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Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« on: April 15, 2022, 10:52:16 PM »

Amendment Proposal

A Directive and amendment to the Roleplay Rules to bring into force new Roleplay Rules and to incorporate it into Independent Order law.

Be it enacted by Her Excellency the Grand Chancellor, by and with the advice and consent of the Regional Government, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

The Constitution of the Independent Order shall be amended as such:

2(e) shall read as follows:

"Inducting and removing, by means of Writ, members of the Regional Nobility;"

Beatrice Anselmo
Grand Chancellor of the Independent Order
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Factbook of the First Empire of Rokkenjima - Kingdom of Clysperis

Online Achkaerin

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Re: Nobility Dissolution Act 2022
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2022, 11:13:41 PM »
*Puts LCJ hat on*

What is being proposed here in simple terms is amending article 1 section 2(e) of the Constitution from

"Inducting, by means of Writ, members of the region into the Regional Nobility"


"Inducting and removing, by means of Writ, members of the Regional Nobility;"

This means that scrapping the nobility which is something Altona has suggested becomes possible.

In accordance with the constitution this remains open for debate or opposition for a minimum of 96 hours (expiring on tuesday at approx 11pm UK time. If a successful petition to block this (as per article 2 section 9) is made then it goes to a referendum which is essentially a vote of the regional membership.

Offline Cool101jr

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Re: Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2022, 07:50:00 PM »
I'm with Nova on this. This is a pointless revision that just allows you to remove the nobility of people you don't like. If anything we should be adding amendments to expand the purpose of the nobility and giving it a point instead.

Online Achkaerin

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Re: Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2022, 08:07:22 PM »
That isn't the intention Cool. What we're doing here is putting in place the means to address the second of Altona's points found here. Scrapping the nobility entirely or resetting it for reward purposes, requires the GC having the authority to remove the titles which she doesn't currently have, so first we must follow processes to give the GC that authority, following that being granted the GC can then remove all the noble titles (thus addressing Altona's point 2) and that can be followed by a further amendment to remove article 1 section 2(e) entirely.

If people want the nobility to be scrapped or reset then this is the process we have to follow.

Offline Cool101jr

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Re: Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2022, 09:11:13 PM »
I know why it's being proposed and the reasoning behind it and my point still stands. I don't agree that the nobility needs to be scrapped or reset. I think it should be reworked and given more purpose in the region. I especially feel like the parts of the nobility could act as assistants to Dave in his RP Mod duties, especially in some of the more controversial rulings. All the current nobility earned their title and don't deserve to lose it just because some people don't like the system.

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Re: Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2022, 09:26:01 PM »
I know why it's being proposed and the reasoning behind it and my point still stands. I don't agree that the nobility needs to be scrapped or reset. I think it should be reworked and given more purpose in the region. I especially feel like the parts of the nobility could act as assistants to Dave in his RP Mod duties, especially in some of the more controversial rulings. All the current nobility earned their title and don't deserve to lose it just because some people don't like the system.

The reason I don't think the nobility should remain is two fold

1. We've no system for what they actually do. Its a fancy title and most regions on NS have titles for people that actually do things. It gives those holding a perception among newcomers that the "Nobles" are the people in charge. Therefore when you those of us who have recently joined see all the nobles effectively in a clique together and when you say anything about that group in an IC sense you get grief, or if you try and RP something that could potentially challenge that group being powerful it gets gamed. It therefore left me and several others with the feeling that the nobility is all about highlighting the "Superpowers" in the region. Add to that there are people with the title who contribute nothing much to the region it seems pointless having them and infact the perception it creates does more harm than good.

2. The last noble titles seem to have been given out years ago. If you look at the list of nobles on this forum over a third of them aren't active. One is actually banned from the region. Are we saying that in his four years in the region someone like Markus who is one of the best writers, super supportive of people , ultra creative doesn't deserve to be called in a noble but a guy called MikeRaven who last appeared in May 2018 does. If MikeRaven reappears he gets to keep his title. The system is inherently unfair and doesn't actually recognise the people who are currently in the region. It just seems to be about preserving a system of an inner circle.

Offline Cool101jr

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Re: Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2022, 09:41:16 PM »
The reason I don't think the nobility should remain is two fold

1. We've no system for what they actually do. Its a fancy title and most regions on NS have titles for people that actually do things. It gives those holding a perception among newcomers that the "Nobles" are the people in charge. Therefore when you those of us who have recently joined see all the nobles effectively in a clique together and when you say anything about that group in an IC sense you get grief, or if you try and RP something that could potentially challenge that group being powerful it gets gamed. It therefore left me and several others with the feeling that the nobility is all about highlighting the "Superpowers" in the region. Add to that there are people with the title who contribute nothing much to the region it seems pointless having them and infact the perception it creates does more harm than good.

2. The last noble titles seem to have been given out years ago. If you look at the list of nobles on this forum over a third of them aren't active. One is actually banned from the region. Are we saying that in his four years in the region someone like Markus who is one of the best writers, super supportive of people , ultra creative doesn't deserve to be called in a noble but a guy called MikeRaven who last appeared in May 2018 does. If MikeRaven reappears he gets to keep his title. The system is inherently unfair and doesn't actually recognise the people who are currently in the region. It just seems to be about preserving a system of an inner circle.

I completely agree that the nobility needs to be modified and I do think there are plenty of RPers now that have earned the title and need to be awarded it. I don't agree that it makes us seem in charge or that special at all. There's a few of the nobility that take that and think it makes them special but then there's plenty that don't do anything different. I'm about 90% sure that I'm not in charge of anything and Revana isn't a "superpower." If anything it's a puppet and laughing stock half the time and really has no effect on the world.  It's constantly forgotten about. There's a clique of nobles sure, but don't lump us all in on that.

Revamp nobles, give them a purpose, and remove the one that's banned. The others that are inactive don't need to lose their title when it can be seen as a memorial to their service.

Award the title to the new people who have earned it. I'd actually like it of the nobles were allowed a certain number of titles to award and it was up to a majority vote on who to award it to instead of just Beatrice.

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Re: Constitutional Amendment Proposal
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2022, 10:15:19 PM »
A lot of this could be avoided if we simply did one of two things

1) Had a supportive system for newcomers. I'm aware of quiet a lot of people who looked at TIO and didn't join or stay long because essentially you throw newcomers to the wolves. Its like sink or swim and unless either Dave or Nova get to you in time you leave.

2) Reward people with something other than a title that implies authority. Most NS regions have governments, mods, admins call them what you want and more often than not they have fancy titles. Don't mask them as nobles create two "Orders" have something like Order of the Pen for people who have contributed good RP stuff and Order of the Scroll for people who have contributed to running the region. You could even have letters after user names like we go with the M.B.E etc in the UK. This could see a whole list of things. So maybe you write your first really engaging open RP you get your first award, then when you've a track record like people such as Markus you get knighted. This means we can still give recognition but when someone first joins they don't assume the leadership are the people in purple. I reckon you've about 30 mins to determine whether someone actually stays with the region or not in terms of interaction and had it not been for Dave or Nova I'd have left by now.