The Kingdom of Altona is a nation that clings to the coasts of the Illumic. We are a nation with much more land than people and likely the lowest population density in the world. As such we have vast forest which we hope to one day develop in a profitable and responsible manner. With that in mind we want to see what the world has to offer however usually these means those mighty corporations around the world have an advantage. We have many amazing small and medium size enterprises that, with a bit of support, could be world leaders and we are confident other nations of a similar size to ourselves have to. With this in mind we intend to host what we hope will become the first annual Council of Small Nations Business Expo. This is designed to allow businesses from member states to showcase themselves, publicize their products, promote their latest ventures or find investment. As such we will be hosting in Dockland Park a variety of events.
1. There shall be a large hall given over to exhibits and promotional stands from businesses whose HQ's are a in member states. Here they can proudly let the world see what they offer.
2. There shall be a Showcase stage where talks from businesses, researchers, investors , ministers etc can take place. These will allow Q&A sessions from the media, public and other delegates.
3. A diplomatic lounge shall be set up allowing members of world governments, not limited to the membership of COSNAT to come and enjoy the expo and meet their global counterparts.
Should you wish to attend in any capacity please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards
Franz Ulrichson - Minister of Trade for the Kingdom of Altona.
OOC - This does have some conditions on part of it.
* Any nation that is a member of COSNAT can have a display stand for any business they want.
* Only businesses from COSNAT may showcase products on the stage. Any nation may have a researcher present about business related topics. Any nation may have an investor speak.
* Diplomatic bit is open to anyone.
*You can send people to wander round and interact in the Display hall regardless of who, so for example Aosta has already asked about a micro-finance type person visiting. Thats perfect.
*There is no need for a proper formal response unless you want to, just let me know what you'd like to do and I'll work it in.
Any questions let me know.