The people of Lodja are devout followers of the Goddess Sessifet.
The faith is based upon the belief that there were once a whole host of Gods and Goddesses with Sessifet being the Goddess of Beauty, Fertility and Love. She was considered the most beautiful of the Goddesses and lived on Mundus with the other Gods amongst the creatures they created. The Gods most favoured creations were humans and the Gods did all they could to create a happy world for them. This however displeased the evil God Samus who sought to turn the Gods against humanity. This saw battle lines begin to be drawn between the Gods who wished to protect humanity and those who wished to destroy it and have Mundus for themselves. Using her beauty and charm Sessifet was able to seduce the greatest and strongest Gods to join the side of humanity. When the battle began all the Gods were killed except for Sessifet and Samus. The two Gods fought however Sessifet was losing to the stronger Samus when one of her disciples called Mariam used a magic spell taught to her by Sessifet to help the Goddess. It was however too late for Sessifet's earthly body, the Goddess was heartbroken that she would have to leave Mundus and so using the last of her magic powers Mariam offered her body as a vessel for the Goddesses spirt. The two then joined and Mariam-Sessifet was proclaimed the first Queen of Lodja.
Upon the death of Mariam it was believed that Sessifet's spirit was trapped in her body. Before her death however Mariam had informed the priesthood that fire would release Sessifet's body and that by consuming the ash the spirit would enter a selected host body. This host should be a young girl who was in the first year of "adulthood". Since then a fortnight after the death of a previous Queen the ceremony of cremation, consumption of ash and the crowning of the new Queen takes place.
KEY BELIEFS OF SESSIFETISM1. Each human being is created in the eyes of Sessifet. (This means every person is considered special)
2. Each human contains an ever living spirit. (This means there is life after death)
3. Upon death the spirit is trapped in the body until the body is destroyed (Hence most Sessifetians are cremated)
4. Spirits of the good go to a paradise where they reside with the spirits of the Gods who sided with Sessifet in the great battle between the Gods. (This paradise is described like Valhalla minus the fighting. Think more pretty clothing and dancing)
5. Spirist of the evil go to "The Dark Place" a cave so large that a person never sees light and never finds another person. (Essentially you spend eternity cold, hungry, blind and alone)
6. The human body is a precious gift from Sessifet and should be cared for diligently both inside and out. (Things such as obesity are seen as an afront to Sessifet and drugs and smoking while common are not taken to extremes.)
7. Physical beauty is considered a sign that someone is greatly loved by Sessifet. (This often explains the shallowness of the Lodjains and their pre-occupation with looking good)
8. Sessifet requires gifts to be kept happy. As she is also generous giving gifts in her name is also pleasing to her. (This explains why so many members of the Conclave do charitable deeds with the Queen's name)
9. Sessifet selected humans who served her well to sit at the high table in Paradise and that only be devoted service to the Goddess can you earn a place at this top table (Explains the class system)
10. Sessifet's spirit is eternally trapped on Mundus (explains the ritual of passing the crown of Lodja on)
11. Sessifet is the most perfect thing to exist and to emulate her is to be perfect. (Sessifet is seen as being rather devoted to other humans, concerned about everything and everyone being in their rightful place as well as surrounding herself with all things beautiful and making sure all things are that way. She also is seen as a strong determined leader. Many stories tell of her being involved with the other Gods/Goddesses and even humans as lovers that help bring about things such as the passing of seasons, tides etc etc. Many theologians believe this is the reason why to outsiders Lodjains may seem ratther shallow and promiscious.)
Celebrations of SessifetMarch 5th - Day of Unity - Marks the date on which it is believed Sessifet joined the Gods supporting humanity into one group either by directly absorbing their power or seducing them onto her side. People celebrate with big parades carrying floats bearing effigies of Sessifet. (It is considered bad form to dress as Sessifet)
May 28th - Day of Beauty - A day given over to praise the beautiful creations of Sessifet as well as her own beauty. On this day each town and village select a Princess of Beauty who presides over a great feast held in that settlement. Traditionally it is a young beautiful woman who has recently been engaged. Ceremonies are held at places of outstanding natural beauty.
October 17th - Day of Victory - Marks the date on which Sessifet destroyed the final God determined to destory humanity (Samus). There is a day of prayer and offerings are take to Shrines and gifts given to charity in order to show thankfulness to the Goddess.
November 19th - Feast of Mariam - During the final battle between Sessifet and Samus a young Priestess of Sessifet used her magic to help the Goddess and despite winning a victory Sessifet's physical body was so damaged she too would die. Mariam used her remaining knowledge to give her human body to Sessifet as a vessel and the two joined. Legend has it Mariam is the first Queen of Lodja (despite the nation having several massive gaps in their list of Queens.). People celebrate by carrying effigies of Mariam around their town or village with the highest ranking male noble sitting next to it during the feast. At the conclusion of the feast the effigy is burnt and its ashes added to a ceremonial pot kept in the vaults of the nearest Temple/Shrine, alternatively in some settlements the ash is placed in a hole for a new tree to be planted.
December 27th - The Feast of Love - Sessifet was originally simply the Goddess of Love, Fertility and Beauty. This was according to folklore the original feast in her honour.