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People of the Commonwealth of Lechia
« on: June 19, 2022, 02:11:45 PM »
This thread will henceforth be used to post general information regarding important people from Lechia.

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[center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]BIOGRAPHY[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]FAMILY[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]NOTES[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]HONOURS[/size][/font][/center]

[hr][center][font=times new roman][size=14pt]NOTABLE EVENTS[/size][/font][/center]
[hr][left][b]Positions Held[/b]:
[hr][b]Political Affiliation[/b]:

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Re: People of the Commonwealth of Lechia
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2022, 03:43:45 PM »

Jozef was born in Krakow in the 1940s, in the height of the Great War and with the USR on the nation's doorstep. His father, Casimir,
was at the time Crown Prince of Lechia, son to King Karol II and Queen Tatiana. His mother, Joanna, was the daughter of a minor noble
of House Walewski and a descendant of the Rus' monarchs of old. Growing up the grandson of a King, his was a life of luxury, knowing
little in the way of hardship beyond that which any student went through. From a young age, he had wanted to be a diplomat, even if
his position meant that one day, he would have to give up on that job. So, starting at the age of 18 in 1962, he was enrolled in the
University of Krakow, where he studied for his masters in Diplomatic Affairs.

For a time, Jozef would serve as a part of his nation's diplomatic staff in various countries all the way from Achkaerin to Daitō and from
East Moreland to Vinitsia, during which time he had the opportunity to experience all sorts of cultures. This gave him perspective,
recognizing that there was more to this world than just the Lechians and their brother-nations. Of course, his days as a diplomat and
later ambassador had to come to an end, and he eventually was called back to Lechia when his grandfather passed away in 1976 at the
ripe old age of 88. His father, now King of Lechia at the age of 62, was likewise not long for the world, passing away in 1995 at the age of 81,
and he would be crowned as King Jozef IV.

So far, his reign has seen the steady economic growth of his nation, with the era he reigns in being one of notable stability. Yet in spite of this,
his time too will end, and it will be on his heirs to maintain this era of peace.

      • King Casimir IX Korecki (Father, Deceased — 1914 - 1995)
      • Queen Joanna Korecki (née Walewski, Mother, Deceased — 1915 - 1988)
         • Queen Nikolina Korecki (née Tarnowski, Wife, Alive — 1944 - Present)
            • Crown Prince Karol Korecki (Son, Alive — 1972 - Present)
            • Crown Princess Marta Korecki (née Łempicki, Daughter-in-law, Alive — 1974 - Present)
               • Prince Vitomir Korecki (Grandson, Alive — 2000 - Present)
               • Princess Maria Korecki (Granddaughter, Alive — 2002 - Present)
               • Princess Elisa Korecki (Granddaughter, Alive — 2006 - Present)
            • Prince Velimir Korecki (Son, Alive — 1974 - Present)
            • Princess Izolda Korecki (née Białecki, Daughter-in-law — 1975 - Present)
               • Princess Julia Korecki (Granddaughter, Alive — 2001 - Present)
               • Prince Karol Korecki (Grandson, Alive — 2008 - Present)
   • King Karol II Korecki (Pat. Grandfather, Deceased — 1888 - 1976)
   • Queen Tatiana Korecki (née Czaplic, Pat. Grandmother, Deceased — 1892 - 1971)
   • Baron Krystian Walewski (Mat. Grandfather, Deceased — 1884 - 1977)
   • Izolda Walewski (née Pociej, Mat. Grandmother, Deceased — 1890 - 1971)




Jozef Korecki

His Royal Majesty,
King of Lechia
King of Litva
King of Ruthenia

11 July, 1944

Positions Held:
 • Prince of Lechia (1944 - 1976)
 • Crown Prince of Lechia (1976 - 1995)
 • King of Lechia, Litva, and Ruthenia (1995 - Present)

Political Affiliation: N/A
Education: Masters in Diplomatic Affairs

: King of Lechia
« Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 09:50:31 PM by Daitō »

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Re: People of the Commonwealth of Lechia
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2022, 08:13:42 AM »


      • Pavel Jeżewski (Father, Alive — 1940 - Present)
      • Daiva Jeżewski (née Žukauskas, Mother, Alive — 1943 - Present)
         • Liliana Jeżewski (née Banaszak, Wife, Alive — 1969 - Present)
            • Karol Jeżewski (Son, Alive — 1999 - Present)
            • Bartek Jeżewski (Son, Alive — 2003 - Present)
         • Jacek Jeżewski (Brother, Alive — 1971 - Present)
         • Mira Jeżewski (née Gostkowski, Sister-in-law, Alive — 1972 - Present)
            • Grażyna Jeżewski (Niece, Alive — 2006 - Present)
      • Aronas Žukauskas (Uncle, Alive — 1966 - Present)
      • Anastasia Žukauskas (née Lysenko, Aunt, Alive — 1967 - Present)
         • Ąžuolas Žukauskas (Cousin, Alive — 1996 - Present)
         • Jelena Žukauskas (Cousin, Alive — 1996 - Present)
   • Jan Jeżewski (Pat. Grandfather, Deceased — 1912 - 1983)
   • Helena Jeżewski (née Abrahamowicz, Pat. Grandmother, Deceased — 1913 - 2006)
   • Karolis Žukauskas (Mat. Grandfather, Deceased — 1911 - 1997)
   • Rugilė Žukauskas (née Jankauskas, Mat. Grandmother, Deceased — 1914 - 2002)




Stefan Jeżewski

His Excellency,
Prime Minister of Lechia

26 October, 1968

Positions Held:
 • Mayor of Siedlce (1994 - 2002)
 • Member of Parliament (2002 - 2010)
 • Deputy Prime Minister (2010 - 2018)
 • Prime Minister (2018 - Present)

Political Affiliation: Nowoczesna
Education: BSci in Political Science

: Prime Minister of Lechia