - 500 men light infantry unit. Operates 15 Armoured Cars and 20 Light Armoured vehicles
2nd Krawtzoff Bows - 500 men light infantry unit.Operates 15 Armoured Cars and 20 Light Armoured vehicles
Cossack Light Gun Regiment - 200 man artillery unit. Operates 20 Lightweight howitzers
General Staff - 300 man general purpose unit
The Ilioavski Host Forces

Approx Men Aged Between 18-40 = 310,000 men
Current Host Force Strength = 1,300 men
1st Garrison Guards Regiment - 500 man Infantry Unit. Operates 15 Infantry Fighting Vehicles and 25 Mobility vehicles
1st Frontier Lancers= 500 men light armour unit. Operates 25 Light Tanks, 20 Self Propelled Anti Tank Guns and 5 Light Tanks
1st Garrison Commando - 100 men special forces unit.
Garrison General Staff - 100 men support unit.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 07:32:52 PM by Kemerovo »

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Re: The Ataman Republic of Kemerovo
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2023, 11:12:39 PM »

The government of Kemerovo is based on the idea of traditional Cossack groups.

The nation is made up of eight Hosts (consider them like English counties). Each Host elects its own Council every four years, generally this is done on a rolling basis so two Hosts elect a new Council each summer. Originally these Hosts were governed by a family who had, prior to the creation of the nation, been respected enough that they had been permitted to lead their own armed forces. Today these families retain significant prestige but most have no significant influence on daily life. Elections are staggered so that each year two Hosts elect a new council. The size of these councils are determined by geography but must have no more then 13 members and no less than five. At the same time as electing council members the Host elect an Osavul (comparison to a mayor). This council and its Osavul are responsible for ensuring the care of local infrastructure and development. They are given an annual budget from central government for their work and may raise additional funds by limited local taxation. Typical duties include road maintenance, organising local festivals and handling planning applications.

The Rada is to national parliament. Each host is split into 10 districts which each elect two representatives.  A further 40 representatives are then elected using a system of proportional representation. Elections take place every four years staggered with the election for Ataman So when an individual goes to vote they are presented two voting forms. The first asking them to pick two representatives from a list, the two acquiring the most votes are returned as Rada Members (RM's). The second paper asks them to pick a party. Prior to the election each party produces a list of candidates and depending on the percentage of the vote earned nationally they recieve that many seats. So for example should the Kurin Party earn 50% of the vote the first 20 candidates they had listed would become RM's. As a result the Rada is made up of 200 RM's. The Rada discuss the legislation presented by the Ataman and should it pass their scrutiny it becomes law. RM's are permitted to draft legislation. This is put before the Ataman who determines where in the legislative pile of paperwork it is placed. Each Thursday is "Representatives Day" and no legislation being either authored or co-authored by the Ataman can be discussed. Some pieces of legislation can take years to reach the top of the pile however should the author no longer be a RM then the document must find a new sponsor or it is removed. Debates in the Rada are governed by the Laws of the Host and a team of three judges appointed by the Rada from a shortlist of at least six given by the Ataman act in a similar manner as speaker. These individuals are known as the Lords of the Rada

The Ataman is similar to a President. They are elected directly by the people every four years. They have responsibility for choosing what legislation is discussed each day in the Rada. A list of potential legislation is kept both symbolically and administratively. Symbolically a pile of papers is stored on the platform used by the Lords of the Rada, each morning following prayers in the Rada an army officer arrives carrying new legislation with instructions for where it should be placed in the pile. This legislation has however also been placed in a digital waiting list that is updated the previous evening. In cases of emergency the Ataman may send a single army officer with a piece of legislation written on red paper. This is moved immediately to the top of the pile. The Ataman can enter the Rada only when ceremonies swearing in new members takes place.

The nation has several political parties however the Kurin Party tends to dominate political affairs having provided the vast majority of Ataman and generally controlled the Rada for long periods. While this is not the case those unfamiliar with Kemerovian politics could be mistaken as describing the nation as being a one party state. This can go even further as the Holovaty-Chepiga family have won 12 of the nations 19 Ataman elections.


Kurin Party tends to be very traditionalist, deeply Orthadox Christian focused, anti Rodinan and pro military.